Banks v. Clinton
Federal Civil Lawsuit Arkansas Eastern District Court ,
Case No. 4:12-cv-00183
District Judge J. Leon Holmes , presiding
Last Updated October 7, 2018 at 4:22 AM EDT (6.3 years ago)
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Banks, Frederick H. , Plaintiff
Officially listed as "Frederick Banks"
▼ Pro Se
Agricultural Research Service , Defendant
Alaska Air Group , Defendant
Alberto-Culver Company , Defendant
Albuquerque Journal , Defendant
Alcatel-Lucent, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Alcatel-Lucent"
Alcoa Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Alcoa"
Alcohol And Tobacco Tax And Trade Bureau , Defendant
Allegheny Technologies Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Allegheny Technologies Incorporated"
Allentown Morning Call , Defendant
Allstate Corporation, , Defendant
Allyson Schwartz , Defendant
Altria Group, Inc. , Defendant, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as ""
American Electric Power Company , Defendant
American Express Company , Defendant
Officially listed as "American Express"
American Greetings Corporation , Defendant
American International Group, Inc. , Defendant
American Standard Brands , Defendant
Amtrak , Defendant
Andrew Cuomo , Defendant
Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Anheuser-Busch Inc"
Apple, Inc. , Defendant
Aramark Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Aramark"
Arcelor Mittal USA , Defendant
Archer Daniels Midland , Defendant
Officially listed as "Archer Daniels Midland Company"
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette , Defendant
Armstrong World Industries, Inc. , Defendant
Duncan, Arne , Defendant
Officially listed as "Arne Duncan"
Asbury Park Press , Defendant
Atlanta Journal-Constitution , Defendant
Austan Goolsbee , Defendant
Austin American-Statesman , Defendant
Baltimore Sun , Defendant
Bank of America, NA , Defendant
Officially listed as "Bank of America"
Barbara Boxer , Defendant
Bernard Sanders , Defendant
Bertelsmann AG , Defendant
Best Buy Company, Inc. , Defendant
Beverly Purdue , Defendant
Bill Haslam , Defendant
Bill Nelson , Defendant
Bill Shuster , Defendant
Birmingham News , Defendant
Blackstone Group Lp , Defendant
Blockbuster, Inc. , Defendant
Bob Casey, Jr , Defendant
Bob Corker , Defendant
Bob McDonnell , Defendant
Bobby Jindal , Defendant
The Boeing Company, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Boeing Company"
Boston Globe , Defendant
Boston Herald , Defendant
Brian Sandoval , Defendant
Brian Schweitzer , Defendant
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company , Defendant
Broadcasting Board Of Governors , Defendant
Brown Shoe Company, Inc. , Defendant
Brown-Forman Corporation , Defendant
Brunki Company , Defendant
Brunswick Corporation , Defendant
Buffalo News , Defendant
Bureau Of Alcohol,tobacco Firearms And Explosives , Defendant
Bureau of Economic Analysis , Defendant
Bureau of Engraving and Printing , Defendant
Bureau of Indian Affairs , Defendant
Bureau of International Information Programs , Defendant
Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs , Defendant
Bureau of International Organization Affairs , Defendant
Bureau of Labor Statistics , Defendant
Bureau of Land Management , Defendant
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement , Defendant
Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration , Defendant
Bureau of the Public Debt , Defendant
Burger King Holdings Inc , Defendant
C L Otter , Defendant
Cablevision Systems Corporation , Defendant
Cameron Moody , Defendant
Campbell Soup Company , Defendant
Caterpillar, Inc. , Defendant
Catherine M Lelyveld , Defendant
C.b.j. Corp. , Defendant
Officially listed as "CBJ Corporation"
Centers For Disease Control And Prevention , Defendant
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services , Defendant
United States Central Intelligence Agency , Defendant
Officially listed as "Central Intelligence Agency"
Chaka Fattah , Defendant
Charles Dent , Defendant
Charles E Schumer , Defendant
Charles Samuels , Defendant
Charlotte Observer , Defendant
Chevron Corporation , Defendant
Chicago Daily Herald , Defendant
Chicago Sun Times , Defendant
Chicago Tribune , Defendant
The Chicago Tribune , Defendant
Officially listed as "Chicago Tribune"
Chiquita Brands International, Inc. , Defendant
Chris Christie , Defendant
Chris Dudley , Defendant
Christine Gregoire , Defendant
Christopher Coons , Defendant
Church & Dwight Company, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Church & Dwight Company"
Cigna Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Cigna"
Cincinatti Enquirer , Defendant
Cintas Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Cintas"
Cisco Systems, Inc. , Defendant
Citigroup, Inc. , Defendant
Clear Channel Communications, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Clear Channel Communications"
Cleveland Plain Dealer , Defendant
Clorox Company, , Defendant
The Coca-Cola Company , Defendant
Officially listed as "Coca Cola Company"
Colgate-Palmolive Company , Defendant
Collective Brands, Inc. , Defendant
Columbus Dispatch , Defendant
Comcast Corporation , Defendant
United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission , Defendant
Officially listed as "Commodity Futures Trading Commission"
Compaq Computer Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Compaq"
Computer Sciences Corporation , Defendant
Conagra Foods, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "ConAgra Foods"
ConocoPhillips , Defendant
Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Consolidated Edison"
Continental Airlines, Inc. , Defendant
Contra Costa Times , Defendant
Corning, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Corning Incorporated"
Corporation For National And Community Service , Defendant
Costco Wholesale Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Costco Wholesale"
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia , Defendant
Crane Company , Defendant
Crown Holdings , Defendant
CSX Corporation , Defendant
Cuclio , Defendant
CVS Caremark Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "CVS Caremark"
Dallas Morning News , Defendant
Dan Malloy , Defendant
Daniel K Akaka , Defendant
Daniel K Inouye , Defendant
Darden Restaurants, Inc. , Defendant
David Heineman , Defendant
Dayton Daily News , Defendant
Dean Foods , Defendant
Deere & Company , Defendant
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency , Defendant
United States Department of Education , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of Education"
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board , Defendant
Defense Security Cooperation Agency , Defendant
Del Monte Foods Company , Defendant
Dell, Inc. , Defendant
Delphi Corporation , Defendant
Delta Air Lines, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Delta Air Lines"
Dennis Danguard , Defendant
Denver Post , Defendant
United States Department of Agriculture , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of Agriculture"
United States Department of Commerce , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of Commerce"
United States Department of Defense , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of Defense"
United States Department of Energy , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of Energy"
United States Department of Health and Human Services , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of Health and Human Services"
Department Of Housing And Urban Development , Defendant
United States Department of Justice , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of Justice"
United States Department of Labor , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of Labor"
California Department of Transportation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of Transportation"
United States Department of the Treasury , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of Treasury"
United States Department of Veterans Affairs , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of Veterans Affairs"
Des Moines Register , Defendant
Detroit Free Press , Defendant
Detroit News , Defendant
Deval Patrick , Defendant
Dial Corporation, , Defendant
Dianne Feinstein , Defendant
Diebold, Inc. , Defendant
Dillard's, Inc. , Defendant
Doctor's Associates, Inc. , Defendant
Dole Food Company, Inc. , Defendant
The Dow Chemical Company , Defendant
Officially listed as "Dow Chemical Company"
Dow Jones & Company, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Wall Street Journal"
Dr Pepper Snapple Group , Defendant
Drug Enforcement Agency , Defendant
Duke Energy Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Duke Energy"
Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. , Defendant
E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "E I DuPont De Nemours and Company"
Eastman Kodak Company , Defendant
Eaton Corporation , Defendant
eBay, Inc. , Defendant
Economic Research Service , Defendant
Edison International , Defendant
El Paso Corporation , Defendant
Electronic Arts, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Electronic Arts"
Eli Lilly and Company , Defendant
Elizabeth M Brown , Defendant
EMC Corporation , Defendant
Emerson Electric Company , Defendant
Energizer Holdings, Inc. , Defendant
Energy Information Administration , Defendant
United States Environmental Protection Agency , Defendant
Officially listed as "Environmental Protection Agency"
United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission , Defendant
Officially listed as "Equal Employment Opportunity Commission"
Holder, Jr., Eric H. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Eric H Holder, Jr"
Eric K Shinseki , Defendant
Estee Lauder Cosmetic Inc , Defendant
Estee Lauder , Defendant
Officially listed as "Estee Lauder Cosmetic Inc"
Exelon Corporation , Defendant
Export-import Bank Of The United States , Defendant
ExxonMobil Corporation , Defendant
Federal National Mortgage Association , Defendant
Farm Credit Administration , Defendant
Federal Aviation Agency , Defendant
Federal Bureau of Investigation , Defendant
Federal Communications Commission , Defendant
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , Defendant
Federal Election Commission , Defendant
Federal Emergency Management Agency , Defendant
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission , Defendant
Federal Highway Administration , Defendant
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation , Defendant
Federal Housing Administration , Defendant
Federal Housing Finance Agency , Defendant
Federal Labor Relations Authority , Defendant
Federal Maritime Commission , Defendant
Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service , Defendant
Federal Mine Safety And Health Review Commission , Defendant
Federal Railroad Administration , Defendant
Federal Reserve Bank , Defendant
Officially listed as "Federal Reserve System"
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board , Defendant
Federal Trade Commission , Defendant
Federal Transit Administration , Defendant
FedEx Corporation , Defendant
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) , Defendant
Officially listed as "Financial Crimes Enforcement Network"
Financial Management Service , Defendant
First Data Corporation , Defendant
First Energy Corporation , Defendant
Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc. , Defendant
Florida Post , Defendant
Fluor Corporation , Defendant
United States Food and Drug Administration , Defendant
Officially listed as "Food and Drug Administration"
Food and Nutrition Service , Defendant
Food Safety and Inspection Service , Defendant
Foot Locker , Defendant
Ford Motor Company , Defendant
Officially listed as "Ford Motor Company Inc"
Foreign Agricultural Service , Defendant
Fortune Brands , Defendant
Frank Lautenberg , Defendant
Freddie Mac Agency , Defendant
Fresno Bee , Defendant
Gap, Inc. , Defendant
Garnett Company , Defendant
Gary F Locke , Defendant
Gary R Herbert , Defendant
Gateway , Defendant
General Dynamics Corporation , Defendant
General Electric Company , Defendant
General Mills , Defendant
General Motors Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "General Motors"
United States General Services Administration , Defendant
Officially listed as "General Services Administration"
Genuine Parts Company , Defendant
Ginnie Mae , Defendant
Glenn Thompson , Defendant
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Goldman Sachs Group Inc"
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company , Defendant
Google, Inc. , Defendant
Grand Rapids Press , Defendant
Great Atlantic And Pacific Tea Company, , Defendant
H, & P. , Defendant
H. J. Heinz Company, LP , Defendant
Officially listed as "H J Heinz"
H&R Block, Inc. , Defendant
Haley Barbour , Defendant
Halliburton Company , Defendant
Hanesbrand Inc , Defendant
Harley-Davidson , Defendant
Harrah's Entertainment , Defendant
Harry Reid , Defendant
Hartford Current , Defendant
Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. , Defendant
Hasbro , Defendant
HCA Inc. , Defendant
Health Resources and Services Administration , Defendant
Herb Kohl , Defendant
Hershey , Defendant
Hertz Global Holdings , Defendant
Hess , Defendant
Hewlett-Packard Company , Defendant
Hilda L Solis , Defendant
Hill-Rom Holdings , Defendant
Clinton, Hillary Rodham , Defendant
Officially listed as "Hillary Rodham Clinton"
Hilton Worldwide , Defendant
Hollen Brand , Defendant
The Home Depot, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Home Depot"
Honeywell International, Inc. , Defendant
Honolulu Advertiser , Defendant
Hormel Foods Corporation , Defendant
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing , Defendant
Houston Chronicle , Defendant
Howard D Pfeiffer , Defendant
Hull , Defendant
Humana , Defendant
IAC/InterActiveCorp , Defendant
Illinois Tool Works, Inc. , Defendant
United States Immigration & Naturalization Service , Defendant
Officially listed as "Immigration and Naturalization Service"
Indianapolis Star , Defendant
Ingersoll-Rand Plc , Defendant
Institute of Museum and Library Services , Defendant
Intel Corporation , Defendant
Inter-American Foundation , Defendant
United States Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service , Defendant
Officially listed as "Internal Revenue Service"
International Boundary and Water Commission , Defendant
International Business Machines Corporation , Defendant
International Paper Company , Defendant
International Textile Group , Defendant
Interstate Bakeries Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Interstate Bakeries"
Investor's Business Daily , Defendant
J C Johnson & Son , Defendant
J.C. Penney , Defendant
J Crew Group , Defendant
Jack A Markell , Defendant
Jacksonville Times-Union , Defendant
James A Messina , Defendant
JAMES H WEBB , Defendant
James L Jones , Defendant
James M Inhofe , Defendant
James R Clapper , Defendant
Jan Brewer , Defendant
Janet A Napolitano , Defendant
Jason Altmire , Defendant
Jay Nixon , Defendant
Jeanne Shaheen , Defendant
Jeff Bingamem , Defendant
Jeff Merkley , Defendant
Sessions, Jefferson Beauregard, III , Defendant
Officially listed as "Jeff Sessions"
Jeffrey C Kuhlman , Defendant
Jerry Brown 2010 - 1292687 , Defendant
Officially listed as "Jerry Brown"
JetBlue Airways , Defendant
Jim Demint , Defendant
Jim Gerlach , Defendant
Jim Risch , Defendant
Jo Ann Stores , Defendant
Job Corps , Defendant
Joe Manchin , Defendant
Joe Manchin, III , Defendant
Joe Miller , Defendant
Johanna S Snoot , Defendant
John Barrasso , Defendant
John Boozman , Defendant
John Cornyn , Defendant
John D Rockefeller , Defendant
John Ensign , Defendant
John F Reed , Defendant
JOHN H. LYNCH , Defendant
John Hickenlooper , Defendant
John Hoeven , Defendant
John Holdren , Defendant
John Kasich , Defendant
John Mccann , Defendant
John O Brennan , Defendant
John Thone , Defendant
Johnny Isakson , Defendant
Johnson & Johnson, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Johnson & Johnson"
Johnson Controls, Inc. , Defendant
Jon Kyl , Defendant
Jonathan E Favreau , Defendant
Jones Apparel Group , Defendant
Joseph Lieberman , Defendant
Joseph Pitts , Defendant
JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA , Defendant
Officially listed as "JPMorgan Chase & Company"
K Mart , Defendant
Kansas City Star , Defendant
Kathleen Sebelius , Defendant
Kay Bailey Hutchison , Defendant
Kay Hagan , Defendant
Kbr, Inc. , Defendant
Kellogg North America Company , Defendant
Officially listed as "Kellogg Company"
Kelly Ayotte , Defendant
Kelly Services Inc. , Defendant
Kenneth L Salazor , Defendant
Kent Conrad , Defendant
Kimberly-Clark , Defendant
Gillibrand, Kirsten , Defendant
Officially listed as "Kirsten E Gillibrand"
Knoxville News-Sentinel , Defendant
Koch Industries, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Koch Industries"
Kraft Foods, Inc. , Defendant
Kroger , Defendant
L L Bean , Defendant
La Opinion , Defendant
La-Z-Boy , Defendant
Lamar, Alexander , Defendant
Las Vegas Review Journal , Defendant
Summers Lawrence Henry , Defendant
Officially listed as "Lawrence H Summers"
Leggett & Platt , Defendant
Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. , Defendant
Levi Strauss & Company , Defendant
Lexington Herald-Leader , Defendant
Lexmark , Defendant
Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Liberty Mutual Holdings Company"
Liberty Mutual Holdings Company , Defendant
Limited Brands, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Limited Brands"
Lincoln Chafee , Defendant
Graham, Lindsey O. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Lindsey Graham"
Liz Claiborne, Inc. , Defendant
Lockheed Martin Corporation , Defendant
Long Island Newsday , Defendant
Los Angeles Daily News , Defendant
Los Angeles Times , Defendant
Lou Barletta , Defendant
Louisville Courier-Journal , Defendant
Luis Fortino , Defendant
Maldonado , Defendant
Rubio, Marco , Defendant
Officially listed as "Marco Rubio"
Maria Cantwell , Defendant
Maritime Administration , Defendant
Mark Begich , Defendant
Mark Critz , Defendant
Mark Dayton , Defendant
Mark Pryor , Defendant
Mark Uldall , Defendant
Mark Warner , Defendant
Martin O'Mailey , Defendant
Mary Fallin , Defendant
Matt Mead , Defendant
Melody C Barnes , Defendant
Merit Systems Protection Board , Defendant
Miami Herald , Defendant
Michael B Enzil , Defendant
Michael F Bennet , Defendant
Michael G Fitzpatrick , Defendant
Mike Beebe , Defendant
Mike Crapo , Defendant
Mike Doyle , Defendant
Mike Kelly , Defendant
Mike Lee , Defendant
Mike Ross , Defendant
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel , Defendant
Mine Safety and Health Administration , Defendant
Minneapolis Star Tribune , Defendant
Minority Business Development Agency , Defendant
Missile Defense Agency , Defendant
Mitch E Daniels, Jr , Defendant
Mobile Press-Register , Defendant
Mona K Sutphen , Defendant
Nancy D Hogan , Defendant
Nancy Sutley , Defendant
Nancy-Ann E Deporte , Defendant
Nashville Tennessean , Defendant
Nathan Deal , Defendant
National Aeronautics & Space Administration , Defendant
National Agricultural Statistics Service , Defendant
National Archives & Records Administration , Defendant
National Credit Union Administration Board , Defendant
National Endowment For The Arts , Defendant
National Endowment For The Humanities , Defendant
National Geospatial-intelligence Agency , Defendant
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration , Defendant
National Institute Of Standards And Technology , Defendant
National Institutes of Health , Defendant
National Labor Relations Board , Defendant
National Mediation Board , Defendant
National Nuclear Security Administration , Defendant
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration , Defendant
National Park Service , Defendant
National Resources Conservation Service , Defendant
National Science Foundation , Defendant
National Security Agency/Central Security Services , Defendant
United States National Security Agency , Defendant
Officially listed as "National Security Agency/Central Security Services"
National Technical Information Service , Defendant
National Telecommunications and Information Administration , Defendant
National Transportation Safety Board , Defendant
New England World Herald , Defendant
New Jersey Record , Defendant
New York Daily News , Defendant
New York Post , Defendant
The New York Times Company , Defendant
Officially listed as "New York Times Company"
Newark Star Ledger , Defendant
Nikki Haley , Defendant
Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Defendant
Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board , Defendant
Oakland Tribune , Defendant
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission , Defendant
Office Of Federal Contract Compliance Programs , Defendant
Office of Labor-Management Standards , Defendant
Executive Office of the President Office Of Management And Budget , Defendant
Officially listed as "Office of Management and Budget"
United States Office of Personnel Management , Defendant
Officially listed as "Office of Personnel Management"
Office of Scientific and Technical Information , Defendant
Office of Workers' Compensation Programs , Defendant
Ohio Beacon Journal , Defendant
Oklahoman , Defendant
Orange County Register , Defendant
Orlando Sentinel , Defendant
Orrin G Hatch , Defendant
Overseas Private Investment Corporation , Defendant
Pat Quinn , Defendant
Pat Toomey , Defendant
Patrick Leahy , Defendant
Patrick Meehan , Defendant
Patty Murray , Defendant
Paul LePage , Defendant
Peace Corps , Defendant
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation , Defendant
Peter Shumlin , Defendant
Philadelphia Daily News , Defendant
Philadelphia Inquirer , Defendant
Phillip M Schilliro , Defendant
Phoenix Republic , Defendant
Pittsburgh Post Gazette , Defendant
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review , Defendant
Portland Oregonian , Defendant
United States Postal Regulatory Commission , Defendant
Officially listed as "Postal Regulatory Commission"
Postal Service (U.S.) , Defendant
United States Postal Service , Defendant
Officially listed as "Postal Service (U.S.)"
Press-Tribune , Defendant
Providence Journal , Defendant
R.R. Donnelley Sons Company , Defendant
Officially listed as "R R Donnelley & Sons Company"
Rahm I Emanuel , Defendant
Railroad Retirement Board , Defendant
Raleigh News & Observer , Defendant
Raymond L Lattood , Defendant
Research and Innovative Technology Administration , Defendant
Blumenthal, Richard , Defendant
Officially listed as "Richard Blumenthal"
Richard Burr , Defendant
Richard Shelby , Defendant
Richmond Times-Dispatch , Defendant
Rick Crawford , Defendant
Rick Perry , Defendant
Rick Scott , Defendant
Rick Snyder , Defendant
Riverside Press Enterprise , Defendant
Rob Portman , Defendant
Robert A Brady , Defendant
Robert Bentley , Defendant
Robert F Bauer , Defendant
Robert L Gibbs , Defendant
Gates, Robert M. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Robert M Gates"
Robert Menendez , Defendant
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle , Defendant
RON JOHNSON , Defendant
Ron Wyden , Defendant
Ronald A Klain , Defendant
Ronald Kirk , Defendant
Sacramento Bee , Defendant
Salt Lake City Tribune , Defendant
Sam Brownback , Defendant
San Antonio Express-News , Defendant
San Diego Union-Tribune , Defendant
San Francisco Chronicle , Defendant
San Francisco Examiner , Defendant
San Jose Mercury News, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "San Jose Mercury News"
Sarasota Herald-Tribune , Defendant
Saxby Chambliss , Defendant
Scott Walker , Defendant
Sean Parnell , Defendant
Seattle Times , Defendant
United States Securities and Exchange Commission , Defendant
Officially listed as "Securities and Exchange Commission"
Selective Service System , Defendant
Shawn L S Donovan , Defendant
Sheldon Whitehouse , Defendant
Sherrod Brown , Defendant
Small Business Administration , Defendant
Social Security Administration , Defendant
South Florida Sun-Sentinel , Defendant
St Louis Post-dispatch , Defendant
St Paul Pioneer Press , Defendant
St. Petersburg Times , Defendant
Steve Womack , Defendant
Steven Chris , Defendant
Steven L Beshew , Defendant
Surgeon General , Defendant
Susan S Shei , Defendant
Susana Martinez , Defendant
Syracuse Post Standard , Defendant
Systemmax , Defendant
T C Outlaw , Defendant
T Hutchinson , Defendant
Tampa Tribune , Defendant
Tennessee Valley Authority , Defendant
Terry Branstad , Defendant
Texas Star-Telegram , Defendant
Thomas A Marino , Defendant
Thomas E Donilson , Defendant
Thomas J Vilsack , Defendant
Thomas R Carper , Defendant
Tim Griffin , Defendant
Tim Holden , Defendant
Tim Johnson , Defendant
Tim Murphy , Defendant
Times-Picayune , Defendant
Timothy F Geithner , Defendant
Todd Platts , Defendant
Toledo Blade , Defendant
Tom Coburn , Defendant
Tom Corbett , Defendant
Tom Udall , Defendant
United States Transportation Security Administration , Defendant
Officially listed as "Transportation Security Administration"
Tulsa World , Defendant
Tuscon Daily Star , Defendant
TW Commercial Appeal , Defendant
U S Commission on Civil Rights , Defendant
United States Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement , Defendant
Officially listed as "U S Immigration and Customs Enforcement"
U S National Central Bureau of Interpol , Defendant
U.S. Office of Special Counsel , Defendant
United States Agency For International Development , Defendant
United States Bureau of Prisons , Defendant
United States Census Bureau , Defendant
United States Department of Homeland Security , Defendant
United States Election Assistance Commission , Defendant
United States Fish and Wildlife Service , Defendant
United States Forest Service , Defendant
United States International Trade Commission , Defendant
United States Marshal Service , Defendant
Officially listed as "United States Marshal's Service"
United States Office of Government Ethics , Defendant
United States Parole Commission , Defendant
United States Trade And Development Agency , Defendant
U.s. Consumer Product Safety Commission , Defendant
USA Today , Defendant
Virginian-Pilot , Defendant
W. R. Grace & Company , Defendant
Wall Street Journal , Defendant
The Walt Disney Company, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Walt Disney Company"
Washington Examiner , Defendant
The Washington Post Company , Defendant
Officially listed as "Washington Post"
Wilmington News Journal , Defendant
Wisconsin State Journal , Defendant
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Filed: 6/19/2012, Entered: None
MANDATE of USCA In accordance with the judgment of 06/19/2012, as to 13 Notice of Appeal filed by Frederick Banks (dac) (Entered: 06/19/2012)
Filed: 6/19/2012, Entered: None
USCA JUDGMENT as to 13 Notice of Appeal filed by Frederick Banks is dismissed for failure to prosecute(dac) (Entered: 06/19/2012)
Filed: 5/17/2012, Entered: None
ORDER of USCA directing the appellant to pay the filing fees to the Clerk of the U.S. District Court as to 13 Notice of Appeal filed by Frederick Banks. (cby) (Entered: 05/17/2012)
Filed: 5/17/2012, Entered: None
USCA Docketing Letter as to 13 Notice of Appeal filed by Frederick Banks. USCA Case Number 12-2168. (cby) (Entered: 05/17/2012)
Filed: 5/15/2012, Entered: None
NOTIFICATION OF APPEAL and NOA SUPPLEMENT as to 10 Judgment, 9 Order, 26 Order on Motion for Leave to Appeal in forma pauperis, 13 Notice of Appeal. (dac) (Entered: 05/15/2012)
Filed: 5/15/2012, Entered: None
ORDER denying 14 Motion for Leave to Appeal in forma pauperis. Signed by Chief Judge J. Leon Holmes on 5/15/12. (dac) (Entered: 05/15/2012)
Filed: 5/14/2012, Entered: None
ORDER Approving and Adopting 21 Report and Recommendations; Denying 12 Motion to Alter Judgment; Denying 19 Notice of Appeal and Motion for Reconsideration. Signed by Chief Judge J. Leon Holmes on 5/14/12. (dac) (Entered: 05/14/2012)
Filed: 4/30/2012, Entered: None
OBJECTION to 21 Report and Recommendations by Frederick Banks (copy mailed) (dac) (Entered: 04/30/2012)
Filed: 4/20/2012, Entered: None
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS re 12 MOTION to Alter Judgment be Denied; 19 Notice of Appeal land Motion for Reconsideration docketed as "Notice" be Denied; Objections to R&R due 5/7/12. Signed by Magistrate Judge J. Thomas Ray on 4/20/12. (dac) (Entered: 04/20/2012)
Filed: 4/20/2012, Entered: None
ORDER vacating 17 Report and Recommendations. Signed by Magistrate Judge J. Thomas Ray on 4/20/12. (dac) (Entered: 04/20/2012)
Filed: 4/17/2012, Entered: None
NOTICE by Frederick Banks, forwarded to Court from USDC Middle District of Pennsylvania (copy mailed) (dac) (Entered: 04/18/2012)
Filed: 4/17/2012, Entered: None
PROPOSED FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDED DISPOSITION recommending that 12 Plaintiff's MOTION to Alter Judgment filed by Frederick Banks be denied. The Court ceritfy that an in forma pauperis appeal would not be taken in good faith. An original and one copy of your objections must be received in the office of the U. S. District Court no later than 14 days from the date of the findings and recommendation. Signed by Magistrate Judge J. Thomas Ray on 04/17/2012. (kcs) (Entered: 04/17/2012)
Filed: 4/9/2012, Entered: None
ORDER REFERRING MOTION: 12 MOTION to Alter/Amend Judgment, 14 MOTION for Leave to Appeal in forma pauperis filed by Frederick Banks to Magistrate Judge J. Thomas Ray. Signed by Chief Judge J. Leon Holmes on 4/9/12. (dac) (Entered: 04/09/2012)
Filed: 4/6/2012, Entered: None
MOTION for Leave to Appeal in forma pauperis by Frederick Banks (copy mailed) (dac) (Entered: 04/09/2012)
Filed: 4/6/2012, Entered: None
NOTICE OF APPEAL as to 10 Judgment, 9 Order, by Frederick Banks. (copy mailed) (dac) (Entered: 04/09/2012)
Filed: 4/6/2012, Entered: None
MOTION to Alter and Amend Judgment by Frederick Banks (copy mailed) (dac) (Entered: 04/09/2012)
Filed: 3/28/2012, Entered: None
JUDGMENT pursuant to 9 Order of Dismissal entered this date, judgment is hereby entered dismissing this action without prejudice . Signed by Chief Judge J. Leon Holmes on 3/28/12. (vjt) (Entered: 03/28/2012)
Filed: 3/28/2012, Entered: None
ORDER denying 2 Application to Proceed in forma pauperis filed by Frederick Banks, and dismissing this case without prejudice pursuant to the three strikes rule; judgment will be entered accordingly. Signed by Chief Judge J. Leon Holmes on 3/28/12. (vjt) (Entered: 03/28/2012)
Filed: 3/26/2012, Entered: None
ORDER REASSIGNING CASE to Chief Judge J. Leon Holmes for all further proceedings. Judge James M. Moody no longer assigned to case.(bfw) (Entered: 03/26/2012)
Filed: 3/23/2012, Entered: None
Case electronically transferred in from District of Pennsylvania Middle; Case Number 1:12-cv-00496. Electronic file with documents numbered 1 -5, copy of transfer order and docket sheet received. (docket text modified on 3/26/2012 to add documents numbered 1-5 received) (bfw). (Entered: 03/23/2012)
Filed: 3/23/2012, Entered: None
ORDER - It is hereby ORDERED that: 1. Clrk of Ct directed to transfer above-captioned case to USDC for Eastern District of Arkansas...; 2. Disposition of pltf's motion to proceed IFP 2 is left to discretion of transferee court.; 3. Clrk of Ct directed to CLOSE case. (See order for complee details.) Signed by Honorable Christopher C. Conner on 03/23/12. (ki) [Transferred from pamd on 3/23/2012.] (Entered: 03/23/2012)
Filed: 3/21/2012, Entered: None
STANDING PRACTICE ORDER informing the parties of their briefing and other responsibilities.Signed by Honorable Christopher C. Conner on 03/21/12. (pjr) [Transferred from pamd on 3/23/2012.] (Entered: 03/21/2012)
Filed: 3/21/2012, Entered: None
PRO SE LETTER ISSUED w/ Notice & Consent Form. (pjr) [Transferred from pamd on 3/23/2012.] (Entered: 03/21/2012)
Filed: 3/20/2012, Entered: None
MOTION for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis filed by Frederick Banks. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibits)(pjr) [Transferred from pamd on 3/23/2012.] (Entered: 03/21/2012)
Filed: 3/20/2012, Entered: None
COMPLAINT filed by Frederick Banks.(pjr) [Transferred from pamd on 3/23/2012.] (Entered: 03/21/2012)
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