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Re-define marriage as solely a religious matter. The legal construct joining two people will be called a "civil union", which does not discriminate between homosexual and heterosexual couples.

1,906 Views / Posted by Kyle Halgerson

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All current rights given to spouses under "marriage" will be extended to spouses under "civil unions". This includes, but is not limited to: filing taxes jointly, sharing family insurance, social security benefits, estate tax exemptions, veteran & military benefits, and spousal medical proxy.

"Marriage" will be considered a religious extension of the legal rights granted by a "civil union". Religious organizations are under no obligation to "marry" homosexual couples, as protected by the First Amendment's protection of religion.
Supporters: Scott Cederberg, Matteo Kausch, Dana Leader, Michael Andrews, Brian Sperling, Nathan Bouscal
Opponents: None

Laws and Regulations, United States Code
1 U.S.C. § 7: Title 1, Chapter 1, Section 7 (Changes)

Current LawChangesProposed Law