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Pass Obama's Jobs Act.

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It's pretty comprehensive and it's the best option on the table.
Supporters: Aaron Greenspan, Eric Teasley, Tristin Roney, Jose Fernandez, Chris Slagle, Abner Holsinger, Chris Wooten, Chris Strickland, Arbi Llaveshi, John Russell, Jesse Paulsen, Alex Schneider, Taylor Morgan, Christopher Gunadi, Jonathan Wallis, Brian Rummel, Shane Patel, Brian Sperling, Dana Leader, Kyle Rutland, Henry Haller, Lisa Matulevicz, Timothy Suen
Opponents: David Arnold, Thomas Worman, Ed Bradford
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    Ed Bradford

    Ed Bradford / November 6, 2011 at 6:07 PM EST

    There have been 22 bills passed in House. None has seen light of day in Senate or has been mentioned by POTUS.

    Gov jobs are not real jobs. They disappear when the politics changes. Private sector jobs are the only salvation. Federal spending on private sector jobs suffers the same fate as simply hiring the workers to be on Fed Gov payroll. When the political tide changes, they lose their jobs or when the revenue bill ends after 2 years (as dictated by the Constitution) the fight begins anew.

    Best way to improve government is to empower small business to expand. Do you have any ideas why small business is not expanding?

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