A Plaintiff
Aaron Dahl
Aaron McCray
Aaron Mulvey
Aaron Ver Steeg
Abraham Cerrato
ACAP, L. L. C.
Adam Savett
Adelbert Lawrence
Aderans, Inc.
Adriann Georges
Advanced Injury Specialists, LLC
Affinion Benefits Group LLC
Aftermarket Filters Antitrust Litigation
Agostino Scalercio
Aguinaldo Ferreira
Air Conditioning System - End-Payor Actions
Air Conditioning Systems
Air Conditioning Systems - Direct Purchaser Actions
Alabama Elks Trust, Inc.
Alan Ginet
Alan Harris
Alan Kruszka
Alan Pacheco
Alan Wingard
Alanna C Shores
Albert Anaya
Albert R Colombo
Alberto Roque
Aldo Davico
Alex Prigoda
Alfred A. Umberger Trust
Alice E Rhodes
All Counsel of Record
Allan Darrow
Allan J Wolff
Allan May
Allan Ross
Allen Gonsorowski
Alliant Energy Corporation
Alliant Energy Health & Welfare Benefit Plan
Allina Health System Corp, et al.
Alterra Healthcare Corporation, Inc.
Alyce G. Brown
Alyson L. Oliver
Americana Food Store, Incorporated
Amite Foundry& Machine Inc
Ana Cruz
Andre Deveaux
Andrea L Anderson
Andrea L. Dammann
Andrea Wites
Andres Cruz
Andres L Gowin
Andrew Falkoff
Andrew Prozes
Andrew Ragone
Androscoggin Bank
Andy Parker
Angela Martin
Angeles Meneses
Ani-logics Outdoors Llc
Anna Blumberg-Markus
Anna M. Ruston
Anne Butler
Annie Migdal
Anooshirvan Bidgoli
Anthony Adjuder
Anthony Constantino
Anthony Jenkins
Anthony King
Anthony Tyson
Anthony Ybarra
Arfat Adil
Argent Mortgage Company LLC
Arianne Gallagher
Arlene D Gumm
Arlene Olson
Army Aviation Center Federal Credit Union
Arnold Mork
Arthur King, Jr
Arthur Mayo, Jr.
Arthur R Rottini
Arthur Smith
Ary Fuchs
ASEA/AFSCME Local 52 Health Benefits Trust
Ashley Gennock
ASI Federal Credit Union
Association of Vermont Credit Unions, Inc.
Atchison Casting Corporation
Atlantic City Federal Credit Union
Attilio Cantanese
Austin Printing Co. Inc
Automation Engineering, LLC
Aventa Credit Union
AVP Properties, LLC
Bank of Louisiana
Barbara Castagna
Barbara Davis
Barbara Hunter
Barbara Pegues
Barnett, Dixie
Barry Brahn
Barry Hindman
Barry S. Weiss
Barry Whittemore
Bay Area Medical Center
Beam's Industries, Inc.
Bearings - Dealership Actions
Bearings - End-Payor Actions
Belghays Torkzadeh
Bellwether Community Credit Union
Benjamin Valentin
Berardino D'Onofrio
Berlin, Jerry
Bernadine Hartt
Bernard Mendoza
Bernard Mondoza
Betty Fowler
Bieber Farm
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona
Bob Arbutti
Bob Candella
Bobby Brown
Bobby Jo Rosinbaum
Bonnie Baehman
Brad Rosenfield
Bradley D Gregory
Bradley Dunham
Bradley G Dunham
Brandon Mitchem
Brandon R. Powell
Brenda Blatt
Brenda Czech
Bret Wallman
Brian Belisle
Brian Bethel
Brian Carlin
Brian F Leonard
Brian F Parse
Brian Flynn
Brian Hall
Brian Minnerath
Bridgette Whitehead
Brotherhood Of Maint
Bruce Hoffort
Bruce McCloskey
Bruce Telhiard
Bruce Wittmeier
Bryce Rooney
Brycen M Smith
Buddy D Johnson
Buffalo Metal Casting Company
Burt Rosenfeld
Burton Jones
California Credit Union League
Cammeo Renfro
Candace Hiddlestone
Candice Kruszka
Carl Candy
Carl Fielstra, III
Carl Hester
Carl J Jarvis
Carl Tucker
Carl Veal
Carlene M Craig
Carlos Alvarez
Carol Shoaff
Carolinas Credit Union League
Caroline Mertz
Carolyn Fyhrie
Carolyn Pierce
Carrie Entsminger
Carrie Hvezda
Carrol Duhon
Cary Phillips
Catherine Mack
CEFO Enterprise Corp.
Ceil Oetting
Cello Partnership
Central Medical Clinic, LLC
Certain Underwriters at Lloyd's
Cesar-scott Inc.
Chad Meadow
Chad Viereck
Chandler Packaging, Inc.
Charles Bridgeman
Charles Campbell
Charles Davenport
Charles E Haggas
Charles House
Charles Leach
Charles M. Crump
Charles Mack
Charles Malkin
Charles Miedema
Charles Perdwe
Charles W. Prather Company, Inc.
Charley Johnson
Charlie Bertram
Cheryl L Meyers
Chester Mann
Chien-Min Sung
Chris Johnson
Chris M Kaspar
Chrissy Larkin
Christa Haugen
Christian E MacFarland
Christian J Wilson
Christian Sabol
Christina Grimm
Christine Constantino
Christopher Bowman
Christopher Collman
Christopher Kennedy
Christopher Massaro
Christopher Simon
Christopher Van Lenten
Chung Byungchul
Cindy Henzel
City of Boca Raton Police & Firefighters Retirement System
City of Hollywood Firefighters' Pension Fund
City Of International Falls, Minnesota
City of Los Angeles Fire & Police Pension Commissioners, The
City of Miami Fire Fighters' & Police Officers' Retirement Trust
City of Milwaukee
City Of Milwaukee
City of Minneapolis
City of Saginaw Police and Fire Pension Board
Clarence Dalcour
Clarence Kelly
Class Plaintiffs
Claudia A Sanchez
Claudia Andrade
Clay Seaver
Clayton Schwan
Cliffstar Corporation
Colin Baker
Commercial Recovery Corporation
Constance Romaine Lewis
Constantine Thompson
Consumers Cooperative Credit Union
Cooperative Credit Union Association, Inc.
Craig Batley
Craig Norwich
Credit Union League Of Connecticut
Credit Union National Association
Cristina Suarez
Cusimano Carstar Collison Inc.
Cynthia Dillon
Cynthia Pontier
Dajalis, Ltd.
Dakotas and Western Minnesota Electrical Industry Health and Welfare Fund
Dakotas Areawide IBEW-NECA Savings & Retirement Plan
Dakotas Areawide IBEW-NECA Vacation & Holiday Plan
Dale Fluegel
Dale Rose
Dale Urbank
Dallas Crnich
Damian Ivanov
Dan C Russum
Dan Fishler
Dan Hoyberg-Nielsen
Dan Stender
Dana A Dodd
Daniel B. Storm
Daniel Benacquisto
Daniel Emrick
Daniel F Otten
Daniel Graham
Daniel Huffman
Daniel Lavake
Daniel Rodimer
Daniel Santa
Daniel Sexton
Danielle Schoenrock
Danielle Thys
Danilo Orquiola
Danise Townsend
Danny High
Darlene L Nash
Darrell Engbrecht
Darrell Jenkins
Darren Veitch
Darren Zabrocki
Darrin Gerst
Darrin Ray
Darryl M Brown
Daryl Wainman
Dave King
David Austin
David Bolen
David Brodsky
David Chauvin
David Christoffer
David E Carlson, Sr
David Eastman
David Edward Martin
David Foss
David Glidden
David Harris
David McMahon
David Nielsen
David Parker
David Poyet
David R Mosher
David Spicer
David Sprouse
David Stacy
David Testori
David Tompkins
David Velasquez
David Walsh
Dean Alexander
Dean Johnson
Dean Wiley
Debbie Lindsey
Deeb Construction & Development Company
Del Sharp
Delanghe Enterprises, Inc.
Delux Cab, LLC
Delvin D Junker
Denise Bubel
Denise Cox
Dennis Brothers
Dennis Burns
Dennis D'Hondt
Dennis M. Winter, D.D.S., P.C.
Dennis McHenry
Dennis Monahan
Dennis Phelus
Dennis R Mellies
Derek D Willis
Designer Floor Covering, Inc.
Devi Khoday
Dewitt Watson
Diageo Inc.
Diana W Crump
Diane Gordon
Diane Haner
Diego Lopez
Direct Purchaser Plaintiffs, interested parties
DirectSat USA
Directsat Usa, LLC
Distributors Packaging Group, LLC
Dolores G. George
Dominic R Lupo
Don Blackmon
Don C Whitaker
Don Conduto
Don Olsen
Donald Bumford
Donald E Carlson
Donald French
Donald Fursman
Donald J McClafferty
Donald Mowers
Donald Mueller
Donald Powell
Donald Swazey
Donna Eickhorst
Donna Jones
Donnalee L Straube
Dorene P. Karlson
Douglas Bailey
Douglas Culver
Douglas Demars
Dr. Alfonso Morales-Utrilla
Dr. Hans Michael Castro
Dr. Huy Hgoc Nguyen
Dreama Hembree
Duane Evans, JR.
Duane Larson
Durand State Bank
Dx/dy Voice Processing, Inc.
Earnest Baldwin
Eberto Rodriguez
Ed Beattie
Ed Kalinowski
Ed Rosa
Eden-Zoghby Group
Eduardo Bullon
Eduardo Vazquez
Edward Chapman
Edward Ellenberg
Edward Feitel
Edward M Rizzuto, Sr
Edward Nelson
Edward Sheehan
Edward Slayman
Edwin Mendez
Elaine Snydman
Elements Financial Federal Credit Union
Elena Luz Cuadros
Eleven Law Professors
Elhadj Ndoye
Elizabeth Bergstrom
Elizabeth Thoresen
Ellen Jane Kutten
Elroy N Schuler
Elsie Mahler Scharff
Ely Ines
Embark Credit Union
Emil Petrosyan
Emili Clar
Emilio Rindone
Emily Austin
Emma Berry
Enron Corp Securities, Derivative & "ERISA" Litigation
Eric Burba
Eric Gengenbach
Eric Gregory Doll
Eric Hartshorn
Eric J Moss
Eric Jepson
Eric Jopp
Eric P Herbert
Erik Henne
Erik Olson
Erin L Murphy
Erin Schossow
Ernani T S Santana
Ernest F Tarr
Ernest J Delanghe
Ernest Johnson
Ernest Neal, III
Ernest White
Errol James
Estate of Dale Henry Tetzloff, The
Estate of Gene B. Lokken, The
Ethel Angell
Ethel Lung
Eugene (I) A. Ehler
Eugene David
Eugene L. Hammer
Evan Singleton
Evelyn York
Fairmont Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, PA
Federal Beef Processors, Inc.
FedEx Plaintiffs
Felipe Pazos
Fema Onayiga
Ferd Heckle
Ferraro Foods of North Carolina, LLC
Ferraro Foods of North Carolina, LLC.
Ferraro Foods, Inc.
Finch, Pruyn & Company, Inc.
First Choice Chiropractic
First Choice Federal Credit Union
First Data Merchant Services Corporation
First Education Federal Credit Union
First Financial Credit Union
First Nbc Bank
First Nebraska Credit Union
Five Star Farms
Florence Brown
Floyd Hagen
Flying Crocodile, Inc.
Francesca Allen
Francis Cordes
Francis Dennis Lynch
Frank Cucinotti
Frank D Tutor
Frank Gruhn
Frank Lessard
Frank, Martin
Fred Jahnke
Fred Krimm
Fred Walton
Frederick Ahern
Frederick Howell, Jr
Fritz Pady
Fuel Senders - Dealership Actions
Fuel Senders - End-Payor Actions
Gage's Fertilizer & Grain, Inc.
Gander Mountain Lead Plaintiff Group
Garrett Burnett
Gary Austin
Gary Bozlinski
Gary Jaffe
Gary Lee Larson
Gary Lucier
Gary McLaughlin
Gary Mertz
Gary Miyazaki
Gary Terrio
Gayle Aldrich
Gena Terry
Genaro Vargas
Genotra Cornish
Geoffrey Bowan
George H. Rosenquist
George Hammer
George Kalmancy
George M Therrien
George Patchan
George Pesut
George Potzner
George Sanders
George Stephenson
George T Gammons
Gerald P. Czuba
Gerald Pelkey
Gerald Petersen
Gerald Schultz
Gerber Federal Credit Union
Gfi America, Inc.
Gil Oetting
Gilbert Johnson
Gina Lyons
Gippy's Internet Solutions, LLC
Girmay Dawit
Girum Alemayehu Glmariam
Gitonga Waiguchu
Glen Coulombe
Glen Reder
Glenn A. Hawkins, Nedra J. Hawkins, Martin F. Radmer, Gerald W. Bredenberg, Joanne Just, Christopher E. Schroeder and Charles Sattler
Glenn Poland
Glyness Kyles
Godfrey Lee, Jr
Gordon Lane
Gordon M Cathey
Graylon Anderson
Greater Chautauqua Federal Credit Union
Greater Cincinnati Credit Union
Greg Kane
Gregory Cooke
Gregory Jambora
Gregory R Muellner
Group Long Term Disability Plan for Employees of MGIC Investment Corp
Group Long Term Disability Plan for Employees of the Policyholder The Trustees of the Healthcare Benefits Alliance Trust Participating Employer Childrens Hospital and Health System (Milwaukee)
Group Short Term Disability Long Term Disability and Life Plan for Employees of Bay Area Medical Center
Grubb Lumber Company, Inc.
Guillaume Latendresse
Gupertino Magana
Guy Nyswaner
Guy Willis
Gwendolyn T Tutor
H. Austin Landers
Hadi Tresna
Haldeman Realty Co., Inc.
Halliburton Employees Federal Credit Union
Hank's Beverage Company
Harley Wooten, III
Harold Bennett
Harold Mitchell
Harold Troy
Hartford Comprehensive Employee Benefit Service Company
Hartford Fire Insurance Company
Hartford Insurace Company, The
Hartford Life & Accident Insurance
Hartford Life and Accident Company
Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Co.
Hartford Life And Accident Insurance Company
Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company, Administrator of the Physicians Plus Insurance Corporation Group Disability Income Insurance Plan
Hartford Life Group Insurance Company
Hartford Life Insurance Co
Hartford Life Insurance Company
Harvey Bennett
Harvey Berkey
Harvey Samuel
Hawk Technology Systems, LLC
HD Transportation Inc.
Healthcare Chiropractic Clinic, Inc.
Heartland Credit Union Association
Heater Control Panels - Dealership Actions
Heater Control Panels - End-Payor Actions
Heidi Dale
Heidi Densmore
Heidi Law
Heidi Picht
Helen McGregor
Heller Seasonings & Ingredients, Inc.
Helmut Goeppinger
Henri Geier
Henry Szupel
Henry Yeh
Herbert Humphrey
Heritage Federal Credit Union
Hiscox Dedicated Corporate Member Ltd.
Holly Rydman
Homes For Heroes
Homes for Heroes, Inc.
Horacio Flores
Hospital Damas, Inc.
Hospital Del Maestro
Howard Deckelbaum
Howard Eddy
Hudson City Savings Bank
Humberto Campos
Huntley Jameson
Iain Duncan
Ian Kowza
ICUL Service Corporation
Ida Z Moreno
III Edward Henry Chapman
Illinois Credit Union League
In Home Tech Solutions, Inc.
In Re: Digi International Inc. Securities Litigation
IN RE: Kitec Plumbing Systems Products Liability Litigation.
Indiana Credit Union League
Indianola Family Dentistry, P.L.C.
Indirect Purchaser Plaintiffs
Innovated Services LLC
Inquivosa S.A.
Instrument Panel Clusters - Dealership Actions
Instrument Panel Clusters - End-Payor Actions
Insulate SB, Inc.
Inter-Local Pension Fund Graphic Communications Conference of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Inter-Local Pension Fund of the Graphic Communications Conference of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters
International Union of Operating Engineers Local 49 Health & Welfare Fund
International Union of Operating Engineers Local 49 Health and Welfare Fund
Internet Integration Inc.
Iron Workers Local 40, 361, 417 Union Security Funds
Iron Workers Locals 580 Joint Funds
Isabella Mork
Ismael de La Rosa
ITT Corporation
Ivan W Russell
Izaak Walton League Of America, Inc.
Izilda Borges
J Barry O'Hagan
Jack Hartman
Jackson And Richardson
Jaime Gonzalez
James Barr
James Bruner
James Burnett
James D Coates
James D Klein
James Daly
James Dobensky
James Eddins
James Grasso
James H Frazier
James H. Frazier
James Hall, Jr
James Hayes
James Kassuba
James Kelleher
James Knowles
James Krulicki
James Lester
James P. Whitaker
James Rick Allen
James Schultz
James Switzer
James Tichenor
James, Warren
Jamie Herr
Jamie Howell
Jamie Huscroft
Jamie Tenison
Jammie Hill
Janie L Foster
Janis Roseen
Jarrett Henderson
Jason E Sharp
Jason Norris
Jason Pike
Jason Pratti
Jason R Harry
Jason Volkoff
Jay Heintz
Jay Livermont
Jay Trachim
Jean Capobianco
Jean K. Stanley
Jeannine Bieter
Jeff Adams
Jeff Bramlage
Jeff Heimerl
Jeff Layfield
Jeff Rohrer
Jeffrey Carter
Jeffrey Eisenman
Jeffrey J Holland
Jeffrey LaFleur
Jeffrey Quebe
Jeffrey Shelton
Jeffrey Wild
Jennifer Cotton
Jennifer H. Landers
Jennifer Reitman
Jennifer Song
Jeremy Brinker
Jeremy L. Murphy
Jeremy MacDonald
Jerod Couch
Jerold R Decsi
Jerry Olson
Jerry R Kelley, Jr
Jerry Steward
Jesse Padilla
Jesse Ricord
Jessica Row
Jessie Capers
Jim Kost
Jim Pantojs
Jim Rainone
Jimmy Lyons
Jody Minnerath
Joe Christiana Food Distributors, Inc.
Joe Roybal
Joe Shipp
Joey Rodriguez
John A Elden
John Beatty
John Carney
John Chiasson
John Coleman
John Dortch
John Ferrigno
John Fliss
John Foster
John Gross and Company, Inc.
John Gulbankian
John H. Dunbar
John Haritos
John Holdahl
John Humphreys
John Lattimer
John Lindsey
John McGregor
John Meiners
John Mooney
John Morrissey
John Neely
John P Mikulski
John Plisko
John R Cusimano
John R. Robilio
John Reynolds
John Sanchez
John Shinnick
John Spence
John Stewart
John T. Meyer
John Teman
John Treanor
John Triana
John Ulysse
John Vassal
John W Stein
John Waweru
John Wayne Rivers
John Whymss
Johnny Batista
Johnny Dane Leonard
Johnstown Corporation
Jon Leighter
Jon Untiedt
Jonah Bank of Wyoming
Jonathan Bowers
Jonathan D Rubin
Jonathan Entsminger
Jonathan M Bloom
Jonathan Schumacher
Jorge E Ascencio
Jorge Isla
Joseph Campese
Joseph Caprino
Joseph Condi
Joseph Crawley
Joseph Forgitano
Joseph G. Loza
Joseph Gross
Joseph Iacampo
Joseph Lombardo
Joseph McDonald
Joseph Merrelli
Joseph P Amato
Joseph Pasquale
Joshua Massengill
Joyce Abrams Ross
Juan Mendoza
Juanita Bingamon
Judith Barclay
Judith Thorkelson
Judy Poucher
Julian F Golpa
Julie A Dunham
Julie Hedges
Julie K. Chapman
Julius Hughes
Julius Lester
June Royal
Kamal Aly
Kami Armstrong
Karen Britt Peeler
Karen L Salensky
Karen Menke
Karen Pryor
Karen Walhof
Karen Wooten
Karl Karlson
Karla Ortiz
Kathy Carkhuff
Kathy Ellzey
Katie Anderson
Katrina Lee
Kay Engler
Kay Goldsmith
Kay M. Jepson
Keith D Kuhlman
Keith Levesque
Keith Repack
Keith Rudolph
Keith, Barry
Kellie Meloche
Kelly McKernan
Kelly Moysh
KEMBA Financial Credit Union
Ken Beck
Ken Stibor
Kendall Gregory-McGhee
Kenneth Flynn
Kenneth M Ries
Kenneth McLaughlin
Kenneth Miner
Kenneth Parnell
Kenneth Steed
Kenneth Wagner
Kent Belcher
Kent Whistler
Kevin Appold
Kevin Barnes
Kevin Blackler
Kevin Draper
Kevin E Peterson
Kevin Haugen
Kevin Hiscox
Kevin Lykens
Kevin Moynagh
Kevin Pour
Kevin Woodruff
Kim Nelson
Kimball Rice
Kimberley A. Fowler
Kimberly A Bunger
Kimberly Dore
Kimberly Fletcher
Kinik Co.
Kirk Dahl
Kirk Emmen
Kirk M Larson
Kirsten Pedersen
Kleen Products LLC
Kopilenko International Wines & Liquors, Incorporated
Kozak Enterprises, Incorporated
Kraft Chemical Company
Kristi Gruhn
Kristi Lea Zimmerman, D.C.
Kristopher Klockenteger
Kwame Poku
L C Bell, Jr
L.E. Hoover Co.
Lancaster Foundry Supply Co
Lance Tucker
Larissa D. Kosits
Larry Armstrong
Larry D Shaw
Larry Louzau
Larry Richard
Larry Roland
Larry Ward
Latif Atanda
Laura Norris
Lawrence Asbury
Lawrence Aubrey Wilson
Lawrence Chenkus
Lawrence F Thompson
Lawrence F. Thompson
Lawrence Fyhrie
Lawrence H Crosby
Lawrence Liable
Lea Harpster
League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates
Leeann Avila
Leo Rittenhouse
Leon Pfaff
Leonard Sammartano
Leonardo Salazar
Lesa Benacquisto
Levi Stoffal
Lexington Insurance Company
Liaison Counsel for Plaintiff(s)
Liana Lingofelt
Linda Brankley Bowman
Linda Gifford
Linda Lipman
Linda Sullivan
Lindsey Rizzo
Linea Latina De Accidentes, Inc.
Lisa DeBonoPaula
Lisa K. Huseboe, D.C.
Lisa Noakes
Lizbeth R Schuler
Long-term Disability Plan for Employees of Elliott Auto Supply Co., Inc.
Lonny Gold
Loreto Crisorio
Lorie Gratke
Lotter Enterprises, Incorporated
LouAnn Malta
Louis J. Peterson, D.C.
Louis Wallace
Louisiana Municipal Police Employees' Retirement System
Loyda G Aguilar
LSP Transmission Holdings, LLC
Lucas, Xavier
Luis DeBonoPaula
Luke Armstrong
Lynda Matus
Lynne N. Read
M.D. Charles B. Anderson
M.D. Lloyd R. Thomas, Jr.
M.D. Lloyed R. Thomas
M.D. Robert L. Summitt, Jr.
Mac A Fleming
Magnus B Conroy
Mahesh Mehta
Maine Industrial Tires Limited
Mak Medical, LLC
Makersled LLC
Mall Mart, Incorporated
Manpower Inc.
Manpower of Indiana, L.P.
Manuel Dasilva
Manuel Leite
Maplevale Farms, Inc.
Marc Breau
Marc-Andre Bourdon
Marcus Holmes
Marek Drelichowski
Margaret Gibson
Margaret Lurvey
Maria G Limon
Maria Lourdes Cabrera Tinajero
Marie J Baust
Marie LaRoche
Marie Regier
Marie Travis
Mario Ruiz
Mario Russo
Marion Burns
Mark A Lane, Sr
Mark Anthony Karney
Mark Autry
Mark Cereceda, D.C.
Mark Corso
Mark Desormeaux
Mark Gagnon
Mark Lane
Mark Levine
Mark Niles
mark phillips
Martinez, Frank
Marty Kuhlman
Marvin Rabbiner
Marvin Washington
Mary Ann Arnold
Mary Ann Arnold, et al.
Mary Haley
Mary Hudson
Mary Jo Goolsby
Mary Jo Muellner
Mary Lewis-Mosqueda
Mary Livermont
Mary T. Broda
Maryan Mercer
Masoud Kavianpour
Matt Hines
Matthew Cook
Matthew McCrea
Matthew Oppel
Matthew T Murphy
Mauria Clark
Maurice Brodsky
May K. Yang
Maynard Steel Casting Company
MCC Menssing Chemiehandel & Consultants GmbH
McCarty Printing Corporation
Mcguire Bearing Company
MD/DC Credit Union Association
Melanie Mendell
Melissinos Eupatrid LP
Melvin Burns
Melvin Harper
Melvin Smith
Merchant Trade Associations
Meredith A. Frels
Merrelli Group
Met Council
Metro Injury, LLC
Metro Transit Authority
Metropolitan Council
Metropolitan Council, the
Michael Amusu
Michael Assaff
Michael B Kilmartin
Michael Baehman
Michael Blauvelt
Michael Boiteux
Michael Brennan
Michael D. Blum
Michael D. Fowler
Michael Decesare
Michael Detrimont
Michael F Holzhauer
Michael F Murphy
Michael Flint
Michael Gardiner
Michael Griffin
Michael H Cosgrove
Michael Isaacs
Michael J. Brucker, M.D., P.C.
Michael Jost
Michael Leto
Michael Light
Michael M. Davidson
Michael Meno
Michael Millinder
Michael Orin
Michael Prokopovich
Michael R. Gilberstadt
Michael Rhoades
Michael Roybal
Michael Silva
Michael Swiencki
Michael Timmons
Michael Tofaute
Michael Tooley
Michael Vosbein
Michael Williamson
Michael Wise
Michael Zeeck
Michele Eland
Michelle Jones
Michelle Oelfke
Michigan Credit Union League
Midwest America Federal Credit Union
Mighty Pac, Inc.
Miguel Murillo
Mike Callahan
Mike Moore
Mike Sanders
Mike Sheffer
Milton M Sanchez
Minn - Chem, Inc.
Minn-Chem, Incorporated, et al.
Minneapolis Firefighters Relief Association
Minneapolis Firefighters' Relief Association
Minneapolis Firefighters' Relief Assoication
Minnesota Credit Union Network
Minnesota Independent Equal Access Corporation
Minnesota Laborers Health and Welfare Fund
Mint Rose Day Spa LLC
Mississippi Credit Union League
Mobile Care Chiropractic, PLLC
Mohamed Tamart
Mohammed Belaabd
Mohamoud Warfa
Monica Underwood
Monique Estrada
Montana Credit Union League
Monterey County Bank
Monty Smith
Morgan Davis
Morgan William Robert
Morningstar Home Care
Morningstar Wellness
Mouloud Zouaoui
Mountain West Credit Union Association
Mueller Group
MyHang Le
Myndal Johnson
Nancy Gougler
Nancy Manion
Natasha Quimby
Nathan E Nabors
Nathan Gross
Nathan Wallace
Neal Bergkamp
Nebraska Credit Union League
Neil Yuan
Neptune Warehouse Distributors, Inc.
Nevada Credit Union League
Neville Edwards
New York Credit Union Association
Newco Trading Co.
Nicholas Conte
Nicholas H Noyes Memorial Hospital
Nicholas N Wolfe
Nick Neff
Nicole Mills
Nicollet Cattle Company, Inc.
Niles Pinkham
Noah B Kimball, M.D.
Noran Neurological Clinic, PA
Norbert Gross
Norm Neiberger
Norman Brown
Norstan, Inc.
North Jersey Truck Center, Inc.
Numark Credit Union
Occupant Safety Systems - Dealership Actions
Occupant Safety Systems - End-Payor Actions
Ohio Credit Union League
OK TV & Appliances, LLC
Olean Wholesale Grocery Cooperative, Inc.
Omar Shahine
One of more Plaintiffs in 06-cv-3993, Alluvion Inc. v. ACE Aviation Holdings, Inc. et al.,
One or more Plaintiff(s) in 06-cv-1011, JCK Industries, Inc. v. British Airways, PLC et al
One or more Plaintiffs in 06-cv-3980, Linkal Coporation v. Ace Aviation Holdings, Inc et al
One or more Plaintiffs in 06-cv-3981, International Orchids Imports v. Ace Aviation Holdings, Inc et al
One or more Plaintiffs in 06-cv-3983, Kathleen Enterprises, INC v. Ace Aviation Holdings, Inc et al
One or more Plaintiffs in 06-cv-3984, Flowers by Fletcher, INC v. Ace Aviation Holdings, Inc et al
One or more Plaintiffs in 06-cv-3985, Harry Okabe Flowers v. Ace Aviation Holdings, Inc et al
One or more Plaintiffs in 06-cv-3987, Creative Spirit LLC v. Ace Aviation Holdings, Inc et al
One or more Plaintiffs in 06-cv-3991, Leis By Ron, INC. v. Ace Aviation Holdings, INC et al
One or more Plaintiffs in 06-cv-3996, Kenneth Y. Ibara, etc. v. ACE Aviation Holdings, Inc., et al.,
One or more Plaintiffs in 06-cv-3997, Floral Network LLC, etc v. ACE Aviation Holdings, Inc., et al.,
One or more Plaintiffs in 06-cv-3998, Tropic Fish & Vegetable Center, Inc. v. ACE AviationHoldings, Inc., et al.,
Orestes Cal
Oteen VA Federal Credit Union
Otten Realty, Inc.
Paesano Connecting Systems, Inc.
Pam Blackburn
Pamela Chesavage
Pamela West
Parcel Tanker Shipping Svc Antitrust Litigation
Partage Interactive, LLC
Pasquale N Migliaccio
Patricia A Colombo
Patricia B. Atkinson
Patricia McAndrews
Patricia Mengesha
Patrick Carrigan
Patrick Doyle
Patrick Fletcher
Patrick Giglio
Patrick Grattan
Patrick H Smith
Patrick J Gall
Patrick Ngei
Patrick Oehmke
Patrick T Manion, Jr
Patrick Todd Colegrove
Patton Electric
Patty Boe
Paul A Jackmauh
Paul Alfano
Paul Andrea
Paul Costello
Paul Fenner
Paul Gendron
Paul Holm
Paul Infantino
Paul J Pontier
Paul J. Meyer
Paul Kelly
Paul Luongo
Paul Orsini
Paul Thill
Paulo DaSilva
Pennsylvania Credit Union Association
Penny Bernstein
Penny Massa
Percival Currithers
Perminder Singh
Perry Anderson
Perry Pelensky
Petbowe Chemtrade Corp.
Pete Horstman
Peter Allen
Peter Daly
Peter J Shortridge
Peter Luedke
Peter Malone
Peter McDonald
Peter Roebel
Peter V Kiritsy
Peter Wiley
Peter Woods
Phil's BBQ, Inc.
Philomena Fochwang Nana-Anyangwe
Phoebe Heckle
Phyllis Conduto
Pizza Pie and Wing Co. LLC
Plaintiff's Interim Lead Counsel
Plaintiffs Baycol Steering Committee
Plaintiffs in civil action Lakeshore Interiors v. Visa U.S.A., Inc. 05-cv-5081JG JO
Plaintiffs' Executive Committee
Plaintiffs' Interim Executive Committee
Plaintiffs' Lead Counsel
Plaintiffs' Lead Counsel Committee
Plaintiffs' Liaison Counsel
Plus Sun Co., Ltd.
Police And Fire Retirement System Of The City Of Detroit
Polyester Polyol Plaintiffs
Popp Telecom, Inc.
Port Shell Moulding Company
Portage Interactive, LLC
Powermadd, Inc.
PowerNet, Inc.
Precision Assoc Inc
Printing Mailing Trade District
Profile Foods, Inc
Public Foods, Incorporated
Putnam Bank
Qualserv Corporation
Rachel Banks Kupcho
Rachel Colangelo
Rachella Westbrook
Raffaele Guariniello
Raffique Sabare
Rafus LaGree
Rain Nutrition, LLC
Rajagopal Ramchandran
Ralph Beaulieu
Ralph P Babcock, III
Ramy Shaker
Randy Azzato
Randy Nunez
Ravalli County Federal Credit Union
Ravi Patel, M.D. Inc.
Ray Schultz
Raymond Clark
Raymond G Repola
Raymond Killen
Raymond Tierney
Rebecca A. Hougher
Reginald Gray
Regions Morgan Keegan Securities, Derivative and Employee Retirement Income Secuirty Act (ERISA) Litigation
Reiko Hirai
Remzi Ozturk
Renewal Bodyworks, LLC
Reno Baietti
Retirement Board of Allegheny County
Rettino Insurance Agency
Rhe Hatco, Inc.
Ricardo Bacani
Rich Mitchell
Richard A. Atkinson, M.D.
Richard Benham
Richard Cali
Richard Clapp
Richard F Dziak
Richard H Somers, II
Richard Jones
Richard Knowlton
Richard Kroeger
Richard L Cadrin
Richard Lacina, Jr.
Richard Langley
Richard Letson
Richard N Gioiosa
Richard Oblinger
Richard P Samuels
Richard Syrek
Richard Tart
Richard Thoresen
Richard Townes
Richard Vicars
Richard W. Woodcock
Rick Pannullo
Rickey Coleman
Ricky Schissler
Rita Abou Daher
Rita King
Rob Carlson
Robert Abdullah
Robert Ajanku
Robert Burns
Robert C Conlon
Robert Christ
Robert Cogger
Robert Correia
Robert Erbentraut
Robert Eusebio
Robert Fidler
Robert Gennell, Jr
Robert Gennell, Jr.
Robert Grunditz
Robert Hvezda
Robert J Francione
Robert J Ross
Robert Lee Taylor
Robert Lewin, D.C.
Robert Liddington
Robert Lowell Bixby
Robert M Nelson
Robert McClanahan
Robert Moore
Robert Neal
Robert P Costello
Robert Robins
Robert S Eiron
Robert Thomas
Robert Thurston
Robert Velo
Robert Waid
Robert Wall
Robert Wallace
Robert Willis
Robert Zimmerman
Robson Araujo
Rockime Davis
Rod A Lopez
Rodney Flaga
Rodney Owens
Rodney Tremblay
Rodolpho M Perez
Rodriguez, Mario
Roger Bakken
Roger Davis
Roger Riewe
Roland E Klinger
Roland Guillet
Roley, Andrew
Ron Zanussi
Rona Travel Agency, Inc.
Ronald Beck
Ronald Horton
Ronald Melchert
Ronald Morris
Ronald Parker
Ronald Perry
Ronald Ricciardi
Rosa Martinez
Rosa Valencia
Roscoe Haggerty
Rose Hansen
Rosita Claudio
Roy Patton, Jr
Royal Data Services, Inc.
Rpr Enterprises, Inc.
Rsi Carefree Sales
Ruben Austria
Rufus Orr
Russell Dornon
Russell Jackson
Russell Ossendryver
Russell Siegel
Ruth Dopson-Troutt
Ruth Linehan
Ruth Traver
Ryan Boudreaux
Ryan Crescenzo
Ryan Hudson
Ryan Tomaski
S.A.E. Warehouse, Inc.
Samantha Jerding
Samanthia Russell
Samariah Mullineaux
Sammy Farland
Samuel Parker
Sandra Arevalo
Sarah Andersen
Sarah Grabert
Saratoga Lane, LLC
Save Lake Superior Association
Savings Institute Bank And Trust Company
Schuyler White
Scott A. Allan, D.C.
Scott Anderson
Scott Daniels
Scott E O'Connell
Scott Erickson
Scott Kairalla
Scott Steele
Scott Weaver
Scott Wertkin
Scott, Baker
Scrapbook Borders, Inc.
SeaComm Federal Credit Union
Sean Bose
Sean Cappalla
Sean Dunmire
Seid Huskic
SEIU Pension Plans Master Trust
SELCO Community Credit Union
Sentinel Insurance Company, LTD
Sergei Selenskikh
Sergio M. Triana, D.C.
Sergio Triana
Services Credit Union
Seven Seventeen Credit Union
Shane Tucker
Shane, Michael
Shannon D. Flinn
Shannon Evans
Sharon B Whiteside
Sharon Creel
Sharon Klein
Shawn Parker
Shawn Penrod
Sheila J. Powell
Sheila Singleton-McKnight
Sheila St Cyr
Sheldon Kannegiesser
Sheldon M. Rein
Shelly A Samuel
Sherman Bearings Inc.
Sherre Harting
Sherry Dover
Shirley Inman (WVSD CA 2:13-1584)
Sicilian Chefs, Inc.
Sierra Club
Sixteen Law Professors
SkinnySchool LLC
Sky Federal Credit Union
Smail Bencheikh
Solomon Rachmin
South-Western Thomson Learning
Spencer, William S.
Spine Imaging MRI, L.L.C.
Sprint Spectrum, LP
SPX Total Body Fitness LLC
St. Barnabas Hospital, Inc.
Stacy Massengill
Stanislav Pavlovski
Starters - Direct Purchasers
State of Oregon
Steel Dynamics, Inc.
Steffie Dzwill
Stephanie Bruggeman
Stephen C Wood
Stephen Gabourel
Stephen H McGuinness
Stephen M Russell
Stephen Randazzo
Stephen Renberg
Stephen Tarasiak
Steve Bernstein
Steve Darne
Steve Hatton
Steve Hobbs
Steve Persing
Steven Dubinsky
Steven Hoskins
Steven L James
Steven Million
Steven Neocleous
Steven Parker
Steven Schmalz
Steven Sholey
Steven Swartwout
Stewart Randall Holt
Sue Matthews
Sunshadow Mobile Home Community
Susan Berue
Susan Haigh
Susan Illis
Susan M. Capozzoli
Susan Melchert
Susan Plisko
Susan S Schlesinger
Susan Sabin
Suzanne Andrade
Suzanne Rogers-Wilkinson
Suzanne Schmidt Phillips
Sylvan Learning Systems, Inc.
Sylvia O'Brien
Sylvie Dosseh
Synergy Solutions, Inc.
Talan Products, Inc.
Talliesin Dodd Hayden
Tammy Emery
Tara June Moore
Tariq Baskerville
Technical Aids To Independence, Inc.
Tedd Blaisdell
Teleplus Consulting, Inc.
Temple Jackson
Terri Bibeau
Terri Flores
Terry Cox
Terry L Scott
Terry Rodgers
The Alaris Group, Inc.
The Glenora Company Long Term Disability Plan
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.
The Hartford Life & Accident Insurance Company
The Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company
The Summit Federal Credit Union
The Thomson Corporation, et al.
Theodore Fleming, Jr
Theodore Holloway, Jr
Third Point Management Company LLC
Thomas (I) Olsen
Thomas Beverage Company, Incorporated
Thomas Burns
Thomas Carraher
Thomas Castellani
Thomas Chalker
Thomas Ghiazza
Thomas J Warnke
Thomas Kessler
Thomas L. West
Thomas Ladago
Thomas Magno
Thomas Mikulski
Thomas Olsen
Thomas P DiNapoli
Thomas R Wasmer
Thomas Reardon
Thomas Robinson
Thomas Roupe
Thomas Suchan
Thomas Wenzlick
Thomas Westcott
Thomasville Feed & Seed, Inc.
Thule, Inc.
Tiffany Rogers
Tiffin Motor Homes, Inc.
Tim George
Tim Johnson
Tim Ketterhagen
Tim Mershon
Timberline Manufacturing Companpy
Timothy Bellow
Timothy J Blank
Timothy Wooten
Tina Dado
Tina Floyd
Toby Norton
Todd Covington
Todd Edelen
Todd Fyhrie
Todd Glass
Todd R Leren
Todd S. Bolsius
Todd W Gowin
Todor Jovanoski
Tommy Dingler
Tony Rand
Total Card, Inc.
Town Of Fraser
Traci Brannon
Trendpoint Systems, Inc.
Troy Fyhrie
Troy Givens
Troy Gratke
Troy Upman
Truman Injury PLLC
Twin Value, LLC
Tyrone Hawkins
U.S. Bancorp, d/b/a/ U.S. Bank Home Mortgage
U.S. Bank National Association ND
UMassFive College Federal Credit Union
Unitek Usa, LLC
University of Louisiana Federal Credit Union
University Of Utah
Urethane Antitrust Litigation
Urick Foundry Company
Valhalla Investment Partnership, L.P.
Vance K Opperman
Vanessa Partridge
Vanetta Page
Vasil Petro
Veridian Credit Union
Verizon Legal Compliance
Verlon Ponto
Vernon Yates
Versamed Medical Systems, Inc
Versamed, Inc.
Vice President
Victor A Zink, III
Vincent Laurino
Vincent R. Angichiodo
Virginia Credit Union League
Virginia M Lambrix
Vitec, LLC
Vito Lograsso
Vivian Chill
W Gary Butterfield
Wallace Koehmstedt
Water, Light, Power and Building Commission of the City of East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Watts, Hoffmann, Fisher & Heinke Company, LPA
Wayne Chase
Wayne Curran
Wayne F Mills, Jr
Wayne R Spiczka
Wendy Share
Wes Bird
West Licensing Corporation
West Publishing Corporation
Westmonte Plaza, Inc.
Westside Forestry Services, Inc.
White, Robert
William Albert Haynes III
William Albert Haynes, III
William Brennan
William Cress
William Deubel
William E Shallies
William F Gardner, Jr
William Harris
William Huard
William Hurley
William McConnell
William Meltz
William R. Jaworski
William Radosevich
William Rodriguez
William Scott Phillips
William Thompson
William V Catelotti
William White
Willie West
Wilmington Trust Company
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, PC
Windshield Washer Direct Purchasers
Windshield Wipers - Dealership Actions
Windshield Wipers - Direct Purchaser Actions
Winston Stephenson
Wire Harness - End-Payor Actions
Wire Harness - OEMs
Wright-Patt Credit Union
Wylie Smith
Y. Hata and Company, Ltd
Ya Vang
Yerodin Thompson
Yoh Services Llc
Yolanda Joaquin
Young Dental Manufacturing Co.
Young Innovations, Inc.
Yvette Skaggs
Zachary Chernik
ZaZa, Inc.