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Pass the American Jobs Act

1,912 Views / Posted by Taylor Morgan

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The American Jobs Act would call for the immediate investment in infrastructure and the creation of a bipartisan National Infrastructure Bank, modernizing our roads, rail, airports and waterways while putting hundreds of thousands of workers back on the job.
Supporters: Taylor Morgan, Brian Sperling, Lisa Matulevicz, Timothy Suen
Opponents: None
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    Problem The U.S. lags behind other modern 21st Century countries in addressing the needs of a comprehensive High-speed, metro, and light rail transportation system.
    Traffic congestion costs the US almost $87.2 billion. The economic costs of traffic congestion have increased 63% over the past decade, and despite declining traffic volumes, caused by the economic downturn, Americans still waste more than 2.8 billion US gallons (11,000,000 m3) of fuel each year as a result of traffic congestion. Motorists also waste 4.2 billion hours annually, or one full work week per traveler.

    In addition to the cost to the consumer there is also the cost to the environment. A 2002 study by the Brookings Institution and the American Enterprise Institute found that public transportation in the U.S uses approximately half the fuel required by cars, SUV's and light trucks. In addition, the study noted that "private vehicles emit about 95 percent more carbon monoxide, 92 percent more volatile organic compounds and about twice as much carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide than public vehicles for every passenger mile traveled.
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