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Develop a web based, virtual courtroom thats citizen moderated. A real "People's Court"

1,769 Views / Posted by Alex Mozes

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Assuming a similar verified, trackable citizen model to this site, individuals could volunteer as lawyers, jury, & fact verification for backlogged civil cases. Citizen points are awarded based on participation. The result should be crowd sourced civil and property cases. This would be a LOCAL court, and only LOCAL & REGIONAL citizens could participate.
Supporters: Alex Mozes, Lisa Matulevicz
Opponents: None
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    Problem Courts are so inefficient and slow that average citizens' problems have no reasonable hope of being resolved
    Small claims court is a real pain in the neck to deal with if you have a job or at all value your time. Nothing is on-line, everything gets rejected for the smallest technical reason, and it's a very opaque process in general.
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