Banks v. Clinton et al
Federal Civil Lawsuit Pennsylvania Middle District Court ,
Case No. 1:12-cv-00496
District Judge Christopher C. Conner , presiding
Last Updated September 24, 2016 at 12:13 AM EDT (8.4 years ago)
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Banks, Frederick H. , Plaintiff
Officially listed as "Frederick Banks"
▼ Represented by Unknown Firm
Agricultural Research Service , Defendant
Alaska Air Group , Defendant
Alberto-culver Co , Defendant
Albuquerque Journal , Defendant
Alcatel-Lucenti Alcoa , Defendant
Alcohol And Tobacco Tax And Trade Bureau , Defendant
Allegheny Technologies , Defendant
Allentown Morning Call , Defendant
Allstate Corp. , Defendant
Allyson Schwartz , Defendant
Altria Group , Defendant, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as ""
American Electric Power Co. , Defendant
American Express Company , Defendant
Officially listed as "American Express Co."
American Greetings Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "American Greetings Corp."
American Intl Group , Defendant
American Standard Brands , Defendant
Amtrak , Defendant
Andrew Cuomo , Defendant
Anheuser-Busch (unreadable) , Defendant
Apple, Inc. , Defendant
Aramark Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Aramark"
Arcelor Mittal USA , Defendant
Archer Daniels , Defendant
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette , Defendant
Armstrong World Industries, Inc. , Defendant
Duncan, Arne , Defendant
Officially listed as "Arne Duncan"
Asbury Park Press , Defendant
Atlanta Journal-Constitution , Defendant
Austan Goolsbee , Defendant
Austin American-Statesman , Defendant
Baltimore Sun , Defendant
Bank of America, NA , Defendant
Officially listed as "Bank of America"
Barbara Boxer , Defendant
Bernard Sanders , Defendant
Bertelsmann A6 , Defendant
Best Buy Company, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Best Buy Co., Inc."
Beverly Purdue , Defendant
Bill Haslam , Defendant
Bill Nelson , Defendant
Bill Shuster , Defendant
Birmingham News , Defendant
Blackstone Group Lp , Defendant
Blockbuster, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Blockbuster"
Bob Casey, Jr. , Defendant
Bob Corker , Defendant
Bob McDonnell , Defendant
Bobby Sundal , Defendant
The Boeing Company, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Boeing Co."
BOP Director Charles Samuels , Defendant
Boston Globe , Defendant
Boston Herald , Defendant
Brian Sandoval , Defendant
Brian Schweitzer , Defendant
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company , Defendant
Officially listed as "Bristol-Myers Squibb Co."
Broadcasting Board of Govenors , Defendant
Brown Shoe Co. , Defendant
Brown-Forman Corp. , Defendant
Buffalo News , Defendant
Bureau of Alchohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives , Defendant
Bureau of Economic Analysis , Defendant
Bureau of Engraving and Printing , Defendant
Bureau of Indian Affairs , Defendant
Bureau of Labor Statistics , Defendant
Bureau of Land Management , Defendant
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management , Defendant
Bureau of Prisons , Defendant
Bureau of the Census , Defendant
Bureau of the Public Debt , Defendant
Burger King Holdings Inc. , Defendant
C. L. Otter , Defendant
Cablevision Systems Corporation , Defendant
Cameron Moody , Defendant
Campbell Soup Co , Defendant
Caterpillar, Inc. , Defendant
Catherine M. Lelyveld , Defendant
C.b.j. Corp. , Defendant
Centas , Defendant
Centers For Disease Control And Prevention , Defendant
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services , Defendant
United States Central Intelligence Agency , Defendant
Officially listed as "Central Intelligence Agency"
Chaka Fatlah , Defendant
Charles Bent , Defendant
Charles E. Schumer , Defendant
Charlotte Observer , Defendant
Chevron Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Chevron Corp."
Chicago Daily Herald , Defendant
Chicago Sun Times , Defendant
Chicago Tribune , Defendant
Chiquitta Brands International Inc. , Defendant
Chris Christie , Defendant
Chris Dudley , Defendant
Christine Gregoire , Defendant
Christopher Coons , Defendant
Church & Dwight Co , Defendant
Cigna Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Cigna"
Cincinatti Enquirer , Defendant
Cisco Systems, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Cisco Systems"
Citigroup , Defendant
CJX Corp. , Defendant
Clear Channel Communications, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Clear Channel Communications"
Cleveland Plain Dealer , Defendant
Clorox , Defendant
Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Coca-Cola"
Colgate-Palmolive Company , Defendant
Officially listed as "Colgate-Palmolive Co."
Collective Brands, Inc. , Defendant
Columbus Dispatch , Defendant
Comcast Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Comcast Corp."
Commission on Civil Rights , Defendant
United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission , Defendant
Officially listed as "Commodity Futures Trading Commission"
Compaq Computer Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Compaq"
Computer Sciences Corp , Defendant
Conitgra Foods , Defendant
ConocoPhillips , Defendant
Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Consolidated Edison"
Consumer Product Safety Commission , Defendant
Continental Airlines , Defendant
Contra Costa Times , Defendant
Corning, Inc. , Defendant
Corporation For National And Community Service , Defendant
Correctional Officer T. Hutchinson , Defendant
Costco Wholesale Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Costco Wholesale"
Counselor Hull , Defendant
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia , Defendant
Crane Co , Defendant
Crown Holdings , Defendant
CVS Caremark Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "CVS Caremark"
Dallas Morning News , Defendant
Dan Malloy , Defendant
Dana Holding Corp. , Defendant
Daniel K. Akaka , Defendant
Daniel K. Ihouye , Defendant
Darden Restaurants , Defendant
David Heineman , Defendant
Dayton Daily News , Defendant
Deere & Company , Defendant
Officially listed as "Deere & Co."
Def Advanced Research Projects Agency , Defendant
Def Intelligence Agency , Defendant
Def Security Cooperation Agency , Defendant
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board , Defendant
Del Monte Foods Co. , Defendant
Dell, Inc. , Defendant
Delphi Corp. , Defendant
Delta Air Lines, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Delta Airlines"
Dennis Danguard , Defendant
Denver Post , Defendant
United States Department of Agriculture , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of Agriculture"
United States Department of Commerce , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of Commerce"
United States Department of Defense , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of Defense"
United States Department of Education , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of Education"
United States Department of Energy , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of Energy"
United States Department of Health and Human Services , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of Health and Human Services"
United States Department of Homeland Security , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of Homeland Security"
Department Of Housing And Urban Development , Defendant
United States Department of Justice , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of Justice"
United States Department of Labor , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of Labor"
United States Department of the Treasury , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of the Treasury"
California Department of Transportation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of Transportation"
United States Department of Veterans Affairs , Defendant
Officially listed as "Department of Veteran Affairs"
Des Moines Register , Defendant
Detroit Free Press , Defendant
Detroit News , Defendant
Deval Patrick , Defendant
Dial Corp , Defendant
Dianne Fernstein , Defendant
Diebold, Inc. , Defendant
Dillard's, Inc. , Defendant
Director , Defendant
Doctor's Associates, Inc. , Defendant
Dole Food Co. Inc. , Defendant
The Dow Chemical Company , Defendant
Officially listed as "Dow Chemical Co."
Dow Jones & Co. , Defendant
Dr. Cuclio , Defendant
Dr Pepper Snapple Group , Defendant
Drug Enforcement Admin , Defendant
Duke Energy Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Duke Energy"
Dun And Bradstreet , Defendant
E.I. dupontde venours & Co. , Defendant
Eastman Kodak Company , Defendant
Officially listed as "Eastman Kodak Co."
Eaton Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Eaton Corp."
eBay, Inc. , Defendant
Economic Research Service , Defendant
Edison Intl , Defendant
El Paso Corp , Defendant
Election Assistance Commission , Defendant
Electronic Arts, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Electronic Arts"
Eli Lily and Co. , Defendant
Elizabeth M. Brown , Defendant
Emc Corp , Defendant
Emerson Electric Co., , Defendant
Energy Information Admin , Defendant
Engineer Holdings Inc. , Defendant
United States Environmental Protection Agency , Defendant
Officially listed as "Environmental Protection Agency"
United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission , Defendant
Officially listed as "Equal Employment Opportunity Commission"
Holder, Jr., Eric H. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Eric H. Holder, Jr."
Eric K. Shinseki , Defendant
Estee Louder Cos. Inc. , Defendant
Executive Office For Immigration Review Immigration Court , Defendant
Officially listed as "Executive Office for Immigration Review"
Exelon Corp. , Defendant
Export-import Bank Of The United States , Defendant
ExxonMobil Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Exxon Mobil Corp."
Federal National Mortgage Association , Defendant
Farm Credit Administration , Defendant
Federal Aviation Admin , Defendant
Federal Bureau of Investigation , Defendant
Federal Bureau of Prisons , Defendant
Federal Communications Commission , Defendant
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , Defendant
Federal Election Commission , Defendant
Federal Emergency Management Agency , Defendant
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission , Defendant
Federal Highway Admin , Defendant
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp."
Federal Housing Administration , Defendant
Federal Housing Finance Agency , Defendant
Federal Labor Relations Authority , Defendant
Federal Maritime Commission , Defendant
Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service , Defendant
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commissions , Defendant
Federal Railroad Admin , Defendant
Federal Reserve Bank , Defendant
Officially listed as "Federal Reserve System"
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board , Defendant
Federal Trade Commission , Defendant
Federal Transit Admin , Defendant
FedEx Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Fedex Corp."
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network , Defendant
Financial Management Service , Defendant
First Data Corp. , Defendant
First Energy Corp. , Defendant
Fish and Wildlife Service , Defendant
FL Post , Defendant
FL Treasure Court News , Defendant
Fleetwood Exterprises , Defendant
Fluor Corp. , Defendant
Food and Drug Admin , Defendant
Food and Nutrition Service , Defendant
Food Safety and Inspection Service , Defendant
Foot Locker , Defendant
Ford Motor , Defendant
Foreign Agricultural Service , Defendant
Forest Service , Defendant
Fortune Brands , Defendant
Frank Lautenberg , Defendant
Freddie Mac , Defendant
Fresno Bee , Defendant
Gap , Defendant
Garnett Co. , Defendant
Gary F. Locke , Defendant
Gary R. Herbert , Defendant
Gateway , Defendant
General Dynamics Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "General Dynamics"
General Electric Company , Defendant
Officially listed as "General Electric"
General Mills , Defendant
General Motors Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "General Motors"
United States General Services Administration , Defendant
Officially listed as "General Services Administration"
Genuine Parts Co. , Defendant
Glenn Thompson , Defendant
Goldman Sachs Group , Defendant
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. , Defendant
Google, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Google"
Grand Rapids Press , Defendant
Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. , Defendant
Gunnie Mae , Defendant
H, & P. , Defendant
H&R Block, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "H & R Block"
H. J. Heinz Company, LP , Defendant
Officially listed as "H.J. Heinz"
Haley Barbour , Defendant
Halliburton Co. , Defendant
Hanesbrand Inc , Defendant
Harley-Davidson , Defendant
Harrah's Entertainment , Defendant
Harry Reid , Defendant
Hartford Current , Defendant
Hartford Financial Services Group , Defendant
Hasbro , Defendant
HCA , Defendant
Health Resources and Services Admin , Defendant
Herb Kohl , Defendant
Hershey , Defendant
Hertz Global Holdings , Defendant
Hess , Defendant
Hewlett-Packard Company , Defendant
Officially listed as "Hewlett Packard Co."
Hilary Rodham Clinton , Defendant
Hilda L. Solis , Defendant
Hill-Rom Holdings , Defendant
Hilton Worldwide , Defendant
Hollen Brand , Defendant
The Home Depot, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Home Depot"
Honeywell International, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Honeywell Intl"
Honolulu Advertiser Riverside Press Enterprise , Defendant
Hormel Foods Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Hormel Foods Corp."
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing , Defendant
Houston Chronicle , Defendant
Howard D. Pfeiffer , Defendant
Humana , Defendant
IAC/InterActiveCorp , Defendant
Illinois Tool Works , Defendant
United States Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement , Defendant
Officially listed as "Immigration and Customs Enforcement"
Indianapolis Star , Defendant
Ingersoll-Rand Pic , Defendant
Institute of Museum and Library Services , Defendant
Intel Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Intel Corp"
Inter-American Foundation , Defendant
United States Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service , Defendant
Officially listed as "Internal Revenue Service"
International Business Machines Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "International Business Machines Corp."
International Paper Company , Defendant
Officially listed as "International Paper Co."
International Textile Group , Defendant
Interstate Bakeries Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Interstate Bakeries"
Intl Boundary and Water Commission , Defendant
Intl Information Programs , Defendant
Intl Organization Affairs Population, Refugees, and Migration , Defendant
Intl. Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs , Defendant
Investor's Business Daily , Defendant
J. Crew Group , Defendant
J.C. Johnson & Son , Defendant
J.C. Penny , Defendant
Jack A. Markell , Defendant
Jacksonville Times-Union , Defendant
James A. Messina , Defendant
JAMES H WEBB , Defendant
James L. Jones , Defendant
James M. Inhofe , Defendant
James R. Clapper , Defendant
Jan Brewer , Defendant
Janet A. Napolitano , Defendant
Jason Altmire , Defendant
Jay Nixon , Defendant
Jeanne Shaheen , Defendant
Jeff Bingamem , Defendant
Jeff Jessions , Defendant
Jeff Merkley , Defendant
Jeffrey C. Kuhlman , Defendant
Jerry Brown , Defendant
JetBlue Airways , Defendant
Jim Demint , Defendant
Jim Gerlach , Defendant
Jim Risch , Defendant
Jo Ann Stores , Defendant
Job Corps , Defendant
Joe Manchin , Defendant
Joe Manchin, III , Defendant
Joe Miller , Defendant
Johanna S. Snoot , Defendant
John Barrasso , Defendant
John Boozman , Defendant
John Cornyn , Defendant
John D. Rockefeller , Defendant
John Ensign , Defendant
John F. Reed , Defendant
JOHN H. LYNCH , Defendant
John Hickenlooper , Defendant
John Hoeven , Defendant
John Holdren , Defendant
John Horven , Defendant
John Kasich , Defendant
John Mccann , Defendant
John O. Brennan , Defendant
John Thone , Defendant
Johnny Isakson , Defendant
Johnson & Johnson, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Johnson & Johnson"
Johnson Controls , Defendant
Jon Kyl , Defendant
Jonathan E. Favreau , Defendant
Jones Apparel Group , Defendant
Joseph Lieberman , Defendant
Joseph Pitts , Defendant
JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA , Defendant
Officially listed as "JP Morgan Chase & Co."
Kansas City Star , Defendant
Kathleen Sebelius , Defendant
Kay Bailey Hutchison , Defendant
Kay Hagan , Defendant
KBR , Defendant
Kellogg North America Company , Defendant
Officially listed as "Kellogg Co."
Kelly Hyottei , Defendant
Kelly Services , Defendant
Kenneth L. Salazor , Defendant
Kent Conrad , Defendant
Kimberly-Clark , Defendant
Gillibrand, Kirsten , Defendant
Officially listed as "Kirsten E. Gillibrand"
KMart , Defendant
Knoxville News-Sentinel , Defendant
Koch Industries, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Koch Industries"
Kraft Foods, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Kraft Foods"
Kroger, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Kroger"
La Opinion , Defendant
LA Times , Defendant
LA Times-Picayone , Defendant
La-Z-Boy , Defendant
Lamar, Alexander , Defendant
Las Vegas Review Journal , Defendant
Summers Lawrence Henry , Defendant
Officially listed as "Lawrence H. Summers"
Leggettt & Platt , Defendant
Lehman Bros Holdings , Defendant
LEVI STRAUSS & CO , Defendant
Lexington Herald-Leader , Defendant
Lexmark , Defendant
Liberty Mutual Holdings Co. , Defendant
Limited Brands, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Limited Brands"
Lincoln Chafee , Defendant
Graham, Lindsey O. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Lindsey Graham"
Liz Claiborne , Defendant
LL Bean , Defendant
Lockheed Martin Corporation , Defendant
Officially listed as "Lockheed Martin"
Long Island News Day , Defendant
Los Angeles Daily News , Defendant
Lou Barletta , Defendant
Louisville Courier-Journal , Defendant
Luis Fortino , Defendant
Marco Rubio , Defendant
Maria Cantwell , Defendant
Maritime Admin , Defendant
Mark Begich , Defendant
Mark Dayton , Defendant
Mark Ontz , Defendant
Mark Pryor , Defendant
Mark Uldall , Defendant
Mark Warner , Defendant
Martin O'Mailey , Defendant
Mary Fallin , Defendant
Matt Mead , Defendant
Melody C. Barnes , Defendant
Merit Systems Protection Board , Defendant
Miami Herald , Defendant
Michael B. Enzil , Defendant
Michael F. Bennet , Defendant
Michael G. Fitzpatrick , Defendant
Midland Co. , Defendant
Mike Beebe , Defendant
Mike Boyle , Defendant
Mike Crapo , Defendant
Mike Kelly , Defendant
Mike Lee , Defendant
Mike Ross , Defendant
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel , Defendant
Mine Safety and Health Administration , Defendant
Minneapolis Star Tribune , Defendant
Minority Business Development Agency , Defendant
Missile Def. Agency , Defendant
Mitch Daniels, Jr. , Defendant
Mobile Press-Register , Defendant
Mona K. Sutphen , Defendant
Nancy D. Hogan , Defendant
Nancy Sutley , Defendant
Nancy-Ann E. Deporte , Defendant
Nashville Tennessean , Defendant
Nathan Deal , Defendant
National Aeronautics & Space Administration , Defendant
National Agricultural Statistics Service , Defendant
National Archives & Records Administration , Defendant
National Council on (unreadable) , Defendant
National Credit Union Admin , Defendant
National Endowment For The Arts , Defendant
National Endowment For The Humanities , Defendant
National Highway Traffic Safety Admin , Defendant
National Institute Of Standards And Technology , Defendant
National Institutes of Health , Defendant
National Labor Relations Board , Defendant
National Mediation Board , Defendant
National Nuclear Security Admin , Defendant
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin , Defendant
National Park Service , Defendant
National Resources Conservation Service , Defendant
National Science Foundation , Defendant
National Technical Information Service , Defendant
National Telecommunications and Information Admin , Defendant
National Transportation Safety Board , Defendant
Natl. Central Bureau of Interpol , Defendant
Natl. Geospatial-Intelligence Agency , Defendant
Natl. Security Agency / Central Security Service , Defendant
NE World Herald , Defendant
New York Daily News , Defendant
New York Post , Defendant
New York Times , Defendant
Newark Star Ledger , Defendant
Nikki Haley , Defendant
NJ Record , Defendant
Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Defendant
Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board , Defendant
Oakland Tribune , Defendant
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission , Defendant
Office Of Federal Contract Compliance Programs , Defendant
Office of Government Ethics , Defendant
Office of Labor Management Standards , Defendant
United States Office of Personnel Management , Defendant
Officially listed as "Office of Personnel Management"
Office of Scientific and Technical Information , Defendant
Office of Special Counsel , Defendant
Office of Workers Compensation Programs , Defendant
OH Beacon Journal , Defendant
Oklahoman , Defendant
Orange County Register , Defendant
Orlando Sentinel , Defendant
Orrin G. Hatch , Defendant
Overseas Private Investment Corporation , Defendant
Pat Quinn , Defendant
Pat Toomey , Defendant
Patrick Leahy , Defendant
Patrick Meeham , Defendant
Patty Murray , Defendant
Paul LePage , Defendant
Peace Corps , Defendant
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation , Defendant
Peter Shumlin , Defendant
Philadelphia Daily News , Defendant
Philadelphia Inquirer , Defendant
Phillip M. Schilliro , Defendant
Phoenix Republic , Defendant
Pittsburgh Post Gazette , Defendant
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review , Defendant
Population, Refugees, and Migration , Defendant
Portland Oregonian , Defendant
United States Postal Regulatory Commission , Defendant
Officially listed as "Postal Regulatory Commission"
Press-Tribune , Defendant
Providence Journal , Defendant
R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. , Defendant
Rahm I. Emanuel , Defendant
Railroad Retirement Board , Defendant
Raleigh News & Observer , Defendant
Raymond L. Lattood , Defendant
Regional Director Muldonado , Defendant
Research and Innovative Technology Admin , Defendant
Blumenthal, Richard , Defendant
Officially listed as "Richard Blumenthal"
Richard Burr , Defendant
Richard Shelby , Defendant
Richmond Times-Dispatch , Defendant
Rick Crawford , Defendant
Rick Perry , Defendant
Rick Scott , Defendant
Rick Snyder , Defendant
Rob Portman , Defendant
Robert A. Brady , Defendant
Robert Bentley , Defendant
Robert F. Bauer , Defendant
Robert L. Gibbs , Defendant
Gates, Robert M. , Defendant
Officially listed as "Robert M. Gates"
Robert Menendez , Defendant
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle , Defendant
RON JOHNSON , Defendant
Ron Wyden , Defendant
Ronald A. Klain , Defendant
Ronald Kirk , Defendant
Sacramento Bee , Defendant
Salt Lake City Tribune , Defendant
Sam Brownback , Defendant
San Antonio Express-News , Defendant
San Diego Union-Tribune , Defendant
San Francisco Chronicle , Defendant
San Francisco Examiner , Defendant
San Jose Mercury News, Inc. , Defendant
Officially listed as "San Jose Mercury News"
Sarasota Herald-Tribune , Defendant
Saxby Chambliss , Defendant
Scott Walker , Defendant
Sean Foods , Defendant
Sean Parnell , Defendant
Seattle Times , Defendant
United States Securities and Exchange Commission , Defendant
Officially listed as "Securities and Exchange Commission"
Selective Service System , Defendant
Shawn L.S. Donovan , Defendant
Sheldon Whitehouse , Defendant
Sherrod Brown , Defendant
Small Business Administration , Defendant
Social Security Administration , Defendant
South Florida Sun-Sentinel , Defendant
St. Louis Post & Dispatch , Defendant
St. Paul Pioneer Press , Defendant
St. Petersburg Times , Defendant
Steve Womack , Defendant
Steven Chris , Defendant
Steven L. Beshewr , Defendant
Surgeon General , Defendant
Susan S. Shei , Defendant
Susana Martinez , Defendant
Syracuse Post Standard , Defendant
Systemmax , Defendant
Tampa Tribune , Defendant
Tennessee Valley Authority , Defendant
Terry Branstad , Defendant
Texas Star-Telegram , Defendant
The Brunki Co. , Defendant
Thomas A. Marino , Defendant
Thomas E. Donilson , Defendant
Thomas J. Vilsack , Defendant
Thomas R. Carper , Defendant
Tim Griffin , Defendant
Tim Holden , Defendant
Tim Johnson , Defendant
Tim Murphy , Defendant
Timothy F. Geithner , Defendant
Todd Platts , Defendant
Toledo Blade , Defendant
Tom Coburn , Defendant
Tom Corbett , Defendant
Tom Udall , Defendant
Transportation Security Admin , Defendant
Tulsa World , Defendant
Tuscon Daily Star , Defendant
TW Commercial Appeal , Defendant
U.s. Marshals Service , Defendant
U.S. Parole Commission , Defendant
United States Agency For International Development , Defendant
Officially listed as "US Agency for International Development"
Us International Trade Commission , Defendant
United States Postal Service , Defendant
Officially listed as "US Postal Service"
U.s. Trade And Development Agency , Defendant
USA Today , Defendant
Virginian-Pilot , Defendant
W. R. Grace & Company , Defendant
Officially listed as "W.R. Grace & Co."
Wall Street Journal , Defendant
Walt Disney Co. , Defendant
Warden T. C. Outlaw , Defendant
Washington Examiner , Defendant
The Washington Post Company , Defendant
Officially listed as "Washington Post"
Wilmington News Journal , Defendant
Wisconsin State Journal , Defendant
No calendar events were found for this docket.
This case has been viewed 161 times.