NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS by Gregory Bradley Linkh on behalf of Gregory L. Shields. New Address: Glancy Binkow & Goldberg LLP, 77 Water Street, 7th Floor, New York, New York, USA 10005, (646) 722-4180. (Linkh, Gregory) (Entered: 10/23/2012)
MEMORANDUM OPINION & ORDER re: (20 in 1:11-cv-05073-PGG) MOTION to Stay Proceedings. filed by Thomas J. Perkins, Arthur M. Siskind, Kenneth E. Crowley, John L. Thorton, James R. Murdoch, Joel Klein, Natalie Bancroft, Jose Maria Aznar, Lachlan K. Murdoch, Roderick I. Eddington, Paul V. Carlucci, Andrew S.B. Knight, David F. DeVoe, Viet Dinh, K. Rupert Murdoch, Peter L. Barnes, Les Hinton, Chase Carey, News Corporation, (38 in 1:11-cv-05556-PGG) MOTION to Stay Proceedings. filed by T homas J. Perkins, Arthur M. Siskind, James R. Murdoch, Joel Klein, John L. Thornton, Natalie Bancroft, Jose Maria Aznar, Lachlan K. Murdoch, Roderick I. Eddington, Andrew S.B. Knight, David F. DeVoe, Viet Dinh, Kenneth E. Cowley, Peter L. Barnes, Les Hinton, Chase Carey, Keith Rupert Murdoch, News Corporation, (24 in 1:11-cv-04917-PGG) MOTION to Stay Proceedings. filed by Thomas J. Perkins, Arthur M. Siskind, John L. Thorton, James R. Murdoch, Joel Klein, Natalie Bancroft, Jose Maria Azna r, Lachlan K. Murdoch, Roderick I. Eddington, Andrew S.B. Knight, Viet Dinh, Kenneth E. Cowley, David F. Devoe, K. Rupert Murdoch, Peter L. Barnes, Chase Carey, News Corporation. For the reasons stated above, Defendants' motions to stay the pro ceedings in Shields and Iron Workers are denied. The Amended Complaint in Stricklin is dismissed for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. Stricklin is granted leave to file a Second Amended Complaint within 30 days that properly pleads subject matter jurisdiction. If Stricklin fails to do so, the Clerk of the Court is directed to close the Stricklin case. Defendants' motion to stay in Stricklin is denied as moot. The Clerk of the Court is directed to terminate the motions. (11-cv-4917, Dkt. No. 24; 11-cv-5073, Dkt. No. 20; 11-cv-5556, Dkt. No. 38) (Signed by Judge Paul G. Gardephe on 9/18/2012) (lmb)
Filed: 9/18/2012, Entered: None
MEMORANDUM OPINION & ORDER # 102360 re: (20 in 1:11-cv-05073-PGG) MOTION to Stay Proceedings. filed by Thomas J. Perkins, Arthur M. Siskind, Kenneth E. Crowley, John L. Thorton, James R. Murdoch, Joel Klein, Natalie Bancroft, Jose Maria Aznar, Lachlan K. Murdoch, Roderick I. Eddington, Paul V. Carlucci, Andrew S.B. Knight, David F. DeVoe, Viet Dinh, K. Rupert Murdoch, Peter L. Barnes, Les Hinton, Chase Carey, News Corporation, (38 in 1:11-cv-05556-PGG) MOTION to Stay Proceedings. filed by Thomas J. Perkins, Arthur M. Siskind, James R. Murdoch, Joel Klein, John L. Thornton, Natalie Bancroft, Jose Maria Aznar, Lachlan K. Murdoch, Roderick I. Eddington, Andrew S.B. Knight, David F. DeVoe, Viet Dinh, Kenneth E. Cowley, Peter L. Barnes, Les Hinton, Chase Carey, Keith Rupert Murdoch, News Corporation, (24 in 1:11-cv-04917-PGG) MOTION to Stay Proceedings. filed by Thomas J. Perkins, Arthur M. Siskind, John L. Thorton, James R. Murdoch, Joel Klein, Natalie Bancroft, Jose Maria Aznar, Lachlan K. Murdoch, Roderick I. Eddington, Andrew S.B. Knight, Viet Dinh, Kenneth E. Cowley, David F. Devoe, K. Rupert Murdoch, Peter L. Barnes, Chase Carey, News Corporation. For the reasons stated above, Defendants' motions to stay the proceedings in Shields and Iron Workers are denied. The Amended Complaint in Stricklin is dismissed for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. Stricklin is granted leave to file a Second Amended Complaint within 30 days that properly pleads subject matter jurisdiction. If Stricklin fails to do so, the Clerk of the Court is directed to close the Stricklin case. Defendants' motion to stay in Stricklin is denied as moot. The Clerk of the Court is directed to terminate the motions. (11-cv-4917, Dkt. No. 24; 11-cv-5073, Dkt. No. 20; 11-cv-5556, Dkt. No. 38) (Signed by Judge Paul G. Gardephe on 9/18/2012) (lmb) Modified on 9/19/2012 (ft). (Entered: 09/18/2012)
ORDER FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE granting 18 Motion for Julie A. Shepard to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Julie A. Shepard is admitted to practice Pro Hac Vice in the above captioned case in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. (Signed by Judge Paul G. Gardephe on 1/27/2012) (ft) (Entered: 01/30/2012)
ORDER FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE granting 19 Motion for Marisa K. Perry to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Marissa K. Perry is admitted to practice Pro Hac Vice in this case in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. (Signed by Judge Paul G. Gardephe on 1/27/2012) (ft) (Entered: 01/30/2012)
DECLARATION of Scott D. Musoff in Support re: 24 MOTION to Stay Proceedings.. Document filed by Jose Maria Aznar, Natalie Bancroft, Peter L. Barnes, Chase Carey, Kenneth E. Cowley, David F. Devoe, Viet Dinh, Roderick I. Eddington, Joel Klein, Andrew S.B. Knight, James R. Murdoch, K. Rupert Murdoch, Lachlan K. Murdoch, News Corporation, Thomas J. Perkins, Arthur M. Siskind, John L. Thorton. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit H)(Musoff, Scott) (Entered: 01/24/2012)
REPLY MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 24 MOTION to Stay Proceedings.. Document filed by Jose Maria Aznar, Natalie Bancroft, Peter L. Barnes, Chase Carey, Kenneth E. Cowley, David F. Devoe, Viet Dinh, Roderick I. Eddington, Joel Klein, Andrew S.B. Knight, James R. Murdoch, K. Rupert Murdoch, Lachlan K. Murdoch, News Corporation, Thomas J. Perkins, Arthur M. Siskind, John L. Thorton. (Musoff, Scott) (Entered: 01/24/2012)
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE. Document filed by Jose Maria Aznar, Natalie Bancroft, Peter L. Barnes, Chase Carey, Kenneth E. Cowley, David F. Devoe, Viet Dinh, Roderick I. Eddington, Joel Klein, Andrew S.B. Knight, James R. Murdoch, K. Rupert Murdoch, Lachlan K. Murdoch, News Corporation, Thomas J. Perkins, Arthur M. Siskind, John L. Thorton. (Musoff, Scott) (Entered: 01/24/2012)
DECLARATION of Scott D. Musoff in Support re: 24 MOTION to Stay Proceedings.. Document filed by Jose Maria Aznar, Natalie Bancroft, Peter L. Barnes, Chase Carey, Kenneth E. Cowley, David F. Devoe, Viet Dinh, Roderick I. Eddington, Joel Klein, Andrew S.B. Knight, James R. Murdoch, K. Rupert Murdoch, Lachlan K. Murdoch, News Corporation, Thomas J. Perkins, Arthur M. Siskind, John L. Thorton. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G)(Musoff, Scott) (Entered: 01/24/2012)
MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 24 MOTION to Stay Proceedings.. Document filed by Jose Maria Aznar, Natalie Bancroft, Peter L. Barnes, Chase Carey, Kenneth E. Cowley, David F. Devoe, Viet Dinh, Roderick I. Eddington, Joel Klein, Andrew S.B. Knight, James R. Murdoch, K. Rupert Murdoch, Lachlan K. Murdoch, News Corporation, Thomas J. Perkins, Arthur M. Siskind, John L. Thorton. (Musoff, Scott) (Entered: 01/24/2012)
MOTION to Stay Proceedings. Document filed by Jose Maria Aznar, Natalie Bancroft, Peter L. Barnes, Chase Carey, Kenneth E. Cowley, David F. Devoe, Viet Dinh, Roderick I. Eddington, Joel Klein, Andrew S.B. Knight, James R. Murdoch, K. Rupert Murdoch, Lachlan K. Murdoch, News Corporation, Thomas J. Perkins, Arthur M. Siskind, John L. Thorton.(Musoff, Scott) (Entered: 01/24/2012)
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS by Lionel Z. Glancy on behalf of Gregory L. Shields. New Address: GLANCY BINKOW & GOLDBERG LLP, 1925 CENTURY PARK EAST, SUITE 2100, LOS ANGELES, CA, USA 90067,. (Glancy, Lionel) (Entered: 12/28/2011)
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS by Elizabeth Mary Gonsiorowski on behalf of Gregory L. Shields. New Address: GLANCY BINKOW & GOLDBERG LLP, 1925 CENTURY PARK EAST, SUITE 2100, LOS ANGELES, CA, USA 90067,. (Gonsiorowski, Elizabeth) (Entered: 12/28/2011)
NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Scott D. Musoff on behalf of Jose Maria Aznar, Natalie Bancroft, Peter L. Barnes, Chase Carey, Kenneth E. Cowley, David F. Devoe, Viet Dinh, Roderick I. Eddington, Joel Klein, Andrew S.B. Knight, James R. Murdoch, K. Rupert Murdoch, Lachlan K. Murdoch, Thomas J. Perkins, Arthur M. Siskind, John L. Thorton (Musoff, Scott) (Entered: 12/08/2011)
NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Jay B. Kasner on behalf of Jose Maria Aznar, Natalie Bancroft, Peter L. Barnes, Chase Carey, Kenneth E. Cowley, David F. Devoe, Viet Dinh, Roderick I. Eddington, Joel Klein, Andrew S.B. Knight, James R. Murdoch, K. Rupert Murdoch, Lachlan K. Murdoch, Thomas J. Perkins, Arthur M. Siskind, John L. Thorton (Kasner, Jay) (Entered: 12/08/2011)
ORDER: The Court adopts the following briefing schedule for Defendants' proposed motions to stay: 1. Defendants will submit their motion by December 8, 2011. 2. Plaintiffs will submit their opposition by January 6, 2012. 3. Defendants' reply, if any, will be submitted by January 24, 2012. So Ordered, ( Motions due by 12/8/2011., Responses due by 1/6/2012, Replies due by 1/24/2012.) (Signed by Judge Paul G. Gardephe on 11/18/2011) (js) (Entered: 11/21/2011)
STIPULATION AND ORDER OF SUBSTITUTION OF COUNSEL. IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED that, pursuant to the mutual consent of the undersigned, Jenner & Block, LLP shall be and is hereby substituted for Hogan Lovells US LLP as attorneys of record for nominal defendant News Corporation in this action, and as further set forth. Attorney Brian Jason Fischer, Eugenie C. Gavenchak for News Corporation added. Attorney Karen Lisabeth Courtheoux and Sean Thomas Keely terminated. (Signed by Judge Paul G. Gardephe on 11/16/2011) (rjm) (Entered: 11/17/2011)
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS by Richard L Stone on behalf of News Corporation. New Address: Jenner & Block LLP, 633 West 5th Street, Suite 3600, Los Angeles, California, USA 90071, 213-239-2213. (Stone, Richard) (Entered: 11/15/2011)
ORDER OF ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE ON WRITTEN MOTION: granting 12 Motion for Richard L Stone to Appear Pro Hac Vice. (Signed by Judge Paul G. Gardephe on 10/19/2011) (jfe) (Entered: 10/31/2011)
WAIVER OF SERVICE RETURNED EXECUTED. Jose Maria Aznar waiver sent on 8/18/2011, answer due 10/17/2011; Natalie Bancroft waiver sent on 8/18/2011, answer due 10/17/2011; Peter L. Barnes waiver sent on 8/18/2011, answer due 10/17/2011; Chase Carey waiver sent on 8/18/2011, answer due 10/17/2011; Kenneth E. Cowley waiver sent on 8/18/2011, answer due 10/17/2011; David F. Devoe waiver sent on 8/18/2011, answer due 10/17/2011; Viet Dinh waiver sent on 8/18/2011, answer due 10/17/2011; Roderick I. Eddington waiver sent on 8/18/2011, answer due 10/17/2011; Joel Klein waiver sent on 8/18/2011, answer due 10/17/2011; Andrew S.B. Knight waiver sent on 8/18/2011, answer due 10/17/2011; James R. Murdoch waiver sent on 8/18/2011, answer due 10/17/2011; K. Rupert Murdoch waiver sent on 8/18/2011, answer due 10/17/2011; Lachlan K. Murdoch waiver sent on 8/18/2011, answer due 10/17/2011; Thomas J. Perkins waiver sent on 8/18/2011, answer due 10/17/2011; Arthur M. Siskind waiver sent on 8/18/2011, answer due 10/17/2011; John L. Thorton waiver sent on 8/18/2011, answer due 10/17/2011. Document filed by Gregory L. Shields. (Gonsiorowski, Elizabeth) (Entered: 09/20/2011)
ORDER FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE ON WRITTEN MOTION granting 6 Motion for Louis N. Boyarsky to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Louis N. Boyarsky is admitted to practice pro hac vice as counsel for Plaintiff in this case. (Signed by Judge Paul G. Gardephe on 9/9/2011) (ft) (Entered: 09/12/2011)
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS by Robin Bronzaft Howald on behalf of Gregory L. Shields. New Address: Glancy Binkow & Goldberg LLP, 30 Broad Street, Suite 1401, New York, New York, USA 10004, (212) 382-2221. (Howald, Robin) (Entered: 08/08/2011)
AMENDED COMPLAINT amending 1 Complaint, against Jose Maria Aznar, Natalie Bancroft, Peter L. Barnes, Chase Carey, Kenneth E. Cowley, David F. Devoe, Viet Dinh, Roderick I. Eddington, Joel Klein, Andrew S.B. Knight, James R. Murdoch, K. Rupert Murdoch, Lachlan K. Murdoch, News Corporation, Thomas J. Perkins, Arthur M. Siskind, John L. Thorton with JURY DEMAND.Document filed by Gregory L. Shields. Related document: 1 Complaint, filed by Gregory L. Shields.(mro) (Entered: 08/08/2011)
AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE. News Corporation served on 7/19/2011, answer due 8/9/2011. Service was accepted by Scott LaScala, Authorized Agent at CT Corporation. Document filed by Gregory L. Shields. (Gonsiorowski, Elizabeth) (Entered: 07/26/2011)
COMPLAINT against Jose Maria Aznar, Natalie Bancroft, Peter L. Barnes, Chase Carey, Kenneth E. Cowley, David F. Devoe, Viet Dinh, Roderick I. Eddington, Joel Klein, Andrew S.B. Knight, James R. Murdoch, K. Rupert Murdoch, Lachlan K. Murdoch, News Corporation, Thomas J. Perkins, Arthur M. Siskind, John L. Thorton. (Filing Fee $ 350.00, Receipt Number 11871)Document filed by Gregory L. Shields.(ama) (ama). (Entered: 07/20/2011)