Aaron Greenspan

Aaron Greenspan

Not posting on Twitter is really nice. You should all try it sometime!

I've been making progress on building this very basic replacement, and I'm hoping to have something that people can sign up for, for real, within about a week or two. There will be a lot of differences between PlainSite Chat and the kinds of attention-based networks we're all used to, some major, some subtle.

My impression of Twitter has always been that it's a massive circus tent with thousands of conversations going on at the same time, and while it can be fascinating to learn all kinds of new things, it's also completely overwhelming and often hard to hear (let alone focus) over the din. I personally prefer a product that facilitates the learning without leaving you deaf and exhausted each day. So that's the direction I'll be headed. If no one agrees or signs up, that's fine. I'm just building what I've wanted for a long time, as the beneficiary of almost two decades of observation of what works with social networking and what doesn't.

As I build the product I'm quite conscious of the fact that tiny design decisions can have a disproportionate impact on the type and tone of discussion on the platform. It's glaringly obvious as you think through how everything should work, which leaves me wondering how design meetings at Facebook and Twitter have been going for the past decade. I think the press has really only scratched the surface of the scandal.

I'll be the first to admit that whatever I come up with here won't be anywhere close to perfect, but at least it will be an alternative, and one that will hopefully get considerably better with time.

May 1, 2022 at 3:46 AM EDTReply Reply
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