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Immigration benefits corporations, not citizens. Stop almost all immigration.

2,085 Views / Posted by Anonymous

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I was Laid off while company employs 70% H1Bs. No room in grad school for nice and nephew. We can't compete with the overwhelming numbers of foreigners.
Supporter: Ed Bradford
Opponents: Jonathan Wallis, Jose Fernandez, Kyle Halgerson, Scott Cederberg, Patrick Warner, Brian Sperling, Nathan Bouscal, Lisa Matulevicz, Brian Carver
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    Scott Cederberg

    Scott Cederberg / October 31, 2011 at 3:17 PM EDT

    I am sorry to hear that you were laid off.

    The reason that I voted this down is that immigrants are people, too--and I disagree with the idea that citizens' rights should trump immigrants' rights.

    Scott Cederberg

    Scott Cederberg / October 31, 2011 at 3:19 PM EDT

    Also, I encourage you to separate the problem from the proposed solution. (I.e., post "Immigration benefits corporations, not citizens" as a problem and "Stop almost all immigration" as a solution to that problem.)

    Ed Bradford

    Ed Bradford / November 6, 2011 at 7:09 PM EST

    I agree. America can choose who to support.
    Citizens or legal immigrants. Any elevation of illegals
    over citizens is immoral.

    Ask most citizens, and they would say that American Citizens have more rights to work, go to G-school and do most other things than next year's immigrants. (Once we admit them legally, I think they have the same rights as all.)

    Your politicians and courts interfere with common sense and want to grant all kinds of rights to those who are not citizens.
    I support your view.

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