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Guardianship for developmentally disabled adults. There are no recprocity laws between states, SSI can be taken over by anyone, freedom and rights are stripped away by any unscrupulous agent with money and power.

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I was legal guardian of my son who is now 33 years old. I had legal custody after a divorce then became legal guardian, loving mother who also managed the SSI benefits and programs for my son. I have worked with special needs children and for over thirty years. My ex husband kept my son after a visit, took over his S
SI and filed for legal guardianship using three attorneys against me. I was not able to see or speak to my son during the assault though I was legal guardian and he was keeping my son in another state. Long story short, he won guradianship due to my lack of assets to pay for lawyers. he then sent my son away to live over a thousand miles from any family. He continues to keep my son cut off from his former life with friends and family. My son would have more freedom if he were in prison. Joni Weir
Supporters: Aaron Greenspan, Judi Greenspan
Opponents: None
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