Laws and Regulations, United States Code
Title 18
- 1: §1. Definitions
- 10: §10. Identification of information related to the national defense
- 11: §11. Amendments to the Act
- 12: §12. Attorney General guidelines
- 13: §13. Reports to Congress
- 14: §14. Functions of Attorney General may be exercised by Deputy Attorney General, the Associate Attorney General, or a designated Assistant Attorney General
- 15: §15. Effective date
- 16: §16. Short title
- 2: §2. Pretrial conference
- 3: §3. Protective orders
- 4: §4. Discovery of classified information by defendants
- 5: §5. Notice of defendant's intention to disclose classified information
- 6: §6. Procedure for cases involving classified information
- 7: §7. Interlocutory appeal
- 8: §8. Introduction of classified information
- 9: §9. Security procedures
- 9A: §9A. Coordination requirements relating to the prosecution of cases involving classified information
- 1: §1. Short title
- 2: §2. Enactment into law of Interstate Agreement on Detainers
- 3: §3. Definition of term ?Governor? for purposes of United States and District of Columbia
- 4: §4. Definition of term ?appropriate court?
- 5: §5. Enforcement and cooperation by courts, departments, agencies, officers, and employees of United States and District of Columbia
- 6: §6. Regulations, forms, and instructions
- 7: §7. Reservation of right to alter, amend, or repeal
- 8: §8. Effective Date
- 9: §9. Special Provisions when United States is a Receiving State
- No : [§§1201 to 1203. Repealed. Pub. L. 99?308, §104(b), May 19, 1986, 100 Stat. 459]
- 1: [§1. Repealed. Pub. L. 98?473, title II, §218(a)(1), Oct. 12, 1984, 98 Stat. 2027]
- 10: §10. Interstate commerce and foreign commerce defined
- 11: §11. Foreign government defined
- 12: §12. United States Postal Service defined
- 13: §13. Laws of States adopted for areas within Federal jurisdiction
- 14: [§14. Repealed. Pub. L. 107?273, div. B, title IV, §4004(a), Nov. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 1812]
- 15: §15. Obligation or other security of foreign government defined
- 16: §16. Crime of violence defined
- 17: §17. Insanity defense
- 18: §18. Organization defined
- 19: §19. Petty offense defined
- 2: §2. Principals
- 20: §20. Financial institution defined
- 21: §21. Stolen or counterfeit nature of property for certain crimes defined
- 23: §23.1 Court of the United States defined
- 24: §24. Definitions relating to Federal health care offense
- 25: §25. Use of minors in crimes of violence
- 26: §26. Definition of seaport
- 27: §27. Mortgage lending business defined
- 3: §3. Accessory after the fact
- 4: §4. Misprision of felony
- 5: §5. United States defined
- 6: §6. Department and agency defined
- 7: §7. Special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States defined
- 8: §8. Obligation or other security of the United States defined
- 9: §9. Vessel of the United States defined
- 175: §175. Prohibitions with respect to biological weapons
- 175a: §175a. Requests for military assistance to enforce prohibition in certain emergencies
- 175b: §175b. Possession by restricted persons
- 175c: §175c. Variola virus
- 176: §176. Seizure, forfeiture, and destruction
- 177: §177. Injunctions
- 178: §178. Definitions
- 2071: §2071. Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally
- 2072: §2072. False crop reports
- 2073: §2073. False entries and reports of moneys or securities
- 2074: §2074. False weather reports
- 2075: §2075. Officer failing to make returns or reports
- 2076: §2076. Clerk of United States District Court
- 2101: §2101. Riots
- 2102: §2102. Definitions
- 2111: §2111. Special maritime and territorial jurisdiction
- 2112: §2112. Personal property of United States
- 2113: §2113. Bank robbery and incidental crimes
- 2114: §2114. Mail, money, or other property of United States
- 2115: §2115. Post office
- 2116: §2116. Railway or steamboat post office
- 2117: §2117. Breaking or entering carrier facilities
- 2118: §2118. Robberies and burglaries involving controlled substances
- 2119: §2119. Motor vehicles
- 2151: §2151. Definitions
- 2152: §2152. Fortifications, harbor defenses, or defensive sea areas
- 2153: §2153. Destruction of war material, war premises, or war utilities
- 2154: §2154. Production of defective war material, war premises, or war utilities
- 2155: §2155. Destruction of national-defense materials, national-defense premises, or national-defense utilities
- 2156: §2156. Production of defective national-defense material, national-defense premises, or national-defense utilities
- 2157: [§2157. Repealed. Pub. L. 103?322, title XXXIII, §330004(13), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2142]
- 2191: §2191. Cruelty to seamen
- 2192: §2192. Incitation of seamen to revolt or mutiny
- 2193: §2193. Revolt or mutiny of seamen
- 2194: §2194. Shanghaiing sailors
- 2195: §2195. Abandonment of sailors
- 2196: §2196. Drunkenness or neglect of duty by seamen
- 2197: §2197. Misuse of Federal certificate, license or document
- 2198: [§2198. Repealed. Pub. L. 101?647, title XII, §1207(b), Nov. 29, 1990, 104 Stat. 4832]
- 2199: §2199. Stowaways on vessels or aircraft
- 2231: §2231. Assault or resistance
- 2232: §2232. Destruction or removal of property to prevent seizure
- 2233: §2233. Rescue of seized property
- 2234: §2234. Authority exceeded in executing warrant
- 2235: §2235. Search warrant procured maliciously
- 2236: §2236. Searches without warrant
- 2237: §2237. Criminal sanctions for failure to heave to, obstruction of boarding, or providing false information
- 2241: §2241. Aggravated sexual abuse
- 2242: §2242. Sexual abuse
- 2243: §2243. Sexual abuse of a minor or ward
- 2244: §2244. Abusive sexual contact
- 2245: §2245. Offenses resulting in death
- 2246: §2246. Definitions for chapter
- 2247: §2247. Repeat offenders
- 2248: §2248. Mandatory restitution
- 2250: §2250. Failure to register
- 201: §201. Bribery of public officials and witnesses
- 202: §202. Definitions
- 203: §203. Compensation to Members of Congress, officers, and others in matters affecting the Government
- 204: §204. Practice in United States Court of Federal Claims or the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit by Members of Congress
- 205: §205. Activities of officers and employees in claims against and other matters affecting the Government
- 206: §206. Exemption of retired officers of the uniformed services
- 207: §207. Restrictions on former officers, employees, and elected officials of the executive and legislative branches
- 208: §208. Acts affecting a personal financial interest
- 209: §209. Salary of Government officials and employees payable only by United States
- 210: §210. Offer to procure appointive public office
- 211: §211. Acceptance or solicitation to obtain appointive public office
- 212: §212. Offer of loan or gratuity to financial institution examiner
- 213: §213. Acceptance of loan or gratuity by financial institution examiner
- 214: §214. Offer for procurement of Federal Reserve bank loan and discount of commercial paper
- 215: §215. Receipt of commissions or gifts for procuring loans
- 216: §216. Penalties and injunctions
- 217: §217. Acceptance of consideration for adjustment of farm indebtedness
- 218: §218. Voiding transactions in violation of chapter; recovery by the United States
- 219: §219. Officers and employees acting as agents of foreign principals
- No : [§§220 to 222. Renumbered §§215 to 217]
- 223: [§223. Repealed. Pub. L. 87?849, §1(c), Oct. 23, 1962, 76 Stat. 1125]
- 224: §224. Bribery in sporting contests
- 225: §225. Continuing financial crimes enterprise
- 226: §226. Bribery affecting port security
- 227: §227. Wrongfully influencing a private entity's employment decisions by a Member of Congress
- 2251: §2251. Sexual exploitation of children
- 2251A: §2251A. Selling or buying of children
- 2252: §2252. Certain activities relating to material involving the sexual exploitation of minors
- 2252A: §2252A. Certain activities relating to material constituting or containing child pornography
- 2252B: §2252B. Misleading domain names on the Internet
- 2252C: §2252C. Misleading words or digital images on the Internet
- 2253: §2253. Criminal forfeiture
- 2254: §2254. Civil forfeiture
- 2255: §2255. Civil remedy for personal injuries
- 2256: §2256. Definitions for chapter
- 2257: §2257. Record keeping requirements
- 2257A: §2257A. Record keeping requirements for simulated sexual conduct
- 2258: §2258. Failure to report child abuse
- 2258A: §2258A. Reporting requirements of electronic communication service providers and remote computing service providers
- 2258B: §2258B. Limited liability for electronic communication service providers, remote computing service providers, or domain name registrar 1
- 2258C: §2258C. Use to combat child pornography of technical elements relating to images reported to the CyberTipline
- 2258D: §2258D. Limited liability for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
- 2258E: §2258E. Definitions
- 2259: §2259. Mandatory restitution
- 2260: §2260. Production of sexually explicit depictions of a minor for importation into the United States
- 2260A: §2260A. Penalties for registered sex offenders
- 2261: §2261. Interstate domestic violence
- 2261A: §2261A. Stalking
- 2262: §2262. Interstate violation of protection order
- 2263: §2263. Pretrial release of defendant
- 2264: §2264. Restitution
- 2265: §2265. Full faith and credit given to protection orders
- 2265A: §2265A. Repeat offenders
- 2266: §2266. Definitions
- 2271: §2271. Conspiracy to destroy vessels
- 2272: §2272. Destruction of vessel by owner
- 2273: §2273. Destruction of vessel by nonowner
- 2274: §2274. Destruction or misuse of vessel by person in charge
- 2275: §2275. Firing or tampering with vessels
- 2276: §2276. Breaking and entering vessel
- 2277: §2277. Explosives or dangerous weapons aboard vessels
- 2278: §2278. Explosives on vessels carrying steerage passengers
- 2279: §2279. Boarding vessels before arrival
- 2280: §2280. Violence against maritime navigation
- 2281: §2281. Violence against maritime fixed platforms
- 2282A: §2282A.1 Devices or dangerous substances in waters of the United States likely to destroy or damage ships or to interfere with maritime commerce
- 2282B: §2282B. Violence against aids to maritime navigation
- 2283: §2283. Transportation of explosive, biological, chemical, or radioactive or nuclear materials
- 2284: §2284. Transportation of terrorists
- 2285: §2285. Operation of submersible vessel or semi-submersible vessel without nationality
- 2290: §2290. Jurisdiction and scope
- 2291: §2291. Destruction of vessel or maritime facility
- 2292: §2292. Imparting or conveying false information
- 2293: §2293. Bar to prosecution
- 2311: §2311. Definitions
- 2312: §2312. Transportation of stolen vehicles
- 2313: §2313. Sale or receipt of stolen vehicles
- 2314: §2314. Transportation of stolen goods, securities, moneys, fraudulent State tax stamps, or articles used in counterfeiting
- 2315: §2315. Sale or receipt of stolen goods, securities, moneys, or fraudulent State tax stamps
- 2316: §2316. Transportation of livestock
- 2317: §2317. Sale or receipt of livestock
- 2318: §2318. Trafficking in counterfeit labels, illicit labels, or counterfeit documentation or packaging
- 2319: §2319. Criminal infringement of a copyright
- 2319A: §2319A. Unauthorized fixation of and trafficking in sound recordings and music videos of live musical performances
- 2319B: §2319B. Unauthorized recording of Motion pictures in a Motion picture exhibition facility
- 2320: §2320. Trafficking in counterfeit goods or services
- 2321: §2321. Trafficking in certain motor vehicles or motor vehicle parts
- 2322: §2322. Chop shops
- 2323: §2323. Forfeiture, destruction, and restitution
- 2325: §2325. Definition
- 2326: §2326. Enhanced penalties
- 2327: §2327. Mandatory restitution
- 2331: §2331. Definitions
- 2332: §2332. Criminal penalties
- 2332a: §2332a. Use of weapons of mass destruction
- 2332b: §2332b. Acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries
- 2332c: [§2332c. Repealed. Pub. L. 105?277, div. I, title II, §201(c)(1), Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2681?871]
- 2332d: §2332d. Financial transactions
- 2332e: §2332e. Requests for military assistance to enforce prohibition in certain emergencies
- 2332f: §2332f. Bombings of places of public use, government facilities, public transportation systems and infrastructure facilities
- 2332g: §2332g. Missile systems designed to destroy aircraft
- 2332h: §2332h. Radiological dispersal devices
- 2333: §2333. Civil remedies
- 2334: §2334. Jurisdiction and venue
- 2335: §2335. Limitation of actions
- 2336: §2336. Other limitations
- 2337: §2337. Suits against Government officials
- 2338: §2338. Exclusive Federal jurisdiction
- 2339: §2339. Harboring or concealing terrorists
- 2339A: §2339A. Providing material support to terrorists
- 2339B: §2339B. Providing material support or resources to designated foreign terrorist organizations
- 2339C: §2339C. Prohibitions against the financing of terrorism
- 2339D: §2339D. Receiving military-type training from a foreign terrorist organization
- 2340: §2340. Definitions
- 2340A: §2340A. Torture
- 2340B: §2340B. Exclusive remedies
- 2341: §2341. Definitions
- 2342: §2342. Unlawful acts
- 2343: §2343. Recordkeeping, reporting, and inspection
- 2344: §2344. Penalties
- 2345: §2345. Effect on State and local law
- 2346: §2346. Enforcement and regulations
- 2381: §2381. Treason
- 2382: §2382. Misprision of treason
- 2383: §2383. Rebellion or insurrection
- 2384: §2384. Seditious conspiracy
- 2385: §2385. Advocating overthrow of Government
- 2386: §2386. Registration of certain organizations
- 2387: §2387. Activities affecting armed forces generally
- 2388: §2388. Activities affecting armed forces during war
- 2389: §2389. Recruiting for service against United States
- 2390: §2390. Enlistment to serve against United States
- 2391: [§2391. Repealed. Pub. L. 103?322, title XXXIII, §330004(13), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2142]
- 2421: §2421. Transportation generally
- 2422: §2422. Coercion and enticement
- 2423: §2423. Transportation of minors
- 2424: §2424. Filing factual statement about alien individual
- 2425: §2425. Use of interstate facilities to transmit information about a minor
- 2426: §2426. Repeat offenders
- 2427: §2427. Inclusion of offenses relating to child pornography in definition of sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense
- 2428: §2428. Forfeitures
- 2441: §2441. War crimes
- 2442: §2442. Recruitment or use of child soldiers
- 2510: §2510. Definitions
- 2511: §2511. Interception and disclosure of wire, oral, or electronic communications prohibited
- 2512: §2512. Manufacture, distribution, possession, and advertising of wire, oral, or electronic communication intercepting devices prohibited
- 2513: §2513. Confiscation of wire, oral, or electronic communication intercepting devices
- 2514: [§2514. Repealed. Pub. L. 91?452, title II, §227(a), Oct. 15, 1970, 84 Stat. 930]
- 2515: §2515. Prohibition of use as evidence of intercepted wire or oral communications
- 2516: §2516. Authorization for interception of wire, oral, or electronic communications
- 2517: §2517. Authorization for disclosure and use of intercepted wire, oral, or electronic communications
- 2518: §2518. Procedure for interception of wire, oral, or electronic communications
- 2519: §2519. Reports concerning intercepted wire, oral, or electronic communications
- 2520: §2520. Recovery of civil damages authorized
- 2521: §2521. Injunction against illegal interception
- 2522: §2522. Enforcement of the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act
- 228: §228. Failure to pay legal child support obligations
- 229: §229. Prohibited activities
- 229A: §229A. Penalties
- 229B: §229B. Criminal forfeitures; destruction of weapons
- 229C: §229C. Individual self-defense devices
- 229D: §229D. Injunctions
- 229E: §229E. Requests for military assistance to enforce prohibition in certain emergencies
- 229F: §229F. Definitions
- 231: §231. Civil disorders
- 232: §232. Definitions
- 233: §233. Preemption
- 2701: §2701. Unlawful access to stored communications
- 2702: §2702. Voluntary disclosure of customer communications or records
- 2703: §2703. Required disclosure of customer communications or records
- 2704: §2704. Backup preservation
- 2705: §2705. Delayed notice
- 2706: §2706. Cost reimbursement
- 2707: §2707. Civil action
- 2708: §2708. Exclusivity of remedies
- 2709: §2709. Counterintelligence access to telephone toll and transactional records
- 2710: §2710. Wrongful disclosure of video tape rental or sale records
- 2711: §2711. Definitions for chapter
- 2712: §2712. Civil actions against the United States
- 2721: §2721. Prohibition on release and use of certain personal information from State motor vehicle records
- 2722: §2722. Additional unlawful acts
- 2723: §2723. Penalties
- 2724: §2724. Civil action
- 2725: §2725. Definitions
- 241: §241. Conspiracy against rights
- 242: §242. Deprivation of rights under color of law
- 243: §243. Exclusion of jurors on account of race or color
- 244: §244. Discrimination against person wearing uniform of armed forces
- 245: §245. Federally protected activities
- 246: §246. Deprivation of relief benefits
- 247: §247. Damage to religious property; obstruction of persons in the free exercise of religious beliefs
- 248: §248. Freedom of access to clinic entrances
- 249: §249. Hate crime acts
- 281: [§281. Repealed. Pub. L. 104?106, div. D, title XLIII, §4304(b)(3), Feb. 10, 1996, 110 Stat. 664; Pub. L. 104?294, title VI, §602(d), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3503]
- 282: [§282. Repealed. Pub. L. 87?849, §2, Oct. 23, 1962, 76 Stat. 1126]
- 283: [§283. Repealed. Pub. L. 87?849, §2, Oct. 23, 1962, 76 Stat. 1126; Pub. L. 100?180, div. A, title VIII, §822(a), Dec. 4, 1987, 101 Stat. 1132]
- 284: [§284. Repealed. Pub. L. 87?849, §2, Oct. 23, 1962, 76 Stat. 1126]
- 285: §285. Taking or using papers relating to claims
- 286: §286. Conspiracy to defraud the Government with respect to claims
- 287: §287. False, fictitious or fraudulent claims
- 288: §288. False claims for postal losses
- 289: §289. False claims for pensions
- 290: §290. Discharge papers withheld by claim agent
- 291: §291. Purchase of claims for fees by court officials
- 292: §292. Solicitation of employment and receipt of unapproved fees concerning Federal employees? compensation
- 293: [§293. Repealed. Pub. L. 101?123, §3(a), Oct. 23, 1989, 103 Stat. 760]
- 331: §331. Mutilation, diminution, and falsification of coins
- 332: §332. Debasement of coins; alteration of official scales, or embezzlement of metals
- 333: §333. Mutilation of national bank obligations
- 334: §334. Issuance of Federal Reserve or national bank notes
- 335: §335. Circulation of obligations of expired corporations
- 336: §336. Issuance of circulating obligations of less than $1
- 337: §337. Coins as security for loans
- 341: §341. Definitions
- 342: §342. Operation of a common carrier under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- 343: §343. Presumptions
- 351: §351. Congressional, Cabinet, and Supreme Court assassination, kidnapping, and assault; penalties
- 371: §371. Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States
- 372: §372. Conspiracy to impede or injure officer
- 373: §373. Solicitation to commit a crime of violence
- 31: §31. Definitions
- 32: §32. Destruction of aircraft or aircraft facilities
- 33: §33. Destruction of motor vehicles or motor vehicle facilities
- 34: §34. Penalty when death results
- 35: §35. Imparting or conveying false information
- 36: §36. Drive-by shooting
- 37: §37. Violence at international airports
- 38: §38. Fraud involving aircraft or space vehicle parts in interstate or foreign commerce
- 39: §39. Traffic signal preemption transmitters
- 40: §40. Commercial motor vehicles required to stop for inspections
- 401: §401. Power of court
- 402: §402. Contempts constituting crimes
- 403: §403. Protection of the privacy of child victims and child witnesses
- 431: §431. Contracts by Member of Congress
- 432: §432. Officer or employee contracting with Member of Congress
- 433: §433. Exemptions with respect to certain contracts
- 434: [§434. Repealed. Pub. L. 87?849, §2, Oct. 23, 1962, 76 Stat. 1126]
- 435: §435. Contracts in excess of specific appropriation
- 436: §436. Convict labor contracts
- 437: [§437. Repealed. Pub. L. 104?178, §1(a), Aug. 6, 1996, 110 Stat. 1565]
- No : [§§438, 439. Repealed. Pub. L. 106?568, title VIII, §812(c)(2), Dec. 27, 2000, 114 Stat. 2917]
- 440: §440. Mail contracts
- 441: §441. Postal supply contracts
- 442: §442. Printing contracts
- 443: §443. War contracts
- 470: §470. Counterfeit acts committed outside the United States
- 471: §471. Obligations or securities of United States
- 472: §472. Uttering counterfeit obligations or securities
- 473: §473. Dealing in counterfeit obligations or securities
- 474: §474. Plates, stones, or analog, digital, or electronic images for counterfeiting obligations or securities
- 474A: §474A. Deterrents to counterfeiting of obligations and securities
- 475: §475. Imitating obligations or securities; advertisements
- 476: §476. Taking impressions of tools used for obligations or securities
- 477: §477. Possessing or selling impressions of tools used for obligations or securities
- 478: §478. Foreign obligations or securities
- 479: §479. Uttering counterfeit foreign obligations or securities
- 480: §480. Possessing counterfeit foreign obligations or securities
- 481: §481. Plates, stones, or analog, digital, or electronic images for counterfeiting foreign obligations or securities
- 482: §482. Foreign bank notes
- 483: §483. Uttering counterfeit foreign bank notes
- 484: §484. Connecting parts of different notes
- 485: §485. Coins or bars
- 486: §486. Uttering coins of gold, silver or other metal
- 487: §487. Making or possessing counterfeit dies for coins
- 488: §488. Making or possessing counterfeit dies for foreign coins
- 489: §489. Making or possessing likeness of coins
- 490: §490. Minor coins
- 491: §491. Tokens or paper used as money
- 492: §492. Forfeiture of counterfeit paraphernalia
- 493: §493. Bonds and obligations of certain lending agencies
- 494: §494. Contractors? bonds, bids, and public records
- 495: §495. Contracts, deeds, and powers of attorney
- 496: §496. Customs matters
- 497: §497. Letters patent
- 498: §498. Military or naval discharge certificates
- 499: §499. Military, naval, or official passes
- 500: §500. Money orders
- 501: §501. Postage stamps, postage meter stamps, and postal cards
- 502: §502. Postage and revenue stamps of foreign governments
- 503: §503. Postmarking stamps
- 504: §504. Printing and filming of United States and foreign obligations and securities
- 505: §505. Seals of courts; signatures of judges or court officers
- 506: §506. Seals of departments or agencies
- 507: §507. Ship's papers
- 508: §508. Transportation requests of Government
- 509: §509. Possessing and making plates or stones for Government transportation requests
- 510: §510. Forging endorsements on Treasury checks or bonds or securities of the United States
- 511: §511. Altering or removing motor vehicle identification numbers
- 511A: §511A. Unauthorized application of theft prevention decal or device
- 512: §512. Forfeiture of certain motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts
- 513: §513. Securities of the States and private entities
- 514: §514. Fictitious obligations
- 521: §521. Criminal street gangs
- 541: §541. Entry of goods falsely classified
- 542: §542. Entry of goods by means of false statements
- 543: §543. Entry of goods for less than legal duty
- 544: §544. Relanding of goods
- 545: §545. Smuggling goods into the United States
- 546: §546. Smuggling goods into foreign countries
- 547: §547. Depositing goods in buildings on boundaries
- 548: §548. Removing or repacking goods in warehouses
- 549: §549. Removing goods from customs custody; breaking seals
- 550: §550. False claim for refund of duties
- 551: §551. Concealing or destroying invoices or other papers
- 552: §552. Officers aiding importation of obscene or treasonous books and articles
- 553: §553. Importation or exportation of stolen motor vehicles, off-highway mobile equipment, vessels, or aircraft
- 554: §554. Smuggling goods from the United States
- 555: §555. Border tunnels and passages
- 591: [§591. Repealed. Pub. L. 96?187, title II, §201(a)(1), Jan. 8, 1980, 93 Stat. 1367]
- 592: §592. Troops at polls
- 593: §593. Interference by armed forces
- 594: §594. Intimidation of voters
- 595: §595. Interference by administrative employees of Federal, State, or Territorial Governments
- 596: §596. Polling armed forces
- 597: §597. Expenditures to influence voting
- 598: §598. Coercion by means of relief appropriations
- 599: §599. Promise of appointment by candidate
- 600: §600. Promise of employment or other benefit for political activity
- 601: §601. Deprivation of employment or other benefit for political contribution
- 602: §602. Solicitation of political contributions
- 603: §603. Making political contributions
- 604: §604. Solicitation from persons on relief
- 605: §605. Disclosure of names of persons on relief
- 606: §606. Intimidation to secure political contributions
- 607: §607. Place of solicitation
- 608: §608. Absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters
- 609: §609. Use of military authority to influence vote of member of Armed Forces
- 610: §610. Coercion of political activity
- 611: §611. Voting by aliens
- No : [§§612 to 617. Repealed. Pub. L. 94?283, title II, §201(a), May 11, 1976, 90 Stat. 496]
- 41: §41. Hunting, fishing, trapping; disturbance or injury on wildlife refuges
- 42: §42. Importation or shipment of injurious mammals, birds, fish (including mollusks and crustacea), amphibia, and reptiles; permits, specimens for museums; regulations
- 43: §43. Force, violence, and threats involving animal enterprises
- 44: [§44. Repealed. Pub. L. 97?79, §9(b)(2), Nov. 16, 1981, 95 Stat. 1079]
- 45: [§45. Repealed. Pub. L. 101?647, title XII, §1206(a), Nov. 29, 1990, 104 Stat. 4832]
- 46: §46. Transportation of water hyacinths
- 47: §47. Use of aircraft or motor vehicles to hunt certain wild horses or burros; pollution of watering holes
- 48: §48. Animal crush videos
- 49: §49. Enforcement of animal fighting prohibitions
- 641: §641. Public money, property or records
- 642: §642. Tools and materials for counterfeiting purposes
- 643: §643. Accounting generally for public money
- 644: §644. Banker receiving unauthorized deposit of public money
- 645: §645. Court officers generally
- 646: §646. Court officers depositing registry moneys
- 647: §647. Receiving loan from court officer
- 648: §648. Custodians, generally, misusing public funds
- 649: §649. Custodians failing to deposit moneys; persons affected
- 650: §650. Depositaries failing to safeguard deposits
- 651: §651. Disbursing officer falsely certifying full payment
- 652: §652. Disbursing officer paying lesser in lieu of lawful amount
- 653: §653. Disbursing officer misusing public funds
- 654: §654. Officer or employee of United States converting property of another
- 655: §655. Theft by bank examiner
- 656: §656. Theft, embezzlement, or misapplication by bank officer or employee
- 657: §657. Lending, credit and insurance institutions
- 658: §658. Property mortgaged or pledged to farm credit agencies
- 659: §659. Interstate or foreign shipments by carrier; State prosecutions
- 660: §660. Carrier's funds derived from commerce; State prosecutions
- 661: §661. Within special maritime and territorial jurisdiction
- 662: §662. Receiving stolen property within special maritime and territorial jurisdiction
- 663: §663. Solicitation or use of gifts
- 664: §664. Theft or embezzlement from employee benefit plan
- 665: §665. Theft or embezzlement from employment and training funds; improper inducement; obstruction of investigations
- 666: §666. Theft or bribery concerning programs receiving Federal funds
- 667: §667. Theft of livestock
- 668: §668. Theft of major artwork
- 669: §669. Theft or embezzlement in connection with health care
- 700: §700. Desecration of the flag of the United States; penalties
- 701: §701. Official badges, identification cards, other insignia
- 702: §702. Uniform of armed forces and Public Health Service
- 703: §703. Uniform of friendly nation
- 704: §704. Military medals or decorations
- 705: §705. Badge or medal of veterans? organizations
- 706: §706. Red Cross
- 706a: §706a. Geneva distinctive emblems
- 707: §707. 4?H club emblem fraudulently used
- 708: §708. Swiss Confederation coat of arms
- 709: §709. False advertising or misuse of names to indicate Federal agency
- 710: §710. Cremation urns for military use
- 711: §711. ?Smokey Bear? character or name
- 711a: §711a. ?Woodsy Owl? character, name, or slogan
- 712: §712. Misuse of names, words, emblems, or insignia
- 713: §713. Use of likenesses of the great seal of the United States, the seals of the President and Vice President, the seal of the United States Senate, the seal of the United States House of Representatives, and the seal of the United States Congress
- 714: [§714. Repealed. Pub. L. 97?258, §2(d)(1)(B), Sept. 13, 1982, 96 Stat. 1058]
- 715: §715. ?The Golden Eagle Insignia?
- 716: §716. Public employee insignia and uniform
- 751: §751. Prisoners in custody of institution or officer
- 752: §752. Instigating or assisting escape
- 753: §753. Rescue to prevent execution
- 754: [§754. Repealed. Pub. L. 103?322, title XXXIII, §330004(5), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2141]
- 755: §755. Officer permitting escape
- 756: §756. Internee of belligerent nation
- 757: §757. Prisoners of war or enemy aliens
- 758: §758. High speed flight from immigration checkpoint
- 791: [§791. Repealed. Pub. L. 87?369, §1, Oct. 4, 1961, 75 Stat. 795]
- 792: §792. Harboring or concealing persons
- 793: §793. Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
- 794: §794. Gathering or delivering defense information to aid foreign government
- 795: §795. Photographing and sketching defense installations
- 796: §796. Use of aircraft for photographing defense installations
- 797: §797. Publication and sale of photographs of defense installations
- 798: §798. Disclosure of classified information
- 798A: §798A. Temporary extension of section 794
- 799: §799. Violation of regulations of National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- 831: §831. Prohibited transactions involving nuclear materials
- 832: §832. Participation in nuclear and weapons of mass destruction threats to the United States
- No : [§§833 to 835. Repealed. Pub. L. 96?129, title II, §216(b), Nov. 30, 1979, 93 Stat. 1015]
- 836: §836. Transportation of fireworks into State prohibiting sale or use
- 837: [§837. Repealed. Pub. L. 91?452, title XI, §1106(b)(1), Oct. 15, 1970, 84 Stat. 960]
- 841: §841. Definitions
- 842: §842. Unlawful acts
- 843: §843. Licenses and user permits
- 844: §844. Penalties
- 845: §845. Exceptions; relief from disabilities
- 846: §846. Additional powers of the Attorney General
- 847: §847. Rules and regulations
- 848: §848. Effect on State law
- 871: §871. Threats against President and successors to the Presidency
- 872: §872. Extortion by officers or employees of the United States
- 873: §873. Blackmail
- 874: §874. Kickbacks from public works employees
- 875: §875. Interstate communications
- 876: §876. Mailing threatening communications
- 877: §877. Mailing threatening communications from foreign country
- 878: §878. Threats and extortion against foreign officials, official guests, or internationally protected persons
- 879: §879. Threats against former Presidents and certain other persons
- 880: §880. Receiving the proceeds of extortion
- 891: §891. Definitions and rules of construction
- 892: §892. Making extortionate extensions of credit
- 893: §893. Financing extortionate extensions of credit
- 894: §894. Collection of extensions of credit by extortionate means
- 895: [§895. Repealed. Pub. L. 91?452, title II, §223(a), Oct. 15, 1970, 84 Stat. 929]
- 896: §896. Effect on State laws
- 911: §911. Citizen of the United States
- 912: §912. Officer or employee of the United States
- 913: §913. Impersonator making arrest or search
- 914: §914. Creditors of the United States
- 915: §915. Foreign diplomats, consuls or officers
- 916: §916. 4?H Club members or agents
- 917: §917. Red Cross members or agents
- 921: §921. Definitions
- 922: §922. Unlawful acts
- 923: §923. Licensing
- 924: §924. Penalties
- 925: §925. Exceptions: Relief from disabilities
- 925A: §925A. Remedy for erroneous denial of firearm
- 926: §926. Rules and regulations
- 926A: §926A. Interstate transportation of firearms
- 926B: §926B. Carrying of concealed firearms by qualified law enforcement officers
- 926C: §926C. Carrying of concealed firearms by qualified retired law enforcement officers
- 927: §927. Effect on State law
- 928: §928. Separability
- 929: §929. Use of restricted ammunition
- 930: §930. Possession of firearms and dangerous weapons in Federal facilities
- 931: §931. Prohibition on purchase, ownership, or possession of body armor by violent felons
- 951: §951. Agents of foreign governments
- 952: §952. Diplomatic codes and correspondence
- 953: §953. Private correspondence with foreign governments
- 954: §954. False statements influencing foreign government
- 955: §955. Financial transactions with foreign governments
- 956: §956. Conspiracy to kill, kidnap, maim, or injure persons or damage property in a foreign country
- 957: §957. Possession of property in aid of foreign government
- 958: §958. Commission to serve against friendly nation
- 959: §959. Enlistment in foreign service
- 960: §960. Expedition against friendly nation
- 961: §961. Strengthening armed vessel of foreign nation
- 962: §962. Arming vessel against friendly nation
- 963: §963. Detention of armed vessel
- 964: §964. Delivering armed vessel to belligerent nation
- 965: §965. Verified statements as prerequisite to vessel's departure
- 966: §966. Departure of vessel forbidden for false statements
- 967: §967. Departure of vessel forbidden in aid of neutrality
- 968: [§968. Repealed. Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, title V, §542(a)(14), 68 Stat. 861]
- 969: [§969. Repealed. Pub. L. 101?647, title XII, §1207(a), Nov. 29, 1990, 104 Stat. 4832]
- 970: §970. Protection of property occupied by foreign governments
- 981: §981. Civil forfeiture
- 982: §982. Criminal forfeiture
- 983: §983. General rules for civil forfeiture proceedings
- 984: §984. Civil forfeiture of fungible property
- 985: §985. Civil forfeiture of real property
- 986: §986. Subpoenas for bank records
- 987: §987. Anti-terrorist forfeiture protection
- 1001: §1001. Statements or entries generally
- 1002: §1002. Possession of false papers to defraud United States
- 1003: §1003. Demands against the United States
- 1004: §1004. Certification of checks
- 1005: §1005. Bank entries, reports and transactions
- 1006: §1006. Federal credit institution entries, reports and transactions
- 1007: §1007. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation transactions
- No : [§§1008, 1009. Repealed. Pub. L. 101?73, title IX, §§961(g)(1), 962(a)(3), Aug. 9, 1989, 103 Stat. 500, 502]
- 1010: §1010. Department of Housing and Urban Development and Federal Housing Administration transactions
- 1011: §1011. Federal land bank mortgage transactions
- 1012: §1012. Department of Housing and Urban Development transactions
- 1013: §1013. Farm loan bonds and credit bank debentures
- 1014: §1014. Loan and credit applications generally; renewals and discounts; crop insurance
- 1015: §1015. Naturalization, citizenship or alien registry
- 1016: §1016. Acknowledgment of appearance or oath
- 1017: §1017. Government seals wrongfully used and instruments wrongfully sealed
- 1018: §1018. Official certificates or writings
- 1019: §1019. Certificates by consular officers
- 1020: §1020. Highway projects
- 1021: §1021. Title records
- 1022: §1022. Delivery of certificate, voucher, receipt for military or naval property
- 1023: §1023. Insufficient delivery of money or property for military or naval service
- 1024: §1024. Purchase or receipt of military, naval, or veteran's facilities property
- 1025: §1025. False pretenses on high seas and other waters
- 1026: §1026. Compromise, adjustment, or cancellation of farm indebtedness
- 1027: §1027. False statements and concealment of facts in relation to documents required by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
- 1028: §1028. Fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents, authentication features, and information
- 1028A: §1028A. Aggravated identity theft
- 1029: §1029. Fraud and related activity in connection with access devices
- 1030: §1030. Fraud and related activity in connection with computers
- 1031: §1031. Major fraud against the United States
- 1032: §1032. Concealment of assets from conservator, receiver, or liquidating agent
- 1033: §1033. Crimes by or affecting persons engaged in the business of insurance whose activities affect interstate commerce
- 1034: §1034. Civil penalties and injunctions for violations of section 1033
- 1035: §1035. False statements relating to health care matters
- 1036: §1036. Entry by false pretenses to any real property, vessel, or aircraft of the United States or secure area of any airport or seaport
- 1037: §1037. Fraud and related activity in connection with electronic mail
- 1038: §1038. False information and hoaxes
- 1039: §1039. Fraud and related activity in connection with obtaining confidential phone records information of a covered entity
- 1040: §1040. Fraud in connection with major disaster or emergency benefits
- 1071: §1071. Concealing person from arrest
- 1072: §1072. Concealing escaped prisoner
- 1073: §1073. Flight to avoid prosecution or giving testimony
- 1074: §1074. Flight to avoid prosecution for damaging or destroying any building or other real or personal property
- 81: §81. Arson within special maritime and territorial jurisdiction
- 1081: §1081. Definitions
- 1082: §1082. Gambling ships
- 1083: §1083. Transportation between shore and ship; penalties
- 1084: §1084. Transmission of wagering information; penalties
- 1091: §1091. Genocide
- 1092: §1092. Exclusive remedies
- 1093: §1093. Definitions
- 1111: §1111. Murder
- 1112: §1112. Manslaughter
- 1113: §1113. Attempt to commit murder or manslaughter
- 1114: §1114. Protection of officers and employees of the United States
- 1115: §1115. Misconduct or neglect of ship officers
- 1116: §1116. Murder or manslaughter of foreign officials, official guests, or internationally protected persons
- 1117: §1117. Conspiracy to murder
- 1118: §1118. Murder by a Federal prisoner
- 1119: §1119. Foreign murder of United States nationals
- 1120: §1120. Murder by escaped prisoners
- 1121: §1121. Killing persons aiding Federal investigations or State correctional officers
- 1122: §1122. Protection against the human immunodeficiency virus
- 1151: §1151. Indian country defined
- 1152: §1152. Laws governing
- 1153: §1153. Offenses committed within Indian country
- 1154: §1154. Intoxicants dispensed in Indian country
- 1155: §1155. Intoxicants dispensed on school site
- 1156: §1156. Intoxicants possessed unlawfully
- 1157: [§1157. Repealed. Pub. L. 85?86, July 10, 1957, 71 Stat. 277]
- 1158: §1158. Counterfeiting Indian Arts and Crafts Board trade mark
- 1159: §1159. Misrepresentation of Indian produced goods and products
- 1160: §1160. Property damaged in committing offense
- 1161: §1161. Application of Indian liquor laws
- 1162: §1162. State jurisdiction over offenses committed by or against Indians in the Indian country
- 1163: §1163. Embezzlement and theft from Indian tribal organizations
- 1164: §1164. Destroying boundary and warning signs
- 1165: §1165. Hunting, trapping, or fishing on Indian land
- 1166: §1166. Gambling in Indian country
- 1167: §1167. Theft from gaming establishments on Indian lands
- 1168: §1168. Theft by officers or employees of gaming establishments on Indian lands
- 1169: §1169. Reporting of child abuse
- 1170: §1170. Illegal trafficking in Native American human remains and cultural items
- 1201: §1201. Kidnapping
- 1202: §1202. Ransom money
- 1203: §1203. Hostage taking
- 1204: §1204. International parental kidnapping
- 1231: §1231. Transportation of strikebreakers
- 1232: [§1232. Repealed. Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, §53, 70A Stat. 641]
- 1261: §1261. Enforcement, regulations, and scope
- 1262: §1262. Transportation into State prohibiting sale
- 1263: §1263. Marks and labels on packages
- 1264: §1264. Delivery to consignee
- 1265: §1265. C.O.D. shipments prohibited
- 1301: §1301. Importing or transporting lottery tickets
- 1302: §1302. Mailing lottery tickets or related matter
- 1303: §1303. Postmaster or employee as lottery agent 1
- 1304: §1304. Broadcasting lottery information
- 1305: §1305. Fishing contests
- 1306: §1306. Participation by financial institutions
- 1307: §1307. Exceptions relating to certain advertisements and other information and to State-conducted lotteries
- 1341: §1341. Frauds and swindles
- 1342: §1342. Fictitious name or address
- 1343: §1343. Fraud by wire, radio, or television
- 1344: §1344. Bank fraud
- 1345: §1345. Injunctions against fraud
- 1346: §1346. Definition of ?scheme or artifice to defraud?
- 1347: §1347. Health care fraud
- 1348: §1348. Securities and commodities fraud
- 1349: §1349. Attempt and conspiracy
- 1350: §1350. Failure of corporate officers to certify financial reports
- 1351: §1351. Fraud in foreign labor contracting
- 1361: §1361. Government property or contracts
- 1362: §1362. Communication lines, stations or systems
- 1363: §1363. Buildings or property within special maritime and territorial jurisdiction
- 1364: §1364. Interference with foreign commerce by violence
- 1365: §1365. Tampering with consumer products
- 1366: §1366. Destruction of an energy facility
- 1367: §1367. Interference with the operation of a satellite
- 1368: §1368. Harming animals used in law enforcement
- 1369: §1369. Destruction of veterans? memorials
- 1381: §1381. Enticing desertion and harboring deserters
- 1382: §1382. Entering military, naval, or Coast Guard property
- 1383: [§1383. Repealed. Pub. L. 94?412, title V, §501(e), Sept. 14, 1976, 90 Stat. 1258]
- 1384: §1384. Prostitution near military and naval establishments
- 1385: §1385. Use of Army and Air Force as posse comitatus
- 1386: §1386. Keys and keyways used in security applications by the Department of Defense
- 1387: §1387. Demonstrations at cemeteries under the control of the National Cemetery Administration and at Arlington National Cemetery
- 1388: §1388. Prohibition on disruptions of funerals of members or former members of the Armed Forces
- 1389: §1389. Prohibition on attacks on United States servicemen on account of service
- No : [§§1401 to 1407. Repealed. Pub. L. 91?513, title III, §1101(b)(1)(A), Oct. 27, 1970, 84 Stat. 1292]
- 1421: §1421. Accounts of court officers
- 1422: §1422. Fees in naturalization proceedings
- 1423: §1423. Misuse of evidence of citizenship or naturalization
- 1424: §1424. Personation or misuse of papers in naturalization proceedings
- 1425: §1425. Procurement of citizenship or naturalization unlawfully
- 1426: §1426. Reproduction of naturalization or citizenship papers
- 1427: §1427. Sale of naturalization or citizenship papers
- 1428: §1428. Surrender of canceled naturalization certificate
- 1429: §1429. Penalties for neglect or refusal to answer subpena
- 111: §111. Assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees
- 112: §112. Protection of foreign officials, official guests, and internationally protected persons
- 113: §113. Assaults within maritime and territorial jurisdiction
- 114: §114. Maiming within maritime and territorial jurisdiction
- 115: §115. Influencing, impeding, or retaliating against a Federal official by threatening or injuring a family member
- 116: §116. Female genital mutilation
- 117: §117. Domestic assault by an habitual offender
- 118: §118. Interference with certain protective functions
- 119: §119. Protection of individuals performing certain official duties
- 1460: §1460. Possession with intent to sell, and sale, of obscene matter on Federal property
- 1461: §1461. Mailing obscene or crime-inciting matter
- 1462: §1462. Importation or transportation of obscene matters
- 1463: §1463. Mailing indecent matter on wrappers or envelopes
- 1464: §1464. Broadcasting obscene language
- 1465: §1465. Production and transportation of obscene matters for sale or distribution
- 1466: §1466. Engaging in the business of selling or transferring obscene matter
- 1466A: §1466A. Obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children
- 1467: §1467. Criminal forfeiture
- 1468: §1468. Distributing obscene material by cable or subscription television
- 1469: §1469. Presumptions
- 1470: §1470. Transfer of obscene material to minors
- 1501: §1501. Assault on process server
- 1502: §1502. Resistance to extradition agent
- 1503: §1503. Influencing or injuring officer or juror generally
- 1504: §1504. Influencing juror by writing
- 1505: §1505. Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees
- 1506: §1506. Theft or alteration of record or process; false bail
- 1507: §1507. Picketing or parading
- 1508: §1508. Recording, listening to, or observing proceedings of grand or petit juries while deliberating or voting
- 1509: §1509. Obstruction of court orders
- 1510: §1510. Obstruction of criminal investigations
- 1511: §1511. Obstruction of State or local law enforcement
- 1512: §1512. Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant
- 1513: §1513. Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant
- 1514: §1514. Civil action to restrain harassment of a victim or witness
- 1514A: §1514A. Civil action to protect against retaliation in fraud cases
- 1515: §1515. Definitions for certain provisions; general provision
- 1516: §1516. Obstruction of Federal audit
- 1517: §1517. Obstructing examination of financial institution
- 1518: §1518. Obstruction of criminal investigations of health care offenses
- 1519: §1519. Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy
- 1520: §1520. Destruction of corporate audit records
- 1521: §1521. Retaliating against a Federal judge or Federal law enforcement officer by false claim or slander of title
- 1531: §1531. Partial-birth abortions prohibited
- 1541: §1541. Issuance without authority
- 1542: §1542. False statement in application and use of passport
- 1543: §1543. Forgery or false use of passport
- 1544: §1544. Misuse of passport
- 1545: §1545. Safe conduct violation
- 1546: §1546. Fraud and misuse of visas, permits, and other documents
- 1547: §1547. Alternative imprisonment maximum for certain offenses
- 1581: §1581. Peonage; obstructing enforcement
- 1582: §1582. Vessels for slave trade
- 1583: §1583. Enticement into slavery
- 1584: §1584. Sale into involuntary servitude
- 1585: §1585. Seizure, detention, transportation or sale of slaves
- 1586: §1586. Service on vessels in slave trade
- 1587: §1587. Possession of slaves aboard vessel
- 1588: §1588. Transportation of slaves from United States
- 1589: §1589. Forced labor
- 1590: §1590. Trafficking with respect to peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, or forced labor
- 1591: §1591. Sex trafficking of children or by force, fraud, or coercion
- 1592: §1592. Unlawful conduct with respect to documents in furtherance of trafficking, peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, or forced labor
- 1593: §1593. Mandatory restitution
- 1593A: §1593A. Benefitting financially from peonage, slavery, and trafficking in persons
- 1594: §1594. General provisions
- 1595: §1595. Civil remedy
- 1596: §1596. Additional jurisdiction in certain trafficking offenses
- 1621: §1621. Perjury generally
- 1622: §1622. Subornation of perjury
- 1623: §1623. False declarations before grand jury or court
- 1651: §1651. Piracy under law of nations
- 1652: §1652. Citizens as pirates
- 1653: §1653. Aliens as pirates
- 1654: §1654. Arming or serving on privateers
- 1655: §1655. Assault on commander as piracy
- 1656: §1656. Conversion or surrender of vessel
- 1657: §1657. Corruption of seamen and confederating with pirates
- 1658: §1658. Plunder of distressed vessel
- 1659: §1659. Attack to plunder vessel
- 1660: §1660. Receipt of pirate property
- 1661: §1661. Robbery ashore
- 1691: §1691. Laws governing postal savings
- 1692: §1692. Foreign mail as United States mail
- 1693: §1693. Carriage of mail generally
- 1694: §1694. Carriage of matter out of mail over post routes
- 1695: §1695. Carriage of matter out of mail on vessels
- 1696: §1696. Private express for letters and packets
- 1697: §1697. Transportation of persons acting as private express
- 1698: §1698. Prompt delivery of mail from vessel
- 1699: §1699. Certification of delivery from vessel
- 1700: §1700. Desertion of mails
- 1701: §1701. Obstruction of mails generally
- 1702: §1702. Obstruction of correspondence
- 1703: §1703. Delay or destruction of mail or newspapers
- 1704: §1704. Keys or locks stolen or reproduced
- 1705: §1705. Destruction of letter boxes or mail
- 1706: §1706. Injury to mail bags
- 1707: §1707. Theft of property used by Postal Service
- 1708: §1708. Theft or receipt of stolen mail matter generally
- 1709: §1709. Theft of mail matter by officer or employee
- 1710: §1710. Theft of newspapers
- 1711: §1711. Misappropriation of postal funds
- 1712: §1712. Falsification of postal returns to increase compensation
- 1713: §1713. Issuance of money orders without payment
- 1714: [§1714. Repealed. Pub. L. 101?647, title XII, §1210(b), Nov. 29, 1990, 104 Stat. 4832]
- 1715: §1715. Firearms as nonmailable; regulations
- 1716: §1716. Injurious articles as nonmailable
- 1716A: §1716A. Nonmailable locksmithing devices and motor vehicle master keys
- 1716B: §1716B. Nonmailable plants
- 1716C: §1716C. Forged agricultural certifications
- 1716D: §1716D. Nonmailable injurious animals, plant pests, plants, and illegally taken fish, wildlife, and plants
- 1716E: §1716E. Tobacco products as nonmailable
- 1717: §1717. Letters and writings as nonmailable
- 1718: [§1718. Repealed. Pub. L. 101?647, title XII, §1210(c), Nov. 29, 1990, 104 Stat. 4832]
- 1719: §1719. Franking privilege
- 1720: §1720. Canceled stamps and envelopes
- 1721: §1721. Sale or pledge of stamps
- 1722: §1722. False evidence to secure second-class rate
- 1723: §1723. Avoidance of postage by using lower class matter
- 1724: §1724. Postage on mail delivered by foreign vessels
- 1725: §1725. Postage unpaid on deposited mail matter
- 1726: §1726. Postage collected unlawfully
- 1727: [§1727. Repealed. Pub. L. 90?384, §1(a), July 5, 1968, 82 Stat. 292]
- 1728: §1728. Weight of mail increased fraudulently
- 1729: §1729. Post office conducted without authority
- 1730: §1730. Uniforms of carriers
- 1731: §1731. Vehicles falsely labeled as carriers
- 1732: §1732. Approval of bond or sureties by postmaster
- 1733: §1733. Mailing periodical publications without prepayment of postage
- 1734: §1734. Editorials and other matter as ?advertisements?
- 1735: §1735. Sexually oriented advertisements
- 1736: §1736. Restrictive use of information
- 1737: §1737. Manufacturer of sexually related mail matter
- 1738: [§1738. Repealed. Pub. L. 106?578, §4, Dec. 28, 2000, 114 Stat. 3076]
- 1751: §1751. Presidential and Presidential staff assassination, kidnapping, and assault; penalties
- 1752: §1752. Restricted building or grounds
- 1761: §1761. Transportation or importation
- 1762: §1762. Marking packages
- 1791: §1791. Providing or possessing contraband in prison
- 1792: §1792. Mutiny and riot prohibited
- 1793: §1793. Trespass on Bureau of Prisons reservations and land
- 1801: §1801. Video voyeurism
- 1821: §1821. Transportation of dentures
- 151: §151. Definition
- 152: §152. Concealment of assets; false oaths and claims; bribery
- 153: §153. Embezzlement against estate
- 154: §154. Adverse interest and conduct of officers
- 155: §155. Fee agreements in cases under title 11 and receiverships
- 156: §156. Knowing disregard of bankruptcy law or rule
- 157: §157. Bankruptcy fraud
- 158: §158. Designation of United States attorneys and agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to address abusive reaffirmations of debt and materially fraudulent statements in bankruptcy schedules
- 1831: §1831. Economic espionage
- 1832: §1832. Theft of trade secrets
- 1833: §1833. Exceptions to prohibitions
- 1834: §1834. Criminal forfeiture
- 1835: §1835. Orders to preserve confidentiality
- 1836: §1836. Civil proceedings to enjoin violations
- 1837: §1837. Applicability to conduct outside the United States
- 1838: §1838. Construction with other laws
- 1839: §1839. Definitions
- 1841: §1841. Protection of unborn children
- 1851: §1851. Coal depredations
- 1852: §1852. Timber removed or transported
- 1853: §1853. Trees cut or injured
- 1854: §1854. Trees boxed for pitch or turpentine
- 1855: §1855. Timber set afire
- 1856: §1856. Fires left unattended and unextinguished
- 1857: §1857. Fences destroyed; livestock entering
- 1858: §1858. Survey marks destroyed or removed
- 1859: §1859. Surveys interrupted
- 1860: §1860. Bids at land sales
- 1861: §1861. Deception of prospective purchasers
- 1862: [§1862. Repealed. Pub. L. 95?200, §3(c), Nov. 23, 1977, 91 Stat. 1428]
- 1863: §1863. Trespass on national forest lands
- 1864: §1864. Hazardous or injurious devices on Federal lands
- 1901: §1901. Collecting or disbursing officer trading in public property
- 1902: §1902. Disclosure of crop information and speculation thereon
- 1903: §1903. Speculation in stocks or commodities affecting crop insurance
- 1904: [§1904. Repealed. Pub. L. 103?322, title XXXIII, §330004(11), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2141]
- 1905: §1905. Disclosure of confidential information generally
- 1906: §1906. Disclosure of information from a bank examination report
- 1907: §1907. Disclosure of information by farm credit examiner
- 1908: [§1908. Repealed. Pub. L. 103?322, title XXXIII, §330004(11), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2141]
- 1909: §1909. Examiner performing other services
- 1910: §1910. Nepotism in appointment of receiver or trustee
- 1911: §1911. Receiver mismanaging property
- 1912: §1912. Unauthorized fees for inspection of vessels
- 1913: §1913. Lobbying with appropriated moneys
- 1914: [§1914. Repealed. Pub. L. 87?849, §2, Oct. 23, 1962, 76 Stat. 1126]
- 1915: §1915. Compromise of customs liabilities
- 1916: §1916. Unauthorized employment and disposition of lapsed appropriations
- 1917: §1917. Interference with civil service examinations
- 1918: §1918. Disloyalty and asserting the right to strike against the Government
- 1919: §1919. False statement to obtain unemployment compensation for Federal service
- 1920: §1920. False statement or fraud to obtain Federal employees? compensation
- 1921: §1921. Receiving Federal employees? compensation after marriage
- 1922: §1922. False or withheld report concerning Federal employees? compensation
- 1923: §1923. Fraudulent receipt of payments of missing persons
- 1924: §1924. Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material
- 1951: §1951. Interference with commerce by threats or violence
- 1952: §1952. Interstate and foreign travel or transportation in aid of racketeering enterprises
- 1952A: [§1952A. Renumbered §1958]
- 1952B: [§1952B. Renumbered §1959]
- 1953: §1953. Interstate transportation of wagering paraphernalia
- 1954: §1954. Offer, acceptance, or solicitation to influence operations of employee benefit plan
- 1955: §1955. Prohibition of illegal gambling businesses
- 1956: §1956. Laundering of monetary instruments
- 1957: §1957. Engaging in monetary transactions in property derived from specified unlawful activity
- 1958: §1958. Use of interstate commerce facilities in the commission of murder-for-hire
- 1959: §1959. Violent crimes in aid of racketeering activity
- 1960: §1960. Prohibition of unlicensed money transmitting businesses
- 1961: §1961. Definitions
- 1962: §1962. Prohibited activities
- 1963: §1963. Criminal penalties
- 1964: §1964. Civil remedies
- 1965: §1965. Venue and process
- 1966: §1966. Expedition of actions
- 1967: §1967. Evidence
- 1968: §1968. Civil investigative demand
- 1991: §1991. Entering train to commit crime
- 1992: §1992. Terrorist attacks and other violence against railroad carriers and against mass transportation systems on land, on water, or through the air
- 1993: [§1993. Repealed. Pub. L. 109?177, title I, §110(a), Mar. 9, 2006, 120 Stat. 205]
- No : [§§2031, 2032. Repealed. Pub. L. 99?646, §87(c)(1), Nov. 10, 1986, 100 Stat. 3623; Pub. L. 99?654, §3(a)(1), Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3663]
- 3001: §3001. Procedure governed by rules; scope, purpose and effect; definition of terms; local rules; forms?(Rule)
- 3002: §3002. Courts always open?(Rule)
- 3003: §3003. Calendars?(Rule)
- 3004: §3004. Decorum in court room?(Rule)
- 3005: §3005. Counsel and witnesses in capital cases
- 3006: §3006. Assignment of counsel?(Rule)
- 3006A: §3006A. Adequate representation of defendants
- 3007: §3007. Motions?(Rule)
- 3008: §3008. Service and filing of papers?(Rule)
- 3009: §3009. Records?(Rule)
- 3010: §3010. Exceptions unnecessary?(Rule)
- 3011: §3011. Computation of time?(Rule)
- 3012: [§3012. Repealed. Pub. L. 98?473, title II, §218(a)(2), Oct. 12, 1984, 98 Stat. 2027]
- 3013: §3013. Special assessment on convicted persons
- 3041: §3041. Power of courts and magistrates
- 3042: §3042. Extraterritorial jurisdiction
- 3043: [§3043. Repealed. Pub. L. 98?473, title II, §204(c), Oct. 12, 1984, 98 Stat. 1986]
- 3044: §3044. Complaint?(Rule)
- 3045: §3045. Internal revenue violations
- 3046: §3046. Warrant or summons?(Rule)
- 3047: §3047. Multiple warrants unnecessary
- 3048: §3048. Commitment to another district; removal?(Rule)
- 3049: §3049. Warrant for removal
- 3050: §3050. Bureau of Prisons employees? powers
- 3051: §3051. Powers of Special Agents 1 of Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
- 3052: §3052. Powers of Federal Bureau of Investigation
- 3053: §3053. Powers of marshals and deputies
- 3054: [§3054. Repealed. Pub. L. 97?79, §9(b)(3), Nov. 16, 1981, 95 Stat. 1079]
- 3055: §3055. Officers? powers to suppress Indian liquor traffic
- 3056: §3056. Powers, authorities, and duties of United States Secret Service
- 3056A: §3056A. Powers, authorities, and duties of United States Secret Service Uniformed Division
- 3057: §3057. Bankruptcy investigations
- 3058: §3058. Interned belligerent nationals
- No : [§§3059 to 3059B. Repealed. Pub. L. 107?273, div. A, title III, §301(c)(2), Nov. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 1781]
- 3060: §3060. Preliminary examination
- 3061: §3061. Investigative powers of Postal Service personnel
- 3062: §3062. General arrest authority for violation of release conditions
- 3063: §3063. Powers of Environmental Protection Agency
- 3064: §3064. Powers of Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
- 3071: §3071. Information for which rewards authorized
- 3072: §3072. Determination of entitlement; maximum amount; Presidential approval; conclusiveness
- 3073: §3073. Protection of identity
- 3074: §3074. Exception of governmental officials
- 3075: [§3075. Repealed. Pub. L. 107?273, div. A, title III, §301(c)(2), Nov. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 1781]
- 3076: §3076. Eligibility for witness security program
- 3077: §3077. Definitions
- 3101: §3101. Effect of rules of court?(Rule)
- 3102: §3102. Authority to issue search warrant?(Rule)
- 3103: §3103. Grounds for issuing search warrant?(Rule)
- 3103a: §3103a. Additional grounds for issuing warrant
- 3104: §3104. Issuance of search warrant; contents?(Rule)
- 3105: §3105. Persons authorized to serve search warrant
- 3106: §3106. Officer authorized to serve search warrant?(Rule)
- 3107: §3107. Service of warrants and seizures by Federal Bureau of Investigation
- 3108: §3108. Execution, service, and return?(Rule)
- 3109: §3109. Breaking doors or windows for entry or exit
- 3110: §3110. Property defined?(Rule)
- 3111: §3111. Property seizable on search warrant?(Rule)
- 3112: [§3112. Repealed. Pub. L. 97?79, §9(b)(3), Nov. 16, 1981, 95 Stat. 1079]
- 3113: §3113. Liquor violations in Indian country
- 3114: §3114. Return of seized property and suppression of evidence; motion?(Rule)
- 3115: §3115. Inventory upon execution and return of search warrant?(Rule)
- 3116: §3116. Records of examining magistrate judge; return to clerk of court?(Rule)
- 3117: §3117. Mobile tracking devices
- 3118: §3118. Implied consent for certain tests
- 3121: §3121. General prohibition on pen register and trap and trace device use; exception
- 3122: §3122. Application for an order for a pen register or a trap and trace device
- 3123: §3123. Issuance of an order for a pen register or a trap and trace device
- 3124: §3124. Assistance in installation and use of a pen register or a trap and trace device
- 3125: §3125. Emergency pen register and trap and trace device installation
- 3126: §3126. Reports concerning pen registers and trap and trace devices
- 3127: §3127. Definitions for chapter
- 3141: §3141. Release and detention authority generally
- 3142: §3142. Release or detention of a defendant pending trial
- 3143: §3143. Release or detention of a defendant pending sentence or appeal
- 3144: §3144. Release or detention of a material witness
- 3145: §3145. Review and appeal of a release or detention order
- 3146: §3146. Penalty for failure to appear
- 3147: §3147. Penalty for an offense committed while on release
- 3148: §3148. Sanctions for violation of a release condition
- 3149: §3149. Surrender of an offender by a surety
- 3150: §3150. Applicability to a case removed from a State court
- 3150a: [§3150a. Repealed. Pub. L. 98?473, title II, §203(a), Oct. 12, 1984, 98 Stat. 1976]
- 3151: §3151. Refund of forfeited bail
- 3152: §3152. Establishment of pretrial services
- 3153: §3153. Organization and administration of pretrial services
- 3154: §3154. Functions and powers relating to pretrial services
- 3155: §3155. Annual reports
- 3156: §3156. Definitions
- 3161: §3161. Time limits and exclusions
- 3162: §3162. Sanctions
- 3163: §3163. Effective dates
- 3164: §3164. Persons detained or designated as being of high risk
- 3165: §3165. District plans?generally
- 3166: §3166. District plans?contents
- 3167: §3167. Reports to Congress
- 3168: §3168. Planning process
- 3169: §3169. Federal Judicial Center
- 3170: §3170. Speedy trial data
- 3171: §3171. Planning appropriations
- 3172: §3172. Definitions
- 3173: §3173. Sixth amendment rights
- 3174: §3174. Judicial emergency and implementation
- 3181: §3181. Scope and limitation of chapter
- 3182: §3182. Fugitives from State or Territory to State, District, or Territory
- 3183: §3183. Fugitives from State, Territory, or Possession into extraterritorial jurisdiction of United States
- 3184: §3184. Fugitives from foreign country to United States
- 3185: §3185. Fugitives from country under control of United States into the United States
- 3186: §3186. Secretary of State to surrender fugitive
- 3187: §3187. Provisional arrest and detention within extraterritorial jurisdiction
- 3188: §3188. Time of commitment pending extradition
- 3189: §3189. Place and character of hearing
- 3190: §3190. Evidence on hearing
- 3191: §3191. Witnesses for indigent fugitives
- 3192: §3192. Protection of accused
- 3193: §3193. Receiving agent's authority over offenders
- 3194: §3194. Transportation of fugitive by receiving agent
- 3195: §3195. Payment of fees and costs
- 3196: §3196. Extradition of United States citizens
- 3231: §3231. District courts
- 3232: §3232. District of offense?(Rule)
- 3233: §3233. Transfer within district?(Rule)
- 3234: §3234. Change of venue to another district?(Rule)
- 3235: §3235. Venue in capital cases
- 3236: §3236. Murder or manslaughter
- 3237: §3237. Offenses begun in one district and completed in another
- 3238: §3238. Offenses not committed in any district
- 3239: §3239. Optional venue for espionage and related offenses
- 3240: §3240. Creation of new district or division
- 3241: §3241. Jurisdiction of offenses under certain sections
- 3242: §3242. Indians committing certain offenses; acts on reservations
- 3243: §3243. Jurisdiction of State of Kansas over offenses committed by or against Indians on Indian reservations
- 3244: §3244. Jurisdiction of proceedings relating to transferred offenders
- 3261: §3261. Criminal offenses committed by certain members of the Armed Forces and by persons employed by or accompanying the Armed Forces outside the United States
- 3262: §3262. Arrest and commitment
- 3263: §3263. Delivery to authorities of foreign countries
- 3264: §3264. Limitation on removal
- 3265: §3265. Initial proceedings
- 3266: §3266. Regulations
- 3267: §3267. Definitions
- 3271: §3271. Trafficking in persons offenses committed by persons employed by or accompanying the Federal Government outside the United States
- 3272: §3272. Definitions
- 3281: §3281. Capital offenses
- 3282: §3282. Offenses not capital
- 3283: §3283. Offenses against children
- 3284: §3284. Concealment of bankrupt's assets
- 3285: §3285. Criminal contempt
- 3286: §3286. Extension of statute of limitation for certain terrorism offenses
- 3287: §3287. Wartime suspension of limitations
- 3288: §3288. Indictments and information dismissed after period of limitations
- 3289: §3289. Indictments and information dismissed before period of limitations
- 3290: §3290. Fugitives from justice
- 3291: §3291. Nationality, citizenship and passports
- 3292: §3292. Suspension of limitations to permit United States to obtain foreign evidence
- 3293: §3293. Financial institution offenses
- 3294: §3294. Theft of major artwork
- 3295: §3295. Arson offenses
- 3296: §3296. Counts dismissed pursuant to a plea agreement
- 3297: §3297. Cases involving DNA evidence
- 3298: §3298. Trafficking-related offenses
- 3299: §3299. Child abduction and sex offenses
- 3300: §3300. Recruitment or use of child soldiers
- 3301: §3301. Securities fraud offenses
- 3321: §3321. Number of grand jurors; summoning additional jurors
- 3322: §3322. Disclosure of certain matters occurring before grand jury
- No : [§§3323 to 3328. Repealed. Pub. L. 101?73, title IX, §964(a), Aug. 9, 1989, 103 Stat. 505]
- 3331: §3331. Summoning and term
- 3332: §3332. Powers and duties
- 3333: §3333. Reports
- 3334: §3334. General provisions
- 3361: §3361. Form and contents?(Rule)
- 3362: §3362. Waiver of indictment and prosecution on information?(Rule)
- 3363: §3363. Joinder of offenses?(Rule)
- 3364: §3364. Joinder of defendants?(Rule)
- 3365: §3365. Amendment of information?(Rule)
- 3366: §3366. Bill of particulars?(Rule)
- 3367: §3367. Dismissal?(Rule)
- 3401: §3401. Misdemeanors; application of probation laws
- 3402: §3402. Rules of procedure, practice and appeal 1
- 3431: §3431. Term of court; power of court unaffected by expiration?(Rule)
- 3432: §3432. Indictment and list of jurors and witnesses for prisoner in capital cases
- 3433: §3433. Arraignment?(Rule)
- 3434: §3434. Presence of defendant?(Rule)
- 3435: §3435. Receiver of stolen property triable before or after principal
- 3436: §3436. Consolidation of indictments or informations?(Rule)
- 3437: §3437. Severance?(Rule)
- 3438: §3438. Pleas?(Rule)
- 3439: §3439. Demurrers and special pleas in bar or abatement abolished; relief on motion?(Rule)
- 3440: §3440. Defenses and objections determined on motion?(Rule)
- 3441: §3441. Jury; number of jurors; waiver?(Rule)
- 3442: §3442. Jurors, examination, peremptory challenges; alternates?(Rule)
- 3443: §3443. Instructions to jury?(Rule)
- 3444: §3444. Disability of judge?(Rule)
- 3445: §3445. Motion for judgment of acquittal?(Rule)
- 3446: §3446. New trial?(Rule)
- 3481: §3481. Competency of accused
- 3482: §3482. Evidence and witnesses?(Rule)
- 3483: §3483. Indigent defendants, process to produce evidence?(Rule)
- 3484: §3484. Subpoenas?(Rule)
- 3485: §3485. Expert witnesses?(Rule)
- 3486: §3486. Administrative subpoenas
- 3486A: [§3486A. Repealed. Pub. L. 106?544, §5(b)(3), Dec. 19, 2000, 114 Stat. 2718]
- 3487: §3487. Refusal to pay as evidence of embezzlement
- 3488: §3488. Intoxicating liquor in Indian country as evidence of unlawful introduction
- 3489: §3489. Discovery and inspection?(Rule)
- 3490: §3490. Official record or entry?(Rule)
- 3491: §3491. Foreign documents
- 3492: §3492. Commission to consular officers to authenticate foreign documents
- 3493: §3493. Deposition to authenticate foreign documents
- 3494: §3494. Certification of genuineness of foreign document
- 3495: §3495. Fees and expenses of consuls, counsel, interpreters and witnesses
- 3496: §3496. Regulations by President as to commissions, fees of witnesses, counsel and interpreters
- 3497: §3497. Account as evidence of embezzlement
- 3498: §3498. Depositions?(Rule)
- 3499: §3499. Contempt of court by witness?(Rule)
- 3500: §3500. Demands for production of statements and reports of witnesses
- 3501: §3501. Admissibility of confessions
- 3502: §3502. Admissibility in evidence of eye witness testimony
- 3503: [§3503. Repealed. Pub. L. 107?273, div. B, title IV, §4002(c)(3)(A), Nov. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 1809]
- 3504: §3504. Litigation concerning sources of evidence
- 3505: §3505. Foreign records of regularly conducted activity
- 3506: §3506. Service of papers filed in opposition to official request by United States to foreign government for criminal evidence
- 3507: §3507. Special master at foreign deposition
- 3508: §3508. Custody and return of foreign witnesses
- 3509: §3509. Child victims? and child witnesses? rights
- 3510: §3510. Rights of victims to attend and observe trial
- 3511: §3511. Judicial review of requests for information
- 3512: §3512. Foreign requests for assistance in criminal investigations and prosecutions
- 3521: §3521. Witness relocation and protection
- 3522: §3522. Probationers and parolees
- 3523: §3523. Civil judgments
- 3524: §3524. Child custody arrangements
- 3525: §3525. Victims Compensation Fund
- 3526: §3526. Cooperation of other Federal agencies and State governments; reimbursement of expenses
- 3527: §3527. Additional authority of Attorney General
- 3528: §3528. Definition
- 3531: §3531. Return; several defendants; conviction of less offense; poll of jury?(Rule)
- 3532: §3532. Setting aside verdict of guilty; judgment notwithstanding verdict?(Rule)
- 3551: §3551. Authorized sentences
- 3552: §3552. Presentence reports
- 3553: §3553. Imposition of a sentence
- 3554: §3554. Order of criminal forfeiture
- 3555: §3555. Order of notice to victims
- 3556: §3556. Order of restitution
- 3557: §3557. Review of a sentence
- 3558: §3558. Implementation of a sentence
- 3559: §3559. Sentencing classification of offenses
- 3561: §3561. Sentence of probation
- 3562: §3562. Imposition of a sentence of probation
- 3563: §3563. Conditions of probation
- 3564: §3564. Running of a term of probation
- 3565: §3565. Revocation of probation
- 3566: §3566. Implementation of a sentence of probation
- 3571: §3571. Sentence of fine
- 3572: §3572. Imposition of a sentence of fine and related matters
- 3573: §3573. Petition of the Government for modification or remission
- 3574: §3574. Implementation of a sentence of fine
- 3581: §3581. Sentence of imprisonment
- 3582: §3582. Imposition of a sentence of imprisonment
- 3583: §3583. Inclusion of a term of supervised release after imprisonment
- 3584: §3584. Multiple sentences of imprisonment
- 3585: §3585. Calculation of a term of imprisonment
- 3586: §3586. Implementation of a sentence of imprisonment
- 3591: §3591. Sentence of death
- 3592: §3592. Mitigating and aggravating factors to be considered in determining whether a sentence of death is justified
- 3593: §3593. Special hearing to determine whether a sentence of death is justified
- 3594: §3594. Imposition of a sentence of death
- 3595: §3595. Review of a sentence of death
- 3596: §3596. Implementation of a sentence of death
- 3597: §3597. Use of State facilities
- 3598: §3598. Special provisions for Indian country
- 3599: §3599. Counsel for financially unable defendants
- 3600: §3600. DNA testing
- 3600A: §3600A. Preservation of biological evidence
- 3601: §3601. Supervision of probation
- 3602: §3602. Appointment of probation officers
- 3603: §3603. Duties of probation officers
- 3604: §3604. Transportation of a probationer
- 3605: §3605. Transfer of jurisdiction over a probationer
- 3606: §3606. Arrest and return of a probationer
- 3607: §3607. Special probation and expungement procedures for drug possessors
- 3608: §3608. Drug testing of Federal offenders on post-conviction release
- 3611: §3611. Payment of a fine or restitution
- 3612: §3612. Collection of unpaid fine or restitution
- 3613: §3613. Civil remedies for satisfaction of an unpaid fine
- 3613A: §3613A. Effect of default
- 3614: §3614. Resentencing upon failure to pay a fine or restitution
- 3615: §3615. Criminal default
- 3621: §3621. Imprisonment of a convicted person
- 3622: §3622. Temporary release of a prisoner
- 3623: §3623. Transfer of a prisoner to State authority
- 3624: §3624. Release of a prisoner
- 3625: §3625. Inapplicability of the Administrative Procedure Act
- 3626: §3626. Appropriate remedies with respect to prison conditions
- No : [§§3651 to 3656. Repealed or Renumbered. Pub. L. 98?473, title II, §212(a)(1), (2), Oct. 12, 1984, 98 Stat. 1987]
- 3661: §3661. Use of information for sentencing
- 3662: §3662. Conviction records
- 3663: §3663. Order of restitution
- 3663A: §3663A. Mandatory restitution to victims of certain crimes
- 3664: §3664. Procedure for issuance and enforcement of order of restitution
- 3665: §3665. Firearms possessed by convicted felons
- 3666: §3666. Bribe moneys
- 3667: §3667. Liquors and related property; definitions
- 3668: §3668. Remission or mitigation of forfeitures under liquor laws; possession pending trial
- 3669: §3669. Conveyances carrying liquor
- 3670: §3670. Disposition of conveyances seized for violation of the Indian liquor laws
- 3671: §3671. Vessels carrying explosives and steerage passengers
- 3672: §3672. Duties of Director of Administrative Office of the United States Courts
- 3673: §3673. Definitions for sentencing provisions
- 3681: §3681. Order of special forfeiture
- 3682: §3682. Notice to victims of order of special forfeiture
- 3691: §3691. Jury trial of criminal contempts
- 3692: §3692. Jury trial for contempt in labor dispute cases
- 3693: §3693. Summary disposition or jury trial; notice?(Rule)
- 3731: §3731. Appeal by United States
- 3732: §3732. Taking of appeal; notice; time?(Rule)
- 3733: §3733. Assignment of errors?(Rule)
- 3734: §3734. Bill of exceptions abolished?(Rule)
- 3735: §3735. Bail on appeal or certiorari?(Rule)
- 3736: §3736. Certiorari?(Rule)
- 3737: §3737. Record?(Rule)
- 3738: §3738. Docketing appeal and record?(Rule)
- 3739: §3739. Supervision?(Rule)
- 3740: §3740. Argument?(Rule)
- 3741: §3741. Harmless error and plain error?(Rule)
- 3742: §3742. Review of a sentence
- 3771: §3771. Crime victims? rights
- 4001: §4001. Limitation on detention; control of prisons
- 4002: §4002. Federal prisoners in State institutions; employment
- 4003: §4003. Federal institutions in States without appropriate facilities
- 4004: §4004. Oaths and acknowledgments
- 4005: §4005. Medical relief; expenses
- 4006: §4006. Subsistence for prisoners
- 4007: §4007. Expenses of prisoners
- 4008: §4008. Transportation expenses
- 4009: §4009. Appropriations for sites and buildings
- 4010: §4010. Acquisition of additional land
- 4011: §4011. Disposition of cash collections for meals, laundry, etc.
- 4012: §4012. Summary seizure and forfeiture of prison contraband
- 4013: §4013. Support of United States prisoners in non-Federal institutions
- 4014: §4014. Testing for human immunodeficiency virus
- 4041: §4041. Bureau of Prisons; director and employees
- 4042: §4042. Duties of Bureau of Prisons
- 4043: §4043. Acceptance of gifts and bequests to the Commissary Funds, Federal Prisons
- 4044: §4044. Donations on behalf of the Bureau of Prisons
- 4045: §4045. Authority to conduct autopsies
- 4046: §4046. Shock incarceration program
- 4047: §4047. Prison impact assessments
- 4048: §4048. Fees for health care services for prisoners
- 4081: §4081. Classification and treatment of prisoners
- 4082: §4082. Commitment to Attorney General; residential treatment centers; extension of limits of confinement; work furlough
- 4083: §4083. Penitentiary imprisonment; consent
- No : [§§4084, 4085. Repealed. Pub. L. 98?473, title II, §218(a)(3), Oct. 12, 1984, 98 Stat. 2027]
- 4086: §4086. Temporary safe-keeping of federal offenders by marshals
- 4100: §4100. Scope and limitation of chapter
- 4101: §4101. Definitions
- 4102: §4102. Authority of the Attorney General
- 4103: §4103. Applicability of United States laws
- 4104: §4104. Transfer of offenders on probation
- 4105: §4105. Transfer of offenders serving sentence of imprisonment
- 4106: §4106. Transfer of offenders on parole; parole of offenders transferred
- 4106A: §4106A. Transfer of offenders on parole; parole of offenders transferred
- 4107: §4107. Verification of consent of offender to transfer from the United States
- 4108: §4108. Verification of consent of offender to transfer to the United States
- 4109: §4109. Right to counsel, appointment of counsel
- 4110: §4110. Transfer of juveniles
- 4111: §4111. Prosecution barred by foreign conviction
- 4112: §4112. Loss of rights, disqualification
- 4113: §4113. Status of alien offender transferred to a foreign country
- 4114: §4114. Return of transferred offenders
- 4115: §4115. Execution of sentences imposing an obligation to make restitution or reparations
- 4121: §4121. Federal Prison Industries; board of directors
- 4122: §4122. Administration of Federal Prison Industries
- 4123: §4123. New industries
- 4124: §4124. Purchase of prison-made products by Federal departments
- 4125: §4125. Public works; prison camps
- 4126: §4126. Prison Industries Fund; use and settlement of accounts
- 4127: §4127. Prison Industries report to Congress
- 4128: §4128. Enforcement by Attorney General
- 4129: §4129. Authority to borrow and invest
- No : [§§4161 to 4166. Repealed. Pub. L. 98?473, title II, §218(a)(4), Oct. 12, 1984, 98 Stat. 2027]
- No : [§§4201 to 4218. Repealed. Pub. L. 98?473, title II, §218(a)(5), Oct. 12, 1984, 98 Stat. 2027]
- 4241: §4241. Determination of mental competency to stand trial to undergo postrelease proceedings 1
- 4242: §4242. Determination of the existence of insanity at the time of the offense
- 4243: §4243. Hospitalization of a person found not guilty only by reason of insanity
- 4244: §4244. Hospitalization of a convicted person suffering from mental disease or defect
- 4245: §4245. Hospitalization of an imprisoned person suffering from mental disease or defect
- 4246: §4246. Hospitalization of a person due for release but suffering from mental disease or defect
- 4247: §4247. General provisions for chapter
- 4248: §4248. Civil commitment of a sexually dangerous person
- No : [§§4251 to 4255. Repealed. Pub. L. 98?473, title II, §218(a)(6), Oct. 12, 1984, 98 Stat. 2027]
- 4281: [§4281. Repealed. Pub. L. 98?473, title II, §218(a)(7), Oct. 12, 1984, 98 Stat. 2027]
- 4282: §4282. Arrested but unconvicted persons
- No : [§§4283, 4284. Repealed. Pub. L. 98?473, title II, §218(a)(7), Oct. 12, 1984, 98 Stat. 2027]
- 4285: §4285. Persons released pending further judicial proceedings
- 4321: §4321. Board of Advisers
- 4351: §4351. Establishment; Advisory Board; appointment of members; compensation; officers; committees; delegation of powers; Director, appointment and powers 1
- 4352: §4352. Authority of Institute; time; records of recipients; access; scope of section 1
- 4353: [§4353. Repealed. Pub. L. 107?273, div. A, title III, §301(a), Nov. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 1780]
- 5001: §5001. Surrender to State authorities; expenses
- 5002: [§5002. Repealed. Pub. L. 104?134, title I, §101[(a)] [title VI, §614(a)(1)], Apr. 26, 1996, 110 Stat. 1321, 1321?65; renumbered title I, Pub. L. 104?140, §1(a), May 2, 1996, 110 Stat. 1327]
- 5003: §5003. Custody of State offenders
- No : [§§5005, 5006. Repealed. Pub. L. 98?473, title II, §218(a)(8), Oct. 12, 1984, 98 Stat. 2027]
- No : [§§5007 to 5009. Repealed Pub. L. 94?233, §5, Mar. 15, 1976, 90 Stat. 231]
- No : [§§5010 to 5026. Repealed. Pub. L. 98?473, title II, §218(a)(8), Oct. 12, 1984, 98 Stat. 2027]
- 5031: §5031. Definitions
- 5032: §5032. Delinquency proceedings in district courts; transfer for criminal prosecution
- 5033: §5033. Custody prior to appearance before magistrate judge
- 5034: §5034. Duties of magistrate judge
- 5035: §5035. Detention prior to disposition
- 5036: §5036. Speedy trial
- 5037: §5037. Dispositional hearing
- 5038: §5038. Use of juvenile records
- 5039: §5039. Commitment
- 5040: §5040. Support
- 5041: [§5041. Repealed. Pub. L. 98?473, title II, §214(b), Oct. 12, 1984, 98 Stat. 2014]
- 5042: §5042. Revocation of probation
- 6001: §6001. Definitions
- 6002: §6002. Immunity generally
- 6003: §6003. Court and grand jury proceedings
- 6004: §6004. Certain administrative proceedings
- 6005: §6005. Congressional proceedings