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The prohibition laws surrounding cannabis do more harm than good individuals and society as a whole.

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Despite being less harmful than both alcohol and tobacco, cannabis is still illegal. This pushes the plant into the unregulated black market and helps fund cartels.
Supporters: Arbi Llaveshi, Ed Ant, Tom Capasso, Jon Schifferdecker, Kelly Wooters, Ben Fischer, Nathan Bouscal, Lisa Matulevicz
Opponents: Chris Wooten, Trent Northen
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    Solution Regulate marijuana in a similar way to alcohol and tobacco.
    This is really not that radical, since alcohol and cigarettes are both more dangerous than marijuana. View the chart at #6 on this website:
    that says marijuana causes 0 deaths per year. Also notable is this chart:
    that compares this information with deaths related to FDA approved drugs. The war on marijuana is causing more deaths than the drug ever has. Evidence has linked marijuana use to around 3000 BC but it has never been the sole cause of a death. For these reasons, its regulation and legalization should be considered. The government's argument against this is that is it a safety issue, but this is clearly not true. This response found at:!/response/what-we-have-say-about-legalizing-marijuana
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