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Excessive carbon dioxide emissions put as at risk of catastrophic consequences due to climate change.

2,163 Views / Posted by Scott Cederberg

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An overwhelming scientific consensus exists that the climate is changing and that human-produced carbon dioxide emissions contribute significantly to the change. The exact consequences of these changes are difficult to predict but are likely to cause immense human suffering.

This is too great a risk for us to accept, given that reasonable solutions are at hand.
Supporters: Scott Cederberg, Matteo Kausch, Kelly Wooters, Brian Sperling, Aaron Greenspan, Nathan Bouscal, Sarah Jespersen, Kyle Rutland, Taylor Morgan, Chris Wooten, David Sauter, Lisa Matulevicz, Timothy Suen
Opponents: None
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    Solution Institute a system of tradeable carbon emissions permits.
    This method harness the power of the market to reduce emissions efficiently. Credible studies suggest that the long-term impact to GDP would be minimal relative to the risk we run by doing nothing.
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