MANDATE of USCA dated 5/4/2007 regarding notice of appeal,,,,,,,,,,, 183 ; USCA No. 05-4362. The judgment of the District Court is AFFIRMED, with costs, in accordance with the decision of this court entered on this date. (jmp, ) (Entered: 05/09/2007)
LETTER from the Seventh Circuit Circuit returning the record on appeal in USCA no. 05-4362 consisting of six (6) volumes of pleadings thirty-three (33) volumes of loose pleadings; eight (8) volumes of transcripts and one (1) in camera material. (jmp, ) (Entered: 05/09/2007)
TRANSMITTED to the USCA for the 7th Circuit the long record on appeal 183 (USCA no. 05-4362) consisting of 6 volumes of pleadings, 8 volumes of transcripts, 1 vaulted item and 33 loose pleadings. (gej, ) (Entered: 12/15/2005)
DESIGNATION by Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.,, Citigroup, Inc., John Henry Spatz of record on appeal: USCA Case No. 05-4362 (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A (part 1)# 2 Exhibit A (part 2))(Schafer, Charles) (Entered: 12/08/2005)
TRANSCRIPTS of proceedings for the following dates: 03/09/04, 05/14/04, 06/16/04, 10/28/04, 12/01/04, 08/04/05, and 08/16/05 before the Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly. (7 vols. #186-1 through #186-7). (ar, ) (Entered: 12/06/2005)
TRANSMITTED to the 7th Circuit the short record on notice of appeal, 183 . Notified counsel [dj] Additional attachment(s) added on 11/18/2005 (dj, ). (Entered: 11/18/2005)
JOINT-NOTICE of appeal by plaintiffs Joann Drum, Brad EFAW Computers, Bradley Efaw, Mary Jo Efaw, Evelyn Etter Revoc. Liv. Trust, Ruth Foster, Bernard Cohen, William Glass, N Jean Glass, Vicki Greear, Larry Griffin, Sharla Griffin, Norman Hartley, Doris Hill, Lois Cohen, Fredean Hooker, Karen Jones, J & S Kinder, O.R. Luker, O.R./Norah Luker Rev. Liv Trust, Loren Mennem, Leslie A Mennem, Marc Cohen, James McGill, V.L. Miller, V.L. Miller Revoc. Liv. Trust, Ron Mitchell, Milton Mooney, Gary Moore, Rita Moore, Brian Morgan, Farsh Davatgazadeh, R.A. Mosley, R.J. Nall, Leo Neyer, M.N Nicholson, M. Pansze Revoc. Liv. Trust, Gail Park, Sam Park, C.J. Price, S.N Rao, Brandi Root, Jessica Root, Lee Friedman, Gary Seal, Debbie Seeley, Seeley Living Trust, Minnie Soapes, A Stewart, Scott Streller, Gene Streller, Mary Streller, Charles Sullivan, Susanne Sullivan, Danny Teachman, Charles Tew, Jim Terow, D Brent Tipton, Archaryulu Vedala, Oneta Ward, D Whittington, Y. Hilgenberg Revoc. Liv. Trust, Ari Friedman, Pauline Wilson, R/P Wilson Revoc Liv. Trust, Jaffrey Zafar, Anthony W Armenta, Marga Armenta, Big Solutions, Money Circle, Donald Asher, Rudi Bianchi, John Costello, Lenka Danoff, Daniel Gooze, Sherwin I Ray, Randy Drew, Mark Durante, James Hess, David May, Michael Kahn, Leon Ind Intl Corp, James McFadden, Robert Gluck, Thom McFadden, Tyler McFadden, Will McFadden, J Douglas McNair, Brad Nicolaisen, Mia Nicolaisen, John Nicolaisen, Anton Pils, Yisroel Gluck, Scott Sheppard, Stanley K Sheppard, Lisa Teteak, B J Ukra, Mark Ukra, Michael Wiedder, Erwin Vogel, Abraham Hartman, Tova Hartman, Bernard Hollander, Rosemary Kayne, Sanford Kayne, Sharam Kohananoo, Joseph Knopf, Careplus Management, Inc., Alan M Knopf, Michael Knopf, Hilda Loew, Yechiel Landau, Israel Lichtshein, Nava Lichtshein, Lincoln Ave Shoes Inc, Barbara Madnick, Margolies Clinic, Chicago Chesed Fund, Henry Mermelstein, Marvin Mermelstein, George Ofman, Dov Peikes, Chaim Rajchenbach, Jack Rajchenbach, Naomi Rajchenbach, Rajchenbach Trust, Agudauth Israel of Illinois, Barry M Ray, Helen Ray, Joshua Ray, Sharon Ray, Amy Ray Trust, Jordan Ray, Elimelech Ray, Malka Ray, Bernard Rosenberg, David Rosenberg, Joey Stern Trust, Yeshiva Telshe, Torah Academy, Endowment Torah Academy Endowment, Torah Academy of Minnesota, Douglas Metcalf, Robert Metcalf, Mark Stewart, Jakob Bakst, Susan Stewart, Sandi Stewart, Anne Stewart, Richard Altdoeffer, AM Crystallographic Assoc.,, Carol A Ayers, Paul Barnes, M Wilene Barnes, John Barton, Gershon Bassman, Stanley Birch, B.U. Habib Retirement Plan, Bob Cravens Revoc. Liv. Trust, Brian D Tipton, Eastland Eyecare, Eastland Optical, Gwendolyn Brand, Ben B Buckland, Lawrence Borenstein, Tracy Bugg, Jay Clark, Cleveland Revoc, Bob Cravens Trust, Andrew Davis, Diane Davis, Shari Borenstein regarding orders 182 , 180 , 181 ; Filing fee $ 255.00 paid; Receipt number 10424158; (Attachment) (dj, ) (Entered: 11/18/2005)
MINUTE entry before Judge Matthew F. Kennelly : For the reasons set forth in the Memorandum Opinion and Order dated 10/18/2005, the Court grants defendant's motion for summary judgment. 158 All other pending motions are terminated. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment in favor of the defendants. 154 176 Civil case terminated. Mailed notice (hp, ) (Entered: 10/21/2005)
MINUTE entry before Judge Matthew F. Kennelly : Motion for leave to file sur reply 176 is denied. Motion to strike 176 is taken under advisement. No notice (or, ) (Entered: 08/19/2005)
REVISED REPLY by Plaintiffs Joann Drum, Brad EFAW Computers, Bradley Efaw, Mary Jo Efaw, Evelyn Etter Revoc. Liv. Trust, Ruth Foster, Bernard Cohen, William Glass, N Jean Glass, Vicki Greear, Larry Griffin, Sharla Griffin, Norman Hartley, Lois Cohen, Marc Cohen, Farsh Davatgazadeh, Lee Friedman, Ari Friedman, Anthony W Armenta, Marga Armenta, Big Solutions, Donald Asher, Rudi Bianchi, John Costello, Lenka Danoff, Daniel Gooze, Mark Durante, Robert Gluck, Yisroel Gluck, Abraham Hartman, Careplus Management, Inc., Chicago Chesed Fund, Agudauth Israel of Illinois, Amy Ray Trust, Jakob Bakst, Richard Altdoeffer, AM Crystallographic Assoc.,, Carol A Ayers, Paul Barnes, M Wilene Barnes, John Barton, Gershon Bassman, Stanley Birch, H.K. Bloch Irrev. Trust, Bob Cravens Revoc. Liv. Trust, Eastland Eyecare, Eastland Optical, Gwendolyn Brand, Ben B Buckland, Lawrence Borenstein, Tracy Bugg, K Chandrasekaran, Jay Clark, Cleveland Revoc, Bob Cravens Trust, Andrew Davis, Diane Davis, Shari Borenstein (rmm, ) (Entered: 08/12/2005)
NOTICE of Motion by Michael Christian Andolina for presentment of MOTION by Defendants to strike plaintiffs' revised reply or in the alternative for leave to file surreply 176 before Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly on 8/16/2005 at 09:30 AM. (gma, ) (Entered: 08/12/2005)
MINUTE entry before Judge Matthew F. Kennelly : Plaintiffs' Motion for leave to file reply brief 169 is denied. Motion hearing held on 8/4/2005 regarding motion for leave to file reply brief 169 . Motion to strike portions of plaintiffs' summary judgment is granted. Revised reply memorandum to be filed by 8/11/2005. Mailed notice (rmm, ) (Entered: 08/08/2005)
NOTICE of Motion by Michael Christian Andolina for presentment of RESPONSe to plaintiffs' motion for leave to file reply brief and motion to strike portions of plaintiffs' summary judgment reply brief or in the alternative for leave to file surreply before Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly on 8/4/2005 at 09:30 AM. (gma, ). Modified on 4/9/2008 (las, ). (Entered: 08/02/2005)
RESPONSE by Defendants to plaintiffs' motion for leave to file reply brief and motion to strike portions of plaintiffs' summary judgment reply brief or in the alternative for leave to file surreply(gma, ) (Entered: 08/02/2005)
REPLY by Plaintiffs Joann Drum, Brad EFAW Computers, Bradley Efaw, Mary Jo Efaw, Evelyn Etter Revoc. Liv. Trust, Ruth Foster, Bernard Cohen, William Glass, N Jean Glass, Vicki Greear, Larry Griffin, Sharla Griffin, Norman Hartley, Doris Hill, Lois Cohen, Fredean Hooker, Karen Jones, J & S Kinder, O.R. Luker, O.R./Norah Luker Rev. Liv Trust, Loren Mennem, Leslie A Mennem, Marc Cohen, James McGill, V.L. Miller, V.L. Miller Revoc. Liv. Trust, Ron Mitchell, Milton Mooney, Gary Moore, Rita Moore, Brian Morgan, Farsh Davatgazadeh, R.A. Mosley, R.J. Nall, Leo Neyer, M.N Nicholson, M. Pansze Revoc. Liv. Trust, Gail Park, Sam Park, C.J. Price, S.N Rao, Brandi Root, Jessica Root, Lee Friedman, Gary Seal, Debbie Seeley, Seeley Living Trust, Minnie Soapes, A Stewart, Scott Streller, Gene Streller, Mary Streller, Charles Sullivan, Susanne Sullivan, Danny Teachman, Charles Tew, Jim Terow, D Brent Tipton, Oneta Ward, D Whittington, Ari Friedman, R/P Wilson Revoc Liv. Trust, Anthony W Armenta, Marga Armenta, Big Solutions, Money Circle, Donald Asher, Rudi Bianchi, John Costello, Lenka Danoff, Daniel Gooze, Sherwin I Ray, Randy Drew, Mark Durante, James Hess, David May, Michael Kahn, Leon Ind Intl Corp, James McFadden, Robert Gluck, Thom McFadden, Tyler McFadden, Will McFadden, J Douglas McNair, Brad Nicolaisen, Mia Nicolaisen, John Nicolaisen, Anton Pils, Yisroel Gluck, Scott Sheppard, Stanley K Sheppard, Lisa Teteak, B J Ukra, Mark Ukra, Michael Wiedder, Abraham Hartman, Tova Hartman, Bernard Hollander, Rosemary Kayne, Sanford Kayne, Sharam Kohananoo, Joseph Knopf, Careplus Management, Inc., Alan M Knopf, Michael Knopf, Hilda Loew, Yechiel Landau, Israel Lichtshein, Nava Lichtshein, Lincoln Ave Shoes Inc, Barbara Madnick, Margolies Clinic, Chicago Chesed Fund, Henry Mermelstein, Marvin Mermelstein, George Ofman, Dov Peikes, Jack Rajchenbach, Naomi Rajchenbach, Rajchenbach Trust, Agudauth Israel of Illinois, Barry M Ray, Helen Ray, Joshua Ray, Sharon Ray, Amy Ray Trust, Jordan Ray, Elimelech Ray, Malka Ray, Bernard Rosenberg, David Rosenberg, Joey Stern Trust, Torah Academy, Endowment Torah Academy Endowment, Torah Academy of Minnesota, Douglas Metcalf, Robert Metcalf, Mark Stewart, Jakob Bakst, Susan Stewart, Sandi Stewart, Anne Stewart, Richard Altdoeffer, AM Crystallographic Assoc.,, Carol A Ayers, Paul Barnes, M Wilene Barnes, John Barton, Gershon Bassman, Stanley Birch, H.K. Bloch Irrev. Trust, Bob Cravens Revoc. Liv. Trust, Brian D Tipton, Eastland Eyecare, Eastland Optical, Gwendolyn Brand, Ben B Buckland, Lawrence Borenstein, Tracy Bugg, Jay Clark, Cleveland Revoc, Bob Cravens Trust, Andrew Davis, Diane Davis, Shari Borenstein to defendants' Statement of additional facts 166 (Exhibits) (rmm, ) (Entered: 07/28/2005)
REPLY by Plaintiffs Joann Drum, Brad EFAW Computers, Bradley Efaw, Mary Jo Efaw, Evelyn Etter Revoc. Liv. Trust, Ruth Foster, William Glass, N Jean Glass, Vicki Greear, Larry Griffin, Sharla Griffin, Norman Hartley, Doris Hill, Lois Cohen, Fredean Hooker, Karen Jones, J & S Kinder, O.R. Luker, O.R./Norah Luker Rev. Liv Trust, Loren Mennem, Leslie A Mennem, Marc Cohen, James McGill, V.L. Miller, V.L. Miller Revoc. Liv. Trust, Ron Mitchell, Milton Mooney, Gary Moore, Rita Moore, Brian Morgan, Farsh Davatgazadeh, R.A. Mosley, R.J. Nall, Leo Neyer, M.N Nicholson, M. Pansze Revoc. Liv. Trust, Gail Park, Sam Park, C.J. Price, S.N Rao, Brandi Root, Jessica Root, Lee Friedman, Gary Seal, Debbie Seeley, Seeley Living Trust, Minnie Soapes, A Stewart, Scott Streller, Gene Streller, Mary Streller, Charles Sullivan, Susanne Sullivan, Danny Teachman, Charles Tew, Jim Terow, D Brent Tipton, Oneta Ward, D Whittington, Y. Hilgenberg Revoc. Liv. Trust, Ari Friedman, Pauline Wilson, R/P Wilson Revoc Liv. Trust, Jaffrey Zafar, Anthony W Armenta, Marga Armenta, Big Solutions, Money Circle, Donald Asher, Rudi Bianchi, John Costello, Lenka Danoff, Daniel Gooze, Sherwin I Ray, Randy Drew, Mark Durante, James Hess, David May, Michael Kahn, Leon Ind Intl Corp, James McFadden, Robert Gluck, Thom McFadden, Tyler McFadden, Will McFadden, J Douglas McNair, Brad Nicolaisen, Mia Nicolaisen, John Nicolaisen, Anton Pils, Yisroel Gluck, Scott Sheppard, Stanley K Sheppard, Lisa Teteak, B J Ukra, Mark Ukra, Michael Wiedder, Abraham Hartman, Tova Hartman, Bernard Hollander, Rosemary Kayne, Sanford Kayne, Sharam Kohananoo, Joseph Knopf, Careplus Management, Inc., Alan M Knopf, Michael Knopf, Hilda Loew, Yechiel Landau, Israel Lichtshein, Nava Lichtshein, Lincoln Ave Shoes Inc, Barbara Madnick, Margolies Clinic, Chicago Chesed Fund, Henry Mermelstein, Marvin Mermelstein, George Ofman, Dov Peikes, Jack Rajchenbach, Naomi Rajchenbach, Rajchenbach Trust, Agudauth Israel of Illinois, Barry M Ray, Helen Ray, Joshua Ray, Sharon Ray, Amy Ray Trust, Jordan Ray, Elimelech Ray, Malka Ray, Bernard Rosenberg, David Rosenberg, Joey Stern Trust, Yeshiva Telshe, Torah Academy, Endowment Torah Academy Endowment, Torah Academy of Minnesota, Douglas Metcalf, Robert Metcalf, Mark Stewart, Jakob Bakst, Susan Stewart, Sandi Stewart, Anne Stewart, Richard Altdoeffer, AM Crystallographic Assoc.,, Carol A Ayers, Paul Barnes, M Wilene Barnes, John Barton, Gershon Bassman, Stanley Birch, H.K. Bloch Irrev. Trust, Bob Cravens Revoc. Liv. Trust, Brian D Tipton, Eastland Eyecare, Eastland Optical, Gwendolyn Brand, Ben B Buckland, Lawrence Borenstein, Tracy Bugg, Jay Clark, Cleveland Revoc, Bob Cravens Trust, Andrew Davis, Diane Davis, Shari Borenstein to defendants' memorandum of law in opposition to plaintiffs' motion for partial summary judgment 160 (Exibits) (rmm, ) (Entered: 07/27/2005)
RESPONSE by Defendants Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.,, Citigroup, Inc., John Henry Spatz to plaintiffs' additional statement of material facts and Local Rule 56.1(b)(3)(B) Statement of additional facts (Exhibits) (rmm, ) (Entered: 07/27/2005)
MOTION by Plaintiffs Brad EFAW Computers, Anthony W Armenta, Marga Armenta, Big Solutions, Donald Asher, Rudi Bianchi, Careplus Management, Inc., Agudauth Israel of Illinois, Amy Ray Trust, Jakob Bakst, Richard Altdoeffer, AM Crystallographic Assoc.,, Carol A Ayers, Paul Barnes, M Wilene Barnes, John Barton, Gershon Bassman, Stanley Birch, Bob Cravens Revoc. Liv. Trust, Gwendolyn Brand, Ben B Buckland, Lawrence Borenstein, Tracy Bugg, Bob Cravens Trust, Shari Borenstein for leave to file reply in excess of 15 pages (rmm, ) (Entered: 07/26/2005)
REPLY memorandum by Defendants Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.,, Citigroup, Inc., John Henry Spatz in support of their motion for summary judgment on all plaintiffs' claims 154 (rmm, ) (Entered: 07/26/2005)
RESPONSE to plaintiffs' Statement of additional facts by Defendants Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.,, Citigroup, Inc., John Henry Spatz (rmm, ) (Entered: 07/26/2005)
RESPONSE by Defendants Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.,, Citigroup, Inc., John Henry Spatz to plaintiffs' statement of material facts and Local Rule 56.1(b)(3)(B) Statement of additional facts (rmm, ) (Entered: 07/11/2005)
MEMORANDUM of law by plaintiffs Joann Drum, Brad EFAW Computers, Bradley Efaw, Mary Jo Efaw, Evelyn Etter Revoc. Liv. Trust, Ruth Foster, Bernard Cohen, William Glass, N Jean Glass, Vicki Greear, Larry Griffin, Sharla Griffin, Norman Hartley, Doris Hill, Lois Cohen, Fredean Hooker, Karen Jones, J & S Kinder, O.R. Luker, O.R./Norah Luker Rev. Liv Trust, Loren Mennem, Leslie A Mennem, Marc Cohen, James McGill, V.L. Miller, V.L. Miller Revoc. Liv. Trust, Ron Mitchell, Milton Mooney, Gary Moore, Rita Moore, Brian Morgan, Farsh Davatgazadeh, R.A. Mosley, R.J. Nall, Leo Neyer, M.N Nicholson, M. Pansze Revoc. Liv. Trust, Gail Park, Sam Park, C.J. Price, S.N Rao, Brandi Root, Jessica Root, Lee Friedman, Gary Seal, Debbie Seeley, Seeley Living Trust, Minnie Soapes, A Stewart, Scott Streller, Gene Streller, Mary Streller, Charles Sullivan, Susanne Sullivan, Danny Teachman, Charles Tew, Jim Terow, D Brent Tipton, Oneta Ward, D Whittington, Y. Hilgenberg Revoc. Liv. Trust, Ari Friedman, Pauline Wilson, R/P Wilson Revoc Liv. Trust, Jaffrey Zafar, Anthony W Armenta, Marga Armenta, Big Solutions, Money Circle, Donald Asher, Rudi Bianchi, John Costello, Lenka Danoff, Daniel Gooze, Sherwin I Ray, Randy Drew, Mark Durante, James Hess, David May, Michael Kahn, Leon Ind Intl Corp, James McFadden, Robert Gluck, Thom McFadden, Tyler McFadden, Will McFadden, J Douglas McNair, Brad Nicolaisen, Mia Nicolaisen, John Nicolaisen, Anton Pils, Yisroel Gluck, Scott Sheppard, Stanley K Sheppard, Lisa Teteak, B J Ukra, Mark Ukra, Michael Wiedder, Abraham Hartman, Tova Hartman, Bernard Hollander, Rosemary Kayne, Sanford Kayne, Sharam Kohananoo, Joseph Knopf, Careplus Management, Inc., Alan M Knopf, Michael Knopf, Hilda Loew, Yechiel Landau, Israel Lichtshein, Nava Lichtshein, Lincoln Ave Shoes Inc, Barbara Madnick, Margolies Clinic, Chicago Chesed Fund, Henry Mermelstein, Marvin Mermelstein, George Ofman, Dov Peikes, Jack Rajchenbach, Naomi Rajchenbach, Rajchenbach Trust, Agudauth Israel of Illinois, Barry M Ray, Helen Ray, Joshua Ray, Sharon Ray, Amy Ray Trust, Jordan Ray, Elimelech Ray, Malka Ray, Bernard Rosenberg, David Rosenberg, Joey Stern Trust, Yeshiva Telshe, Torah Academy, Endowment Torah Academy Endowment, Torah Academy of Minnesota, Douglas Metcalf, Robert Metcalf, Mark Stewart, Jakob Bakst, Susan Stewart, Sandi Stewart, Anne Stewart, Richard Altdoeffer, AM Crystallographic Assoc.,, Carol A Ayers, Paul Barnes, M Wilene Barnes, John Barton, Gershon Bassman, Stanley Birch, H.K. Bloch Irrev. Trust, Bob Cravens Revoc. Liv. Trust, Brian D Tipton, Eastland Eyecare, Eastland Optical, Gwendolyn Brand, Ben B Buckland, Lawrence Borenstein, Tracy Bugg, Jay Clark, Randy Cocklin, Bob Cravens Trust, Andrew Davis, Diane Davis, Shari Borenstein to defendants' motion for summary judgment 154 (rmm, ) (Entered: 07/07/2005)
AFFIDAVIT of Service by mail filed by Defendants Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.,, John Henry Spatz regarding Plaintiff's memorandum in opposition to defendants' Section 1404(a) motion to transfer and plaintiff's affidavit in support of her memorandum in opposition to defendant's section 1404(a) motion to transfer served on Erin Dougherty Foley on 6/24/2005 (rmm, ) (Entered: 07/06/2005)
MEMORANDUM of law by defendants Citigroup, Inc., John Henry Spatz in Opposition to plaintiffs' Motion for partial summary judgment 158 (rmm, ) Modified on 8/3/2007 (air, ). (Entered: 07/06/2005)
MINUTE entry before Judge Matthew F. Kennelly : Status hearing held. Response to each side's motion for summary judgment 154 is due 6/30/2005. Reply briefs are due 7/21/2005. Ruling by mail. The claims of Charles Schmidt are dismissed. Mailed notice (rmm, ) (Entered: 05/17/2005)
MEMORANDUM by defendants Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.,, Citigroup, Inc., John Henry Spatz in Support of their motion for summary judgment on all plaintiffs' claims 154 (rmm, ) (Entered: 05/16/2005)
LOCAL RULE 56.1(a)(3) Statement by Citigroup Global Markets, Inc., Citigroup, Inc., John Henry Spatz in support of their motion for summary judgment 154 (rmm, ) Modified on 5/16/2005 (rmm, ). Additional attachment(s) added on 5/16/2005 (rmm, ). Additional attachment(s) added on 5/16/2005 (rmm, ). (Entered: 05/16/2005)
MOTION by Defendants Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.,, Citigroup, Inc., John Henry Spatz for summary judgment on all plaintiffs claims (rmm, ) (Entered: 05/16/2005)
MINUTE entry before Judge Matthew F. Kennelly : The joint agreed motion for enlargement of pages and for leave to file electronic versions is granted but only in part. Summary judgment, supporting memoranda and responses may not exceed 40 pages per side, double spaced without excessive footnotes. Reply briefs are strictly limited to 15 pages. Electronic versions may be filed as courtesy copies, but these will not be the official versions filed as part of the record. Mailed notice (rmm, ) (Entered: 04/25/2005)
MINUTE entry before Judge Matthew F. Kennelly : The joint agreed Motion for leave for enlargement of pages and for leave to file electronic versions 150 is granted but only in part. Summary judgment, supporting memoranda and responses may not exceed 40 pages per side, double spaced without excessive footnotes. Reply briefs are strictly limited to 15 pages. Electronic versions may be filed as courtesy copies, but these will not be the official versions filed as part of the record. Mailed notice (rmm, ) (Entered: 04/21/2005)
NOTICE of Motion by Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.,, Citigroup, Inc., John Henry Spatz for enlargement of pages and for leave to file electronic versions of summary judgment briefs 150 before Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly on 4/21/2005 at 09:30 AM. (rbf, ) (Entered: 04/19/2005)
JOINT AGREED MOTION by Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.,, Citigroup, Inc., John Henry Spatz for enlargement of pages and for leave to file electronic versions of summary judgment briefs. (rbf, ) (Entered: 04/19/2005)
MINUTE entry before Judge Matthew F. Kennelly : The joint agreed motion for extension of time 147 is granted. Expert discovery cutoff date is extended to 4/29/05. Mailed notice (air, ) (Entered: 04/06/2005)
NOTICE of Motion by Michael Christian Andolina for presentment of joint agreed motion for extension of deposition discovery period 147 before Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly on 4/5/2005 at 09:30 AM. (rbf, ) (Entered: 03/28/2005)
MINUTE entry before Judge Matthew F. Kennelly : Pursuant to the Court's order of 1/14/2005, defendants have submitted a statement of expenses in connection with travel of one of their attorneys from New York City to Los Angeles for the deposition of B.J. Ukra. For the reasons stated below, the Court directs plaintiffs' counsel to pay defendants' counsel 1033.71 within 14 days of entry of this order on the docket. (rmm, ) (Entered: 02/16/2005)
MEMORANDUM by plaintiffs in Opposition to defendants' proof of costs relating to their motion for fees and costs associated with the deposition of plaintiff B.J. Ukra 140 ; Exhibit. (rmm, ) Modified on 12/15/2005 (ym, ). (Entered: 02/07/2005)
REPLY memorandum by Defendants Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.,, Citigroup, Inc., John Henry Spatz in support of its proof of costs relating to their motion for fees and costs associated with the deposition of plaintiff B.J. Ukra 140 (rmm, ) (Entered: 02/07/2005)
MEMORANDUM in Opposition by plaintiffs to defendant's proof of costs relating to their motion for fees and costs associated with the deposition of plaintiff B.J. Ukra 140 (Exhibit) (rmm, ) Modified on 1/20/2006 (aew, ). (Entered: 02/07/2005)
MINUTE entry before Judge Matthew F. Kennelly :Status hearing held on 2/3/2005, and continued to 5/16/2005 at 9:30 a.m. Deadline for filing dispositive motions set to 5/12/2005. No Notice. Advised in open court. (or, ) (Entered: 02/04/2005)
PROOF of costs relating to their motion for fees and costs associated with the deposition of plaintiff B.J. Ukra by Citigroup Global Markets, Inc., Citigroup, Inc., John Henry Spatz (rmm, ) (Entered: 01/31/2005)
MINUTE entry before Judge Matthew F. Kennelly : Defendants' motion to dismiss the claims of certain plaintiffs for failure to comply with discovery 132 is granted in part and denied in part for the reasons stated on the reverse side of this order [docket # 132-1]. The claims of plaintiffs Steven Hernandez, Joseph Mermelstein, Chaim Rajchenbach, Anantha Agasthya, K. Chandrasekaran, Norah Luker, Wanda Scherler, and Fonda Brousseau are dismissed with prejudice. The motion is denied as to plaintiffs Naomi Rajchenbach and Will McFadden. (rmm, ) (Entered: 01/20/2005)
MINUTE entry before Judge Matthew F. Kennelly : Defendant's motion for costs and fees 133 is granted in part and denied in part as stated on the reverse side of this order [docket #133-1]. Defendants' counsel is directed to submit, within seven days of this order, a statement of its reasonable out of pocket expenses for travel to take the deposition of B.J. Ukra. (rmm, ) (Entered: 01/20/2005)
REPLY MEMORANDUM by defendants in further support of their motion to dismiss for failure to comply with discovery and their motion for fees and costs associated with the depositions of plaintiffs B.J. Ukra, Doris Hill and Jo Ann Drum [132-1]. (jmm) (Entered: 01/06/2005)
MINUTE ORDER of 12/21/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : Status hearing held and continued to 9:30 a.m. on 2/3/05. Motion to strike plaintiffs' expert disclosure of J. David Cohen is withdrawn [121-1]. Plaintiff's motion to increase punitive damage claim [126-1] is denied as unnecessary. Defendant's motion to dismiss for failure to comply with discovery [132-1] is briefed as follows: Plaintiff has filed a response. Defendant to reply on or before 1/4/05. Motion for costs and fees associated with the depositions plaintiffs B.J. Ukra, Doris Hill, and Jo Ann Drum [133-1] shall follow the above briefing schedule. Written ruling will be issued by the Court. Motion to extend the discovery [127-1] for the purpose of deposition of Qualcomm representative is granted. Motion to compel re-deposition of Citigroup, Inc. is denied [127-2]. Rule 26(A(2) deadline for expert disclosures is extended to 1/28/05. Rebuttal by 2/28/05. All depositions by 3/31/05. No notice (rmm) (Entered: 12/22/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 12/21/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : For the reasons stated on the reverse side of this order, the Court denies the plaintiffs and third party defendant Howard Borenstein's motion for reconsideration of court's 8/30/04 oder granting defendants' motion to compel [88-1]. (See reverse of minute order.) Mailed notice (rmm) (Entered: 12/22/2004)
MEMORANDUM by plaintiffs in opposition to defendants' motion for fees and costs associated with the depositions of plaintiffs B.J. Ukra, Doris Hill, and Jo Ann Drum [133-1] and in opposition to defendants' motion to dismiss for failure to comply with discovery [132-1] (rmm) (Entered: 12/22/2004)
MOTION by defendants for fees and costs associated with the depositions of plaintiffs B.J. Ukra, Doris Hill, and Jo Ann Drum (Attachments); Notice (rmm) (Entered: 12/22/2004)
LETTER from defendants Citigroup Global, Citigroup Inc, and John Henry Spatz's attorney to Judge Kennelly datd 11/12/04 (Attachments) (rmm) (Entered: 12/22/2004)
OPPOSITION by defendant Citigroup, Inc. to plaintiffs' motion to extend the discovery cut-off and to compel re-deposition of Citigroup, Inc. (cdy) (Entered: 12/21/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 12/16/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : Plaintiffs' motion to increase punitive damage claim and plaintiffs' motion to extend the discovery cut-off and to compel are continued to 9:30 a.m. on 12/21/04 [126-1] [127-1] [127-2]. Resonse,if any, is to be filed 12/20/04, with a courtesy copy to be delivered to chambers on that date [126-1] [127-1] [127-2]. Mailed notice (ar) (Entered: 12/17/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 12/1/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : Hearing on motion to strike plaintiffs' expert disclosure of J. David Cohen [121-1] is continued to 9:30 a.m. on 12/14/04. No notice (rmm) (Entered: 12/02/2004)
MEMORANDUM by plaintiffs in opposition to defendants' motion to strike plaintiffs' expert disclosure of J. David Cohen [121-1] (rmm) (Entered: 11/30/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 11/18/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : Plaintiff's motion to amend to correct misnomers is granted [115-1]. Plaintiff's renewed motion for voluntary dismissal of Rajchenbach and Chain Rajchenbach is granted [117-1]. Terminating parties Moshe Rajchenbach and Chaim Rajchenbach Response on defendant's motion to strike plaintiffs' expert disclosure of J. David Cohen [121-1] is due 11/29/04. Ruling on Hearing on motion to strike plaintiffs' expert disclosure J. David Cohen [121-1] set for 9:30 a.m. on 12/1/04. Defendant's motion to amend their responses to plaintiff Jack Rajchenbach's request for admissions is granted [120-1]. Plaintiff's motion to compel and for other relief [119-1] is denied without prejudice based on the Court's admonition to the defense attorney. Defendant's motion for fees and costs associated with the second continuation of the deposition of plaintiff Alvin Knopf and for other relief is granted in part and denied in part [118-1]. Mailed notice (rmm) (Entered: 11/23/2004)
MOTION by defendants for fees and costs associated with the second continuation of the deposition of plaintiff Alvin Knopf and for other relief (Attachments) (rmm) (Entered: 11/23/2004)
REPLY by plaintiffs and Borenstein to defendants' memorandum in opposition to motion for reconsideration of court's ruling concerning production of confidential email between attorney and client [88-1] (rmm) (Entered: 11/23/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 11/17/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly: The order of 10/28/04 is vacated [104-1] and the following order is entered, nunc pro tunc 10/28/04, to fully reflect the court's oral rulings on that date. Plaintiff's motion for leave to file memorandum in excess of 15 pages is granted [100-1]. Defendant's motion to compel is granted in part and denied in part as stated on the reverse side of this order [94-1]. (See reverse of minute order.) Mailed notice (air) (Entered: 11/18/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 11/4/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly: The parties have advised the court by letter that they have resolved plaintiffs' motion to compel, with the exception of interrogatories 3(g), 5, 6, 8 & 9 and document request 9 of the 8/9/04 discovery requests, and document requests 3 and 11 of the 8/31/03 discovery requests. The court rules on those matters as set forth on the reverse side of this order. The motion to compel is terminated [93-1]. Defendants' motion for extension of time [96-1] was previously granted and is therefore terminated. Plaintiffs' motion for leave to file memorandum [#100-1] is granted. Mailed notice (air) (Entered: 11/17/2004)
RESPONSE by defendants Citigroup Global, Citigroup Inc, John Henry Spatz to plaintiffs' motion to amend to correct misnomers (Attachment). (air) (Entered: 11/17/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 11/10/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : Plaintiff's motion to compel is resolved by agreement. Motion to compel is terminated [109-1]. No notice (gcy) (Entered: 11/15/2004)
SUPPLEMENTAL MEMORANDUM by plaintiffs in opposition to defendants' motion to compel compliance with court's May 14 and June 16, 2004 orders (Attachment). (air) (Entered: 11/09/2004)
MEMORANDUM by plaintiffs in opposition to defendants' motion to compel compliance with court's 5/14 and 6/16 orders (Attachment). (air) (Entered: 11/05/2004)
MEMORANDUM by defendants' Citigroup Global, Citigroup Inc in opposition to plaintiffs' and third-party defendant Howard Borenstein's motion for reconsideration of the court's order compeling production of documents by non-party David A. Noyes & Company [88-1] (Attachments). (jmp) (Entered: 11/05/2004)
ANSWER and affirmative defenses by third-party defendants Howard Borenstein, Mel Stewart and Angelo Armenta to Citigroup, Inc.'s amended third-party complaint [76-1]. (jmp) (Entered: 11/05/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 10/28/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : Plaintiff's motion for leave to file memorandum in excess of 15 pages is granted [100-1]. Defendant's motion to compel is granted in part [94-1]. All plaintiffs are ordered to submit signed verifications of their interrogatory answers by 11/22/04. The claim of any plaintiff who fails to do so, will be dismissed with prejudice for failure to comply with discovery. Mailed notice (ar) Modified on 11/04/2004 (Entered: 11/04/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 10/26/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly: Defendants' unopposed motion for an extension of time to oppose plaintiffs' motion to reconsider [102-1], is granted. Defendants' response to plaintiff's motion to reconsider order of 08/30/04 is extended to 11/02/04. Plaintiffs' reply remains due 11/12/04. Mailed notice (cdy) (Entered: 10/29/2004)
UNOPPOSED MOTION by defendants Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. and John Spatz for an extension of defendants' time to oppose plaintiffs' motion to reconsider ; Notice (cdy) (Entered: 10/29/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 10/20/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly: Third party defendant's motion to dismiss-third party complaint is denied [87-1]. Motion to enter judgment as a matter of law is denied [87-2]. Answer is due 11/3/04. No notice (jmm) (Entered: 10/27/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 10/20/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly: Defendants' motion to compel plaintiffs' compliance with court's May 14 and June 16, 2004 orders and for appropriate sanctions and other relief [94-1] will not be called for hearing on 10/19/04. Plaintiffs are ordered to respond in writing by 10/26/04. Motion is entered and continued to 10/28/04 at 1:30 p.m. Mailed notice (jmm) (Entered: 10/27/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 10/19/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly: Plaintiff's motion to compel [93-1] is entered and continued generally. No notice (jmm) (Entered: 10/27/2004)
COMPENDIUM OF EXHIBITS by defendants in support of defendants' motion to compel plaintiffs' compliance with the court's May 14 and June 16, 2004 and for appropriate sanctions and other relief [94-1]. (jmm) (Entered: 10/27/2004)
MOTION by defendants to compel plaintiffs' complioance with the court's May 14 and June 16, 2004 orders and for appropriate sanctions and other relief ; Notice. (jmm) (Entered: 10/27/2004)
ATTORNEY APPEARANCE for defendants Citigroup Global Markets Inc., Citigroup Inc, and John Henry Spatz by William F. Conlon, Michael Christian Andolina, Charles John Biro, Charles Kenneth Schafer (ar) (Entered: 10/18/2004)
MEMORANDUM of law by Citigroup Inc in opposition to third-party defendants motion to dismiss third party complaint [87-1] and plaintiffs' motion to enter judgment as a matter of law [87-2]. (rbf) (Entered: 10/13/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 9/28/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : Response to plaintiff's motion to dismiss third party complaint [87-1] is due 10/12/04. Ruling on motion to dismiss third party complaint [87-1] set for 10/20/04 at 9:30 a.m. Response to motion for reconsideration of court's ruling concerning production of confidential email between attorney and client [88-1] is due 10/26/04. Reply is due 11/12/04. Mailed notice (rmm) (Entered: 10/04/2004)
MOTION by plaintiffs for reconsideration of court's ruling concerning production of confidential email between attorney and client (Attachments); Notice (rmm) (Entered: 10/04/2004)
MOTION by third-party defendants and plaintiff' to dismiss third party complaint , and to enter judgment as a matter of law ; Notice (rmm) (Entered: 10/04/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 9/7/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly: Plaintiff's motion for sanctions [85-1] and for permanent injunction is denied [85-2]. Plaintiff's motion to compel defendant Citigroup Inc. to respond to plaintiffs' interrogatories produce certain documents being withheld in discovery is granted in part and denied in part as stated in open court [83-1]. Mailed notice (gma) (Entered: 09/10/2004)
AMENDED NOTICE by plaintiffs of motion to compel defendant Citigroup Inc. to respond to plaintiffs' interrogatories and produce certain documents being withheld in discovery [83-1]. (gma) (Entered: 09/10/2004)
MOTION by plaintiffs to compel defendant Citigroup Inc. to respond to plaintiffs' interrogatories and produce certain documents being withheld in discovery (Attachments); Notice. (gma) Modified on 09/10/2004 (Entered: 09/10/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 9/2/04 by Hon. Blanche M. Manning : Defendants' motion for adjournment on hearing on plaintiffs' motion for sanctions and permanent injunction and plaintiffs' motion compel from 9/7/04 to 9/14/04 is denied [77-1]. Mailed notice (rmm) (Entered: 09/03/2004)
DECLARATION of Nicholas P. Crowell in support of defendants opposition to plaintiffs' motion for sanctions and for permanent injunction (Attachments) +viewing docket text------------------------------------------+ Transaction: memopp - -/ -/ - - - [78-1] (rmm) (Entered: 09/03/2004)
MOTION by defendants for adjournment on hearing on plaintiffs' motion for sanctions and permanent injunction and plaintiffs' motion to compel from 9/7/04 to 9/14/04 ; Notice (rmm) (Entered: 09/03/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 8/30/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : For the reasons set forth on the reverse side of this order, the Court grants defendants' motion to compel [docket #66-1]. Plaintiffs' motion for entry of stipulations [65-1] was disposed of on 7/14/04 and is therefore terminated. (See reverse of minute order.) Mailed notice (rmm) (Entered: 08/31/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 8/18/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : Citigroup Inc.'s motion for reconsideration of the court's order granting third-party defendants' motion to dismiss the third-party complaint [72-1] is denied for the reasons stated in open court. Motion to amend is granted [72-2]. Amended third-party complaint is due 9/1/04. Plaintiff's motion for voluntary dismissal of claims of certain plaintiffs , pursuant to Rule 41(a)(2) is granted [73-1]. Mailed notice (rmm) (Entered: 08/19/2004)
MOTION by Citigroup Inc for reconsideration of the court's order granting third-party defendants' motion to dismiss the third-party complaint or, in the alternative for leave to amend ; Notice (rmm) (Entered: 08/19/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 8/10/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : Plaintiffs counsel is directed to produce for in camera inspection on or before the close of business 8/13/04 the documents that are the subject of defendants' motion to compel production of documents by David A. Noyes & Co. (Plaintiff's counsel is also counsel for the individual of David A. Noyes & Co. who is claiming that the documents are privileged.) Mailed notice (rmm) (Entered: 08/11/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 8/2/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : For the reasons set forth on the attached Memorandum Opinion and Order, the Court grants the third party defendants' motion to dismiss Citigroup, Inc.'s third party complaint [58-1]. Entered Memorandum Opinion and Order. Mailed notice (rmm) (Entered: 08/04/2004)
REPLY memorandum by defendants in further support of their motion to compel production of documents by non-party David A. Noyes & Company (Attachments) (rmm) (Entered: 08/02/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 7/13/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : Status hearing held pursuant to Rule 16(b) with attorneys for both sides. Status hearing continued to 8/18/2004 at 9:30 a.m.. Motion to dismiss claims of plaintiffs who are withdrawing is to be filed by 8/13/2004. Response to motion to compel is to be filed by 7/23/2004. Reply brief is due 7/30/2004. Mailed notice (rmm) (Entered: 07/19/2004)
MEMORANDUM by defendants in support of their motion to compel production of documents by non-party David Noyes & Company (Attachments); Notice (rmm) (Entered: 07/19/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 6/24/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly: The court has reviewed the letter sent by defendants' counsel dated 6/22/04 regarding records relating to Sebastian Cassetta. The requested records regarding Mr. Cassetta that the court has directed to be produced are to be produced by defendants by no later than 7/7/04, unless Ms. Cassetta files with this court before that date a motion seeking to bar the production of the records. Mailed notice (gma) (Entered: 06/29/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 6/17/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : Defendants' motion to compel plaintiffs' compliance with 05/14/04 order and to compel certain plaintiffs for deposition is granted in part and denied in part as stated in open court. Defendants' motion for appropriate sanctions is denied [55-1]. Plaintiffs' motion to compel [57-1] [57-2] is granted in part and denied in part as stated in open court. The parties are to submit a status report on or before 7/7/2004 concerning the scheduling of depositions and the other matters discussed in open court. Telephone conference, to be initiated by counsel, is set for 9:00 a.m. on 7/12/2004 for report on status. Mailed notice (rmm) (Entered: 06/21/2004)
MEMORANDUM by defendants in support of their motion to compel plaintiffs' compliance with the court's 5/14/2004 order, to compel certain plaintiffs to appear for deposition, and for appropriate sanctions [55-1] (Attachments); Notice (rmm) (Entered: 06/21/2004)
MOTION by plaintiffs to compel defendants' compliance with 5/14/04 order , and to compel plaintiffs for deposition (Attachments); Notice (rmm) Modified on 06/21/2004 (Entered: 06/21/2004)
MOTION by defendants for appropriate sanctions with reply memorandum by defendants in further support of their motion to compel plaintiffs' compliance with the Court's 5/14/2004 order, to compel certain plaintiffs to appear for deposition (Attachment) (rmm) (Entered: 06/16/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 6/2/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly: Third-party plaintiff's motion to strike third-party defendants' purported motion to dismiss from its answer [51-1] is denied. Motion to dismiss is considered motion to for judgment on the pleadings. Response to motion for judgment is due 6/16/2004. Reply brief is due 6/28/2004. Ruling by mail. to Ruling by mail. Mailed notice (rmm) (Entered: 06/10/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 5/14/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly: Motion to compel is granted. Answers are to be provided by 6/1/2004. No notice (rmm) (Entered: 05/19/2004)
REPLY MEMORANDUM by defendants in further support of their motion to compel plaintiffs' production of documents and information (rmm) (Entered: 05/14/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 5/10/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : For the reasons stated on the reverse side of this order, third party defendants' motion to dismiss third-party complaint [41-1] and compel arbitration [41-2] is granted in part. The third party claims made by defendants Spatz and Citigroup Global Markets, Inc., are dismissed without prejudice because they must be submitted to arbitration under NASD rules; the motion is denied as to Citicorp, Inc.'s third party claims. Third party defendants are to answer Citicorp, Inc's claims within 10 days of this order. (See reverse of minute order.) Mailed notice (rmm) (Entered: 05/12/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 5/5/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : Response to motion to compel is to be filed by 5/12/2004. Motion is entered and continued to 5/14/2004 at 10:30 a.m. for further argument and ruling. Mailed notice (rmm) (Entered: 05/06/2004)
MEMORANDUM by defendants in support of their motion to compel plaintiffs' production of documents and information (Attachments); Notice (rmm) (Entered: 05/06/2004)
MEMORANDUM by defendants and third-party plaintiffs in opposition to motion to dismiss third-party complaint [41-1] and to compel arbitration [41-2] (rmm) (Entered: 04/16/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 4/1/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly: Motion for protective order is granted with regard to Sanford Weill, Phillip Vallone, and Charles Menacho (35-2). Motion for protective order is otherwise denied. Cross motion to compel is granted in part. Response to motion to dismiss third-party complaint [41-1] and to compel arbitration [41-2] is due 4/15/04. Reply is due 4/22/04. Ruling by mail. Mailed notice (rmm) (Entered: 04/05/2004)
MEMORANDUM by defendants in support of defendants' cross-motion for a protective order with memorandum in opposition to plaintiff's motion to compel certain depositions (Attachments); Notice (rmm) (Entered: 04/05/2004)
MOTION by plaintiffs and third-party defendant to dismiss third-party complaint , and to compel arbitration (Attachments); Notice (rmm) (Entered: 04/05/2004)
REPLY by plaintiffs to defendants' memorandum in opposition to plaintiffs' motion to compel depositions of certain Citigroup Employees [35-2] (rmm) (Entered: 03/29/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 3/12/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : Enter stipulated protective order, as approved by the Court. (Entered stipulated protective order (Attachments)). No notice (rmm) (Entered: 03/22/2004)
APPLICATION for leave to appear pro hac vice for third-party plaintiffs Citigroup Global, Citigroup Inc, and John Henry Spatz by Donald P. Renaldo, II; Order entered granting leave by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly (rmm) (Entered: 03/16/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 3/9/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly: Defendants' motion to compel certain plaintiffs to appear for depositions is denied [34-1]. Plaintiff's cross motion for a protective order is granted in part [35-1]. Response to cross-motion to compel certain Citigroup Brokers and Employees [35-2] is due 3/19/04. Reply brief is due 3/26/04. Ruling on cross-motion to compel certain Citigroup Brokers and Employees [35-2] set for 9:30 a.m. on 4/1/04. Mailed notice (rmm) (Entered: 03/12/2004)
CROSS-MOTION by plaintiffs for a protective order , and cross-motion to compel certain Citigroup Brokers and Employees with memorandum by plaintiffs in opposition to defendants' motion to compel; Notice (rmm) (Entered: 03/12/2004)
MEMORANDUM by defendants in opposition to plaintiffs' improper cross-motions with memorandum in further support of their motion to compel plaintiffs to appear for deposition (Attachments) (rmm) (Entered: 03/08/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 2/25/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : Defendants' motion to compel certain plaintiffs to provide authorization for the release of their account records is granted [31-1]. Mailed notice (las) (Entered: 03/01/2004)
MOTION by Citigroup Global, Citigroup Inc and John Henry Spatz to compel certain plaintiffs to provide authorization for the release of their account records (Attachments); Notice (las) (Entered: 03/01/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 2/23/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : Motion to file third party complaint is granted [25-1]. Mailed notice (rmm) (Entered: 02/26/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 2/5/04 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : Memorandum in support of motion for leave to file third party complaint [25-1] is due 2/12/04. Response is due 2/19/04. Ruling on motion for leave to file third party complaint [25-1] set for 9:30 a.m. on 2/23/04. Mailed notice (rmm) (Entered: 02/10/2004)
APPLICATION for leave to appear pro hac vice for defendants Citigroup Global, Citigroup Inc by Andrew W. Stern; Order entered granting leave by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly. (air) (Entered: 01/26/2004)
APPLICATION for leave to appear pro hac vice for defendants Citigroup Global Market, Inc., and Citigroup Inc by Daniel A. Goldschmidt; Order entered granting leave Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly (rmm) (Entered: 01/23/2004)
MINUTE ORDER of 12/19/03 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : Status hearing held. Rule 16(b) conference held by telephone. Counsel are ordered to confer with the goal of attempting to narrow the number and scope of interrogatories to be directed to the plaintiffs and the length of the depositions of the plaintiff. Deadline for amending the pleadings and adding parties is 1/31/04. Fact discovery closed on 12/10/04. Rule 26(a)(2) disclosures are to be made 11/1/04 by plaintiffs, 12/20/04 by defendants, and rebuttal disclosures by 1/20/05. Expert discovery closes on 3/1/05. These are all firm dates. Defendants are directed to respond to plaintiffs' settlement proposal by 1/5/04. Telephone conference, to be initiated by counsel, is set for 1/16/04 at 9:00 a.m. Mailed notice (rmm) (Entered: 12/22/2003)
MINUTE ORDER of 11/20/03 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : For the reasons set forth in the attached Memorandum Opinion and Order, defendants' motion to dismiss (9) is granted in part and denied in part. Plaintiffs' state law claims currently contained in Counts 1, 3, 4 and 5 are dismissed, with leave to file an amended complaint within ten days of this order. Defendants' motion is otherwise denied. Status hearing set to 9:30 12/2/03 for the purpose of setting a discovery schedule and trial date, and to discuss the possibility of settlement. Entered Memorandum Opinion and Order. Mailed notice (rmm) (Entered: 11/26/2003)
MINUTE ORDER of 8/14/03 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : Plaintiff's motion for leave to file revised memorandum in excess of 15 pages is granted. Defendants' reply, which may be up to 20 pages double spaced, is to be filed by August 29, 2003. Mailed notice (rmm) (Entered: 08/19/2003)
MINUTE ORDER of 7/9/03 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly: Motion to dismiss the complaint [9-1] is taken under advisement. Response to motion to dismiss the complaint [9-1] is due 8/6/03. Reply is due 8/20/03. Ruling by mail. Initial status hearing will be set following ruling on the motion. Mailed notice (rmm) (Entered: 07/14/2003)
APPLICATION for leave to appear pro hac vice for defendants Citigroup Global, Citigroup Inc, John Henry Spatz by Nicholas P. Crowell; Order entered granting leave by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly (rmm) (Entered: 06/23/2003)
APPLICATION for leave to appear pro hac vice for defendants Citigroup Global, Citigroup Inc., and John Henry Spatz by A. Robert Pietrzak; Order entered granting leave by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly (rmm) (Entered: 06/23/2003)
MINUTE ORDER of 6/3/03 by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly : The agreed motion to extend time is granted [4-1]. Defendants' response to the complaint is due 6/26/03. Mailed notice (las) (Entered: 06/09/2003)
ATTORNEY APPEARANCE for defendants Citigroup Global Markets, Inc., Citigroup, Inc. and John Spatz by Ellen Sue Robbins, Eric Henry Grush (cdy) (Entered: 06/02/2003)
APPLICATION for leave to appear pro hac vice for plaintiffs by Steven Scott Biss; Order entered granting leave by Hon. Matthew F. Kennelly. (fce) (Entered: 05/20/2003)
COMPLAINT; jury demand - Civil cover sheet - Appearance(s) of Karl E Masters, Catherine Marie Chapman as attorney(s) for plaintiffs ( One original and one copy summons(es) issued.) ( Documents: 1-1 through 1-3) (las) (Entered: 05/13/2003)