Perales v. United States Internal Revenue Service
Federal Civil Lawsuit Colorado District Court ,
Case No. 1:11-cv-02172
District Judge Lewis T. Babcock , presiding
Last Updated January 14, 2019 at 10:57 AM EST (6.1 years ago)
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Azael Dythian Perales , Petitioner
▼ Pro Se
Aaron Schock , Respondent
Adam Kinzinger , Respondent
Schiff, Adam , Respondent
Officially listed as "Adam Schiff"
Adam Smith , Respondent
Adrian, Smith +. , Respondent
Al Green , Respondent
Alan Nunnelee , Respondent
Albert Hemphill , Respondent
Albert Najera , Respondent
Albio Sires , Respondent
Alcee L. Hastings , Respondent
Alfredo Hernandez , Respondent
Allen West , Respondent
Allendra Letsome , Respondent
Allyson Y. Schwartz , Respondent
Amy Pascal , Respondent
Ander Crenshaw , Respondent
Andre Carson , Respondent
Andy Harris , Respondent
Anish Shah , Respondent
Ann Marie Buerkle , Respondent
Ann Moore , Respondent
Anna G. Eshoo , Respondent
Anne Sweeney , Respondent
Anthony Weiner , Respondent
Arnold Schwarzenegger , Respondent
Art Brown , Respondent
Aurthur Kern , Respondent
Austin, Scott , Respondent
Barack H. Obama , Respondent
Barbara Boxer , Respondent
Barbara Lee , Respondent
Barney Frank , Respondent
Barry C. Black , Respondent
Belinda Brewer , Respondent
Ben Chandler , Respondent
Ben Quayle , Respondent
Ben R. Lujan , Respondent
Bernanke, Ben Shalom , Respondent
Officially listed as "Ben S. Bernanke"
Ben Sherwood , Respondent
Bennie G. Thompson , Respondent
Betty McCollum , Respondent
Betty Sutton , Respondent
Bill Campbell , Respondent
Bill Flores , Respondent
Bill Huizenga , Respondent
Bill Johnson , Respondent
Bill Owens , Respondent
Bill Pascrell, Jr. , Respondent
Bill Posey , Respondent
Bill Shuster , Respondent
Billy Long , Respondent
Blaine Luetkemeyer , Respondent
Blake Farenthold , Respondent
Bob Conklin , Respondent
Bob Filner , Respondent
Bob Gibbs , Respondent
Bob Goodlatte , Respondent
Bobby L. Rush , Respondent
Bobby Schilling , Respondent
Bonner Jo , Respondent
Bonnie Grabenhofer , Respondent
Brad Globe , Respondent
Brad Miller , Respondent
Brad Sherman , Respondent
Brad Smith , Respondent
Brendan McGuire , Respondent
Brett Ratner , Respondent
Brian Culley , Respondent
Brian Douglas Williams , Respondent
Brian Higgins , Respondent
Brian Lamb , Respondent
Brian P. Bilbray , Respondent
Bruce L. Braley , Respondent
Buck McKeon , Respondent
C.W. Bill Young , Respondent
Candice Miller , Respondent
Candra Symonds , Respondent
Carol Bartz , Respondent
Carolyn Maloney , Respondent
Carolyn McCarthy , Respondent
Cathy McMorris Rodgers , Respondent
Cedric Richmond , Respondent
Chakra Fettah , Respondent
Charles B. Rangel , Respondent
Charles Bass , Respondent
Charles L. Overby , Respondent
Charles W. Boustany, Jr. , Respondent
Charles W. Dent , Respondent
Charlie A. Gonzalez , Respondent
Chellie Pingree , Respondent
Chip Cravaack , Respondent
Chris Gibson , Respondent
Chris Lee , Respondent
Chris Murray , Respondent
Chris Norby , Respondent
Chris Smith , Respondent
Chris Van Hollen , Respondent
Christopher J. Dodd , Respondent
Christopher S. Murphy , Respondent
Chuch Fleischmann , Respondent
Chuck Grassley , Respondent
Cirilo Flores , Respondent
City of Anaheim , Respondent
Cliff Stearns , Respondent
Colin C. Peterson , Respondent
Colleen Hanabusa , Respondent
Connie Mack , Respondent
Corrine Brown , Respondent
Cory Gardner , Respondent
Craig Hunter , Respondent
Cruz Pleitez , Respondent
Cynthia M. Lummis , Respondent
Dale Kildee , Respondent
Dan Benishek , Respondent
Dan Boren , Respondent
Dan Burton , Respondent
Dan Walters , Respondent
Dana Rohrabacher , Respondent
Daniel E. Lungren , Respondent
Daniel K. Inouye , Respondent
Daniel Lipinski , Respondent
Daniel Reader , Respondent
Daniel Webster , Respondent
Danny K. Davis , Respondent
Darla Callaghan , Respondent
Darrell Issa , Respondent
Dave Camp , Respondent
David Cicilline , Respondent
David Dreier , Respondent
David G. Reichert , Respondent
David Kenny , Respondent
David Loebsack , Respondent
David M. Singer , Respondent
David McKinley , Respondent
David Price , Respondent
David Rivera , Respondent
David Schweikert , Respondent
David Scott , Respondent
David Westin , Respondent
DAVID WU , Respondent
Dean Heller , Respondent
Debbie Wasserman Schultz , Respondent
Deborah Bowen , Respondent
Dennis Cardoza , Respondent
Dennis J. Kucinich , Respondent
Dennis Maguire , Respondent
Dennis Petrie , Respondent
Dennis Rehberg , Respondent
Dennis Ross , Respondent
Nunes, Devin G. , Respondent
Officially listed as "Devin Nunes"
Diana DeGette , Respondent
Diana Dooley , Respondent
Diane Black , Respondent
Diane Sawyer , Respondent
Dianne Feinstein , Respondent
Doc Hastings , Respondent
Dominic Luong , Respondent
Don Bankhead , Respondent
Don Hewitt , Respondent
Don Young , Respondent
Donald M. Payne , Respondent
Donald Manzullo , Respondent
Donald O'Keefe , Respondent
Donna F. Edwards , Respondent
Donna M. Christiensen , Respondent
Doris O. Matsui , Respondent
Doug Lamborn , Respondent
Duncan D. Hunter , Respondent
Dutch Ruppersberger , Respondent
Duy Le , Respondent
Earl Blumenauer , Respondent
Eben Morales , Respondent
Ed Markey , Respondent
Ed Pastor , Respondent
Ed Perlmutter , Respondent
Ed Royce , Respondent
Ed Whitfield , Respondent
Eddie Bernice Johnson , Respondent
Eddy Hartenstein , Respondent
Edmund G. Brown , Respondent
Edolphus Towns , Respondent
Edward Noble , Respondent
Eleanor Holmes Norton , Respondent
Elijah Cummings , Respondent
Eliot Engel , Respondent
Elton Gallegly , Respondent
Emanuel Cleaver , Respondent
Eni F.H. Faleomavaega , Respondent
Eric Cantor , Respondent
Eric E. Schmidt , Respondent
Holder, Jr., Eric H. , Respondent
Officially listed as "Eric H. Holder"
Erik Paulsen , Respondent
Erin Matson , Respondent
Ettore Gotti Tedeschi , Respondent
F. James Sensenbrenner , Respondent
Francis V. Cilia , Respondent
Francisco Canseco , Respondent
Frank Guinta , Respondent
Frank LoBiondo , Respondent
Frank, Lucas , Respondent
Frank Pallone, Jr. , Respondent
Frank Wolf , Respondent
Fred Karger , Respondent
Fred Upton , Respondent
Frederica Wilson , Respondent
G. K. Butterfield , Respondent
Gabrielle Giffords , Respondent
Gail Eastman , Respondent
Gary L. Ginsberg , Respondent
Gary Miller , Respondent
Gary Peters , Respondent
Gary Weitman , Respondent
Gary Wilson , Respondent
Gavin Newsome , Respondent
Gene Green , Respondent
Geoff Davis , Respondent
George Bodenheimer , Respondent
George Christison , Respondent
George H. Niederauer , Respondent
George Hugh Niederauer , Respondent
George Miller , Respondent
George Walton Lucas , Respondent
Gerald Auerbach , Respondent
Gerald D. Coleman , Respondent
Gerald E. Connolly , Respondent
Gerry Spector , Respondent
Glenn W. Thompson , Respondent
Grace Napolitano , Respondent
Greg Berlanti , Respondent
Greg Mathis , Respondent
Greg Walden , Respondent
Gregg Harper , Respondent
Gregorio Sablan , Respondent
Gregory M. Riggs , Respondent
Gregory Marquez , Respondent
Gregory W. Meeks , Respondent
Gus M. Bilirakis , Respondent
Gwen Moore , Respondent
Hansen Clarke , Respondent
Harold Rogers , Respondent
Harry Reid , Respondent
Harry S. Sidhu , Respondent
Hazel Cash , Respondent
Heath Shuler , Respondent
Henry C. Johnson, Jr. , Respondent
Henry Cuellar , Respondent
Henry Waxman , Respondent
Clinton, Hillary Rodham , Respondent
Officially listed as "Hillary R. Clinton"
Howard Berman , Respondent
Howard Coble , Respondent
HSBC Holdings Bank , Respondent
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen , Respondent
J. Randy Forbes , Respondent
Jack Kingston , Respondent
Jackie Speier , Respondent
Jaime Herrera Beutler , Respondent
Jaime Soto , Respondent
James E. Clyburn , Respondent
James Lankford , Respondent
James McGovern , Respondent
James Moran , Respondent
James Murphy , Respondent
Jan Schakowsky , Respondent
Janet Nguyen , Respondent
Janice Hahn , Respondent
Janice Wendall Bethany Crouch , Respondent
Jared Polis , Respondent
Jason Chaffetz , Respondent
Jay Inslee , Respondent
Jay L. Milam , Respondent
Jean Schmidt , Respondent
Jeb Hensarling , Respondent
Jeff Costa , Respondent
Jeff Denham , Respondent
Jeff Duncan , Respondent
Jeff Flake , Respondent
Jeff Fortenberry , Respondent
Jeff Miller , Respondent
Jeff Zucker , Respondent
Jeffrey Landry , Respondent
Jerrold Nadler , Respondent
Jerry Costello , Respondent
Jerry Kersting , Respondent
Jerry L. Demings , Respondent
Jerry Lewis , Respondent
Jerry McNerney , Respondent
Jerry Yang , Respondent
Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. , Respondent
JIM COOPER , Respondent
Jim Himes , Respondent
Jim Jordan , Respondent
Jim Langevin , Respondent
Jim Matheson , Respondent
Jim McDermott , Respondent
Jim Renacci , Respondent
Jim Towey , Respondent
Jo Ann Emerson , Respondent
Joe Baca , Respondent
Joe Barton , Respondent
Joe Courtney , Respondent
Joe Donnelly , Respondent
Joe Heck , Respondent
Joe Walsh , Respondent
Joe Wilson , Respondent
Joginder Singh , Respondent
John A. Boehner , Respondent
John A Perez , Respondent
John A. Yarmuth , Respondent
John B. Larson , Respondent
John Barrow , Respondent
John Campbell , Respondent
John Carney , Respondent
JOHN CARTER , Respondent
John Catoir , Respondent
John Chiang , Respondent
John Conyers, Jr. , Respondent
John Culberson , Respondent
John D. Rockefeller, IV , Respondent
John Dingell , Respondent
John Fleming , Respondent
John Garamendi , Respondent
John J. Duncan, Jr. , Respondent
John Kline , Respondent
John Lewis , Respondent
John M.W. Moorlach , Respondent
John McHugh , Respondent
John McLaughlin , Respondent
John Mica , Respondent
John O'Colvin , Respondent
John Olver , Respondent
John P. Sarbanes , Respondent
John Shimkus , Respondent
John Sullivan , Respondent
John Tierney , Respondent
John Welter , Respondent
Jon Kyl , Respondent
Jon Runyan , Respondent
Jon Stewart , Respondent
Jose E. Serrano , Respondent
Jose H. Gomez , Respondent
Jose Sanchez , Respondent
Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger , Respondent
Joseph Brown , Respondent
Biden Jr., Joseph R. , Respondent
Officially listed as "Joseph R. Biden"
Joseph R. Pitts , Respondent
Joseph Tobin , Respondent
Judith Sheindlin , Respondent
Judy Biggert , Respondent
Judy Chu , Respondent
K. Michael Conaway , Respondent
Karen Bass , Respondent
Kathy Calvin , Respondent
Kathy Castor , Respondent
Kathy Hochul , Respondent
Katie Couric , Respondent
Kay Granger , Respondent
Keith Ellison , Respondent
Ken Calvert , Respondent
Ken Howard , Respondent
Kenny Marchant , Respondent
Kevin Brady , Respondent
Kevin McCarthy , Respondent
Kevin Yoder , Respondent
Kristi Noem , Respondent
Kurt Schrader , Respondent
L. John Doerr , Respondent
Lamar Smith , Respondent
Larry Bucshon , Respondent
Larry Kissell , Respondent
Page, Larry , Respondent
Officially listed as "Larry Page"
Laura J. Anderson , Respondent
Laura Richardson , Respondent
Lee, Terry , Respondent
Leon E. Panetta , Respondent
Leonard Boswell , Respondent
Leonard Lance , Respondent
Leslie Hill , Respondent
Leslie Moonves , Respondent
Linda Sanchez , Respondent
Lisa Davis , Respondent
Lloyd Doggett , Respondent
Lois Capps , Respondent
Loree Levy , Respondent
Loretta Sanchez , Respondent
Lori Galloway , Respondent
Lou Barletta , Respondent
Louie Gohmert , Respondent
Louis D. Boccardi , Respondent
Louise Slaughter , Respondent
Lucille Roybal-Allard , Respondent
Luis Gutierrez , Respondent
Lynn A. Westmoreland , Respondent
Lynn Jenkins , Respondent
Lynn Woolsey , Respondent
Mac Thornberry , Respondent
Madeleine Bordallo , Respondent
Malcolm R. Kirsch , Respondent
Marcia L. Fudge , Respondent
Marcy Kaptur , Respondent
Margret Carlson , Respondent
Marilyn Milian , Respondent
Mario Delgado , Respondent
Mario Diaz-Balart , Respondent
Mark Critz , Respondent
Mark Sullivan , Respondent
Marlin Stutzman , Respondent
Marsha Blackburn , Respondent
Martha Roby , Respondent
Martin Bui , Respondent
Martin T. Heinrich , Respondent
Marvin E. Odum , Respondent
Mary Bono , Respondent
Matthew Crouch , Respondent
Matthew S. Petersen , Respondent
Maurice Hinchey , Respondent
Max Baucus , Respondent
Maxine Waters , Respondent
Hirono, Mazie K. , Respondent
Officially listed as "Mazie K. Hirono"
Mel Watt , Respondent
Michael Barsom , Respondent
Michael Bay , Respondent
Michael Bay , Respondent
Michael Burgess , Respondent
Michael Coleman , Respondent
Michael, Dwight , Respondent
Michael E. Capuano , Respondent
Michael Earp , Respondent
Michael G. Fitzpatrick , Respondent
Michael G. Gartner , Respondent
Michael Grimm , Respondent
Michael Michaud , Respondent
Michael Prout , Respondent
Michael Sellers , Respondent
Michael Steele , Respondent
Michael T. McCaul , Respondent
michael, Turner , Respondent
Michele Bachmann , Respondent
Mulvaney, Mick , Respondent
Officially listed as "Mick Mulvaney"
Mike Aquino , Respondent
Mike Coffman , Respondent
Mike Doyle , Respondent
Mike Honda , Respondent
Mike Howland , Respondent
Mike Kelly , Respondent
Mike McIntyre , Respondent
Mike Mullen , Respondent
Mike Mullen , Respondent
Pence, Michael Richard , Respondent
Officially listed as "Mike Pence"
Pompeo, Michael Richard , Respondent
Officially listed as "Mike Pompeo"
Mike Quigley , Respondent
MIKE ROGERS , Respondent
Mike Ross , Respondent
Mike Simpson , Respondent
Mike Thompson , Respondent
Mimi Walters , Respondent
Romney, Willard Mitt , Respondent
Officially listed as "Mitt Romney"
Mo Brooks , Respondent
Morgan Griffith , Respondent
Nan Hayworth , Respondent
Pelosi, Nancy , Respondent
Officially listed as "Nancy Pelosi"
Nick Healy , Respondent
Nick Rahall , Respondent
Nicolas Nguyen , Respondent
Nicolas T. Nguyen , Respondent
Niki Tsongas , Respondent
Nils Larsen , Respondent
Nita Lowey , Respondent
Norman D. Dicks , Respondent
Nydia M. Velazquez , Respondent
Orange County Board of Supervisors , Respondent
Orange County Sheriff Department , Respondent
Orrin G. Hatch , Respondent
Pamela Harris , Respondent
Paolo Cipriani , Respondent
Pat Meehan , Respondent
Pat Tiberi , Respondent
Patricia C. Bates , Respondent
Patrick Conroy , Respondent
Patrick Joseph McGrath , Respondent
Patrick Leahy , Respondent
Patrick T. McHenry , Respondent
Patti Hart , Respondent
Paul C. Broun , Respondent
Paul Crouch, Jr. , Respondent
Paul D. Tonko , Respondent
Paul Franklin Crouch , Respondent
Paul J. Sullivan , Respondent
PAUL LEE , Respondent
Paul R. Gosar , Respondent
Paul Raibourn , Respondent
Paul, Ryan , Respondent
Paula A. Kerger , Respondent
Pedro Pierluisi , Respondent
Penny Knapp , Respondent
Pete Fortney Stark , Respondent
Pete King , Respondent
Pete Olson , Respondent
Pete Sessions , Respondent
Peter DeFazio , Respondent
Peter J. Roskam , Respondent
Peter Visclosky , Respondent
Peter Welch , Respondent
Phil Gingrey , Respondent
Phil Roe , Respondent
Por Moises Sandoval , Respondent
Quan Tran , Respondent
Ralph M. Hall , Respondent
Randall Baumberger , Respondent
Randy Hultgren , Respondent
Randy Neugebauer , Respondent
Raul Grijalva , Respondent
Raul Quezada , Respondent
Raul R. Labrador , Respondent
Ray Mabus , Respondent
Reid Ribble , Respondent
Renee Ellmers , Respondent
Richard Durbin , Respondent
Richard E. Neal , Respondent
Richard Hanna , Respondent
Richard John Garcia , Respondent
Richard Nugent , Respondent
Rick Berg , Respondent
Rick Crawford , Respondent
Rick Larsen , Respondent
Rick Perry , Respondent
Rob Bishop , Respondent
Rob Richardson , Respondent
Robert Brady , Respondent
Robert C. Scott , Respondent
Robert Dold , Respondent
Robert E. Andrews , Respondent
Robert E. Latta , Respondent
Robert H. Brom , Respondent
Robert Hurt , Respondent
Robert Iger , Respondent
Robert J. Cohen , Respondent
Robert J. Wittman , Respondent
Robert Knapp , Respondent
Gates, Robert M. , Respondent
Officially listed as "Robert Michael Gates"
Robert Presutti , Respondent
Robert S. Mueller , Respondent
Robert Woodall , Respondent
Rodney Frelinghuysen , Respondent
Roger Michael Mahony , Respondent
Ron Kind , Respondent
Ron Paul , Respondent
Rosa L. DeLauro , Respondent
Roscoe Bartlett , Respondent
Roy Bostock , Respondent
Ruben Hinojosa , Respondent
Murdoch, A.C., K. Rupert , Respondent
Officially listed as "Rupert Murdoch"
Rush Holt , Respondent
Russ Carnahan , Respondent
S. Brett Guthrie , Respondent
Salvatore J. Cordileone , Respondent
Sam Farr , Respondent
Sam Graves , Respondent
Sam Johnson , Respondent
Sam Zell , Respondent
Sander Levin , Respondent
Sander M. Levin , Respondent
Sandra Hughes , Respondent
Sandra Hutchens , Respondent
Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. , Respondent
Scott DasJarlais , Respondent
Whatley Kallas, Llp , Respondent
Officially listed as "Scott Garrett"
Scott Rigell , Respondent
Scott Rolstad , Respondent
Scott Tipton , Respondent
Sean Compton , Respondent
Sean P. Duffy , Respondent
Sergell Brin , Respondent
Shannon Brown , Respondent
Shari L. Freidenrich , Respondent
Shawn Nelson , Respondent
Sheila F. Hanson , Respondent
Sheila Jackson Lee , Respondent
Shelby Coffey , Respondent
Shell Oil Company , Respondent
Shelley Berkley , Respondent
Shelley Moore Capito , Respondent
Silvestre Reyes , Respondent
Spencer Bachus , Respondent
Stacia Hylton , Respondent
Steny H. Hoyer , Respondent
Stephen F. Lynch , Respondent
Stephen Fincher , Respondent
Stephen Green , Respondent
Steve Austria , Respondent
Steve Capus , Respondent
Steve Chabot , Respondent
STEVE COHEN , Respondent
Steve Israel , Respondent
Steve King , Respondent
Steve Pearce , Respondent
Steve Scalise , Respondent
Steve Sitvers , Respondent
Steve Southerland , Respondent
Steve Womack , Respondent
Steven Allan Spielberg , Respondent
Steven C. LaTourette , Respondent
Steven Palazzo , Respondent
Steven Rothman , Respondent
Sue James , Respondent
Sue Myrick , Respondent
Susan Davis , Respondent
Susan N. Herman , Respondent
Sylvester Donovan Ryan , Respondent
Sylvester Jones , Respondent
T. Christopher Dudley , Respondent
Talbott Smith , Respondent
Tammy Baldwin , Respondent
Ted Deutch , Respondent
Ted Poe , Respondent
Ted Turner , Respondent
Terri A. Sewell , Respondent
Terry O'Neill , Respondent
Thaddeus McCotter , Respondent
Thomas A. Daly , Respondent
Thomas Petri , Respondent
Tim Gerlach , Respondent
Tim Griffin , Respondent
Tim Holden , Respondent
Tim Huelskamp , Respondent
Tim Kaine , Respondent
Tim Murphy , Respondent
Tim Ryan , Respondent
Tim Scott , Respondent
Tim Walberg , Respondent
Timothy Bishop , Respondent
Timothy Freyer , Respondent
Timothy Geithner , Respondent
Timothy J. Walz , Respondent
Timothy V. Johnson , Respondent
Tod D. Brown , Respondent
Todd Platts , Respondent
Todd Rokita , Respondent
TODD YOUNG , Respondent
Tom Cole , Respondent
Tom Graves , Respondent
Tom Latham , Respondent
Tom Marino , Respondent
Tom Mauk , Respondent
Tom McClintock , Respondent
Tom Monson , Respondent
Tom Price , Respondent
Tom Reed , Respondent
Tom Rooney , Respondent
Tom Tait , Respondent
Tony Hunter , Respondent
Trent Franks , Respondent
Trey Gowdy , Respondent
Tribune Company , Respondent
Troy Schneider , Respondent
U.S. Federal Bureau Of Investigation , Respondent
United States House of Representatives , Respondent
Officially listed as "U.S. House of Representatives"
United States Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service , Respondent
Officially listed as "United States Internal Revenue Service"
United States of America , Respondent
Officially listed as "USA"
Vern Buchanan , Respondent
Vicky Hartzler , Respondent
Victor Davis Hanson , Respondent
Virginia Foxx , Respondent
Vyomesh Joshi , Respondent
Wally Herger , Respondent
Walter B. Jones , Respondent
William Cassidy , Respondent
William Clay, Jr. , Respondent
William Fallon , Respondent
William Keating , Respondent
Williams, Nelson , Respondent
William Westwood Lockyer , Respondent
Xavier Becerra , Respondent
Yvette D. Clarke , Respondent
Zoe Lofgren , Respondent
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Filed: 8/26/2011, Entered: 8/29/2011
Clerks Judgment
JUDGMENT by Clerk re: 2 Order of Dismissal, by Clerk on 8/26/11. (lsw, ) (Entered: 08/29/2011)
Filed: 8/26/2011, Entered: 8/29/2011
ORDER of Dismissal. The habeas corpus application is denied and the action is dismissed without prejudice for lack of jurisdication, by Judge Lewis T. Babcock on 8/26/11. (lsw, ) (Entered: 08/29/2011)
Filed: 8/19/2011, Entered: 8/22/2011
Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus
APPLICATION for Writ of Habeas Corpus 28 U.S.C. 2241 (Filing fee $ 5, Receipt Number 40588), filed by Azael Dythian Perales. (Attachments: # 1 Receipt)(lyg, ) (Entered: 08/22/2011)
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