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Amend the Americans with Disabilities Act to Prevent Frivolous Court Cases

2,177 Views / Posted by Aaron Greenspan

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Clearly anyone who commits a murder is dangerous, but short of physical disturbance, the mentally ill should not be clogging up the court system if it can be proven that A) a given individual is incapable of learning from the court case based on past history and medical diagnosis, B) no physical harm occurred from the behavior or action in question, C) no monetary damage occurred from the behavior or action in question.
Supporters: Aaron Greenspan, Jonathan Wallis, William Hughes, Judi Greenspan
Opponents: None
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    Problem Criminal Charges and Penalties Against Mentally Ill Individuals Are Completely Ineffective
    My brother is autistic, and our neighbors filed criminal charges against him for behavior he cannot control. Everyone wanted the behavior to stop, and yet all the charges did was make life more miserable for my brother and my family, compounding the frequency of the very behaviors that the neighbors did not want to deal with.
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