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Aaron Greenspan

Aaron Greenspan

Right-wing extremists are the same the world over. Israel started as a wonderful, semi-socialist country necessary due to obvious oppression. But the extremists have long since taken over and now Israeli forces are unquestionably the oppressors.

May 13, 2022 at 1:11 PM EDTReply Reply
Aaron Greenspan

Aaron Greenspan

Azmat Khan is one of the most impressive journalists probably ever. A lot of journalists—braver than most—report from war zones. And a lot of journalists make document requests, some with more success than others.

Not a lot of journalists stick with a story for five years.

And basically no one reports from war zones while doing document requests—for five years. As a freelancer. And gets the story on the front page of the New York Times. Causing the Pentagon to admit fault and kicking off numerous investigations. That's just Azmat.

Congratulations on the Pulitzer! So well deserved.

May 10, 2022 at 9:20 PM EDTReply Reply
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