Henderson v. Corelogic, Inc. et al

Federal Civil Lawsuit Virginia Eastern District Court, Case No. 3:12-cv-00097-REP
District Judge Robert E. Payne, presiding
District Judge Robert E. Payne
Last Updated July 29, 2017 at 8:14 PM EDT (7.5 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo James O. Hines, Jr., Plaintiff

Represented by Consumer Litigation Associates PC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Leonard Anthony Bennett +1 757 930 3660 +1 757 930 3662 lenbennett@clalegal.com
Space MATTHEW JAMES ERAUSQUIN +1 703 273 6080 +1 888 892 3512 matt@clalegal.com
Space Casey Shannon Nash +1 703 273 7700 +1 888 892 3512 casey@clalegal.com
Space Susan Mary Rotkis +1 757 930 3660 +1 757 930 3662 srotkis@clalegal.com

Represented by The Law Office of Dale W. Pittman, PC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Dale Wood Pittman +1 804 861 6000 +1 804 861 3368 dale@pittmanlawoffice.com
No Logo Tyrone Henderson, Plaintiff

Represented by Consumer Litigation Associates PC

Represented by Donovan Searles, LLC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED David A Searles +1 215 732 6067 +1 215 732 8060 dsearles@donovansearles.com

Represented by Francis & Mailman PC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Lauren KW Brennan +1 215 735 8600 +1 215 940 8000 lbrennan@consumerlawfirm.com
Space James A. Francis +1 215 735 8600 +1 215 940 8000 jfrancis@consumerlawfirm.com
Space David A. Searles +1 215 735 8600 +1 215 940 8000 dsearles@consumerlawfirm.com

Represented by Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Janelle Mason Mikac +1 703 273 7770 +1 888 892 3512 janelle.m.mikac@gmail.com

Represented by The Law Office of Dale W. Pittman, PC

No Logo Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space ALAN DURRUM WINGFIELD +1 804 697 1200

Represented by Troutman Sanders, LLP

No Logo Core Logic Inc., Defendant
Officer/Director, First Advantage Corp
Officer/Director, Ellie Mae, Inc.

Represented by Troutman Sanders, LLP

Citation Section 15 U.S.C. § 1681
Nature of Suit 480 - Consumer Credit
Office Richmond
Filed 2/9/2012
Jury Demand Plaintiff
Cause Section 15 U.S.C. § 1681 Fair Credit Reporting Act
Jurisdiction Federal Question
County Richmond City
Origin 1
Reopened None
Lead Case None
Related Case
Other Court Case None
Defendant Custody Status
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 214 Filed: 10/16/2015, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER granting 209 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re The plaintiffs shall file their reply in support of PLAINTIFFS' RENEWED MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION by October 30, 2015; and The defendant shall file its reply in support of DEFENDANT'S RENEWED MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT ON COUNT [sic] OF THE SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT by October 30, 2015. Signed by Magistrate Judge David J. Novak on 10/16/2015. (tjoh, ) (Entered: 10/16/2015)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 212 Filed: 10/15/2015, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER granting 206 Motion to Seal. It is further ORDERED that the Clerk shall file certain exhibits to PLAINTIFFS' MEMORANDUM IN OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANT'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT under seal. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 10/15/2015. (tjoh, ) (Entered: 10/15/2015)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 211 Filed: 10/14/2015, Entered: None
RESPONSE to Motion re 209 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply in Support of Their Renewed Motion for Class Certification filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (St. George, Timothy) (Entered: 10/14/2015)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 210 Filed: 10/13/2015, Entered: None
Memorandum in Support re 209 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply in Support of Their Renewed Motion for Class Certification filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Nash, Casey) (Entered: 10/13/2015)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 209 Filed: 10/13/2015, Entered: None
MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply in Support of Their Renewed Motion for Class Certification by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Nash, Casey) (Entered: 10/13/2015)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 208 Filed: 10/12/2015, Entered: None
RESPONSE to Motion re 206 MOTION to Seal filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (St. George, Timothy) (Entered: 10/12/2015)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 207 Filed: 9/30/2015, Entered: None
Memorandum in Support re 206 MOTION to Seal filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Erausquin, Matthew) (Entered: 09/30/2015)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 206 Filed: 9/30/2015, Entered: None
MOTION to Seal by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Erausquin, Matthew) (Entered: 09/30/2015)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 205 Filed: 9/30/2015, Entered: None
Memorandum in Opposition re 194 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A., # 2 Exhibit B., # 3 Exhibit C., # 4 Exhibit D., # 5 Exhibit E., # 6 Exhibit F., # 7 Exhibit G., # 8 Exhibit H., # 9 Exhibit I., # 10 Exhibit J., # 11 Exhibit K., # 12 Exhibit L., # 13 Exhibit M., # 14 Exhibit N., # 15 Exhibit O., # 16 Exhibit P., # 17 Exhibit Q., # 18 Exhibit R., # 19 Exhibit S., # 20 Exhibit T., # 21 Exhibit U., # 22 Exhibit V., # 23 Exhibit W., # 24 Exhibit X., # 25 Exhibit Y., # 26 Exhibit Z., # 27 Exhibit AA., # 28 Exhibit BB., # 29 Exhibit CC., # 30 Exhibit DD., # 31 Exhibit EE., # 32 Exhibit FF., # 33 Exhibit GG., # 34 Exhibit HH., # 35 Exhibit II.)(Erausquin, Matthew) (Entered: 09/30/2015)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 204 Filed: 9/30/2015, Entered: None
Memorandum in Opposition re 196 MOTION to Certify Class filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J, # 11 Exhibit K, # 12 Exhibit L)(Anthony, David) (Entered: 09/30/2015)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 203 Filed: 9/30/2015, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER granting 202 Consent Motion to Exceed Page Limitation of Local Civil Rule 7(f)(3). See Order for Details. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 09/30/2015. (tjoh, ) (Entered: 09/30/2015)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 193 Filed: 7/31/2015, Entered: None
ANSWER to Complaint Answer to Second Amended Complaint by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC.(St. George, Timothy) (Entered: 07/31/2015)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 192 Filed: 7/19/2015, Entered: None Court Filing
TRANSCRIPT of proceedings held on July 15, 2015, before Judge Robert E. Payne, Court Reporter Peppy Peterson, Telephone number 804-916-2267. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have thirty (30) calendar days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.vaed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the court reporter before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER Redaction Request due 8/18/2015. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/18/2015. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 10/19/2015.(peterson, peppy) (Entered: 07/19/2015)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 191 Filed: 7/17/2015, Entered: None
AMENDED COMPLAINT (Second) against Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr..(Erausquin, Matthew) (Entered: 07/17/2015)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 190 Filed: 7/17/2015, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER denying as moot 184 Motion to Seal. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 07/16/2015. (tjoh, ) (Entered: 07/17/2015)
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Blank 189 Filed: 7/16/2015, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER re 163 Second MOTION to Amend/Correct MOTION for Leave to File Second Amended Complaint filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr. The Plaintiffs are to file their Second Amended Complaint by July 17, 2015. The Defendant is to file its Answer to the Second Amended Complaint by July 31, 2015. SEE ORDER FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 07/15/2015. (tjoh, ) (Entered: 07/16/2015)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 188 Filed: 7/15/2015, Entered: None Court Filing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Robert E. Payne:Motion Hearing held on 7/15/2015 Matter came on for hearing on pltf's motion to file second amended complaint. Arguments heard. Motion to file second amended complaint, Granted. Second amended complaint filed July 17, 2015; Answer filed July 31, 2015. Class Certification Motion filed August 25, 2015; response filed September 30, 2015; any reply filed October 16, 2015. Motion for summary judgment filed August 25, 2015. Order to enter. (Court Reporter P. Peterson, OCR.)(lcha ) (Entered: 07/15/2015)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 186 Filed: 7/8/2015, Entered: None
RESPONSE to Motion re 184 MOTION to Seal filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (St. George, Timothy) (Entered: 07/08/2015)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 185 Filed: 7/6/2015, Entered: None
Memorandum in Support re 184 MOTION to Seal filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Bennett, Leonard) (Entered: 07/06/2015)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 184 Filed: 7/6/2015, Entered: None
MOTION to Seal by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Bennett, Leonard) (Entered: 07/06/2015)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 183 Filed: 7/6/2015, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER denying as moot 174 Motion to Seal because PLAINTIFFS' REPLY BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF THEIR MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE THEIR SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT 173 has been stricken. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roderick C. Young on 07/06/2015. (tjoh, ) (Entered: 07/06/2015)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 182 Filed: 7/6/2015, Entered: None
REPLY to Response to Motion re 163 Second MOTION to Amend/Correct MOTION for Leave to File Second Amended Complaint filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1. Transcript of April 20, 2015 Motions Hearing, # 2 Exhibit 2. Defendant's Responses to Plaintiffs' First Set of Requests for Production of Documents, # 3 Exhibit 3. Screenshots of Defendant's Document Production, # 4 Exhibit 4. E-mail from Tom Burtner to Matthew Erausquin (Dec. 23, 2014), # 5 Exhibit 5. E-mail from Tom Burtner to Matthew Erausquin (Jan. 13, 2014), # 6 Exhibit 6. Plaintiffs Chart Detailing Discovery Efforts, # 7 Exhibit 7. E-mail from Matthew Erausquin to Alan Wingfield (Apr. 17, 2013), # 8 Exhibit 8. E-mail from Leonard Bennett to Timothy St. George (Apr. 16, 2013), # 9 Exhibit 9. Proposed Stipulation, # 10 Exhibit 10. Comparison of 15 U.S.C. § 1681k and California Civil Code § 1785.18)(Bennett, Leonard) (Entered: 07/06/2015)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 181 Filed: 7/2/2015, Entered: None
RESPONSE to Motion re 178 MOTION to Modify the April 21, 2015 and June 30, 2015 Orders re 177 Order on Motion to Strike, 158 Order on Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, Order on Motion to Certify Class, Order on Motion to Strike,,, Order on Motion to Amend/Correct,, filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (St. George, Timothy) (Entered: 07/02/2015)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 180 Filed: 7/2/2015, Entered: 7/2/2015 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous ReliefCourt Filing
ORDER granting [178] Motion to Modify the Court's April 21, 2015 and June 2015 Orders. It is hereby ORDERED that Plaintiffs shall file their amended reply brief in support of their Motion for Leave to file a Second Amended Complaint by July 6, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. The reply brief shall not exceed twenty pages. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roderick C. Young on 07/02/2015. (tjoh, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 179 Filed: 7/1/2015, Entered: 7/1/2015 Memorandum in Support
Memorandum in Support re [178] MOTION to Modify the April 21, 2015 and June 30, 2015 Orders re [177] Order on Motion to Strike, [158] Order on Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, Order on Motion to Certify Class, Order on Motion to Strike,,, Order on Motion to Amend/Correct,, filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Erausquin, Matthew)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 178 Filed: 7/1/2015, Entered: 7/1/2015, Terminated: 7/2/2015 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
MOTION to Modify the April 21, 2015 and June 30, 2015 Orders re [177] Order on Motion to Strike, [158] Order on Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, Order on Motion to Certify Class, Order on Motion to Strike,,, Order on Motion to Amend/Correct,,,,,, by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order)(Erausquin, Matthew)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 177 Filed: 6/30/2015, Entered: 6/30/2015 Order on Motion to StrikeCourt Filing
ORDER that [176] Motion to Strike Plaintiff's Reply in Support of Their Motion for Leave to File is GRANTED. Plaintiffs are ORDERED to re-file a reply brief consisting of 15 pages or less by July 2, 2015. See Order for details. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 6/30/2015. (jsmi, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 176 Filed: 6/29/2015, Entered: 6/29/2015, Terminated: 6/30/2015 Motion to Strike
MOTION to Strike [173] Reply to Response to Motion,,,,, by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (St. George, Timothy)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 175 Filed: 6/27/2015, Entered: 6/27/2015 Memorandum in Support
Memorandum in Support re [174] MOTION to Seal filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Erausquin, Matthew)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 174 Filed: 6/27/2015, Entered: 6/27/2015 Motion to Seal
MOTION to Seal by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order)(Erausquin, Matthew)
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Sealed Legal Document 173 Filed: 6/27/2015, Entered: 6/27/2015 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [163] Second MOTION to Amend/Correct MOTION for Leave to File Second Amended Complaint filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1. Defendant's Responses to Plaintiffs' First Set of Requests for Production of Documents, # (2) Exhibit 2. Screenshots of Defendants Document Production, # (3) Exhibit 3. E-mail from Leonard Bennett to Timothy St. George (Mar. 6, 2013), # (4) Exhibit 4. FILED UNDER SEAL, # (5) Exhibit 5. E-mail from Matthew Erausquin to Alan Wingfield, # (6) Exhibit 6. E-mail from Leonard Bennett to Timothy St. George (Apr. 16, 2013), # (7) Exhibit 7. E-mail from Alan Wingfield to Leonard Bennett (May 23, 2013), # (8) Exhibit 8. E-mail from Alan Wingfield to Leonard Bennett (June 6, 2013), # (9) Exhibit 9. Letter from Timothy St. George to Leonard Bennett (July 2, 2013), # (10) Exhibit 10. Deposition of Tom Burtner, # (11) Exhibit 11. E-mail from Tom Burtner to Matthew Erausquin (Dec. 23, 2014), # (12) Exhibit 12. E-mail from Tom Burtner to Matthew Erausquin (Jan. 13, 2014), # (13) Exhibit 13. Plaintiffs Chart Detailing Discovery Efforts, # (14) Exhibit 14. Proposed Stipulation, # (15) Exhibit 15. Comparison of 15 U.S.C. § 1681k and California Civil Code § 1785.18)(Erausquin, Matthew)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 172 Filed: 6/26/2015, Entered: 6/26/2015 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response-ReplyCourt Filing
ORDER granting [171] Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply. It is further ORDERED that the Plaintiffs shall file their reply in support of PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE THEIR SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT [163] by June 26, 2015.Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 06/25/2015. (tjoh, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 171 Filed: 6/23/2015, Entered: 6/23/2015, Terminated: 6/26/2015 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply
Second MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to [166] Memorandum in Opposition, by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Bennett, Leonard)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 170 Filed: 6/22/2015, Entered: 6/22/2015 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER REGARDING PROCEDURES FOR SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE. The Court has scheduled this case for a settlement conference on September 8, 2015, at 9:30 a.m. At that time, the parties shall report to the chambers of Magistrate Judge David J. Novak. See Order for details and deadlines. Signed by Magistrate Judge David J. Novak on 6/22/2015. (jsmi, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set Deadlines/Hearings:
Settlement Conference set for 9/8/2015 at 09:30 AM in Richmond Judges Chamber before Magistrate Judge David J. Novak. (cgar)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 169 Filed: 6/18/2015, Entered: 6/18/2015 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response-ReplyCourt Filing
CONSENT ORDER that this Court hereby grants Plaintiff's [167] Motion for Extension of Time to File Reply Brief. Plaintiffs shall file their reply brief on or before June 23, 2015. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 6/18/2015. (jsmi, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 168 Filed: 6/16/2015, Entered: 6/16/2015 Memorandum in Support
Memorandum in Support re [167] Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Leave to File Their Second Amended Complaint filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Nash, Casey)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 167 Filed: 6/16/2015, Entered: 6/16/2015, Terminated: 6/18/2015 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply
Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Leave to File Their Second Amended Complaint by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order)(Nash, Casey)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 166 Filed: 6/10/2015, Entered: 6/10/2015 Memorandum in Opposition
Memorandum in Opposition re [163] Second MOTION to Amend/Correct MOTION for Leave to File Second Amended Complaint filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D)(St. George, Timothy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 165 Filed: 5/21/2015, Entered: 5/21/2015 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to AmendCourt Filing
ORDER granting [162] Motion for Extension of Time. It is further ORDERED that the Plaintiffs shall file their Amended Motion for Leave to File a Second Amended Complaint on May 13, 2015 and the Defendants shall file their response thereto on June 10, 2015. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 05/20/2015. (tjoh, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Settlement Conference
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge David J. Novak:Settlement Conference held on 5/14/2015. (cgar)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 164 Filed: 5/13/2015, Entered: 5/13/2015 Memorandum in Support
Memorandum in Support re [163] Second MOTION to Amend/Correct MOTION for Leave to File Second Amended Complaint filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Bennett, Leonard)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 163 Filed: 5/13/2015, Entered: 5/13/2015 Motion to Amend/Correct
Second MOTION to Amend/Correct , MOTION for Leave to File Second Amended Complaint by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - (Proposed) Second Amended Complaint, # (2) Exhibit B - Declaration of Matthew J. Erausquin, # (3) Exhibit Erausquin Declaration, Exhibit 1, # (4) Exhibit Erausquin Declaration, Exhibit 2, # (5) Exhibit Erausquin Declaration, Exhibit 3, # (6) Exhibit Erausquin Declaration, Exhibit 4, # (7) Exhibit Erausquin Declaration, Exhibit 5)(Bennett, Leonard)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set Deadlines/Hearings:
Settlement Conference w/Defense Counsel Only set for 5/14/2015 at 02:00 PM in Richmond Judges Chamber before Magistrate Judge David J. Novak. (cgar)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 162 Filed: 5/8/2015, Entered: 5/8/2015, Terminated: 5/21/2015 Motion for Extension of Time to Amend
Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to Amend Complaint (for leave to file amended complaint) by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order Granting Motion to Extend Time)(Rotkis, Susan)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Attorney Appointment Hearing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge David J. Novak: Settlement Conference held on 5/7/2015. (cgar).
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set/Reset Hearings
Set/Reset Hearings: Motion Hearing set for 7/15/2015 at 10:00 AM in Richmond Courtroom 7400 before District Judge Robert E. Payne. (sneal, )
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set Deadlines/Hearings:
Attorney Appointment Hearing w/Plaintiffs only set for 5/7/2015 at 10:45 AM in Richmond Courtroom 5400 before Magistrate Judge David J. Novak. (cgar)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set Deadlines/Hearings:
Attorney Appointment Hearing w/Defendants only set for 5/14/2015 at 02:00 PM in Richmond Courtroom 5400 before Magistrate Judge David J. Novak.
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 160 Filed: 4/23/2015, Entered: 4/23/2015 TranscriptCourt Filing
TRANSCRIPT of proceedings held on April 20, 2015, before Judge Robert E. Payne, Court Reporter Peppy Peterson, Telephone number 804-916-2267. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have thirty (30) calendar days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.vaed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the court reporter before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER Redaction Request due 5/26/2015. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 6/23/2015. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 7/22/2015.(peterson, peppy)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 159 Filed: 4/22/2015, Entered: 4/22/2015 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER - It is hereby ORDERED that settlement proceedings herein are referred to United States Magistrate Judge David J. Novak. Counsel shall be responsible for contacting the Chambers of Magistrate Judge Novak within five (5) days of the date of this Order to schedule the conference at such time as Magistrate Judge Novak shall approve. The Clerk is directed to send a copy of this Order to Magistrate Judge Novak. It is so ORDERED. Signed by District Judge John A. Gibney, Jr on 04/22/2015. (tjoh, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Case Assigned/Reassigned
Case Referred to Magistrate Judge David J. Novak for settlement purposes. (tjoh, )
Legal Document 158 Filed: 4/21/2015, Entered: 4/21/2015 Order on Motion for Partial Summary JudgmentCourt Filing
ORDER denying without prejudice [68] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment; denying without prejudice [70] Motion to Certify Class; denying without prejudice [112] Motion to Strike ; denying without prejudice [116] Motion to Strike ; denying without prejudice [118] Motion to Strike ; denying without prejudice [149] Motion to Amend/Correct. SEE ORDER FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS/DEADLINES. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 04/21/2015. (tjoh, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 157 Filed: 4/21/2015, Entered: 4/21/2015 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER - For the reasons stated on the record on April 20, 2015, and being advised that Plaintiffs do not intend to pursue Count II of the Amended Complaint (Docket No. 30), it is hereby ORDERED that Plaintiffs' Count II, stating a claim under 15 U.S.C. 1681g(a), is dismissed. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 04/21/2015. (tjoh, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 161 Filed: 4/20/2015, Entered: 5/4/2015 Motion HearingCourt Filing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Robert E. Payne:Motion Hearing held on 4/20/2015 re [35] Joint. Arguments had by counsel. See Orders to be entered or transcript for rulings. (Court Reporter Peppy Peterson, OCR.)(sneal, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set/Reset Hearings
Set/Reset Hearings: Motion Hearing set for 4/20/2015 at 10:00 AM in Richmond Courtroom 7400 before District Judge Robert E. Payne. (sneal, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 156 Filed: 4/15/2015, Entered: 4/15/2015 TranscriptCourt Filing
TRANSCRIPT of proceedings held on March 12, 2015, before Judge Robert E. Payne, Court Reporter Peppy Peterson, Telephone number 804-916-2267. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have thirty (30) calendar days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.vaed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the court reporter before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER Redaction Request due 5/15/2015. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 6/15/2015. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 7/14/2015.(peterson, peppy)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 155 Filed: 4/13/2015, Entered: 4/13/2015 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [149] MOTION to Amend/Correct [30] Amended Complaint filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Erausquin, Matthew)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 154 Filed: 4/13/2015, Entered: 4/13/2015 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response-ReplyCourt Filing
ORDER granting [152] Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply Plaintiffs shall file their reply by 4/13/2015. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 04/13/2015. (tjoh, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 153 Filed: 4/10/2015, Entered: 4/10/2015 Memorandum in Support
Memorandum in Support re [152] Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to [149] MOTION to Amend/Correct [30] Amended Complaint filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Rotkis, Susan)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 152 Filed: 4/10/2015, Entered: 4/10/2015, Terminated: 4/13/2015 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply
Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to [149] MOTION to Amend/Correct [30] Amended Complaint by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order Granting Motion to Extend Time)(Rotkis, Susan)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set/Reset Hearings
Set/Reset Hearings: Motion Hearing set to approve settlemlent for 4/20/2015 at 02:00 PM before District Judge Robert E. Payne. (sneal, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 151 Filed: 4/2/2015, Entered: 4/2/2015 Memorandum in Opposition
Memorandum in Opposition re [149] MOTION to Amend/Correct [30] Amended Complaint filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A)(St. George, Timothy)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 150 Filed: 3/19/2015, Entered: 3/19/2015 Memorandum in Support
Memorandum in Support re [149] MOTION to Amend/Correct [30] Amended Complaint filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Bennett, Leonard)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 149 Filed: 3/19/2015, Entered: 3/19/2015, Terminated: 4/21/2015 Motion to Amend/Correct
MOTION to Amend/Correct [30] Amended Complaint by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B)(Bennett, Leonard)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 148 Filed: 3/13/2015, Entered: 3/13/2015 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER - For the reasons stated on the record on March 12, 2015, the Plaintiffs are hereby ORDERED to file their motion for leave to file an amended complaint by March 19, 2015. The Defendant shall file its response by April 2, 2015, and the Plaintiffs shall file their reply by April 9, 2015. The Court shall hear argument on [118] MOTION to Strike (1) Plaintiffs Social Security Number Claim Not Disclosed in Discovery; and (2) Revised Proposed Class Definition filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC., on April 20, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 03/12/2015. (tjoh, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Telephone Conference
before District Judge Robert E. Payne:Telephone Conference held on 3/12/2015. (sneal, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 147 Filed: 2/27/2015, Entered: 2/27/2015 Status Report
STATUS REPORT Joint Status Report by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Anthony, David)
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Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Terminate Motion Hearing
***Motion Hearing terminated (sneal, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 146 Filed: 12/30/2014, Entered: 12/30/2014 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER Having reviewed the partes' [145] Status Report and Joint Motion to Reschedule the January 6, 2015 Hearing, it is hereby ORDERED that the hearing set for January 6, 2015 is continued generally until further order of the Court; provided, however, that by February 27, 2015, counsel shall file a Status Report to inform the Court whether the case has been resolved. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 12/29/2014. (tjoh, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 145 Filed: 12/18/2014, Entered: 12/18/2014 Status Report
STATUS REPORT and Joint Motion to Reschedule the January 6, 2015 Hearing by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Nash, Casey)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set/Reset Hearings
Set/Reset Hearings: Motion Hearing set for 1/6/2015 at 10:00 AM in Richmond Courtroom 7400 before District Judge Robert E. Payne. (sneal, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 144 Filed: 11/25/2014, Entered: 11/25/2014 Order on Motion to ContinueCourt Filing
ORDER granting [143] Motion to Continue. It is hereby ORDERED that the continuation hearing set for December 5, 2014 is continued to 10:00 a.m. January 6, 2015; provided, however, that by December 22, 2014, counsel shall file a Status Report to inform the Court whether the case has been resolved. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 11/24/2014. (tjoh, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 143 Filed: 11/24/2014, Entered: 11/24/2014, Terminated: 11/25/2014 Motion to Continue
Joint MOTION to Continue December 5, 2014 Hearing (and Status Report) by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order)(St. George, Timothy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None set motion and R&R; deadlines/hearings
Motion Hearing set for 12/5/2014 at 01:00 PM in Richmond Courtroom 7400 before District Judge Robert E. Payne. (sneal, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 142 Filed: 9/29/2014, Entered: 9/29/2014 TranscriptCourt Filing
TRANSCRIPT of proceedings held on September 19, 2014, before Judge Robert E. Payne. Court Reporter Peppy Peterson, Telephone number 804-916-2267. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have thirty (30) calendar days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.vaed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the court reporter before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER Redaction Request due 10/29/2014. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 12/1/2014. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 12/29/2014.(peterson, peppy)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 141 Filed: 9/26/2014, Entered: 9/26/2014 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER - Having conferred with counsel, and counsel having advised that the parties are engaged in settlement negotiations which are expected to be concluded within sixty (60) days, it is hereby ORDERED that the continuation hearing set for September 25, 2014 is continued to 1:00 p.m. December 5, 2014; provided, however, that by November 24, 2014, counsel shall file a Status Report to inform the Court whether the case has been resolved. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 09/26/2014. (tjoh, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 140 Filed: 9/19/2014, Entered: 9/19/2014 Motion HearingCourt Filing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Robert E. Payne:Motion Hearing held on 9/19/2014. Parties by counsel. Arguments had on Defts' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. Hearing continued to be held at 1:30 p.m. on 9/25/14. (Court Reporter Peppy Peterson, OCR.)(sneal, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set/Reset Hearings
Set/Reset Hearings: Motion Hearing set for 9/25/2014 at 01:30 PM in Richmond Courtroom 7400 before District Judge Robert E. Payne. (sneal, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 139 Filed: 9/17/2014, Entered: 9/18/2014 Status ConferenceCourt Filing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Robert E. Payne:Parties by counsel. The Court made inquiry of counsel regarding the scheduling of hearing on various motions. The Court will hear arguments on the defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment at 10:30 a.m. on 9/19/14. Hearing on Procedural Issues. held on 9/17/2014. (Court Reporter Peppy Peterson, OCR.)(sneal, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 138 Filed: 9/17/2014, Entered: 9/17/2014 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER - It is hereby ORDERED that the Court will hear oral argument on Friday, September 19, 2014 at 10:30 a.m. in re [118] MOTION to Strike (1) Plaintiffs Social Security Number Claim Not Disclosed in Discovery; and (2) Revised Proposed Class Definition filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, [68] MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 09/17/2014. (tjoh, )
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Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set/Reset Hearings
Set/Reset Hearings: Motion Hearing set for 9/17/2014 at 01:30 PM in Richmond Courtroom 7400 before District Judge Robert E. Payne. (sneal, )
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Terminate Motion Hearing
***Motion Hearing terminated motion hearing set on 9/9/14 cancelled. (sneal, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 137 Filed: 9/1/2014, Entered: 9/1/2014 Reply
Reply to [134] Memorandum in Response to Court's July 25, 2014 Order filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (St. George, Timothy)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 136 Filed: 8/28/2014, Entered: 8/28/2014 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER Due to a conflict in the Court's docket, it is hereby ORDERED that the hearing scheduled for 1:30 p.m. September 9, 2014 is rescheduled to 1:30 p.m. September 17, 2014. It is so ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 8/28/14. (tdai, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set/Reset Hearings
Set/Reset Hearings: Hearing set for 9/17/2014 at 01:30 PM in Richmond Courtroom 7400 before District Judge Robert E. Payne on procedural issues (sneal, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 135 Filed: 8/25/2014, Entered: 8/25/2014 Response
Response to [134] Memorandum, [133] Order,,,, filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Bennett, Leonard)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set/Reset Hearings
Set/Reset Hearings: Motion Hearing set for 9/9/2014 at 01:30 PM before District Judge Robert E. Payne. (sneal, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 134 Filed: 8/11/2014, Entered: 8/11/2014 Memorandum
Memorandum in Response to Court's July 25, 2014 Order filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (St. George, Timothy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 133 Filed: 7/25/2014, Entered: 7/25/2014 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER re [68] MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, [70] MOTION to Certify Class filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr. Having reviewed both motions, the Court must determine whether it is appropriate to rule on Defendant's MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment before it rules on Plaintiffs' MOTION for Class Certification. Accordingly, the Court directs the parties to brief the procedural issue - whether in this case it is appropriate for the Court to rule on Defendant's MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment before it rules on Plaintiffs' MOTION for Class Certification as follows: Defendant's brief shall be filed no later than 5:00 p.m. on August 11, 2014; Plaintiff's response shall be filed no later than 5:00 p.m. on August 25, 2014; Defendant's reply shall be filed no later than 5:00 p.m. on September 1, 2014. Oral argument on this issue is hereby scheduled for 1:30 p.m. on September 9, 2014. The Court will not hear oral argument on the pending motions on that date. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 07/25/2014. (tjoh, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Notice of Correction
Notice of Correction: Clerk removed Reply filed 4/14/14 in Case Numbers 3:12cv97, 3:12cv589. 3:13cv29, 3:14cv221 by InfoMart, Inc. filed in error. (kyou, )
Sealed Legal Document 132 Filed: 4/7/2014, Entered: 4/7/2014 Sealed Document +
SEALED Version of [128] Reply to Response to Motion re [112] MOTION to Strike Declaration of Dr. Michael C. Keeley and for Sanctions Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 37(c). (Attachments: # (1) Sealed Exhibit)(kyou, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 131 Filed: 4/7/2014, Entered: 4/7/2014 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous ReliefCourt Filing
ORDER granting [126] Motion to Seal Plaintiffs' Reply Brief in Support of their Motion to Strike Declaration of Dr. Michael C. Keeley, and Sanctions and Exhibit A. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 4/7/14. (kyou, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 130 Filed: 3/31/2014, Entered: 3/31/2014 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [118] MOTION to Strike (1) Plaintiffs Social Security Number Claim Not Disclosed in Discovery; and (2) Revised Proposed Class Definition filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B)(Wingfield, Alan)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 129 Filed: 3/31/2014, Entered: 3/31/2014 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [116] MOTION to Strike Declarations of McGladrey, LLP filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A)(Wingfield, Alan)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Sealed Legal Document 128 Filed: 3/28/2014, Entered: 3/28/2014 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [112] MOTION to Strike Declaration of Dr. Michael C. Keeley and for Sanctions Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 37(c) filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A. Filed Under Seal)(Nash, Casey)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 127 Filed: 3/28/2014, Entered: 3/28/2014 Memorandum in Support
Memorandum in Support re [126] MOTION to File Documents Under Seal filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Nash, Casey)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 126 Filed: 3/28/2014, Entered: 3/28/2014, Terminated: 4/7/2014 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
MOTION to File Documents Under Seal by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order)(Nash, Casey)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 125 Filed: 3/25/2014, Entered: 3/25/2014 Memorandum in Opposition
Memorandum in Opposition re [116] MOTION to Strike Declarations of McGladrey, LLP filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Declaration of Leonard A Bennett)(Bennett, Leonard)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 124 Filed: 3/25/2014, Entered: 3/25/2014 Memorandum in Opposition
Memorandum in Opposition re [118] MOTION to Strike (1) Plaintiffs Social Security Number Claim Not Disclosed in Discovery; and (2) Revised Proposed Class Definition filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Declaration of Leonard A. Bennett)(Bennett, Leonard)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 123 Filed: 3/24/2014, Entered: 3/24/2014 Memorandum in Opposition
Memorandum in Opposition re [112] MOTION to Strike Declaration of Dr. Michael C. Keeley and for Sanctions Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 37(c) filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1)(St. George, Timothy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Sealed Legal Document 122 Filed: 3/19/2014, Entered: 3/19/2014 Sealed Document +
Sealed Document re [121] Order on Motion to File Dr. Keeley's Expert Report Under Seal. (tjoh, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 121 Filed: 3/19/2014, Entered: 3/19/2014 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous ReliefCourt Filing
ORDER granting [110] Motion to File Dr. Keeley's Expert Report Under Seal. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 03/18/2014. (tjoh, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Sealed Legal Document 120 Filed: 3/14/2014, Entered: 3/14/2014 Sealed Document +
Sealed Document re [113] Memorandum in Support, Exhibit #2. (Attachments: # (1) Letter)(tjoh, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 119 Filed: 3/11/2014, Entered: 3/11/2014 Memorandum in Support
Memorandum in Support re [118] MOTION to Strike (1) Plaintiffs Social Security Number Claim Not Disclosed in Discovery; and (2) Revised Proposed Class Definition filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(Wingfield, Alan)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 118 Filed: 3/11/2014, Entered: 3/11/2014, Terminated: 4/21/2015 Motion to Strike
MOTION to Strike (1) Plaintiffs Social Security Number Claim Not Disclosed in Discovery; and (2) Revised Proposed Class Definition by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Wingfield, Alan)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 117 Filed: 3/11/2014, Entered: 3/11/2014 Memorandum in Support
Memorandum in Support re [116] MOTION to Strike Declarations of McGladrey, LLP filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(Wingfield, Alan)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 116 Filed: 3/10/2014, Entered: 3/11/2014 Motion to Strike
MOTION to Strike Declarations of McGladrey, LLP by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Wingfield, Alan)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 115 Filed: 3/10/2014, Entered: 3/10/2014 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [68] MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1)(Wingfield, Alan)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 114 Filed: 3/10/2014, Entered: 3/10/2014 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [70] MOTION to Certify Class filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Bennett, Leonard)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Sealed Legal Document 113 Filed: 3/10/2014, Entered: 3/10/2014 Memorandum in Support
Memorandum in Support re [112] MOTION to Strike Declaration of Dr. Michael C. Keeley and for Sanctions Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 37(c) filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A. Deposition of Dr. Michael C. Keeley, # (2) Exhibit B. Filed Under Seal)(Nash, Casey)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 112 Filed: 3/10/2014, Entered: 3/10/2014, Terminated: 4/21/2015 Motion to Strike
MOTION to Strike Declaration of Dr. Michael C. Keeley and for Sanctions Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 37(c) by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Nash, Casey)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 111 Filed: 3/10/2014, Entered: 3/10/2014 Memorandum in Support
Memorandum in Support re [110] MOTION to File Dr. Keeley's Expert Report Under Seal filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Nash, Casey)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 110 Filed: 3/10/2014, Entered: 3/10/2014, Terminated: 3/19/2014 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
MOTION to File Dr. Keeley's Expert Report Under Seal by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order)(Nash, Casey)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 109 Filed: 3/5/2014, Entered: 3/5/2014 OrderCourt Filing
SEALING ORDER - see order for details. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 03/05/2014. (tjoh, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Sealed Legal Document 108 Filed: 3/5/2014, Entered: 3/5/2014 Order on Motion to SealCourt Filing
ORDER granting [90] Motion to Seal. A separate Order respecting the specific materials and information to be filed under seal will be filled contemporaneously with this Order. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 03/04/2014. (tjoh, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 107 Filed: 2/28/2014, Entered: 2/28/2014 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to FileCourt Filing
ORDER granting [106] Motion for Extension of Time to File Reply in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment; It is further ORDERED that the defendant, CoreLogic National Background Data, Inc., shall file its reply in support of DEFENDANT'S MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT by March 10, 2014. Signed by Magistrate Judge David J. Novak on 2/28/14. (kyou, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 106 Filed: 2/28/2014, Entered: 2/28/2014, Terminated: 2/28/2014 Motion for Extension
MOTION for Extension of Time to File Reply in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order)(St. George, Timothy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 105 Filed: 2/28/2014, Entered: 2/28/2014 Order on Motion for Leave to File Excess PagesCourt Filing
ORDER GRANTING Plaintiffs' [100] Motion to Enlarge Page Limitations for Reply Brief in Support of Motion for Class Certification and the Plaintiffs are permitted to file a reply not to exceed fifty (50) pages. Plaintiffs' [102] Motion to Enlarge Time to File Their Reply Brief in Support of Motion for Class Certification is GRANTED and the Plaintiffs shall file their reply brief by 03/10/2014. It is so ORDERED. Signed by Magistrate Judge David J. Novak on 02/28/2014. (walk, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 104 Filed: 2/27/2014, Entered: 2/27/2014 Memorandum in Opposition
Memorandum in Opposition re [100] MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages for Reply Brief in Support of Motion for Class Certification filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit)(St. George, Timothy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 103 Filed: 2/27/2014, Entered: 2/27/2014 Response to Motion
RESPONSE to Motion re [102] MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply Plaintiffs Reply in Support of Motion for Class Certification filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (St. George, Timothy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 102 Filed: 2/21/2014, Entered: 2/21/2014, Terminated: 2/28/2014 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply
MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply Plaintiffs Reply in Support of Motion for Class Certification by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Bennett, Leonard)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 101 Filed: 2/21/2014, Entered: 2/21/2014 Memorandum in Support
Memorandum in Support re [100] MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages for Reply Brief in Support of Motion for Class Certification filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Bennett, Leonard)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 100 Filed: 2/21/2014, Entered: 2/21/2014, Terminated: 2/28/2014 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages
MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages for Reply Brief in Support of Motion for Class Certification by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Bennett, Leonard)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 99 Filed: 2/18/2014, Entered: 2/18/2014 Order on Motion for Pro Hac ViceCourt Filing
ORDER granting [95] Motion for Pro hac vice Appointed Lauren KW Brennan for Tyrone Henderson. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 02/18/2014. (tjoh, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 98 Filed: 2/14/2014, Entered: 2/14/2014 Notice
NOTICE by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC of Presentation of Sealing Order (St. George, Timothy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 97 Filed: 2/14/2014, Entered: 2/14/2014 Memorandum in Support
Memorandum in Support re [90] MOTION to Seal Certain Documents and Information in Defendant's Memorandum in Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Proposed Order)(St. George, Timothy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Sealed Legal Document 96 Filed: 2/14/2014, Entered: 2/14/2014 Sealed Document +
SEALED DOCUMENT re [92] Memorandum in Opposition; (SEALED Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T, # (21) Exhibit U, # (22) Exhibit V, # (23) Exhibit W, # (24) Exhibit X, # (25) Exhibit Y, # (26) Exhibit Z, # (27) Exhibit AA, # (28) Exhibit BB, # (29) Exhibit CC, # (30) Exhibit DD, # (31) Exhibit EE)(tjoh, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 95 Filed: 2/13/2014, Entered: 2/13/2014, Terminated: 2/18/2014 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
Motion to appear Pro Hac Vice by Lauren KW Brennan and Certification of Local Counsel Leonard A. Bennett Filing fee $ 75, receipt number 0422-3851324. by Tyrone Henderson. (Bennett, Leonard)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Sealed Legal Document 94 Filed: 2/12/2014, Entered: 2/12/2014 Sealed Document +
SEALED DOCUMENT: re [91] Memorandum in Opposition, (filed per Order [93] (SEALED Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhbit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit I, # (9) Exhibit J, # (10) Exhibit K)(tjoh, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 93 Filed: 2/12/2014, Entered: 2/12/2014 Order on Motion to SealCourt Filing
ORDER granting [88] Motion to Seal Certain Portions of Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment and Exhibits Thereto. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 02/12/2014. (tjoh, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 92 Filed: 2/10/2014, Entered: 2/10/2014 Memorandum in Opposition
Memorandum in Opposition re [68] MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T, # (21) Exhibit U, # (22) Exhibit V, # (23) Exhibit W, # (24) Exhibit X, # (25) Exhibit Y, # (26) Exhibit Z, # (27) Exhibit AA, # (28) Exhibit BB, # (29) Exhibit CC, # (30) Exhibit DD, # (31) Exhibit EE)(Bennett, Leonard)
Blank 91 Filed: 2/10/2014, Entered: 2/10/2014 Memorandum in Opposition
Memorandum in Opposition re [70] MOTION to Certify Class (Sealed) filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K)(Anthony, David)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 90 Filed: 2/10/2014, Entered: 2/10/2014, Terminated: 3/5/2014 Motion to Seal
MOTION to Seal Certain Documents and Information in Defendant's Memorandum in Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Anthony, David)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 89 Filed: 2/10/2014, Entered: 2/10/2014 Memorandum in Support
Memorandum in Support re [88] MOTION to Seal Certain Portions of Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment and Exhibits Thereto filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order)(Erausquin, Matthew)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 88 Filed: 2/10/2014, Entered: 2/10/2014, Terminated: 2/12/2014 Motion to Seal
MOTION to Seal Certain Portions of Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment and Exhibits Thereto by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Erausquin, Matthew)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 87 Filed: 2/10/2014, Entered: 2/10/2014 OrderCourt Filing
CONSENT ORDER - 1. The deadline to file opposition briefs to Plaintiff's Motion for Class Certification and NBD's Motion for Summary Judgment is extended until February 10, 2014. 2. Any reply to such motion(s) shall be due by February 28, 2014. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 02/10/2014. (tjoh, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 86 Filed: 2/10/2014, Entered: 2/10/2014 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to FileCourt Filing
ORDER granting [81] Motion for Extension of Page Limitation Under Local Civil Rule 7(F)(3). It is further ORDERED that the plaintiffs may file a reply brief not to exceed thirty-five (35) pages. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 02/10/2014. (tjoh, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 85 Filed: 2/6/2014, Entered: 2/6/2014 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [81] MOTION for Extension of Page Limitation Under Local Civil Rule 7(F)(3) filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (St. George, Timothy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 84 Filed: 2/5/2014, Entered: 2/5/2014 Response in Opposition to Motion
RESPONSE in Opposition (CORRECTED) re [81] MOTION for Extension of Page Limitation Under Local Civil Rule 7(F)(3) filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Bennett, Leonard) Modified on 2/6/2014 to edit docket text. (cmcc, ).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 83 Filed: 2/5/2014, Entered: 2/5/2014 Memorandum in Opposition
Memorandum in Opposition re [81] MOTION for Extension of Page Limitation Under Local Civil Rule 7(F)(3) filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Nash, Casey) Modified on 2/6/2014: CORRECTED/AMENDED DOCUMENT FILED AT #84. (cmcc, ).
Blank 82 Filed: 2/5/2014, Entered: 2/5/2014 Memorandum in Support
Memorandum in Support re [81] MOTION for Extension of Page Limitation Under Local Civil Rule 7(F)(3) filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (St. George, Timothy)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 81 Filed: 2/5/2014, Entered: 2/5/2014, Terminated: 2/10/2014 Motion for Extension
MOTION for Extension of Page Limitation Under Local Civil Rule 7(F)(3) by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (St. George, Timothy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Sealed Legal Document 80 Filed: 1/30/2014, Entered: 1/30/2014 Sealed Document +
SEALED DOCUMENT: Plaintiffs' Memorandum in Support of [70] MOTION to Certify Class . (Filed Per Order [79] entered 01/30/2014) (SEALED Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 2, # (2) Exhibit 3, # (3) Exhibit 7, # (4) Exhibit 8, # (5) Exhibit 10, # (6) Exhibit 11, # (7) Exhibit 12, # (8) Exhibit 13, # (9) Exhibit 14, # (10) Exhibit 15, # (11) Exhibit 16, # (12) Exhibit 17, # (13) Exhibit 18, # (14) Exhibit 20, # (15) Exhibit 22, # (16) Exhibit 23, # (17) Exhibit 24, # (18) Exhibit 25, # (19) Exhibit 26, # (20) Envelope)(tjoh, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 79 Filed: 1/30/2014, Entered: 1/30/2014 Order on Motion to SealCourt Filing
ORDER granting [64] Motion to File Certain Exhibits and Information in Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification Under Seal. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 01/29/2014. (tjoh, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 78 Filed: 1/23/2014, Entered: 1/23/2014 Response to Motion
RESPONSE to Motion re [64] MOTION to Seal Certain Information and Exhibits in Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Rotkis, Susan)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 77 Filed: 1/22/2014, Entered: 1/22/2014, Terminated: 3/4/2014 Motion for Extension
Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Opposition Brief by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order)(St. George, Timothy)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 76 Filed: 1/8/2014, Entered: 1/8/2014 Notice
NOTICE by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC of Presentation of Sealing Order (St. George, Timothy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 75 Filed: 1/8/2014, Entered: 1/8/2014 Memorandum in Support
Memorandum in Support re [64] MOTION to Seal Certain Information and Exhibits in Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Proposed Order)(St. George, Timothy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Sealed Legal Document 74 Filed: 1/7/2014, Entered: 1/7/2014 Sealed Document +
SEALED DOCUMENT: DEFENDANT'S MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF [68] MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment . (SEALED Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J)(jtho, )
Blank 73 Filed: 1/7/2014, Entered: 1/7/2014 Order on Motion to SealCourt Filing
ORDER granting [65] Motion to File Certain Exhibits and Information in its Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Under Seal; the Court will construe the motion as a Motion to File Defendant's Memorandum in Support of its Motion for Partial Summary Judgment and Certain Exhibits Thereto Under Seal; it is further ORDERED that the Clerk shall file Defendant's Memorandum In Support of its Motion for Partial Summary Judgment and Certain Exhibits thereto under seal. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 1/6/13. (jtho, )
Sealed Legal Document 72 Filed: 1/6/2014, Entered: 1/6/2014 Memorandum in Support
REDACTED Revised Memorandum in Support re [70] MOTION to Certify Class filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1. NBD 2012 Marketing Materials, # (2) Exhibit 2. Filed Under Seal, # (3) Exhibit 3. Filed Under Seal, # (4) Exhibit 4. NBD Responses to Plaintiffs First Set of Interrogatories, No.3, # (5) Exhibit 5. NBD-ADP Reseller Services Agreement, # (6) Exhibit 6. NBD Form Reseller Service Agreement, # (7) Exhibit 7. Filed Under Seal, # (8) Exhibit 8. Filed Under Seal, # (9) Exhibit 9. Bates Nos. CL-H2649-2652, # (10) Exhibit 10. Filed Under Seal, # (11) Exhibit 11. Filed Under Seal, # (12) Exhibit 12. Filed Under Seal, # (13) Exhibit 13. Filed Under Seal, # (14) Exhibit 14. Filed Under Seal, # (15) Exhibit 15. Filed Under Seal, # (16) Exhibit 16. Filed Under Seal, # (17) Exhibit 17. Filed Under Seal, # (18) Exhibit 18. Filed Under Seal, # (19) Exhibit 19. Criminal Offender Profile Summary marketing material, # (20) Exhibit 20. Filed Under Seal, # (21) Exhibit 21. Social Exclusion on a NBD Criminal Case, # (22) Exhibit 22. Filed Under Seal, # (23) Exhibit 23. Filed Under Seal, # (24) Exhibit 24. Filed Under Seal, # (25) Exhibit 25. Filed Under Seal, # (26) Exhibit 26. Filed Under Seal, # (27) Exhibit 27. NBD/Verifications Affiliate Services Agreement, # (28) Exhibit 28. NBD Form Reseller Service Agreement, # (29) Exhibit 29. Comparison of Fair Credit Reporting Act to analogous California statute, # (30) Exhibit 30. Defendants Responses to Plaintiffs First Set of Interrogatories, No. 21, # (31) Exhibit 31. Declaration of Leonard Bennett, # (32) Exhibit 32. Defendants Responses to Plaintiffs First Set of Interrogatories, No. 24)(Bennett, Leonard) Modified on 1/7/2014 (jtho, ). Modified on 1/30/2014 (tjoh, ). (SEALED VERSION [80])
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 71 Filed: 1/3/2014, Entered: 1/3/2014 Memorandum in Support
(SEE REVISED [72] REDACTED MEMORANDUM REFILED on 1/6/14) Redacted Memorandum in Support re [70] MOTION to Certify Class filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Bennett, Leonard) Modified on 1/7/2014 (jtho, ).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 70 Filed: 1/3/2014, Entered: 1/3/2014, Terminated: 4/21/2015 Motion to Certify Class
MOTION to Certify Class by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Bennett, Leonard)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Sealed Legal Document 69 Filed: 1/3/2014, Entered: 1/3/2014 Memorandum in Support
REDACTED Memorandum in Support re [68] MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J)(Anthony, David) Modified on 1/7/2014 (jtho, ). (SEALED DOCUMENT [74] per Order entered 1/7/14).
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 68 Filed: 1/3/2014, Entered: 1/3/2014, Terminated: 4/21/2015 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment
MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Anthony, David)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 67 Filed: 1/3/2014, Entered: 1/3/2014 Notice
NOTICE by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC of Presentation of Sealing Order (Anthony, David)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 66 Filed: 1/3/2014, Entered: 1/3/2014 Memorandum in Support
Memorandum in Support re [65] MOTION to Seal Certain Exhibits and Information in Defendant's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Proposed Order)(Anthony, David)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 65 Filed: 1/3/2014, Entered: 1/3/2014, Terminated: 1/7/2014 Motion to Seal
MOTION to Seal Certain Exhibits and Information in Defendant's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Anthony, David)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 64 Filed: 1/3/2014, Entered: 1/3/2014, Terminated: 1/30/2014 Motion to Seal
MOTION to Seal Certain Information and Exhibits in Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC. (Anthony, David)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 63 Filed: 12/30/2013, Entered: 12/30/2013 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to FileCourt Filing
CONSENT ORDER granting [61] Motion for Extension of Time to File Motion for Class Certification is extended until January 3, 2014; the deadline for deft to file its Motion for Summary Judgment is extended until January 3, 2014; by 12:00 p.m. on December 31, 2013, plaintiffs shall identify to defts, in writing,any materials that have been previously designated as "Confidential" (SEE ORDER FOR DETAILS). Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 12/30/13. (jtho, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 62 Filed: 12/23/2013, Entered: 12/26/2013 Stipulation of Dismissal
JOINT NOTICE OF DISMISSAL of Corelogic, Inc. with Prejudice by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr., and Corelogic, Inc. pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(ii); the Amended Complaint shall remain pending against co-Defendant, CoreLogic National Background Data, LLC. (jtho, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 61 Filed: 12/22/2013, Entered: 12/22/2013, Terminated: 12/30/2013 Motion for Extension
Supplemental MOTION for Extension of Time to File Motion for Class Certification and Defendant to File Motion for Phase I Summary Judgment by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Bennett, Leonard). Modified docket entry on 12/23/2013. (walk, ).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 60 Filed: 12/19/2013, Entered: 12/19/2013 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER re [59] Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File. It is hereby ORDERED that the Order filed on December 19, 2013 [59] that granted the CONSENT MOTION FOR ENLARGEMENT [58] and amended paragraph 5 of the Order filed on October 1, 2013 [56] is amended as follows: 1. Any motions for summary judgment based upon Phase 1 discovery and motions relating to class certification shall be filed by December 23, 2013; 2. All responses to the motions shall be filed by January 24, 2014; and 3. All replies shall be filed by February 14, 2014. Signed by District Judge John A. Gibney, Jr on 12/19/2013. (tjoh, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 59 Filed: 12/19/2013, Entered: 12/19/2013 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to FileCourt Filing
ORDER granting [58] Motion for Extension of Time to File. It is further ORDERED that: (1) the plaintiffs shall file any motions for summary judgment and motions relating to class certification by December 23, 2013; (2) the defendants shall file their responses to the plaintiff's motions by January 24, 2014; and (3) the plaintiffs shall file their replies by February 14, 2014. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 12/18/2013. (tjoh, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 58 Filed: 12/18/2013, Entered: 12/18/2013, Terminated: 12/19/2013 Motion for Extension
Consent MOTION for Extension of time to file Motions for Summary Judgment and Motions for Class Certification by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Bennett, Leonard)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 57 Filed: 10/30/2013, Entered: 10/30/2013 Rule 26 Disclosure
Rule 26 Disclosure by All Plaintiffs. (Mikac, Janelle)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 56 Filed: 10/1/2013, Entered: 10/1/2013 OrderCourt Filing
DISCOVERY REPORT, STIPULATION AND ORDER re: [53] Order of 09/11/2013, whereas, Plaintiffs and Defendants report and stipulate as follows (please see Order for additional information). Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 10/01/2013. (walk, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 55 Filed: 9/19/2013, Entered: 9/19/2013 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to FileCourt Filing
ORDER GRANTING [54] Joint Motion to Extend Deadline to Submit a Discovery Order. It is further ORDERED that the parties shall submit to the Court, by 5:00 p.m. 09/18/2013, the Consent Discovery Order. It is so ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 09/18/2013. (walk, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 54 Filed: 9/16/2013, Entered: 9/16/2013, Terminated: 9/19/2013 Motion for Extension
Joint MOTION for Extension of Deadline to Submit A Discovery Order by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, Corelogic, Inc.. (St. George, Timothy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 53 Filed: 9/11/2013, Entered: 9/11/2013 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to FileCourt Filing
ORDER granting [51] Motion for Extension of Discovery Period; it is further ORDERED that the parties shall finalize their ongoing discussions and, by September 16, 2013, submit to the Court their Agreed Scheduling Order. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 09/11/13. (kyou, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 52 Filed: 9/6/2013, Entered: 9/6/2013 Response to Motion
RESPONSE to Motion re [51] MOTION for Extension of the Discovery Period filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, Corelogic, Inc.. (St. George, Timothy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 51 Filed: 8/29/2013, Entered: 8/29/2013, Terminated: 9/11/2013 Motion for Extension
MOTION for Extension of the Discovery Period by Tyrone Henderson. (Rotkis, Susan)
Blank 50 Filed: 8/13/2013, Entered: 8/13/2013 Letter
Letter scanned into the record as directed by REP chambers. (walk, )
Blank 49 Filed: 8/13/2013, Entered: 8/13/2013 OrderCourt Filing
AGREED ORDER upon the parties' joint proposal for discovery of Defendants' database, whereas, the parties have engaged in substantial meet and confer efforts regarding discovery as well as substantial discovery in this case, including with respect to a large database at issue containing personal information on millions of individuals; and whereas, the parties have agreed to protocols to govern discovery of the database in order to protect the security of the data (please see Agreed Order for additional information). Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 08/12/2013. (walk, )
Blank 48 Filed: 6/20/2013, Entered: 6/20/2013 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER re: Parties [44] Joint Motion to Extend Certain Pretrial Deadlines Whereas, the Parties have engaged in substantial meet and confer efforts regarding discovery as well as substantial discovery in this case, including with respect to the large databases at issue containing personal information on millions of individuals; Whereas, the Parties have agreed to protocols to govern discovery of the database at issue to protect the security of the data; and Whereas, in order to accomplish discovery upon such additional discovery production, Plaintiffs have stated the need for additional time to conduct discovery and designate experts in this matter; whereas Defendants consent and agree to this extension (please see Order for additional information). Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 06/19/2013. (walk, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 47 Filed: 6/12/2013, Entered: 6/12/2013 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to FileCourt Filing
ORDER GRANTING [46] Joint Motion to Extend Time to Submit Revised Order. It is further ORDERED that the parties shall submit to the Court their revised Scheduling Order by 06/14/2013. It is so ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 06/11/2013. (walk, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 46 Filed: 6/7/2013, Entered: 6/7/2013, Terminated: 6/12/2013 Motion for Extension
Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to Submit Revised Order by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, Corelogic, Inc.. (St. George, Timothy)
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Blank 45 Filed: 6/4/2013, Entered: 6/4/2013 Order on Motion to Amend/CorrectCourt Filing
ORDER GRANTING [43] Consent Motion to Amend Scheduling Order and GRANTING [44] Joint Motion to Extend Certain Pretrial Deadlines. It is further ORDERED that: (1) the parties shall complete their meet and confer session on any outstanding discovery issues by 06/05/2013; and (2) the parties shall submit to the Order, by 06/07/2013, a Revised Scheduling Order; if any discovery issues remain unresolved, the parties shall contact the Court, by 06/07/2013, to arrange for a conference call to address the issues that remain in dispute. It is so ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 06/04/2013. (walk, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 44 Filed: 5/31/2013, Entered: 5/31/2013, Terminated: 6/4/2013 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
Joint MOTION To Extend Certain Pretrial Deadlines by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, Corelogic, Inc.. (Anthony, David)
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Blank 43 Filed: 4/18/2013, Entered: 4/18/2013, Terminated: 6/4/2013 Motion to Amend/Correct
Consent MOTION to Amend/Correct [40] Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File, by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr.. (Bennett, Leonard)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 42 Filed: 4/17/2013, Entered: 4/17/2013 Rule 26 Disclosure
Rule 26 Disclosure by All Plaintiffs. (Bennett, Leonard)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 41 Filed: 4/16/2013, Entered: 4/16/2013 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Casey Shannon Nash on behalf of Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr. (Nash, Casey)
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Blank 40 Filed: 4/10/2013, Entered: 4/10/2013 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to FileCourt Filing
AGREED ORDER Granting [35] JOINT Motion for Extension of Time to File Discovery; ORDERED that parties agree to extend the discovey cutoff until May 15, 2013; deadline to file motions for summary judgment is EXTENDED to May 31, 2013; (See Order for more details); Clerk DIRECTED to send copy of this Order to counsel of record; Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 4/10/13 (lsal)
Blank 39 Filed: 3/11/2013, Entered: 3/11/2013 Rule 26 Disclosure
Rule 26 Disclosure by All Plaintiffs. (Bennett, Leonard)
Blank 38 Filed: 3/8/2013, Entered: 3/8/2013 Rule 26 Disclosure
Rule 26 Disclosure by All Plaintiffs. (Bennett, Leonard)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Telephone Conference
for proceedings held before District Judge Robert E. Payne:Telephone Conference held on 3/6/2013. (sneal, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 37 Filed: 3/4/2013, Entered: 3/4/2013 Protective OrderCourt Filing
STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER and Non-Waiver Order (See Order for details); Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 3/4/13 (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A)(lsal)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 36 Filed: 2/28/2013, Entered: 2/28/2013 Memorandum in Support
Memorandum in Support re [35] Joint MOTION for Extension of Discovery Cutoff and Associated Deadlines and for Entry of Agreed Protective Order filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, Corelogic, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B)(St. George, Timothy)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 35 Filed: 2/28/2013, Entered: 2/28/2013, Terminated: 4/10/2013 Motion for Extension
Joint MOTION for Extension of Discovery Cutoff and Associated Deadlines and for Entry of Agreed Protective Order by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, Corelogic, Inc.. (St. George, Timothy)
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Blank 34 Filed: 2/28/2013, Entered: 2/28/2013 Rule 26 Disclosure
Rule 26 Disclosure by All Plaintiffs. (Bennett, Leonard)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 33 Filed: 2/15/2013, Entered: 2/15/2013 Rule 26 Disclosure
Rule 26 Disclosure by James O. Hines, Jr.. (Bennett, Leonard)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 32 Filed: 12/17/2012, Entered: 12/17/2012 Answer
ANSWER to Complaint by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, Corelogic, Inc..(St. George, Timothy)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 31 Filed: 12/3/2012, Entered: 12/3/2012 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Alan Durrum Wingfield on behalf of Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, Corelogic, Inc. (Wingfield, Alan)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 30 Filed: 11/30/2012, Entered: 11/30/2012 Amended Complaint
AMENDED COMPLAINT Class Action against All Defendants, filed by Tyrone Henderson, James O. Hines, Jr..(Pittman, Dale)
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Blank 29 Filed: 11/1/2012, Entered: 11/1/2012 Rule 26 Disclosure
Rule 26 Disclosure by Tyrone Henderson. (Bennett, Leonard)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 28 Filed: 10/24/2012, Entered: 10/24/2012 OrderCourt Filing
AGREED SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULING ORDER. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 10/23/12. (kyou, )
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Blank 27 Filed: 8/1/2012, Entered: 8/1/2012 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Janelle Elene Mason on behalf of Tyrone Henderson (Mason, Janelle)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 26 Filed: 6/28/2012, Entered: 6/28/2012 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Matthew James Erausquin on behalf of Tyrone Henderson (Erausquin, Matthew)
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Blank 25 Filed: 6/27/2012, Entered: 6/27/2012 Order on Motion to DismissCourt Filing
ORDER Denying [6] Motion to Dismiss. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 6/26/12 (lsal)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 24 Filed: 6/25/2012, Entered: 6/25/2012 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by John C. Lynch on behalf of Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, Corelogic, Inc. (Lynch, John)
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Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Pretrial Conference - Initial
for proceedings held before District Judge Robert E. Payne:Initial Pretrial Conference held on 6/25/2012. No Trial Date set at this time. (sneal, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 23 Filed: 6/18/2012, Entered: 6/18/2012 Consent to Jurisdiction by U.S. Magistrate JudgeCourt Filing
Decline Consent to Jurisdiction by US Magistrate Judge by Tyrone Henderson. (Pittman, Dale)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 22 Filed: 6/15/2012, Entered: 6/15/2012 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [6] MOTION to Dismiss Count I of Plaintiff's Complaint filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, Corelogic, Inc.. (Anthony, David)
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Blank 21 Filed: 6/7/2012, Entered: 6/7/2012 Notice
NOTICE by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, Corelogic, Inc. of Statement Respecting Consent (St. George, Timothy)
Blank 20 Filed: 6/1/2012, Entered: 6/1/2012 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER that counsel shall confer with their respective clients and with each other to determine whether both parties will consent to assignment of the case to a Magistrate Judge as the presiding judicial officer; counsel for plaintiff shall assure that the foregoing conferences occur not later than June 13, 2012 and that the Court is informed not later than 5:00 p.m. June 18, 2012 whether such consents have been given; each party shall file, not later than 5:00 p.m. on June 18, 2012, a Statement Respecting Consent; Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 5/31/12 (lsal)
Blank 19 Filed: 5/31/2012, Entered: 5/31/2012 Memorandum in Opposition
Memorandum in Opposition re [6] MOTION to Dismiss Count I of Plaintiff's Complaint filed by Tyrone Henderson. (Bennett, Leonard)
Blank 18 Filed: 5/23/2012, Entered: 5/23/2012 So OrderedCourt Filing
So Ordered [12] Motion for Attorney David Searles to appear Pro Hac Vice as to Tyrone Henderson. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 5/23/12 (lsal)
Blank 17 Filed: 5/23/2012, Entered: 5/23/2012 So OrderedCourt Filing
So Ordered [11] Motion for Attorney James Francis to appear Pro Hac Vice as to Tyrone Henderson. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 5/23/12. (lsal)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 16 Filed: 5/22/2012, Entered: 5/22/2012 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response-ReplyCourt Filing
AGREED ORDER granting [15] Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply. The Plaintiff shall be granted a fourteen (14) day extension of time from May 17, 2012 to May 31, 2012 within which to file his Response to the Defendants' Motion to Dismiss. The Defendant shall file its Reply within seventeen (17) days from the date of service ofthe Plaintiff's Response. It is so ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 5/22/12. (tdai, )
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Blank 15 Filed: 5/16/2012, Entered: 5/16/2012, Terminated: 5/22/2012 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply
Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to [6] MOTION to Dismiss Count I of Plaintiff's Complaint by Tyrone Henderson. (Bennett, Leonard)
Blank 14 Filed: 5/16/2012, Entered: 5/16/2012 Scheduling OrderCourt Filing
SCHEDULING ORDER:Initial Pretrial Conference set for 6/25/2012 at 10:15 AM in Richmond Courtroom 7400 before District Judge Robert E. Payne.. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 5/16/12. (sneal, )
Blank 13 Filed: 5/16/2012, Entered: 5/16/2012 Order
ORDER entered by the Clerk at the direction of the Court setting an Initial Pretrial Conference to be held at 10:15 a.m. on June 25, 2012. (sneal, )
Blank 12 Filed: 5/10/2012, Entered: 5/10/2012, Terminated: 5/23/2012 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
Motion to appear Pro Hac Vice by David Searles and Certification of Local Counsel Leonard A. Bennett Filing fee $ 75, receipt number 0422-3031338. by Tyrone Henderson. (Bennett, Leonard)
Blank 11 Filed: 5/10/2012, Entered: 5/10/2012, Terminated: 5/23/2012 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
Motion to appear Pro Hac Vice by James Francis and Certification of Local Counsel Leonard A. Bennett Filing fee $ 75, receipt number 0422-3031327. by Tyrone Henderson. (Bennett, Leonard)
Blank 10 Filed: 5/8/2012, Entered: 5/8/2012 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to AnswerCourt Filing
AGREED ORDER granting [4] Defendants' Motion for Extension of Time to File Responsive Pleadings to the Complaint filed by Plaintiff, Tyrone Henderson; ORDERED that Corelogic National Background Data, LLC and Corelogic, Inc. shall be GRANTED an extension of time until May 3, 2012 to file its responsive pleadings. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 5/7/2012. Filed nunc pro tunc May 4, 2012. Copies to counsel. (cmcc, )
Blank 9 Filed: 5/4/2012, Entered: 5/4/2012 Financial Disclosure Statement
Financial Interest Disclosure Statement (Local Rule 7.1) by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, Corelogic, Inc.. (St. George, Timothy)
Blank 8 Filed: 5/3/2012, Entered: 5/3/2012 Answer
ANSWER to [1] Complaint by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, Corelogic, Inc..(St. George, Timothy)
Blank 7 Filed: 5/3/2012, Entered: 5/3/2012 Memorandum in Support
Memorandum in Support re [6] MOTION to Dismiss Count I of Plaintiff's Complaint filed by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, Corelogic, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B)(St. George, Timothy)
Blank 6 Filed: 5/3/2012, Entered: 5/3/2012, Terminated: 6/27/2012 Motion to Dismiss
MOTION to Dismiss Count I of Plaintiff's Complaint by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, Corelogic, Inc.. (St. George, Timothy)
Blank 5 Filed: 5/3/2012, Entered: 5/3/2012 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Timothy James St. George on behalf of Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, Corelogic, Inc. (St. George, Timothy)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 4 Filed: 4/2/2012, Entered: 4/2/2012, Terminated: 5/8/2012 Motion for Extension of Time to File Answer
MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer by Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, Corelogic, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1)(Anthony, David)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 3 Filed: 3/13/2012, Entered: 3/13/2012 Certificate of Compliance
Certificate of Compliance by Tyrone Henderson. Corelogic National Background Data, LLC served on 3/13/2012, answer due 4/3/2012; Corelogic, Inc. served on 3/13/2012, answer due 4/3/2012 (lsal)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 2 Filed: 2/9/2012, Entered: 2/9/2012 Summons Issued
Summons Issued as to Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, Corelogic, Inc. and returned via first-class mail to counsel of record as requested in cover letter; (lsal)
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Blank 1 Filed: 2/9/2012, Entered: 2/9/2012 Complaint
COMPLAINT against Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, Corelogic, Inc. (Filing fee $350.00 receipt number 34683015932) filed by Tyrone Henderson. (Attachments: # (1) Civil Cover Sheet, # (2) Receipt)(lsal)


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