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202 |
Filed: 4/18/2012, Entered: None |
NOTICE by Novell, Inc. (Request for Termination of Electronic Notices) (Germer, Lawrence) (Entered: 04/18/2012)
Request |
201 |
Filed: 4/18/2012, Entered: None |
NOTICE by Novell, Inc. (Request for Termination of Electronic Notices) (Goehringer, Charles) (Entered: 04/18/2012)
Request |
200 |
Filed: 4/17/2012, Entered: None |
NOTICE by Novell, Inc. (Request for Termination of Electronic Notices) (Black, Seth) (Entered: 04/17/2012)
Request |
199 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 167 Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery of Certain Discovery Deadlines. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/2012. (pad, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
198 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 164 Motion to Dismiss Xerox Corporation Without Prejudice. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/2012. (pad, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
197 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE re 118 Stipulation of Dismissal. ORDERED that all attorneys fees and costs are to be borne by the party that incurred them. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/2012. (pad, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
196 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 169 Motion to Dismiss with Prejudice Against Novell Inc. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/2012. (pad, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
195 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE granting 169 Motion to Dismiss. Defendant, Novell, Inc. are hereby dismissed with prejudice, subject to the terms of that certain agreement entitled PATENT IN SUIT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT and dated November 16, 2011. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/12. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
194 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 157 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney David Michael Pridham terminated. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/2012. (pad, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
193 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 173 Motion to Dismiss. Defendant, LiveTime Software, Inc. are hereby dismissed with prejudice, subject to the terms of that certain agreement entitled PATENT IN SUIT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT and dated November 16, 2011. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/12. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
192 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 170 Motion to Dismiss. All claims and counterclaims asserted in this suit between plaintiff, Gemini IP, LLC, and defendant, GroupLink Corporation are hereby dismissed with prejudice, subject to the terms of that certain agreement entitled PATENT IN SUIT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT and dated November 16, 2011. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/12. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
191 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE re 160 Stipulation of Dismissal filed by Gemini IP, LLC, ConnectWise, Inc. and ConnectWise, Inc. terminated.All claims and counterclaims asserted in this suit between plaintiff, Gemini IP, LLC, and defendant, ConnectWise, Inc., are hereby dismissed with prejudice, subject to the terms of that certain agreement entitled, PATENT IN SUIT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT and dated August 16, 2011. ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/12. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
190 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER finding as moot 110 Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs Complaint for Patent Infringement; finding as moot 136 Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs Second Amended Complaint; granting 172 Motion to Dismiss. All claims asserted in this suit between Plaintiff and Defendant Venti Solutions, LLC are hereby dismissed Without Prejudice. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/12. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
189 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE re 115 Stipulation of Dismissal filed by Gemini IP, LLC, Sony Electronics Inc terminated. Defendant Sony Electronics, Inc. are hereby dismissed with prejudice, subject to the terms of that certain agreement entitled, PATENT IN SUIT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT and dated July 7, 2011. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/12. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
188 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITHOUT PREJUDICE re 114 Stipulation of Dismissal filed by Gemini IP, LLC, Ingersoll-Rand Company and Ingersoll-Rand Company terminated. All claims and counterclaims asserted in this suit between plaintiff, Gemini IP, LLC, and defendant Ingersoll-Rand Company are hereby dismissed without prejudice. It is ORDERED that this court retains jurisdiction over this matter for purposes of enforcingthe settlement. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/12. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
187 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 174 Motion to Dismiss. All claims asserted in this suit between Plaintiff Gemini IP, LLC and Defendants GFI Software Ltd. and GFI Software Development, Ltd. are hereby dismissed without prejudice. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/12. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
186 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 141 Motion to Dismiss. All claims and counterclaims asserted in this suit between plaintiff, Gemini IP, LLC, and defendant, LivePerson, Inc. are hereby dismissed with prejudice, subject to the terms of that certain agreement entitled PATENT IN SUIT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT and dated August 23, 2011. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/12. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
185 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 162 Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/12. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
184 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 168 Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/12. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
183 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 161 Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/12. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
182 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 166 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Ellen M Padilla terminated. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/12. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
181 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 165 Joint Motion for Extension of Certain Discovery Deadlines as between Gemini and the Settling Defendants. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/12. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
180 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 146 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Monica Mucchetti Eno terminated. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/12. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
179 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 135 Motion for Extension of Time to Answer. The deadline for Novell, Inc. to file its response to Plaintiffs Second Amended Complaint is extended from August 15, 2011 to August 17, 2011. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/12. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
178 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 134 Motion for Extension of Time to Answer. The date for LivePerson to serve a response to Plaintiffs Second Amended Complaint up to and including September 14, 2011. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/12. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
177 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 127 Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/12. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
176 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 123 Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/12. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
175 |
Filed: 3/30/2012, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 108 Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 3/30/12. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/30/2012)
Request |
174 |
Filed: 1/23/2012, Entered: None |
Motion to Dismiss |
MOTION to Dismiss Defendants GFI Software Ltd. and GFI Software Development, Ltd. Without Prejudice by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Davis, William) (Entered: 01/23/2012)
Request |
173 |
Filed: 1/5/2012, Entered: None |
Unopposed MOTION to Dismiss Defendant LiveTime Software, Inc. With Prejudice by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Davis, William) (Entered: 01/05/2012)
Request |
172 |
Filed: 12/28/2011, Entered: None |
Motion to Dismiss |
MOTION to Dismiss Stipulated Motion to Dismiss Defendant Venti Solutions, LLC Without Prejudice by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Davis, William) (Entered: 12/28/2011)
Request |
171 |
Filed: 12/21/2011, Entered: None |
***FILED IN ERROR. TO BE REFILED. PLEASE IGNORE.*** NOTICE by Gemini IP, LLC of Dismissal of Defendant Venti Solutions, LLC Without Prejudice (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Davis, William) Modified on 12/27/2011 (cm, ). (Entered: 12/21/2011)
Request |
170 |
Filed: 12/5/2011, Entered: None |
Unopposed MOTION to Dismiss Defendant GroupLink Corporation With Prejudice by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Davis, William) (Entered: 12/05/2011)
Request |
169 |
Filed: 12/5/2011, Entered: None |
Unopposed MOTION to Dismiss Defendant Novell, Inc. With Prejudice by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Davis, William) (Entered: 12/05/2011)
Request |
168 |
Filed: 11/11/2011, Entered: None |
Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery re Certain Discovery Deadlines as Between Plaintiff Gemini IP, LLC and Defendants Novell, Inc., Livetime Software, Inc. and Grouplink Corp. (FOURTH) by Novell, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Black, Seth) (Entered: 11/11/2011)
Request |
167 |
Filed: 11/4/2011, Entered: None |
Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery of Certain Deadlines as Between Plaintiff Gemini IP, LLC and Defendants Novell, Inc., Livetime Software, Inc. and Grouplink Corp. (Third) by Novell, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Black, Seth) (Attachment 1 replaced on 11/7/2011) (cm, ). (Entered: 11/04/2011)
Request |
166 |
Filed: 11/1/2011, Entered: None |
Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney (Ellen M. Padilla) by Symantec Corporation. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Craft, Roger) (Entered: 11/01/2011)
Request |
165 |
Filed: 10/20/2011, Entered: None |
Request |
164 |
Filed: 10/17/2011, Entered: None |
Joint MOTION to Dismiss Xerox Corporation Without Prejudice by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order Dismissal Without Prejudice)(Caine, David) (Entered: 10/17/2011)
Request |
163 |
Filed: 10/17/2011, Entered: None |
PLAINTIFF GEMINI IP, LLCS ANSWER TO GROUPLINK COPORATION'S COUNTERCLAIMS ANSWER to 154 Answer to Amended Complaint, Counterclaim by Gemini IP, LLC.(Otteson, James) (Entered: 10/17/2011)
Request |
162 |
Filed: 10/7/2011, Entered: None |
Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery by Xerox Corporation. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Phipps, Charles) (Entered: 10/07/2011)
Request |
161 |
Filed: 10/6/2011, Entered: None |
Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery of Certain Deadlines as Between Plaintiff Gemini IP, LLC and Defendants Novell, Inc., Livetime Software, Inc. and Grouplink Corp. by LiveTime Software, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Craft, Roger) (Entered: 10/06/2011)
Request |
160 |
Filed: 10/4/2011, Entered: None |
STIPULATION of Dismissal STIPULATED MOTION FOR DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order)(Norton, Theresa) (Entered: 10/04/2011)
Request |
159 |
Filed: 9/30/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE by Grouplink Corporation of Service of Rule 26(a) Initial Disclosures (Burton, H) (Entered: 09/30/2011)
Request |
158 |
Filed: 9/30/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE by LiveTime Software, Inc. of Service of Rule 26(a) Initial Disclosures (Findlay, Eric) (Entered: 09/30/2011)
Request |
157 |
Filed: 9/23/2011, Entered: None |
Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Pridham, David) (Entered: 09/23/2011)
Request |
156 |
Filed: 9/22/2011, Entered: None |
SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to Motion re 136 MOTION to Dismiss filed by Gemini IP, LLC. (Norton, Theresa) (Entered: 09/22/2011)
Request |
155 |
Filed: 9/22/2011, Entered: None |
PLAINTIFF GEMINI IP, LLC'S ANSWER to 143 Answer to Amended Complaint, Counterclaim of Defendant LiveTime by Gemini IP, LLC.(Otteson, James) (Entered: 09/22/2011)
Request |
154 |
Filed: 9/21/2011, Entered: None |
GroupLink's ANSWER to 120 Amended Complaint,, COUNTERCLAIM against Gemini IP, LLC by Grouplink Corporation.(Burton, H) (Entered: 09/21/2011)
Request |
153 |
Filed: 9/21/2011, Entered: None |
CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Grouplink Corporation (Burton, H) (Entered: 09/21/2011)
Request |
152 |
Filed: 9/12/2011, Entered: None |
REPLY to Response to Motion re 136 MOTION to Dismiss filed by Venti Solutions, LLC. (Hanes, Richard) (Entered: 09/12/2011)
Request |
151 |
Filed: 9/12/2011, Entered: None |
Plaintiff Gemini IP, LLC's ANSWER to 137 Answer to Amended Complaint, Counterclaim of Defendant Novell by Gemini IP, LLC.(Otteson, James) (Entered: 09/12/2011)
Request |
150 |
Filed: 9/8/2011, Entered: None |
(Plaintiff Gemini IP, LLC's Answer to Defendant Zerox's Counterclaims) ANSWER to 133 Answer to Amended Complaint, Counterclaim, 5 Amended Complaint, ANSWER to 133 Answer to Amended Complaint, Counterclaim, 5 Amended Complaint by Gemini IP, LLC.(Otteson, James) (Entered: 09/08/2011)
Request |
149 |
Filed: 9/6/2011, Entered: None |
***FILED IN ERROR. PLEASE DISREGARD.*** Additional Attachments to Main Document: 147 Response in Opposition to Motion,.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Norton, Theresa) Modified on 9/7/2011 (cm, ). (Entered: 09/06/2011)
Request |
148 |
Filed: 9/2/2011, Entered: None |
Additional Attachments to Main Document: 147 Response in Opposition to Motion,.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit Exhibit J, # 11 Exhibit Exhibit K, # 12 Exhibit Exhibit L, # 13 Exhibit Exhibit M, # 14 Exhibit Exhibit N, # 15 Exhibit Exhibit O)(Norton, Theresa) (Entered: 09/02/2011)
Request |
147 |
Filed: 9/2/2011, Entered: None |
RESPONSE in Opposition re 136 MOTION to Dismiss PLAINTIFF GEMINI IP LLCS OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANT VENTI SOLUTIONS, LLC'S MOTION TO DISMISS filed by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Declaration of Theresa E. Norton In Support Plaintiff Gemini IP LLC's Opposition to Defendant Venti Solutions, LLC's Motion to Dismiss)(Norton, Theresa) (Additional attachment(s) added on 9/7/2011: # 2 Text of Proposed Order) (cm, ). (Entered: 09/02/2011)
Request |
146 |
Filed: 8/30/2011, Entered: None |
MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney UNOPPOSED MOTION TO WITHDRAWAL AS COUNSEL by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order ORDER GRANTING UNOPPOSED MOTION TO WITHDRAW AS COUNSEL)(Eno, Monica) (Entered: 08/30/2011)
Request |
145 |
Filed: 8/30/2011, Entered: None |
APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney H Dickson Burton for Grouplink Corporation. Fee paid. (pad, ) (Entered: 08/30/2011)
Request |
144 |
Filed: 8/29/2011, Entered: None |
CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by LiveTime Software, Inc. identifying Corporate Parent None for LiveTime Software, Inc.. (Craft, Roger) (Entered: 08/29/2011)
Request |
143 |
Filed: 8/29/2011, Entered: None |
ANSWER to 120 Amended Complaint, Affirmative Defenses, COUNTERCLAIM against Gemini IP, LLC by LiveTime Software, Inc..(Findlay, Eric) (Entered: 08/29/2011)
Request |
142 |
Filed: 8/26/2011, Entered: None |
Joint MOTION to Amend/Correct Scheduling Order by Gemini IP, LLC, Grouplink Corporation, LiveTime Software, Inc., Novell, Inc., Venti Solutions, LLC, Xerox Corporation. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Moore, Steven) (Entered: 08/26/2011)
Request |
141 |
Filed: 8/26/2011, Entered: None |
Unopposed MOTION to Dismiss Defendant LivePerson, Inc. With Prejudice by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Davis, William) (Entered: 08/26/2011)
Request |
140 |
Filed: 8/24/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE by Gemini IP, LLC Plaintiff's Notice of P.R. 3-1 and 3-2 Disclosures (Norton, Theresa) (Entered: 08/24/2011)
Request |
139 |
Filed: 8/18/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Roger Brian Craft on behalf of Grouplink Corporation (Craft, Roger) (Entered: 08/18/2011)
Request |
138 |
Filed: 8/18/2011, Entered: None |
Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Second Amended Complaint re Grouplink Corporation.(Findlay, Eric). (Entered: 08/18/2011)
Request |
137 |
Filed: 8/17/2011, Entered: None |
ANSWER to 120 Amended Complaint,, COUNTERCLAIM against Gemini IP LLC, Gemini IP, LLC by Novell, Inc..(Black, Seth) (Entered: 08/17/2011)
Request |
136 |
Filed: 8/16/2011, Entered: None |
Motion to Dismiss |
MOTION to Dismiss by Venti Solutions, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Hanes, Richard) (Attachment 1 replaced on 8/17/2011) (cm, ). (Entered: 08/16/2011)
Request |
135 |
Filed: 8/15/2011, Entered: None |
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re 120 Amended Complaint, by Novell, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Black, Seth) (Entered: 08/15/2011)
Request |
134 |
Filed: 8/15/2011, Entered: None |
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re 120 Amended Complaint, by LivePerson, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Ainsworth, Jennifer) (Entered: 08/15/2011)
Request |
133 |
Filed: 8/15/2011, Entered: None |
ANSWER to 120 Amended Complaint, (Second Amended), COUNTERCLAIM against Gemini IP, LLC by Xerox Corporation.(Moore, Steven) (Entered: 08/15/2011)
Request |
132 |
Filed: 8/10/2011, Entered: None |
Return of Service Executed as to Grouplink Corporation on 8/1/2011, answer due: 8/22/2011. (cm, ) (Entered: 08/15/2011)
Request |
131 |
Filed: 8/10/2011, Entered: None |
Return of Service Executed as to LiveTime Software, Inc. on 8/1/2011, answer due: 8/22/2011. (cm, ) (Entered: 08/15/2011)
Request |
130 |
Filed: 8/15/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE by Ingersoll-Rand Company of Request for Termination of Electronic Notices on behalf of Laura Wytsma (Findlay, Eric) (Entered: 08/15/2011)
Request |
129 |
Filed: 8/10/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Allen Franklin Gardner on behalf of Xerox Corporation (Gardner, Allen) (Entered: 08/10/2011)
Request |
128 |
Filed: 8/10/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Michael E Jones on behalf of Xerox Corporation (Jones, Michael) (Entered: 08/10/2011)
Request |
127 |
Filed: 8/5/2011, Entered: None |
Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery - Certain Discovery Deadlines by Gemini IP, LLC, Xerox Corporation. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Moore, Steven) (Entered: 08/05/2011)
Request |
126 |
Filed: 8/5/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Steven D Moore on behalf of Xerox Corporation (Moore, Steven) (Entered: 08/05/2011)
Request |
125 |
Filed: 8/4/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE by Fiserv, Inc. Request for Termination of Electronic Notices (Harrison, Bryan) (Entered: 08/04/2011)
Request |
124 |
Filed: 8/3/2011, Entered: None |
ORDER GRANTING 100 Stipulation of Dismissal filed by Gemini IP, LLC. It is ORDERED that all claims in this case between plaintiff, Gemini IP, LLC, and defendant Fiserv, Inc., are hereby DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 8/3/2011. (baf, ) (Entered: 08/03/2011)
Request |
123 |
Filed: 8/2/2011, Entered: None |
Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery (Certain Discovery Deadlines) by Gemini IP LLC, Gemini IP, LLC, Novell, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Black, Seth) (Entered: 08/02/2011)
Request |
122 |
Filed: 7/29/2011, Entered: None |
E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to LiveTime Software, Inc.. (pad, ) (Entered: 07/29/2011)
Request |
121 |
Filed: 7/29/2011, Entered: None |
E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to Grouplink Corporation. (pad, ) (Entered: 07/29/2011)
Request |
120 |
Filed: 7/29/2011, Entered: None |
AMENDED COMPLAINT SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT against Grouplink Corporation, LiveTime Software, Inc., Novell, Inc., Xerox Corporation, ConnectWise, Inc., LivePerson, Inc., Venti Solutions, LLC, filed by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit EXHIBIT A, # 2 Exhibit EXHIBIT B)(Otteson, James) (Entered: 07/29/2011)
Request |
119 |
Filed: 7/28/2011, Entered: None |
***DEFICIENT DOCUMENT. ATTORNEY MUST REFILE*** AMENDED COMPLAINT SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT(replaces documents 116 & 117) against ConnectWise, Inc., Grouplink Corporation, LivePerson, Inc., LiveTime Software, Inc., Novell, Inc., Venti Solutions, LLC, Xerox Corporation, filed by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit B)(Otteson, James) Modified on 7/29/2011 (pad, ). (Entered: 07/28/2011)
Request |
118 |
Filed: 7/28/2011, Entered: None |
STIPULATION of Dismissal STIPULATED MOTION FOR DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE)(Norton, Theresa) (Entered: 07/28/2011)
Request |
117 |
Filed: 7/28/2011, Entered: None |
***DISREGARD ERROR IN DOCUMENT. ATTORNEY TO REFILE***AMENDED COMPLAINT SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT (REPLACES DOCUMENT 116) against ConnectWise, Inc., Novell, Inc., Symantec Corporation, Venti Solutions, LLC, Xerox Corporation, Grouplink Corporation, LiveTime Software, Inc., filed by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit B)(Otteson, James) Modified on 7/28/2011 (lhj, ). (Entered: 07/28/2011)
Request |
116 |
Filed: 7/27/2011, Entered: None |
***DISREGARD ERROR IN DOCUMENT ATTORNEY TO REFILE***AMENDED COMPLAINT SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT against Computer Sciences Corporation, Fidelity Information Services, Inc., Fiserv, Inc., Ingersoll-Rand Company, Novell, Inc., Symantec Corporation, Xerox Corporation,, Inc., filed by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit B)(Otteson, James) Modified on 7/28/2011 (lhj, ). (Entered: 07/27/2011)
Request |
115 |
Filed: 7/27/2011, Entered: None |
STIPULATION of Dismissal STIPULATED MOTION FOR DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order of Dismissal With Prejudice)(Norton, Theresa) (Entered: 07/27/2011)
Request |
114 |
Filed: 7/21/2011, Entered: None |
STIPULATION of Dismissal of Defendant Ingersoll-Rand Company Without Prejudice by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Davis, William) (Entered: 07/21/2011)
Request |
113 |
Filed: 7/19/2011, Entered: None |
Request |
112 |
Filed: 7/19/2011, Entered: None |
***REPLY TO RESPONSE TO MOTION (DOCUMENT NUMBER 241 ) FILED IN CONSOLIDATED CASE 4:07CV521 - FILED IN THIS CASE PURSUANT TO ORDER 375 ENTERED IN CONSOLIDATED CASE 4:07CV521***REPLY to Response to Motion re 110 MOTION to Dismiss filed by Venti Solutions, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit of Tony Delollis)(baf, ) (Entered: 07/20/2011)
Request |
111 |
Filed: 7/19/2011, Entered: None |
***RESPONSE TO MOTION (DOCUMENT NUMBER 216 ) FILED IN CONSOLIDATED CASE 4:07CV521 - FILED IN THIS CASE PURSUANT TO ORDER 375 ENTERED IN CONSOLIDATED CASE 4:07CV521***RESPONSE to Motion re 110 MOTION to Dismiss filed by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Xiang Long Declaration, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D, # 6 Exhibit E, # 7 Exhibit F, # 8 Exhibit G, # 9 Exhibit H, # 10 Exhibit I, # 11 Exhibit J, # 12 Exhibit K, # 13 Exhibit L, # 14 Exhibit M, # 15 Exhibit N, # 16 Exhibit O)(baf, ) (Entered: 07/20/2011)
Request |
110 |
Filed: 7/19/2011, Entered: None |
***MOTION TO DISMISS (DOCUMENT NUMBER 203 ) FILED IN CONSOLIDATED CASE 4:07CV521 - FILED IN THIS CASE PURSUANT TO ORDER 375 ENTERED IN CONSOLIDATED CASE 4:07CV521*** MOTION to Dismiss by Venti Solutions, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Verification, # 2 Text of Proposed Order)(baf, ) (Entered: 07/20/2011)
Request |
109 |
Filed: 7/20/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE by Computer Sciences Corporation (Request for Termination of Electronic Notices) (Kubehl, Douglas) (Entered: 07/20/2011)
Request |
108 |
Filed: 7/19/2011, Entered: None |
Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery -- Joint Motion For Extension Of Certain Discovery Deadlines As Between Gemini IP, LLC and Liveperson, Inc. by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Norton, Theresa) (Entered: 07/19/2011)
Request |
107 |
Filed: 7/19/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE by, Inc. Request for Termination of Electonic Notices (Siegel, Todd) (Entered: 07/19/2011)
Request |
106 |
Filed: 7/19/2011, Entered: None |
SCHEDULING ORDER:( Mediation Completion due by 3/2/2012.), (Markman Hearing set for 1/19/2012 01:30 PM in Ctrm 105 (Plano) before Judge Richard A. Schell., Scheduling Conference set for 6/1/2011 01:30 PM in Ctrm 105 (Plano) before Judge Richard A. Schell.) Final Pretrial Conference set for 9/5/2012 01:30 PM in Ctrm 105 (Plano) before Judge Richard A. Schell. Amended Pleadings due by 9/26/2011. Discovery due by 5/25/2012. Expert Witness List due from Plaintiff by 3/30/2012 and Defendant by 4/27/2012. Joinder of Parties due by 8/15/2011. Motions due by 6/5/2012. Motions in Limine due by 8/3/2012. Rule 26 Meeting Report due by 5/23/2011. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 7/18/11. (cm, ) (Entered: 07/19/2011)
Request |
105 |
Filed: 7/19/2011, Entered: None |
ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITHOUT PREJUDICE re 94 Stipulation of Dismissal filed by Gemini IP, LLC, Fidelity Information Services, Inc. and Fidelity Information Services, Inc. All claims and counterclaims asserted in this suit between plaintiff, Gemini IP, LLC, and defendant Fidelity Information Services, Inc., are hereby dismissed without prejudice. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 7/18/11. (cm, ) (Entered: 07/19/2011)
Request |
104 |
Filed: 7/19/2011, Entered: None |
ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITHOUT PREJUDICE. re 88 Stipulation of Dismissal filed by Gemini IP, LLC,, Inc. and, Inc. all claims and counterclaims asserted in this suit between plaintiff, Gemini IP, LLC, and defendant, Inc., are hereby dismissed without prejudice. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 7/18/11. (cm, ) (Entered: 07/19/2011)
Request |
103 |
Filed: 7/19/2011, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 97 Motion to Dismiss. The above-entitled cause and all claimsagainst CSC by Gemini and against Gemini by CSC herein are dismissed, with prejudice to the re-filing of same, except all claims of patent invalidity by CSC against Gemini shall be dismissed without prejudice to the re-filing of same. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 7/18/11. (cm, ) (Entered: 07/19/2011)
Request |
Save 25% on a pre-paid one year subscription. |
102 |
Filed: 7/19/2011, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 95 Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery. It is therefore ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that the Motion to Extend Time be granted and that Ingersoll Rand be given to and including June 29, 2011 to serve its Initial Disclosures, and respond, object or otherwise answer any pending discovery. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 7/18/11. (cm, ) (Entered: 07/19/2011)
Request |
101 |
Filed: 7/19/2011, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 89 Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery. Having considered the matter, the Court GRANTS the motion [de #89] and extends the date for CSC to serve its Initial Disclosures to June 29, 2011. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 7/18/11. (cm, ) (Entered: 07/19/2011)
Request |
100 |
Filed: 7/15/2011, Entered: None |
STIPULATION of Dismissal of Defendant Fiserv, Inc. Without Prejudice by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Davis, William) (Entered: 07/15/2011)
Request |
99 |
Filed: 7/14/2011, Entered: None |
SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT of Rule 26(f) Planning Meeting. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order PROPOSED] SCHEDULING ORDER)(Norton, Theresa) Modified on 7/15/2011 (cm, ). (Entered: 07/14/2011)
Request |
98 |
Filed: 7/5/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Xerox Corporation of Service of Initial Disclosures (Phipps, Charles) (Entered: 07/05/2011)
Request |
97 |
Filed: 6/27/2011, Entered: None |
Agreed MOTION to Dismiss by Computer Sciences Corporation, Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Kubehl, Douglas) (Entered: 06/27/2011)
Request |
96 |
Filed: 6/22/2011, Entered: None |
CORRECTED [Proposed] Scheduling Order [Patent Case] by Gemini IP, LLC. (Norton, Theresa) (Entered: 06/22/2011)
Request |
95 |
Filed: 6/17/2011, Entered: None |
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery to Serve Initial Disclosures and Respond, Object or Otherwise Answer Any Pending Discovery by Ingersoll-Rand Company. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Findlay, Eric) (Entered: 06/17/2011)
Request |
94 |
Filed: 6/17/2011, Entered: None |
STIPULATION of Dismissal of Defendant Fidelity Information Services, Inc. Without Prejudice by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Davis, William) (Entered: 06/17/2011)
Request |
93 |
Filed: 6/17/2011, Entered: None |
***PLEASE DISREGARD - NOTICE OF DOCKET CORRECTION ENTERED - ATTORNEY TO REFILE***STIPULATION of Dismissal of Defendant Fidelity Information Services, Inc. Without Prejudice by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Davis, William) Modified on 6/17/2011 (baf, ). (Entered: 06/17/2011)
Request |
92 |
Filed: 6/16/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE by Novell, Inc. of Service of Initial Disclosures (Black, Seth) (Entered: 06/16/2011)
Request |
91 |
Filed: 6/15/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE by Gemini IP, LLC Plaintiff Gemini IP, LLC's Notice of Rule 26(a)(1) Supplemental Initial Disclosures (Norton, Theresa) (Entered: 06/15/2011)
Request |
90 |
Filed: 6/15/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE by Symantec Corporation of Service of Initial Disclosures (Craft, Roger) (Entered: 06/15/2011)
Request |
89 |
Filed: 6/15/2011, Entered: None |
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery by Computer Sciences Corporation. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Kubehl, Douglas) (Entered: 06/15/2011)
Request |
88 |
Filed: 6/10/2011, Entered: None |
STIPULATION of Dismissal of Defendant, Inc. Without Prejudice by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Davis, William) (Entered: 06/10/2011)
Request |
87 |
Filed: 6/8/2011, Entered: None |
***FILED IN ERROR. PLEASE IGNORE.*** Submission of by Gemini IP, LLC [Proposed] Scheduling Order (Patent Case). (Norton, Theresa) Modified on 6/24/2011 (cm, ). (Entered: 06/08/2011)
Request |
86 |
Filed: 6/3/2011, Entered: None |
CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Novell, Inc. identifying Corporate Parent The Attachmate Group, Inc. for Novell, Inc., Novell, Inc.. (Black, Seth) (Entered: 06/03/2011)
Request |
85 |
Filed: 6/1/2011, Entered: None |
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Richard A. Schell: Scheduling Conference held on 6/1/2011. (Court Reporter Jerry Kelley.) (baf, ) (Entered: 06/01/2011)
Request |
84 |
Filed: 5/31/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE of Settlement by Fidelity Information Services, Inc.,, Inc. (Gardner, Allen) (Entered: 05/31/2011)
Request |
83 |
Filed: 5/23/2011, Entered: None |
REPORT of Rule 26(f) Planning Meeting. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Norton, Theresa) (Entered: 05/23/2011)
Request |
82 |
Filed: 5/20/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE by Gemini IP, LLC Plaintiff's Notice of P.R. 3-1 and 3-2 Disclosures (Norton, Theresa) (Entered: 05/20/2011)
Request |
81 |
Filed: 5/19/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Roger Brian Craft on behalf of Ingersoll-Rand Company,, Inc. (Craft, Roger) (Entered: 05/19/2011)
Request |
80 |
Filed: 5/17/2011, Entered: None |
ORDER GRANTING FISERV, INC.S UNOPPOSED MOTION TO ALLOW COUNSEL TO APPEAR AT CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE TELEPHONICALLY 77 Motion for Leave to Appear. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 5/17/11. (cm, ) (Entered: 05/17/2011)
Request |
79 |
Filed: 5/16/2011, Entered: None |
APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney Jordan A Sigale for Ingersoll-Rand Company. (pad, ) (Entered: 05/16/2011)
Request |
78 |
Filed: 5/12/2011, Entered: None |
APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney Laura Ann Wytsma for Ingersoll-Rand Company. (fee paid) (cm, ) (Entered: 05/13/2011)
Request |
77 |
Filed: 5/11/2011, Entered: None |
Unopposed MOTION for Leave to Appear at Case Management Conference Telephonically by Fiserv, Inc.. (Harrison, Bryan) (Additional attachment(s) added on 5/12/2011: # 1 Text of Proposed Order) (cm, ). (Entered: 05/11/2011)
Request |
76 |
Filed: 5/9/2011, Entered: None |
APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney David R Wright for Novell, Inc.. (fee paid) (cm, ) (Entered: 05/10/2011)
Request |
75 |
Filed: 5/9/2011, Entered: None |
APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney Seth W Black for Novell, Inc.. (cm, ) (Entered: 05/10/2011)
Request |
74 |
Filed: 5/9/2011, Entered: None |
APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney Sterling A Brennan for Novell, Inc.. (cm, ) (Entered: 05/10/2011)
Request |
73 |
Filed: 5/6/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by James E Hopenfeld on behalf of Fidelity Information Services, Inc. (Hopenfeld, James) (Entered: 05/06/2011)
Request |
72 |
Filed: 5/4/2011, Entered: None |
APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney James E Hopenfeld for, Inc.. (cm, ) (Main Document 72 replaced on 5/5/2011) (cm, ). (Entered: 05/05/2011)
Request |
71 |
Filed: 4/27/2011, Entered: None |
ORDER TO CONDUCT RULE 26(f) CONFERENCE, ( Rule 26 Meeting Report due by 5/23/2011., Scheduling Conference set for 6/1/2011 01:30 PM in Ctrm 105 (Plano) before Judge Richard A. Schell). Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 4/27/11. (cm, ) (Entered: 04/27/2011)
Request |
70 |
Filed: 4/25/2011, Entered: None |
Plaintiff Gemini IP, LLCs ANSWER to 59 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim Defendant Computer Sciences Corporation's Counterclaims by Gemini IP, LLC.(Otteson, James) (Entered: 04/25/2011)
Request |
69 |
Filed: 4/25/2011, Entered: None |
Plaintiff Gemini IP, LLCs ANSWER to 53 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim,, Defendant Novell's Counterclaims by Gemini IP, LLC.(Otteson, James) (Entered: 04/25/2011)
Request |
68 |
Filed: 4/25/2011, Entered: None |
Plaintiff Gemini IP, LLCs ANSWER to 55 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim Defendant Symantec's Counterclaims by Gemini IP, LLC.(Otteson, James) (Entered: 04/25/2011)
Request |
67 |
Filed: 4/25/2011, Entered: None |
Request |
66 |
Filed: 4/18/2011, Entered: None |
Plaintiff Gemini IP, LLCs ANSWER to 50 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim to Defendant Zappos' Counterclaims by Gemini IP, LLC.(Otteson, James) (Entered: 04/18/2011)
Request |
65 |
Filed: 4/18/2011, Entered: None |
Plaintiff Gemini IP, LLCs ANSWER to 39 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim to Defendant Xerox's Counterclaims by Gemini IP, LLC.(Otteson, James) (Entered: 04/18/2011)
Request |
64 |
Filed: 4/18/2011, Entered: None |
Plaintiff Gemini IP, LLCs ANSWER to 51 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim to Defendant Ingersoll-Rand's Counterclaims by Gemini IP, LLC.(Otteson, James) (Entered: 04/18/2011)
Request |
63 |
Filed: 4/18/2011, Entered: None |
Plaintiff Gemini IP, LLCs ANSWER to 44 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim to Defendant Fiserv, Inc.'s Counterclaims by Gemini IP, LLC.(Otteson, James) (Entered: 04/18/2011)
Request |
62 |
Filed: 4/18/2011, Entered: None |
Plaintiff Gemini IP, LLCs ANSWER to 36 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim to Defendant FidelityS Counterclaims by Gemini IP, LLC.(Otteson, James) (Entered: 04/18/2011)
Request |
61 |
Filed: 4/11/2011, Entered: None |
Return of Service Executed as to Symantec Corporation on 2/8/2011, answer due: 3/1/2011. (cm, ) (Entered: 04/13/2011)
Request |
60 |
Filed: 4/13/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Lawrence Louis Germer on behalf of Novell, Inc. (Germer, Lawrence) (Entered: 04/13/2011)
Request |
59 |
Filed: 4/7/2011, Entered: None |
Defendant Computer Sciences Corporation's ANSWER to 5 Amended Complaint, Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint, COUNTERCLAIM against Gemini IP, LLC by Computer Sciences Corporation.(Boren, Bryant) Modified on 4/8/2011 (cm, ). (Entered: 04/07/2011)
Request |
58 |
Filed: 4/7/2011, Entered: None |
CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Computer Sciences Corporation (Boren, Bryant) (Entered: 04/07/2011)
Request |
57 |
Filed: 4/7/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Russell Jon Crain on behalf of Computer Sciences Corporation (Crain, Russell) (Entered: 04/07/2011)
Request |
56 |
Filed: 4/7/2011, Entered: None |
CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Symantec Corporation identifying Corporate Parent None for Symantec Corporation. (Craft, Roger) (Entered: 04/07/2011)
Request |
55 |
Filed: 4/7/2011, Entered: None |
ANSWER to 5 Amended Complaint, (First Amended), COUNTERCLAIM against Gemini IP, LLC by Symantec Corporation.(Craft, Roger) Modified on 4/8/2011 (cm, ). (Entered: 04/07/2011)
Request |
54 |
Filed: 4/7/2011, Entered: None |
CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Novell, Inc. (Goehringer, Charles) (Entered: 04/07/2011)
Request |
53 |
Filed: 4/7/2011, Entered: None |
ANSWER to Amended Complaint 5 Complaint, :Defendant Novell, Inc.'s Answer to Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint for Patent Infringement and Counterclaims, COUNTERCLAIM against Gemini IP, LLC by Novell, Inc..(Goehringer, Charles) Modified on 4/7/2011 (cm, ). (Entered: 04/07/2011)
Request |
52 |
Filed: 4/7/2011, Entered: None |
ORDER granting 43 Motion for Extension of Time to Answer re 43 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re 5 Amended Complaint or Otherwise Respond. Symantec Corporation is given to and including April 7, 2011 to move, answer, or otherwise respond to Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint. Signed by Judge Richard A. Schell on 4/6/11. (cm, ) (Entered: 04/07/2011)
Request |
51 |
Filed: 4/1/2011, Entered: None |
ANSWER TO AMENDED COMPLAINT 5 Complaint, (First Amended), COUNTERCLAIM against Gemini IP, LLC by Ingersoll-Rand Company.(Findlay, Eric) Modified on 4/1/2011 (cm, ). (Entered: 04/01/2011)
Request |
50 |
Filed: 4/1/2011, Entered: None |
ANSWER TO AMENDED COMPLAINT 5 Complaint, (First Amended), COUNTERCLAIM against Gemini IP, LLC by, Inc..(Findlay, Eric) Modified on 4/1/2011 (cm, ). (Entered: 04/01/2011)
Request |
49 |
Filed: 4/1/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Ellen M Padilla on behalf of Symantec Corporation (Padilla, Ellen) (Entered: 04/01/2011)
Request |
48 |
Filed: 4/1/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by David A Nelson on behalf of Symantec Corporation (Nelson, David) (Entered: 04/01/2011)
Request |
47 |
Filed: 3/31/2011, Entered: None |
CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Ingersoll-Rand Company identifying Corporate Parent Ingersoll-Rand plc for Ingersoll-Rand Company. (Findlay, Eric) (Entered: 03/31/2011)
Request |
46 |
Filed: 3/31/2011, Entered: None |
***FILED IN ERROR. TO BE REFILED. PLEASE IGNORE.*** RESPONSE to 5 Amended Complaint and Counterclaim by Ingersoll-Rand Company. (Findlay, Eric) Modified on 4/1/2011 (cm, ). (Entered: 03/31/2011)
Request |
45 |
Filed: 3/31/2011, Entered: None |
CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Fiserv, Inc. (Harrison, Bryan) (Entered: 03/31/2011)
Request |
44 |
Filed: 3/31/2011, Entered: None |
ANSWER TO AMENDED COMPLAINT 5 (First Amended), COUNTERCLAIM against Gemini IP, LLC by Fiserv, Inc..(Harrison, Bryan) Modified on 4/1/2011 (cm, ). (Entered: 03/31/2011)
Request |
43 |
Filed: 3/31/2011, Entered: None, Terminated: 4/7/2011 |
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re 5 Amended Complaint or Otherwise Respond by Symantec Corporation. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Findlay, Eric) (Entered: 03/31/2011)
Request |
42 |
Filed: 3/31/2011, Entered: None |
CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by, Inc. identifying Corporate Parent Amazon.Com, Inc., for, Inc.. (Findlay, Eric) (Entered: 03/31/2011)
Request |
41 |
Filed: 3/31/2011, Entered: None |
***FILED IN ERROR. TO BE REFILED. PLEASE IGNORE.*** RESPONSE to 5 Amended Complaint and Counterclaim by, Inc.. (Findlay, Eric) Modified on 4/1/2011 (cm, ). (Entered: 03/31/2011)
Request |
40 |
Filed: 3/31/2011, Entered: None |
CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Xerox Corporation (Phipps, Charles) (Entered: 03/31/2011)
Request |
39 |
Filed: 3/31/2011, Entered: None |
ANSWER to Complaint As Amended, COUNTERCLAIM against Gemini IP, LLC by Xerox Corporation.(Phipps, Charles) (Entered: 03/31/2011)
Request |
38 |
Filed: 3/31/2011, Entered: None |
Defendant's Unopposed Second Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re Novell, Inc.(Goehringer, Charles) (Entered: 03/31/2011)
Request |
37 |
Filed: 3/31/2011, Entered: None |
CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Fidelity Information Services, Inc. identifying Corporate Parent Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. for Fidelity Information Services, Inc.. (Gardner, Allen) (Entered: 03/31/2011)
Request |
36 |
Filed: 3/31/2011, Entered: None |
ANSWER TO AMENDED COMPLAINT 5 Complaint,, COUNTERCLAIM against Gemini IP, LLC by Fidelity Information Services, Inc..(Gardner, Allen) Modified on 4/1/2011 (cm, ). (Entered: 03/31/2011)
Request |
35 |
Filed: 3/23/2011, Entered: None |
Return of Service Executed as to Fiserv, Inc. on 2/8/2011, answer due: 3/1/2011. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/31/2011)
Request |
34 |
Filed: 3/30/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Eric Hugh Findlay on behalf of, Inc. (Findlay, Eric) (Entered: 03/30/2011)
Request |
33 |
Filed: 3/29/2011, Entered: None |
Defendant's Unopposed Second Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re Computer Sciences Corporation.( Kubehl, Douglas) (Entered: 03/29/2011)
Request |
32 |
Filed: 3/18/2011, Entered: None |
Return of Service Executed as to Computer Sciences Corporation on 2/10/2011, answer due: 3/3/2011. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/22/2011)
Request |
31 |
Filed: 3/18/2011, Entered: None |
Return of Service Executed as to Fidelity Information Services, Inc. on 2/11/2011, answer due: 3/4/2011. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/22/2011)
Request |
30 |
Filed: 3/18/2011, Entered: None |
Return of Service Executed as to Ingersoll-Rand Company on 2/11/2011, answer due: 3/4/2011. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/22/2011)
Request |
29 |
Filed: 3/18/2011, Entered: None |
Return of Service Executed as to, Inc. on 2/10/2011, answer due: 3/3/2011. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/22/2011)
Request |
28 |
Filed: 3/18/2011, Entered: None |
Return of Service Executed as to Xerox Corporation on 2/9/2011, answer due: 3/2/2011. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/22/2011)
Request |
27 |
Filed: 3/18/2011, Entered: None |
Return of Service Executed as to Symantec Corporation on 2/10/2011, answer due: 3/3/2011. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/22/2011)
Request |
26 |
Filed: 3/18/2011, Entered: None |
Return of Service Executed as to Novell, Inc. on 2/15/2011, answer due: 3/8/2011. (cm, ) (Entered: 03/22/2011)
Request |
25 |
Filed: 3/1/2011, Entered: None |
Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re Fiserv, Inc..( Jones, Michael) (Entered: 03/01/2011)
Request |
24 |
Filed: 3/1/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Todd M Siegel on behalf of, Inc. (Siegel, Todd) (Entered: 03/01/2011)
Request |
23 |
Filed: 3/1/2011, Entered: None |
Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re, Inc..( Siegel, Todd) (Entered: 03/01/2011)
Request |
22 |
Filed: 2/28/2011, Entered: None |
Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re Computer Sciences Corporation.( Kubehl, Douglas) (Entered: 02/28/2011)
Request |
21 |
Filed: 2/28/2011, Entered: None |
Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint up to and including March 31, 2011 re Fidelity Information Services, Inc. (Jones, Michael) (Entered: 02/28/2011)
Request |
20 |
Filed: 2/25/2011, Entered: None |
Defendant Xerox Corporation's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer, Move or Otherwise respond to the Complaint.(Phipps, Charles) (Entered: 02/25/2011)
Request |
19 |
Filed: 2/25/2011, Entered: None |
Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re Novell, Inc..( Goehringer, Charles) (Entered: 02/25/2011)
Request |
18 |
Filed: 2/25/2011, Entered: None |
Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re Ingersoll-Rand Company. (Findlay, Eric) (Entered: 02/25/2011)
Request |
17 |
Filed: 2/23/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by David A Caine on behalf of Gemini IP, LLC (Caine, David) (Entered: 02/23/2011)
Request |
16 |
Filed: 2/23/2011, Entered: None |
Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re Symantec Corporation.(Findlay, Eric). (Entered: 02/23/2011)
Request |
15 |
Filed: 1/28/2011, Entered: None |
E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to, Inc.. (cm, ) (Entered: 01/28/2011)
Request |
14 |
Filed: 1/28/2011, Entered: None |
E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to Xerox Corporation. (cm, ) (Entered: 01/28/2011)
Request |
13 |
Filed: 1/28/2011, Entered: None |
E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to Symantec Corporation. (cm, ) (Entered: 01/28/2011)
Request |
12 |
Filed: 1/28/2011, Entered: None |
E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to Novell, Inc.. (cm, ) (Entered: 01/28/2011)
Request |
11 |
Filed: 1/28/2011, Entered: None |
E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to Ingersoll-Rand Company. (cm, ) (Entered: 01/28/2011)
Request |
10 |
Filed: 1/28/2011, Entered: None |
E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to Fiserv, Inc.. (cm, ) (Entered: 01/28/2011)
Request |
9 |
Filed: 1/28/2011, Entered: None |
E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to Fidelity Information Services, Inc.. (cm, ) (Entered: 01/28/2011)
Request |
8 |
Filed: 1/28/2011, Entered: None |
E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to Computer Sciences Corporation. (cm, ) (Entered: 01/28/2011)
Request |
7 |
Filed: 1/27/2011, Entered: None |
Notice of Filing of Patent/Trademark Form (AO 120). AO 120 mailed to the Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. (Davis, William) (Entered: 01/27/2011)
Request |
6 |
Filed: 1/26/2011, Entered: None |
CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Gemini IP, LLC identifying Other Affiliate TechDev Holdings, LLC for Gemini IP, LLC. (Otteson, James) (Entered: 01/26/2011)
Request |
5 |
Filed: 1/26/2011, Entered: None |
AMENDED COMPLAINT First Amended Complaint for Patent Infringement against Gemini IP, LLC, filed by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B)(Otteson, James) (Entered: 01/26/2011)
Request |
4 |
Filed: 1/25/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Xiang Long on behalf of Gemini IP, LLC (Long, Xiang) (Entered: 01/25/2011)
Request |
3 |
Filed: 1/25/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Theresa Elise Norton on behalf of Gemini IP, LLC (Norton, Theresa) (Entered: 01/25/2011)
Request |
Save 25% on a pre-paid one year subscription. |
2 |
Filed: 1/25/2011, Entered: None |
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by James C Otteson on behalf of Gemini IP, LLC (Otteson, James) (Entered: 01/25/2011)
Request |
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Filed: 1/25/2011, Entered: None |
COMPLAINT for Patent Infringement against Computer Sciences Corporation, Fidelity Information Services, Inc., Fiserv, Inc., Ingersoll-Rand Company, Novell, Inc., Symantec Corporation, Xerox Corporation,, Inc. ( Filing fee $ 350 receipt number 0540-2857573.), filed by Gemini IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A U.S. Patent No. 6,177,932, # 2 Exhibit B Reexamination Certificate, # 3 Civil Cover Sheet)(Davis, William) (Entered: 01/25/2011)