Ban Gun Sales to Mentally Ill Individuals
Audra Nemir / October 13, 2011 at 11:45 AM EDT
I disagree! Either ban gun sales to all, or leave it alone. What is "mentally ill" going to be defined as? Could my OCD (law abiding, educated, intelligent) family member be denied the same rights as everyone else because she's been on Prozac for 20 years? What about a bipolar person who loves to hunt or shoot at targets? I'm not convinced that people should need guns at all, but when you start negotiating rights along the sketchy spectrum of "mental illness" you are heading somewhere I don't like at all.
Thomas Klos / January 4, 2014 at 1:03 AM EST
Actually, there is. The Second Amendment is meant to apply to all Americans, not to an exclusive group who are deemed to be without mental illness.
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