A-Plus Program
A. Duane Black
Aaron Mirafuentes
Abdul Basit Aburabi
Administrative Judge, District Court, State of Hawaii
Adriel C.S. Menor
Adult & Community Care Social Services
Adult Protective Services Social Services
Aileen Hiramatsu
Airwest International, Inc.
Al Beaver
Alan Asato
Alan Taniguchi
Alapaki Nahale-A
Albert Isa
Albert Murashige
Alfred Beaver
Alfred K. Beaver
Alfred K. Chairman of the Hawaii Paroling Authority, Sr.
Algal Partners, L.P.
Allene Suemori
Aloha Stadium Authority
Aloha Stadium Authority, Inc.
Aloha Tower Development Corporation
Alvin Rho
Alvin T. Onaka
American Bankers Management Company, Inc.
American Savings Bank, FSB
Amy Yamaguchi
An Nguyen Uedoi
Andrea Irvine
Andrea Low
Anita Swanson
Anita Yuskauskas
Ann Kimball Wiles
Anthony Claire
Anthony Takitani
Art Hendrickson
Arthur J. Logan
Atonio Ioane
Attorney General of the State of Hawaii
Attorney General, Department of
Attorney General, State of Hawaii
Barbara Barawis
Barbara Osborn
Barbara Peterson
Ben Cayetano
Ben H. Gaddis
Ben Kaneaiakala
Benjamin Cayetano
Benjamin Henderson
Benjamin J. Cayetano
Bernard Kuamoo
Bernard W. Hvidding
Bert Akana
Beryl Iramina
Beverly Stanich
Bob Awana
Bobby Andrade
Boston, City Of
Brent Osterstock
Brian C. Means
Bruce A. Coppa
Bruce Choy
Bruce S. Anderson
Bryan Wiles-Bond
Burt Santiago
C. Yuen
Calvert Chipchase, IV
Campaign Spending Commission of the State of Hawaii, The
Campaign Spending Commission, State of Hawai'i
Captain Andy's Sailing, Inc.
Carl Inouye
Carl Okamoto
Carla J. Chu
Carol Bantangan-Rivera
Carol Endo
Carol Santiago
Carole Richilieu
Catherine Bratt
Cathy Miyata
Charles C. Duarte
Charles Duarte
Charles Rivera
Cherille Ng
Cheryl Lippman
Cheryl Perdue
Cheryl Zembik
Cheryl Zimbeck
Child Protective Services
Child Support Enforcement Agency
Chiyome Fukino
Chiyome L. Fukino
Christi L. Keliipio
Christi L. Kelipio
Cinda Sandin
Circuit Court of the Second Circuit
City and County of Honolulu
Clarice Y. Hashimoto
Claudia Nakachi
Claudia Vargas
Clay Kawamata
Clayton, Frank
Clifford Muraoka
Clifford S. Muraoka
Clyde Senobe
Clyde W. Namu'o
Coldata of Arizona Inc.
Colleen K. Hirai
Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Department of
Corine K.A. Watanabe
Corinne Gyotoku
Craig Miki
Cy Kalama
Cydni Medeiros
Cynthia Quinn
Daintry Bartoldus
Daniel Hata
Darrell N. Phillips
Darren Kepa
Darryl K. Ah Mau
Darryl L. Ng
Darryll D.M. Wong
David Apao
David E. Parsons
David F. Fray
David Kam
David Keala
David L. Fray
David M. Louie, Attorney General of Hawaii, et al.
David Tyni
Dean Robb
Dean Uchida
Deanna Espinas
Debbie M. Choo
Della Au
Della Au Belatti
Della L.W. Au Belatti
Della W.L. Au Belatti
Dental Examiners, Board of
Department of Accounting and General Services, State of Hawaii
Department Of Business, Economic Develop
Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, State of Hawaii
Department of Education of the State of Hawaii, The
Department of Education, State of Hawai'i
Department of Education, State of Hawaii
Department Of Health
Department of Health, State of Hawaii, Office of Health Status Monitoring
Department of Land and Natural Resources
Department of Public Safety, State of Hawaii
Department of Taxation of the State of Hawaii
Department of Taxation, Director of, State of Hawaii
Department of Taxation, State of Hawaii
Dept Of Public Safety
DIANA M. Mellon-Lacey
Director Clayton Frank
Disciplinary Counsel, State of Hawaii Office of
District Court Second Circuit
Donald Manzella
Donald S.M. Chang
Dorian Burns
Dorit Leonard
Douglas H. Ige
Douglas S. Chin
Dovie Borges
Dwayne D. Yoshina
Dylan Nonaka
Earl I. Anzai
Ed Leong
Education, Board of, For The State of Hawaii
Education, Board of, State of Hawaii Department of Education
Education, Department of
Education, Department of, State of Hawaii
Edward Andrade
Edward Correa
Edwin Q.P. Petteys
Edwin Shimoda
Elizabeth Kent
Elizabeth Moore
Elizabeth Price
Elliott Plourde
Ellis Lalau
Emily Pierce
Endre Balazs
Engenhart Ellis
Enid Kagesa
Eric Aaron Lighter
Eric Schuman
Eric Tanaka
Evan Matsushima
F. Calma
F. Cappy Caminos
F. M. Pucci
Family Court of the
Family Court of the First Circuit, State of Hawaii
Family Court, The Judiciary, State of Hawaii
Finance, Department of, County of Hawaii
Finance, Director of
Fiore M. Pucci
First American Title Company, Inc.
First Circuit Court, The
Floral Resources/Hawaii, Inc.
Francis Lum
Francis Sequeira
Francis Tanji
Francis X. Sequiera
Frank Lopez
Franklin Dennis Martin
G Sheridan
G. Cancino
Gary Kaplan
Gary S. Oyama
Gary T. Takaki
Gary W.B. Chang
Gary Won Bae Chang
George Shiroma
George Smythe
George Sumner
Georgina Kawamura
Gerald L. Demello
Gerard Villalobos
Gilbert S. Coloma-Agaran
Gino Gabrio
Glen Hisashima
Glenn Chock
Glenn Hisashima
Glenn Roomer
Glennis Kiyota
Governor David Y. Ige
Governor's Office, Hawaii State Government
Green Point Nurseries, Inc.
Greg K. Nakamura
Greg Nakamura
Hal K. Takahashi
Halawa Correctional Facility
Harold S. Masumoto
Harry H.
Hawai`i Tourism Authority
Hawai'i Public Housing Authority, The
Hawai'i, State of
Hawaii Air National Guard
Hawaii Cimms, Inc.
Hawaii Civil Rights Commission
Hawaii Department of Health
Hawaii Department of Public Safety, et al.
Hawaii Department of the Attorney General
Hawaii Disability Rights Center
Hawaii Paroling Authority
Hawaii State Supreme Court
Hawaii, et al.
Hawaii, State of
Hawaiian Home Lands, Department of
Hawaiian Home Lands, Department of, State of Hawaii
Hawaiian Homelands, Department of, State of Hawaii
Hawaiian Homeloans, Inc.
Hawaiian Homes Commission
Health, Department of, of the State of Hawaii
Health, Department of, State of Hawaii
Henry T. Nakamoro
Henry Cho
Henry M. Terada
Henry Tancayo
Herbert S. Watanabe
Herbert Watanabe
Herman Aizawa
Herman Moore
Herring Kalua
Hinda Diamond
Honolulu Police Department
Honolulu, City and County of
Honorable Linda Lingle
Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii
Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii, State of Hawaii
Housing Finance and Development Corporation
Housing Finance Development Corporation
Howard B. Gehring
Human Services, Department of
Human Services, Department of, State of Hawaii
Isaac Fiesta, Jr.
J.P. Schmidt
Jacqueline Pucci
James (Kimo) Mctavish
James Hirano
James J. Nakatani
James Kawachika
James L. Propotnick
Jan Ahn
Janice Neilson
Janice Nielsen
Janice Platz
Jay Cambra
Jean Oshiro
Jeff Piimauna
Jeffry Choi
Jennifer A. Nottage
Jennifer Lee
Joel Shiroma
John A.H. Tomosa
John D. Waihe'e, III
John F. Peyton
John Hines
John Manumaleuna
John Nishihara
John Nolan
John Pucci
John S.W. Lim
John Sheedy
Joint Senate-House Investigative Committee
Jonathan Walser
Jordan Griffin
Jordan Wolfe
Joseph Florendo
Joseph Florendo, Jr.
Jubieworx Construction, LLC
Judiciary of the State of Hawaii, The
Judith Akamine
K. Lavarias
Kalani J. Mahi
Karen Knudsen
Karlan Osorio
Katherine Payne
Kathleen G. Stanley
Kathleen Thurston
Kathryn Matayoshi
Kathy C. Burgess
Kathy Reeber
Kathy Tripp
Kaulana Park
Kay Yoneshige
Kayle Perez
Kazu Hayashida
Keith Chavis
Keith Kaneshiro
Kenneth Zienkiewicz
Kevin Adaniya
Kevin B. Cronin
Kevin Costello
Kevin S. Chang
King Intermediate School
Kirt Vesperas
Kori Keisel
KRS Development, Inc.
Labor & Industrial Relations, Department of, State of Hawaii
Labor and Industrial Relations, Department of, State of Hawaii
Land and Natural Resources, Department of
Lane, Martin
Lani Rae Garcia
Lani Rae Suiso Garcia
Lanikoa Dobrowolsky
Larry Eggersgluss
Larry Meyers
Larsen Medina
Laura H. Thielen, Chair and Acting Director of the Board of Land Natural Resources, Hawaii, et al.
Laura Thielen
Lawrence A. Goya
Lawrence Meyers
Lawrence N.C. Ing
Lee Donohue
Lei Kihoi
Leo D. Stapelton
Leonard DeCambra
Lewis Glaser
Lillian B. Koller
Lillian Koller
Linda C. Lingle
Linda Fox
Linda Lingle
Linda Rivera
Linda Rosen
Lloyd Van De Car
Llyle Fleck
Loraine Y. Terada
Loretta Fuddy
Loretta J. Fuddy
Lorrie Lee Stone
Louis Wada
Luana Cannella
Lyle Kanoa
Lynette Honbo
Lynn P. McCrory
M Casey Jarman
M. Burger
Mae's Nursery
Mahealani Wendt
Mail Clerk of OCCC (Name Unknown)
Malcolm Ahlo
Malia Kamaka
Marce K. Mossman
Marcia J. Waldorf
Margery Bronster
Marie Laderta
Marie N. Milks
Marilyn Matsunaga
Mario R. Ramil
Mark J. Bennett
Mark Nanamori
Mark Nanamuri
Mark Nozaki
Mark Recktenwald
Mark Stevens
Marlene Kalua
Marlin Technology Ltd.
Mary Alice Comptroller, State of Hawaii
Mary Juanita Tiwanak
Mary Soares
Mary Tiwanak
Maude Yamakawa
Max Otani
May Andrade
May Oshiro
Mel Yoshioka
Melanie Chinen
Melissa Kirkendall
Melvin H.C. Young
Meredith Maeda
Meridian Mortgage Company, Inc.
Merle A.K. Kelai
Micah Kane
Michael D. Wilson
Michael Gribben
Michael J. Astrue
Michael Lauer
Michael Rapisura
Michael Vincent
Michael Weaver
Micheal Alapai
Michelle R. Hill
Mike Tamanaha
Milton Hee
Milton Pa
Milton Shishido
Mitsugi Nakashima
Momi Kamau
Mona K.O. Chock
Monica Lortz
Monica Revells
Monica Taira
Monte McComber
Mp 65, S.a.
N F Inc.
N. B.
Na'alehu Anthony
Nalani Magliato
Nancy McMahon
Nancy Murphy
Nathan Walker
Neal Wagamatsu
Nedra Clark
Neil Abercrombie
Neil S. Abercrombie
Neil Shim
Nikos Robert Bournakel
Nolan Espinda
Nolan P. Espinda
Noreen Moon-Ng
Norman Nishiki
Oahu Community Correctional Center Medical Unit
Oahu Schools Superintendent, The
Office of Hawaiian Affairs
Old Republic Exchange Facilitator Co.
Orlando Daranciang
P Roy Catalani
Pacific Telesis Group
Pat Hamamoto
Patricia A. Hamamoto
Patricia Hamamoto
Patricia McManaman
Patricia Murakami
Patricia Snyder
Paul and Dorit Leonard Family Trust
Paul Ferreira
Paul G. LaMahieu
Paul G. LeMahieu
Paul Kuramoto
Paul LeMahieu
Paul LeMahiu
Paul R. Lemahieu
Paul, Leonard
Paula A. Nakayama
Paula Haavistola
Paula Yoshioka
Pavin Desai
Perry Artates
Pesi Silva
Peter B. Nottage, Jr.
Peter Kauahi
Peter MacDonald
Peter McDonald
Peter T. Young
Peter Yukimura
Pharmacia Ab
Pharmacia, Inc.
Phillip Tumminello
Public Safety, Department of
Public Safety, Department of, State of Hawaii
Public Safety, Hawaii Department of, Director
Puna Flowers & Foliage, Inc.
R. P.-K.
R. Pudiguet
Raelene Y. Chock
Ralph Murakami
Randall Silva
Randy Asher
Ray K. Kamikawa
Raymond A.S. Schwartz
Raymond L. Flynn
Raymond Sato
Raynard C. Soon
Raynard Soon
RD !
Renee Tarumoto
Rex M. Quidilla
Richard B.F. Choy
Richard R. White
Richelle M. Thomason
Rick Au
Riki M. Amano
Riki May Amano
Robert A. Masuda
Robert Bruce Graham
Robert Campell
Robert Ginlack
Robert Mielke, Jr.
Robert Y. Watada
Robin Danner
Robin Gapol
Rockne Freitas
Rodelle Smith
Rodney Haraga
Roger Solberg
Rolf-Peter Kudritzki
Ronald Ibarra
Ronald Moon
Ronald Sakata
Ronald T.Y. Moon
Roselyn Viernes
Ross Kawamoto
Russ Saito
S. Kobayashi
Saia Finau
Samuel J. Lemmo
Sandra L.S. Freitas
Sandra Lee Kunimoto
Sandra Nishiki
Sara Gronner
Sarah C. White
Satoru Izutsu
Schindler Elevator Corporation
Scott T. Nago
Scott T. Nago, Chief Election Officer, State of Hawaii
Scott T. Nago, Chief Election Officer, State of Hawaii, et al.
Seiji Naya
Sgs-thomson Microelectronics, Inc.
Sharon Miyashiro
Sharon Tanaka
Sheila Tobias
Sisar Paderas
Sisar Paderes
Sonia Zane
Soon Hwang Chung
Stanford Ito
Stanley Bond
Stanley Roehrig
State Farm Mutual Insurance Company
State of Hawaii
State of Hawaii, Board of Department of Land and Natural Resources
State of Hawaii, Department of Education
State of Hawaii, Department of Education,
State Of Hawaii, Department Of Health
State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services
State of Hawaii, Department of Taxation
State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation
State of Hawaii, The
State of Hawaii, The, Head of State of
Stephanie Aveiro
Stephen Forman
Steve Hirakami
Steven H. Levinson
Steven Olbrich
Stuart Hanchett
Susan Chandler
Susan Jackson
Susan M. Chandler
Susan Segawa
Sydney Dickerson
Taxation, Department of, State of Hawaii
Taxation, Director of, State of Hawaii
Ted I. Sakai
Ted Liu
Ted Sakai
Ted Yamamura
Terence Oakum
Teresa A. Manzella
Terrance Allen
Terrence Okamura
Terry E. Thomason
Thalia H. Napeahi
The State of Hawaii
The State of Hawaii by its Attorney General Mark J. Bennett
Theodore Sakai
Thomas K. Cayetano
Thomas Kurashige
Thomas Pule
Thomas R. Keller
Thomas W. Hester
Timmy Leae
Timothy E. Johns
Timothy O'Dell
Toby Martyn
Toki Anzai
Tom Contrades
Tom Hugo
Tommy Cayetano
Tranquilino Mabellos
Transportation, Department of, State of Hawaii
Trish Morikawa
Tyrone Tyler
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Vantanage Partners
Vaughan E. Tyndzik
Victor Cox
Victoria Marks
Vivian Minamishin
Vivian Taylor
Wade Okamoto
Warden Nolan Espinda
Wayne Law
Wendal Yoda
Wendall Omura
Wendy H.
Wendy Robinson
Whitham & Marhoefer, PC
Wilfred Keola
Wilfred Murakami
William J. Aila, Jr.
William Lewis
William Takaba
Winston Chun
Wonda Mae Agpalsa