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People need jobs

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There are protesters in the streets because the unemployment rate is still about 9%.
Supporters: Aaron Greenspan, Eric Teasley, David Arnold, Tristin Roney, David Sauter, Abner Holsinger, Ben Fischer, Chris Wooten, Dan Miller, Nicholas Kohut, Trent Northen, Chris Strickland, Arbi Llaveshi, Ed Ant, Jesse Paulsen, Alex Schneider, Taylor Morgan, Mikhail Lomonosov, Christopher Gunadi, Jonathan Wallis, Kelly Wooters, Brian Sperling, Kyle Halgerson, Kyle Rutland, Henry Haller, Ethan Harris, Lisa Matulevicz, Timothy Suen
Opponent: Craig Snoeyink
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    Solution Pass Obama's Jobs Act.
    It's pretty comprehensive and it's the best option on the table.
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    Solution The government should create a major public works initiative to improve our roads, rail system, energy infrastructure, and broadband penetration.
    Traditionally our strength, our infrastructure today lags behind other developed nations. The low cost of labor, materials, and borrowing during a recession make it the perfect time to invest in the future.

    The strategy worked with the Works Progress Administration after the Great Recession, under FDR, and was enacted through a series of executive orders (a viable option today, should the Congress continue on the path of blind obstruction).
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